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Glad you're enjoying the journey so far, but echo what others have said: you can very easily run across spoilers for major events online, so tread carefully.


Realizing that, but I think I’m skating by. I’ll probably forget tbh


Yeah avoid anything CR Wiki, I had a major event spoiled by searching something unrelated on the CR wiki I was curious about. I myself too avoided this community until the past few days when I finally finished C2 just so I didn't accidentally spoil it for myself. But otherwise enjoy.


>I’ll probably forget tbh I wouldn't be so sure of that. Some things, if spoiled, are *quite* memorable.


When the campaign is going on I usually leave this subreddit for a while and check in manually while I’m caught up


Yep. I listened to Campaign 2 first, then Campaign 1. I’m on episode 110 of C1 right now. Pretty much every major shocking event has been spoiled at some point. Still worth listening to even if you’ve been spoiled though, without a doubt.


I'd recommend being careful reading comments and browsing the subreddit. People are a little careless with spoilers sometimes.


Yeah similarly to any bit of media, being on that thing's subreddit is dangerous unless you're caught up. They should definitely know this already but at least you warned them if they didn't.


Welcome to CR. Enjoy both campaigns!


Did you watch campaign 1? I liked it much more. But it's all personal preference.


No! This is the result of the YT algorithm showing me. I’ve always seen ppl reference CR in threads but never had any context


Honestly, do not come back to this subreddit. You will be spoiled


One thing I can say is that c1 tends to be more good and heroic in nature where c2 is very morally grey


Just remember to enjoy the show and let it develop. Things don’t always happen the way fans want it to go but that’s D&D for you


If you ever find yourself wanting to randomly flail or message people about things, that's been one of my favorite things. Introducing friends to CR and then reading up to all caps messages about stuff they just watched. It's so great. I just finished my first watch of C1 last night so I've seen both complete campaigns now. There are so many wonderful shocking and surprising moments. Welcome. <3


Ahh! I just finished my first of C1 not even a week ago. That shit was crazy good. Now im a few episodes into the first watch of C2, and as OP said, it’s already really cool! Looking forward to catch C3 soon as well


I started C2 first, mid August in 2020. I binged 112 episodes and caught up to live within 2 months. I caught the bug HARD. I'm so excited for more content.


I did the same thing with Game of Thrones before season 6; I’m about to be a lore SPONGE


I’ll def have to gossip as the good bits happen


Enjoy The Chaos X)


If anything happens to Nott or Jester I am going to riot


make sure to come back periodically and let us know what you impressions are. Maybe around episode 25?


*Mathew Mercer Cackling*




There it is


The start of C2 is so much more gripping than C1 I feel like that’s why I have so much trouble watching C1


We didn't get to see the start of campaign 1 as it was a home game at first. But the difference between the 2 is, imo, a high fantasy semi-serious campaign for c1 and something less serious and more fun based for c2


I can see that, but also I feel that over time c1 becomes so much more intense and you get attached to the characters very intensly. C2 was good, I love Jester, but it wasn't as intense for me.


Try and stay off the subreddit for now. You do not want to risk any spoilers, trust me!


I hope you get better, its a good ride you've started!


I enjoyed C1 but C2 was a lot harder to get into at the beginning for me


Stay off of YouTube and if it looks spoiler-ey… it is. Don’t read the comments (just a general tip for YouTube in general) and do your best not to watch the animated opening, as epic as it is, until at least episode 28.


You’re gonna have a great time.


Jester is the freaking best. I love Laura Bailey


Listen on faster speeds! I did 2x speed and it was the best


I'm so excited for you!!! You'll have a blast I promise. That being said I would get out of here literally right now if you hope to remain unspoiled (which I highly recommend)


C3 starts next week! Enjoy C2, the characters are all amazing. Mollymauk is definitely my favorite.


Take your time and enjoy every second.


Lots of great moments to come. I'm curious: What do you think is going to happen? What are you currently guessing about these character's backstories?


I'm now 134 episodes in. It's well worth the journey. Almost as good of a journey as the ads. Enjoy.


Nice! You're almost 3% of the way through!


Chaos crew!!!!


If you like jester and nott 4 episodes in... just wait until 140 episodes in. #chaoscrew!


I just hit episode 60, and have not seen C1 so far. It's so amazing and how I viewed each character has changed quite a bit since the beginning. I do love each of the characters in their own way. There are some jaw dropping cliffhangers and holy crap moments, it's better than scripted tv for me. But as others have said, it's hard to avoid spoilers, so be careful what you search about.


You are in for a helluva ride pal/palette :)


You’re at the start of a very strange, heartwarming/breaking journey. Enjoy it


yeah the first episode where jester introduces herself. you automatically know your gonna watch the whole thing.