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I sometimes feel like I'm the only person who loves working with these yarns lol


I work almost exclusively in these yarns lol


same here :D i feel like a lot of people hate them at first and gradually love them, but personally, the first time i tried them i fell in love


You’re a wizard, Harry


Same, always my go to yarn. Didn’t even know that people didn’t like it until I saw the never ending posts on here about how everyone hates it 😣i don’t even know why everyone hates it so much?


I personally don’t like it when I have to do magic circles lol I waste sooooo much yarn and then it leaves fluffies everywhere But once I get past that part I like it lol


Maybe try this method using worsted for the ring part? https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMr6yAREo/


Omg this is life saver!! Thank you!


Stitch counting, maybe?


I love it too!


I adore them. I use these kinds for almost everything 😅


sameee i love working with chenille yarn :D also your flair lmao its too funny T\_T


No I gave up on crochet TWICE before I found chunky blanket yarns! Then I spent several years only making hats and blankets and learning stitches before I was comfortable working with lighter weight yarns again!


If I could find these for cheaper I’d 100% use them all the time too


You're not alone. I only work with Alize Velluto (the other others make too much fluff if you have to frog something). I even went so far as to make a very thick jersey with said yarn ♥


I love weaving in the hands it feels like sewing a cloud but working with it ahhh it's painful.


I love working with velvet yarn, but I rarely do because they're almost all hand wash and I don't have the space where I live to lay them out flat 🥺


Same! They work up so quick it’s super satisfying!


Its my favorite but also i prefer making little amigurumi guys over clothes because i dont prefer to focus on a project for more than an hour or two at a time. It was a little bit of a learning curve compared to regular yarn but now i dont really like anything else lmao.


I love those yarns, they're so soft. And don't get how they're hard to work with?


I love chenille and velvet yarns so much.


Is it Bernat Blanket? Because if it’s Bernat Blanket, I 100% agree


My younger brother worked at Spinrite for a summer and said that if most people knew what went into the vat to make it so soft, they'd never buy it again.


Is it dark magic? I bet it’s dark magic


It might be considered dark magic? 😆😆😆


For anybody who’s concerned; it might be an issue but it also is probably totally fine. Bleach is really strong but it comes from and breaks down into just water and salt. ~ c h e m i c a l s ~


Please elaborate


Just a buttload of chemicals that he couldn't use without protective gear including full face breathing mask.


There’s a difference between occupational contact with highly concentrated forms of chemicals and random small contact with dried forms of them. It’s like how no one is getting sick from eating microwave popcorn but the workers who were inhaling some of the ingredients got lung problems.


oh lmao thats a lot less bad than i thought 😭 fully prepared for you to say like, dolphin lungs or something crazy 😭😭


SAME 💀💀 i was thinking like animal bones or some shit chemicals are fine with me


LOL! Nope, nothing dire, just stuff you can't touch or breathe in. I still use it myself despite his warnings 😆😆😆


Because it literally will not do anything to you. Highly concerning that he doesn’t understand the difference between coming into contact with highly concentrated chemicals and the end result lmao


He wasn't saying that the end product is toxic, just that the reason it's so soft is pretty gross, nothing more.


Factory workers in bakery factories also have to wear dust masks so they don't inhale flour all day. That doesn't make flour bad to eat. The dose makes the poison, but also the way of administering it. 200 ml of water in the stomach is just drinking some water. 200 ml of water inhaled is dry drowning. 20 liters of water in your stomach is water poisoning. 20 liters of water over your head is just taking a quick shower.


I wasn't attempting to scare anyone, or convince them not to use the yarn; I was simply making a comment in a thread in which someone mentioned hating Bernat Blanket. I wasn't in the factory myself, either; this is just what my brother, who was, told me. I also noted, further down, that this knowledge has never stopped me from using the yarn myself.


I'm honestly relieved to read this because most people stating something like that do in fact try to scare people. Like how they try to not eat anything with chemicals in it and stuff :') I don't always read comments nor do I remember who wrote what so I didn't connect the other dots. So I'm honestly glad you took the effort to point it out again :)


I do apologise; I should have been clearer in my original comment, as I only intended it to be a little bit of trivia. I've used those Bernat Blanket/Baby Blanket yarns for ages and have never been harmed by their use (nor have the folks to whom I've gifted things made from them). :)


Oh I was thinking really super nasty unthinkable things because of the occupational ptsd I suffer from working at an Arkansas chicken processing plant for 6 months during the 80s 🙄


That would do it! I'm so sorry to hear that, though. ☹️☹️☹️


One time my mom lived across the highway from a Tyson chicken plant. The smell outside was atrocious. To this day, I refuse to eat Tyson chicken and it has been about 17 years ago.


