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they've been doing 3 episodes a month instead of 4 since practically the start, so yeah it's longer


that's because they're taking more breaks and that's a good thing right? i doubt any of us want the cast to be burnt out on doing this besides, i doubt this campaign is going to be as long as c2. if i had to guess, i'd say they're aiming for a grand finale on their 10th anniversary in march 2025


Yeah, C2 didn't have the last Thursday of the month off like C3 has had.


The cast getting more breaks and room to explore new things is SO GOOD. The danger of burnout was real and they recognized this early and took the steps to prevent it!


Burning out on something you love is the worst, so i’m super glad that they started working breaks into the schedule!


Audience burnout too. Sometimes it's hard to digest four hours of cr every week. And if my wife goes on a trip we fall behind because we always watch together.


This. I had a crazy work deadline I had to meet in a month and couldn't spend 4-5 hrs every week and now I am behind the livestream by 5 episodes and it is crazy hard to catch-up. I can of course read the awesome Critrole Recaps, but I miss out on the cast interaction shenanigans that I love so much.


You’re so right!!!!


Yeah, the moment they stop having fun it stops BEING fun. It has changed as it's become more of a business, but at the core of it they're still friends who enjoy doing what they do, and I don't believe that it will continue very much longer if they hit a point where they stop enjoying it. Avoiding burnout is so key.


It would be absolutely insane to drag this campaign out for 9 more months.


It would be absolutely insane to drag this out for 9 more months.


>Moving to pre recorded hasn't fully helped to quell odd breaks outside of holidays, and cutting 4 episodes a month down to 3 has really dragged the campaign out for me. I hope with the moving to Beacon they nail down the programming/content. I don't think these are unplanned "odd breaks". They're programming decisions, likely made by Marisha and her team, to accommodate for all their projects and content, which includes their main show AND their bets, investments and experimental ideas.


Not to mention that much of the cast, especially Matt and Laura, are still doing VO outside the company. World of Warcraft has 3 new expansions coming out within the next 3 years and the entire cast except Ashley play pretty important characters in that game.


If you knock off about 25% of the c3 time you states, you end up with about the same months for both C2 and C3. Remember, they are doing episodes at 3 times per month for C3, rather than 4 times, so it will take about 25% longer to reach the same points:


The new monthly break already adds 20-25% of campaign duration I guess? And then the series. It… definitely seems like it? Like I’m still along for the vibe but it really feels like we got to know the other parties with way less time. I feel like CR have been trying to spotlight all their content and thus this weekly program thing but it feels like I’m following a brand and not a series I ennjoy.


Yeah, I like Daggerheart, and the flagship series, as well as a lot of the exandria based 5e one shots/unlimited, but Candela doesn't interest me. I like the recaps and the deep dives, though I liked them better with the silly cold opens and rolling for tavern keeper. I'd be cool with Robbie taking the host slot permanently, as he was very natural with it, though.


That's because they're running a sustainable schedule. In terms of actual content, they're not close to C2's total time yet. It's funny - a lot of DMs think they would absolutely LOVE to run a four hour session every week ... until they actually HAVE to do it every week. As it was, it's possible that the break during the lockdown may have saved Matt's sanity. He's talked about what a mental toll the campaign takes out of him.


They're taking breaks and that's very good bc that means the cast avoids burn out and are still having fun. But on average we are getting longer episodes than we did in c2. Compare the runtimes for all episodes up to C3 98 then up to C2 98. By taking more breaks and being able to schedule around their other projects bc of pre recording, they get more time to devote to each session. And that's a win for us.


It’s unlikely there will be any change, assuming the “main show” continues in the same format (all the original cast playing a long-form campaign). I think what people need to realize is that the “main show” isn’t actually their main project anymore. The main project is the animated shows, and to a lesser extent getting the publishing company off the ground, and they’re scheduling the campaign to fit around their schedule with those things, not the other way around. I think the only way they’ll ever get back to something resembling the old release schedule is by changing the things in my first paragraph: not having the full main cast on every show, and also potentially doing shorter form things so they can rotate through cast members and give people a break. You can already see the signs of them needing a break; Sam was in zero rush to return to the show, and happily took the time off to spend with his family. Liam intentionally played a character who is less active in the story, and Travis essentially decided to play a character who is just there to be there, and doesn’t seem to have any particular drives or conflicts that would require deeper participation on his part. And of course the glaring one: they all take at least a week off a month from the show, and sometimes more! Does that mean they’re not working? No, of course not. But it’s obvious they’ve decided there are higher priorities for them than Campaign 3.




They do have more "breaks" and more content than ever before.


Campaign three has a lot of breaks. Every month at least one and some has more with other games replacing the slots. So this is an odd comparison


I should add. They have “nailed it down”, just not in a way you seem to appreciate. But others have said this has allowed the cast to take a bit of a break between sessions and new critters to catch up.


My advice is to just check out until they actually announce a date for Daggerheart to launch. The end of the campaign will coincide with that and once it gets closer the group will suddenly make quick and meaningful progress on the quest.  The comments that it's good the cast are getting breaks, sure yeah agree. It just falls flat for me. The episodes are pre-recorded. They could knock out a month or two with two days of casual filming and then have two months off to work on other things.