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Hi KalamariWednesday, thanks for posting your piece for us to see! Don't forget to link the pattern you used & other relevant information (e.g., yarn, weight, type; hook used). Add it in a reply to this comment, so others can find it easily. Thanks! **If this is your own pattern, please read our rules in full [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/crochet/wiki/rules/) (sharing your own pattern comes under the "self promotion" rule**) **If project details are provided, click below to expand!** ##**↓****↓****↓****↓****↓** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/crochet) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Much strength to you and your family! Is it just all slip stitches in rows? It has a really interesting look, almost looks knit!


Thank you! It’s much appreciated 🖤 and yep! It’s worked flat, all slip stitches in the back loop with an increase of 2 every other row for 14 rows, and then a decrease of 2 every other row for 14 rows, repeat that 5 more times until you have 6 peaks/ 156 rows. Slip stitch to join, and then mattress stitch the peaks to form the crown and that’s it! Super simple, just tedious and time consuming, but it makes a beautiful beanie that resembles knit :))


I don’t think I ever want to see or do another slip stitch for a veryyyyy long time lol. This pattern was super easy and simple, but my god 6 days and 9,756 slip stitches later, it really takes a toll 😂 I hope he loves it though, and is able to enjoy it for however long the cancer lets us have him with us🥰


That hat looks amazing. Ah. May. Zing. I didn’t even notice your sewing until you pointed it out. Seriously though, the hat looks machine knit. Well done.


Thank you so much!! It truly means the world! And that was actually why I picked this pattern, I love the look of machine knit beanies, and I had no idea it was possible to replicate it with crochet! I just picked up crocheting back in September so I have so much to learn and I can’t wait to make more projects! 🫡🥰


How did you anchor the sewing thread to the yarn? I would think it would be so small it would slip through ? I'm about to do this exact same craft haha finished the beanie but now waiting for the patch to come in the mail.


Also AMAZING stitch work!!


And thank you so much! It means a lot! I just started learning how to crochet back in September so still very new to making things lol. And as far as my hand sewing skill, I just used YouTube to help a little bit! :))


I doubled up, so essentially sewing with 2 threads on the needle, and as for my knot at the beginning, I made sure it was a thick boy lol! I went under one of my slip-stitches and back thru it making sure to split it a little bit so the knot had something to catch onto. And since the whole patch is secured with a running stitch, my thread goes over some of my slip-stitches on the back side so I think that helps too since the thread isn’t just going thru the yarn :)) and once I finished getting the patch on, I ended up tying off using my first knot to help secure it, again, making sure to pick up some yarn fibers to make sure my knots have something to grab onto :)) I hope my poor explanation made a little sense lol; I was honestly kinda winging it because I too was afraid of it just pulling thru the yarn 😅


This looks so perfect! If you hadn't posted it to this subreddit, I would've never known it was hand-crafted! Great job and great gift!


This is probably the best compliment anyone could ever dream of🥹😭 thank you so much!!! 🥰


omg 😭 you deserve it!