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All you can do is hold your own personal standard and hope others do the same


Not if you are competing. But I agree


There is a huge discrepancy between CrossFit methodology and CrossFit as a sport.


That's a good point too. I would say the "proximity" that the average box-goer has is closer than the average NFL viewer. We do all the same movements (with some exceptions obviously) every day at the gym. It is very tough to wrap our heads around the fact that we are all doing the "same thing" in the Open and maybe the standards aren't being upheld as closely as they should be. I personally think this post lacks some understanding of the rules however. During the live announcement there were people in the comments complaining about Colton's deadlifts and all the "bouncing." I paused the video multiple times at the top of the deadlifts and they were all done to standard from what I saw. As a 10 year CrossFitter I can understand the difference in performance capabilities between myself and my peers as compared to someone at that high level. Their job is to skirt the line but still achieve the standard as they are trying to push speed as much as possible. The bouncing that was happening was not outside of the rules either, it was simply faster than the average athlete is used to seeing because they don't work out with this level of athlete every day.


This šŸ‘† With each passing year the divide grows. Itā€™s why I donā€™t even watch the games anymore. It used to be crossfitters doing CrossFit, now itā€™s full-time professional athletes riding trek bikes and paddle boarding.


I think it's like watching NBA-ers walk all the time, or NFL lineman holding and not getting called. They "teach you the fundamentals" in peewee league and high school, let it slide a little more in college sports, then worry about the show and the money in pro. It's more aggravating because more of us are doing crossfit than playing football.


Great analogy. The amount of travel that happens during an NBA game is crazy


Someone said once that if you slowed every play down in the NFL, youā€™d see at least one penalty. The point being that itā€™s just a natural consequence of competitive gameplay, and refs are doing the best they can but theyā€™re never going to catch everything, because itā€™s impossible. I think in our little CrossFit space, itā€™s easier for us to nitpick because the proof is put out there for us to see, each week. I know darn well thereā€™s more affiliates than not out there who donā€™t enforce any standards in the open so itā€™s never been a ā€œfairā€ playing field and I think itā€™s impossible for HQ to police that, so all we can hope for is their best attempt (which isnā€™t going to be much, because theyā€™re broke).


>The point being that itā€™s just a natural consequence of competitive gameplay, and refs are doing the best they can but theyā€™re never going to catch everything Except its a 1:1 ratio of athlete: ref in crossfit. The ref shouldn't miss and no rep.


While I agree, even professional refs miss stuff, and these people are volunteers doing it. The only way to get to that level of professionalism is for CrossFit to be a professional sport, with professional refs, and thatā€™s just not the reality of the sport.


Big difference between not getting called for a foul, and every athlete shirking the standard and not being held accountable. That is ridiculous


And the palming of the ball while they dribbleā€¦?


>It's more aggravating because more of us are doing crossfit than playing football. Like.... Redditors? Or general population? Because if it's the numbers game, you're wrong.


there should be a bot that makes this post a day or two after ever open workout.


Is the bot named Andrew Hiller?


Hello Crossfit affiliates


Damn thats good lol


Dammit I came to say this and you beat me. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


How do you know this isn't just that?


First time?


If I recall correctly, the last time they dinged an elite athlete was when Josh Bridges very clearly didn't fully lock out his deads so he got a 'major' fault of 15%. I think it equated to like 6 seconds. I believe it was like 2018. So... take that how you will.


Damn, then they should "no rep" 90% of Tia Toomey's deadlifts.


Itā€™s not an ā€˜eliteā€™ only problem. Those same reps will be prevalent up and down the leaderboard through most percentiles.


Go watch Tiaā€™s YouTube video of 24.2, theyā€™re even deleting comments calling out the no reps.


Tia 24.1 - almost none of her db snatches are a rep. She only hits one head of her db on most reps.


I thought I was the only one who noticed that! I started gaslighting myself saying there's no way no one else would notice. She flat out didn't do the snatches correctly.


This is why I can't stand her. Too arrogant to do it right.


Her 22.2 was the same. She even "won" that workout and nothing happened. Why would she bother to be better?


Are they really deleting comments?


Yeah my comment was deleted questioning the reps. Two other comments besides my own were also deleted.


Imagine your boss at work says, ā€œdelete any comment about a no rep..ā€ ā€œbut sir we need the enga-ā€œ ā€œI said fucking delete them!ā€


https://youtu.be/82ewtmwXvok?si=KESTH51FTwJSsBbm yeah, not exactly clean reps


Thatā€™s wild, she didnā€™t even try to do it right


Great deadlift position for the video, canā€™t even see whether any rep is good.


Iā€™ve seen a lot of sketchy deadlifts for sure, but you should go and watch Romanā€™s 24.2 video. Itā€™ll make you feel better. You can actually see the moment his hips come fully open on every deadlift rep. Itā€™s refreshing. And I swear Iā€™m not a Mayhem stan, but thatā€™s one thing Iā€™ve always appreciated about Rich. His movement is pretty much always impeccable. Fraser was always solid too for that matter.


