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I frequently fantasize about playing a character that was one of the kids that ran to the dynasty after awakening from the Luxon in C2.


Oh wow this is a great backstory! Stealing this if I ever play another Exandria campaign.


A former kings guard who, on his first day, was set to take over watch duty at the Sanitorium. As he arrived to start his shift he saw the corpse of the guard he was set to replace, killed in a most brutal fashion by a top assassin. Disillusioned, he makes an oath of vengeance to get revenge on the one he knows only as The Lady in Blue..


"Ah, La Femme Bleue!" *"Where in the world is Beau Lionett..."*


Didn't Caduceus belong to a family of clerics? A firbolg paladin or fighter would be cool. Another warlock in bed with Ukutoa(sp?) Another member of the circus. Somebody from the place/ground in the feywild that Bells Hells went to/fought with. Obviously somebody related to Cerrit


I'd point out that Jester wasn't built with that connection in mind - from what I understand, Laura didn't have a specific idea of who/what the Traveller was. Edit: Turns out I'm wrong about that. I guess I'd go with a disgruntled sailor who followed Kingsley for a bit. Halfling Swashbuckler ?


Laura definitely had Artagan in mind when she brought the concept for Jester to Matt, but as the campaign went on she wasn't sure if he was going to actually make them someone else. (She talked about in either a Talks or the campaign wrap-up)


I don't think this is true. The whole drawing dicks everywhere was 100% taken from Artagon when he was pretending to be Garmelee (sp). And with The Traveler's symbol being the gate that Vox Machina built for him.


Interesting. I'm sure someone around here would know for sure, I imagine Laura would have answered this in some Talks Machina or something.


She did. Like u/rowan_sjet says, she wanted to be a warlock of Artagan and build Jester as a cleric of the Traveler (when Fjord took warlock). But during the campaign, she thought Matt had gone in a different direction, until C2E94 that is.


i prefer the connections with NPCs, or unknown like Jesters situation. not to say i dislike anything about Orym or Laudna, its just if everyone does that then their game is a flat circle. so id just like that whatever they do, they keep it at like 1 or 2 ppl. that way the new group maintains its agency, and isnt just a continuation of a previous campaign. counter to that, something like an EXU that is just a call back to older characters (like a Derolo kids miniseries) would be awesome. or just seeing Percys daughter grow up to be a tinkerer/sharpshooter/rogue as a PC would be a lot of fun.


Someone who was born and raised on Rumblecusp and had no concept of the outside world but left after MN freed everyone. Vex and Vaxs sister was revived by Kasha/Vesh. I think it would be really interesting to see that affect her and come back as like a shadow monk or something. A fire storm herald barbarian who was kicked out of the fire ashari when he couldn't control his fire. A kid who went to Veths adventuring camp and is eager to become an adventurer. An empire kid who gained a dynasty soul from one of the beacons. They are still loyal to the empire/religious gods and think the memories of dynasty souls are intrusive/a curse.


That last one could be a fun Warlock. Where they think their patron is some otherworldly being but actually it's just a previous life of theirs where they were a wizard/sorcerer and they are slowly regaining that magic ability without really understanding how.


I definitely think the aftermath of Rumblecusp could produce an interesting character, like someone who is hellbent on regaining their lost time. Could lead to another interesting time manipulation character.


I’d love to see a Vox Machina kids one shot. The DeRolo kids, Scanlan and Pike’s kids, Vex & Vax’s little sister, and I just want to know what happened to Zahra, Kash and the baby dang it 


Personally, I prefer previous campaigns refraining from interacting with future campaigns, in exception to mild cameos and easter eggs.


I didn't mind all the connections in C3, but only as a one time thing. I think it would cheaper the impact of further connections for them to continue to be commonplace. The campaign 1 references in campaign 2 were way more exciting because of how sparce they were.


Caleb has taught at the Soltrice Academy before, so I'd be interested to see a character that's one of his students.


See in my opinion, it would be far more interesting to see a protege of Astrid or Eadwulf after their semi redemption. There's a lot of potential for a narrative from that position, as they would both still have quite strong fundamental beliefs that would be passed on that can be challenged or leaned into, and there's always the possibility for a more believable morally grey character to come from that background without sacrificing the ability to grow (or spiral).


I feel like Jester and Fjord would end up adopting enough kids for their own party.


Maybe not a direct connection to anyone but I'd love to see a guest come in as a Volstrucker post C2 just to explore what the reaction was to Caleb, Astrid, and Eudwulf coming out about Trent running a super soldier program built on the trauma of children. Has anyone taken up Trent's research since his incarceration? Is there still a spot for the already active Volstrucker as spies and soldiers? What happens now that they get to actually process what the assembly did to them? It gives me similar vibes to reading the halo books for the first time and finding out master chief is just a traumatized kid who was kidnapped and brainwashed.


I don't know about a full campaign, but I really want to see a 1-shot with Luke, Kiri, and the other kids from Veth's adventuring camp.


I'd rather have them not have any characters connected to past campaigns directly, at least for whatever thing the next main season is going to be. Someone like Jester is fine i think (if we are talking about the fact that she is a follower of the Traveller, because that connection feels more tangential than anything) but characters like Orym and Laudna might start making it feel like the world is too small if they just happen again and again.


A Profane Soul Blood Hunter/War Magic Wizard who was trained next to Lucien and the rest of the Tometakers.  My idea is that they could have traveled with him to Rexxentrum to present Vess DeRogna with the relic and stayed to learn a little about magic from the Cerberus Assembly and maybe trade some knowledge about hemocraft.


I think it'd be fun if someone played a grown up Kiri.


But what class would Kiri be?


There are two possibilities I think would be great: 1. She becomes a Cleric of the Traveler because of her memories of Jester. 2. She becomes a rogue, because the other kids of the family she was left with got some experience with stealing while their parents were in jail.


Artificer I would think


Earth Ashari


I thought a vampire spawn of Sylas would be cool. I guess in a weird way they’d be a sibling to Laudna 🤣