The entire town of that factory smelled so bad I threw up constantly the first week I was there. Fortunately we lived 8 miles outside the town so was good once I left work.


I mean, working in surgery there are a lot chemicals we use specialty gear to be around (mostly respiratory, and the patient is already on a breathing circuit), but once the concoction it is “cured” or dry or set (depending on which thing we’re talking about) it is completely inert. The thing is that staff who work around it often are the ones who have issues because they’re exposed to it often, while patients only are exposed to it in micro amounts as they need it. Similar to x-rays: you can have quite a few quite often without any issues, but the person working there has to be more careful about their own exposure because they are present for 20-200 X-rays per shift for years. The best example is probably methylmethacrylate. It’s highly Neuro toxic until it hardens, but we’re actually putting it into people to harden in the body. It’s also often used in small amounts in dentistry, in the mouth, in the easiest route to the respiratory system where it best aborbs.


Aw fuck 💀 I just bought four new balls


I dont understand this tho liked I’ve worked exclusively with bernat because it’s so easy and the quality is great. I don’t experience the fluff that people talk about?


Yeah, I’ve never really had issues with fluff or shedding, for me it’s just SO HARD to see my stitches!! It’s like crocheting blind, lol


I've only had issues with shedding/fluff while using off-brand yarn. Bernat is a good brand for it.


I saw somebody suggest that you crochet with a second strand of crappy yarn so you can see the stitches and then cut it and pull it out later.


I think I'm going to have to try that!


I only have issues with the fluff when trying to use it for projects using a magic ring. It could be a tension issue on my part, but it's literally only ever round 1 or 2 of crocheting into MC and then it's fine after.


Some factory knots I'd find drive me insane with the fluffy texture. Otherwise, I think my tension is too right for fluffy yarn( so much fuzz and ripping)


I have never made amigurumi, but I love Bernat Blanket for blankets


It’s fine for crocheting - it’s garbage for sewing in. The ends start spewing fluff everywhere


Bernat is sooo much better than loops and threads- the ends don’t strip when you’re sewing pieces in


I don’t want to relive this trauma…. If I go out and buy Bernat and it turns into the fluff filled hellscape that is now my living room, I’m telling my husband it was your fault 😂


I’ve worked with both Bernat blanket and chenille yarn. I love chenille yarn because the softness is unmatched, but it does spray fluff EVERYWHERE when even looked at the wrong way lol. Bernat blanket is nowhere near as soft, but it’s way more durable and closer to a sherpa type texture, so it doesn’t fray badly :)


I've used Bernat Blanket for so many things. I actually just used it for 6 dino nugget pillows, and there were a couple of small bits of fluff when all was finished up, but that was it. It really doesn't shed much at all.


I've made a throw rug with it in waffle stitch. It's still floating around as a dog flop spot.


Lol I promise it’s nicer! I’ll take that hit 😌


as someone who works with both bernat is a lot better to sew with and barely any shedding! i recommend giving it a try :)


If you ever decide to give this yarn another go- Sew your pieces together with a similar colored acrylic or cotton yarn instead!! tie both ends together at the end and its not gonna go anywhere. You honestly don’t have to match the color well, or at all. the fluff of the blanket yarn hides the acrylic and it is SO much more secure. I never sew anything with the bernat yarn together because i don’t trust it not to break, especially if it’s going to a little one who may not be gentle with things. And the nightmare fluffy pieces ugh. edited for typos bc it’s too early to be commenting on reddit threads lol


it’s so annoying and sticks to everything- same with any velvet yarn too😭 love normal yarn tho and that butter yarn


https://preview.redd.it/iqzqbbldyf8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d728754f933a75418b8b81d3f75b207e62d8f690 My hubs snapped this pictures of our living room after I sewed the arms onto the blanket. I’m still finding fluff and had to wrestle the pieces away from our cats. Obligatory ignore the rest of the room, I craft in here and currently have 170292829 WIP


I just started crochet in March and I think I have about a third of your count already😂 and I didn't have a separate room so there's a lot of oversized shopping bags with yarn and WIP at the end of the sofa😂


I have literal filing cabinets full of crafting stuff lol it’s bad. Don’t be like me.


I like small fabric tote bags for my wip. Then I just grab a bag and go. Are you using the fabric shopping bags or plastic? I found the plastic ones didn't hold up as well.


I have plastic ones and I found the same. I will have to look for fabric bags.


Might could find them in bulk. I've gotten really small ones from craft stores. If you have a dollar store franchise in the area, or at the thrift store.. that's probably the least expensive option.


I usually burn the ends with a lighter to prevent this!


What’s the yarn brand


Loops and Threads - Sweet Snuggle Lite and Chenille


Eff sweet snuggles! That stuff falls apart and I hate it with a passion. Bernat blanket all the way for me!


Yeah, loops and threads often cuts corners on quality. Their charisma was one of the worst for color changes. I was working up a planned pooling c2c pot holder just to test a random skein found in my stash. All was fine and dandy until suddenly it wasn't 🤦‍♀️


I really likes Premier parfait tbh! Cheap, lots of colors, so so so soft.


Yes, I love using that yarn!


I agree and 100% recommend that yarn!!


I just made sailor moon and needed her eyes blue, Crafting in Glory on YouTube has the best video for sewing on eyes! And it works with normal acrylic so you can use that instead of the Bernat for that! Trust me, I also could not sew the eyes for anything. Always uneven, ugly, bulky, but I did it nice and slowly and for some god given reason they came out even omg 😭 I'm actually so happy. I also heard people like to sew with same colored acrylic yarn to not have to do it with the soft yarn! I love these colors, this came out soooo cuuute!!


I will look this up! Thank you! I usually just use the safety eyes but nothing looked right with this little guy and I was too nervous about button eyes.


I've heard even safety eyes aren't baby safe like they sound so seems like that's fate! 💚


I actually recently saw a thread on that in this sub. From what I remember, the safety issue is specifically with crochet because the back of the eye may still be small enough to slip through the crochet stitches and come out. I don’t know if they’re also unsafe if used with sewing/fabric projects.


You can back it with felt or polar fleece. So, while installing the eyes, poke it through both the crocheted section and a felt circle. This should eliminate the risk of it loosening within the stitches.


Ugh, I’ve been using it for this reason this week too. It’s impossible to make a magic ring or sew in any ends


I started on this project before my niece was born….. she just turned 4 months old a few days ago. The whole damn thing was done, just in pieces because I absolutely did not want to sew it all together 😂


I was having the same problem, [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=seUyqlQqAmg) shows how to make a magic ring using another piece of cotton yarn


Is it bad I can see eyes if I zoom in?


It’s the Devil’s yarn… I’m tellin ya 😂 👁️👁️


Why don't you just stitch some X's for eyes? I think it would look nice with something there, even if it's very simple, and if they are an issue it would be easy enough to remove some thread eyes. It looks beautiful and so soft though! Your struggle was definitely worth the effort!


That’s a great idea, and 150 miles too late. My brother came and picked it up today lol but my sister in law absolutely loved it and elephants are her favorite animal. So it’s a win enough for now. I’ll remember that suggestion the next time I decide to torture myself lol


It’s lovely! Where’s the pattern from?


Not a specific pattern, just grabbed several different ones and threw them together. I’ll go back through my links and see if I can find them :) ETA: This is the link for the blanket base, although I did change up some of the rows because I was short on colors. https://www.crochet365knittoo.com/crochet-lovey-blanket-a-bunny-to-love/


It’s it Bernat blanket yarn? I hate it so much! It’s so tough to work with!!


No it’s the Loops and Threads version. Same concept, apparently much different to work with.


I love this yarn 😂 I do amigurumi and do the sewing with like colored cotton, the fluff hides the stitches and minimal shedding


I went through my entire stash trying to find a similar color but all I had was cheap rough acrylic 😕 and of course I had no time to run to the store before the lovey was getting picked up. But I’ll definitely remember this for next time! Thanks for the idea!


This reminds me of a Charlie Daniels song called “The Devil Went Down to Georgia” because if this yarn is the devil, you have defeated it, hands down.


I’ll be patiently waiting for my golden fiddle at the crossroads 💪


Uh, it'll be a skein made of gold. 


That’s probably even worse to work with than this velvet crap 😂


I hope this made you laugh or at least smile. You did a great job with that project.


Absolutely it did! And thank you so much! ☺️




I've made quite a few things in blanket yarn and I find it irredeemably awful regardless of the pattern but especially for amigurumi. I HATE IT SO MUCH 😬


oh then you haven't tried fur yarn yet 😂


Ew, what?


I use French Knots for eyes on stuff like this!


But it sure looks cute!


I agree but it does produce lovely results


Just an adorable gift for your niece. I bet it becomes the loveee that must go everywhere with her.


Aww thank you! I hope she loves it 🥰


agreed i also prefer regular yarn over chunky any day


My very first project was with super chunky yarn. I saw a thing on Instagram and said "oh I need to make that" and now I'm hooked. Haha took me 2 months to do it because I had to consult YouTube on EVERYTHING! how to hold the yarn, tension, making a chain, popcorn stitch, etc. bf is super sick of watching crochet YouTube videos after work🤣 It ended up beautiful and was a b&w beaded garland that I made as a Nightmare Before Christmas gift but then wanted to keep for myself as a Darth Vader/Storm Trooper garland. I ended up gifting it, though.


It looks lovely! When crocheting with the fluffy stuff, I always pull a little bit of the fluff out of the cut end of the yarn and tie the string pieces together to stop further fraying. If you can't pull it out, you should still be able to knot the end and then hide the knot inside.


Just popping in to say, if you really want eyes & don’t want the buttons for obvious reasons, you could consider felting them! Just buy some felt, cut it into the shape you'd like, position it on the face & stab it a million times with a needle. If you can get your hands on a felting needle, that would be more comfortable to use but any needle will work. As you stab, the fibres will intermingle & become permanently attached. No glue necessary & it can look super cute if done properly.


I'm on team hate too lol. Have made one item requested by my daughter and hated working with it. Was so surprised everyone loves it so much.


That's cute!? Great job!! 🧶❤️


I refuse to use this yarn. I hate it! I received some a friend had leftover and threw it away.


😲can I get the address to your trashcan because I actually love this yarn 😅. I only use bernat though never used loops and threads so maybe my experience was different😅




Same I’ll fight the first person for it lol


Velvet is my devil yarn lol


I think I've made this lovey with Caron yarn! It sure looks familiar. Can't say one way or another if I'd like this yarn, never tried it. Might have to give it a go, though, see if I love it or hate it haha. Even if you hated it, it looks super cute!!


Haha. You just have to go by feel


I'm just beginning crochet and I avoid every pattern that has yarn like this. I'm just not ready for it LOL!! KUDOS to you though! This is absolutely adorable and the stitching turned out beautifully 😍


Agreed lol


Things so not require eyes, it's lovely the way it is 🤩. I'm new to crochet, have not tried anything yet with this yarn.


Maybe you could do like 2 lines for eyes, as if they’re closed? I know there’s got to be tutorials on it on youtube


He's stuuuuuuuuuuck


I also struggled so hard with a loops & threads bulky chenille before and it was the worst! Constant shedding but it is so soft.


I crocheted a beaver plushie out of this stuff and I had a whole mental breakdown lol I vowed to never use it again 😂


I used premier velvet yarn and when I was cinching in the yarn disintegrated. It's awful. I'm thankful that someone above linked a tiktok to use regular yarn with it. I think it's going to be a game changer hopefully


I worked with it 1 time, you are not alone! I am not a fan. I ended up making a small pillow size towel to use when my hair is wet at bed time. It's so bulky. Your lovey turned out great though. (psst I can't do eyes either) 😉


At least the project turned out cute!


Omg it's so freaking adorableeee!!!!!


It's the Angel Food Cake of yarn 😅


i LOVE working with chenille yarn… but i HATE starting/finishing a piece with it. fluff bits everywhere 😂😂😂


With the chenille yarn, I find it falls apart when working with it. I generally stick between 3 and 5 ply weight.


What kind of yarn was it?


Here's my take. I love the feel of this yarn, but it's not my go to. It dries my hands out. I feel like I have to lotion my hands twice as much and dip my hook into some hand cream as well.


It's a love hate for me. Pain in the ass to start, but I just use infinite stitch markers. Then it just works up so fast!


Chenille yarn must be banned!


Making the magic ring is a bitch, but besides that I love using it




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I don’t use this yarn a lot as it’s not the visual texture I’m usually going for but when I do I LOVE it. The feel is lovely and i find it very easy to work with since it’s one cord as opposed to many strings spun together


Ohmygosh I just cannot stand chenille yarns. I made a blanket for my husband with one and a baby blanket with another, they never turn out how I see them in my head or like the pattern.


I think you either start with this yarn or you don't. If you started with regular yarn and you're used to seeing rather than feeling, this is the devil's yarn.


Try working with bernat casa yarn.


I would stitch eyes with black yarn of your choosing, it beats having no eyes, because she might get scared as she grows up.


I LOVE bernat yarn. It definitely can be a pain in the ass to work with though, especially on amigurumi pieces like that. But it's the only yarn I'll use for blankets!


If it feels fren, why not fren?😭😭 Hes the devil in disguise! Theres the ones thay have like "feathers" wich are also horrible, feels horrible on the fingers, but at least you can see what youre doing