His head was over the bar on plenty of them with shoulders arched


Was the same on 24.1 with the dumbbell lockouts


And both heads of the DB touching the ground for every rep.


I actually had to check the movement standards (Iā€™m not doing it this year as Iā€™m heavily pregnant) as I was beginning to think they had been changed so that it was simply lockout of the legs and hip extension (and even that was questionable). I donā€™t think Justin or Colten did a single rep where they stood straight up and had their shoulders behind the bar


Saw the same for 24.1 where dumbbell heads didnā€™t touch the floor on a regular basis.


judGe cErtIfiEd


I laughed at this too. The test gives your the answers. Passing is not a flex.


ā€œI paid $20ā€


No rep! It was only $10


Iā€™m EXTRA certified!


You two win the thread. Great call out.


Sign up for the judges course, judge the videos and no rep them. Then you get to change the culture.


Like judging video submissions makes the slightest bit of difference?


It forces CF to look at them and justify not penalizing. Look at what u/hillerfit does, he calls people out and forces a reaction. He does so publicly, but if enough people hold the standard instead of just complaining they cannot refute it. Or just be mad on the internet. You do you, boo.


It doesnā€™t force them to do jack shit, you can invalidate as many videos as you like as many times as you want and HQ will not do a thing about it


Isnā€™t that what OP is doing?


The open is a joke and shouldnā€™t be taken this seriously until QF


Youā€™re gonna wanna check out u/andrewhillerfit heā€™s been fighting the good fight for a couple years now


Wish he called out men who also no rep instead of women who make more money than him :(


You clearly don't watch.


Is David Hippensteel a woman?


Drugs are bad!


Right?! Iā€™ll never have a shot at the games if Adler et al are allowed to shorten their reps.


I noticed that too and was annoyed. I only did scaled but made sure I was doing full deadlift reps.


Full deadlifts here too. At the top of the lift, you couldnā€™t pry my glutes apart with a crowbar.


Don't threaten me with a good time




Elites, more than anyone, have an incentive to ride the line. They're gonna get close as they can to be the best. Looks awful, but don't hate the player, hate the game.


Itā€™s too bad their buddies donā€™t have the balls to no rep them


Let's talk about traveling in the NBA next.


Holding in the NFL


The open is a cash grab. They just want your $20. They keep the big names on the top of the leaderboard for marketing purposes. Take your ranking and making/missing the quarter finals with a grain of salt because the leaderboard is far from valid. The open should be nothing more than your own personal proving ground/glorified WOD.


Any athlete in almost any sport will understand the rules, the bend them as far as they can without incurring a penalty. It's just how it is. Not too long ago the MLB strike zone had grown well past its defined boundaries through shared understanding between pitchers and umps. The org has to step in and prioritize a reset with its umps to get it back to normal. CrossFit has no umpires union, just a ton of volunteers in the open so there will never be true consistency. I think the only thing you can do is shift your mindset to not let it make you mad: you aren't going to podium at the games so just treat it as a test vs yourself and enjoy your progress.


Who is going to rep the box hero? Thatā€™s your answer.


I told people "I WILL hold you accountable to the standard!" Funny enough no one wanted me to judge them.


You sound like a peach Just hold the standard. Announcing it just makes you seem like a douche


I prefer to let them know up front and not get in an arguement during the workout.


> Crossfit will allow this because what are they supposed to do? Make every single elite redo w/ proper standards? No, of course not. But if they were to act with any sort of integrity, they will adjust the scores to reflect less work having been done. Considering the amount of time it takes to verify the scores, this is sort of the only option they have as scores are not allowed to be submitted after the deadlines. If you as a certified judge are so inclined, you can also review and reject video submissions through the leaderboard. Enough rejections have gotten scores to be adjusted in the past, so it could be done again here.


Andrew Hiller enters the chat


Taking it waaaaay too seriously, relax, get your work in and that's all you can do. Why waste your time worrying about everyone else??


I see a lot of barbells getting bounced off the deck as well, that a NO REP!!


Steroids = fine, but counting shitty reps = crime?


A borderline quarterfinal qualifier?! Don't test this mans credentials lads.


If you did your reps the same way the elites did, would your score be similar? If not, then who really cares. Feel good that you are doing the workouts with integrity and they're not?


Honestly I disagree. Do you really think the extra half inch on the lockout is doing anything for your fitness? Cuz from my angle youā€™re just being pedantic Itā€™s 185lb. Itā€™d be different if these were maxes for a CrossFit Total.


Are standards not still standards? If a judge says ā€œno rep,ā€ then itā€™s a no rep, regardless of how much it contributes to improving fitness or your twisted view on pedantry.


Itā€™s pedantic because standards are subjective and these judges called them reps. Just cuz some guy on Reddit disagrees doesnā€™t mean the standards werenā€™t upheld or need to be rewritten.




I get that. My point is that standards are subjective and pretty much always up for interpretation. The judges get to decide, and Iā€™d argue the final half inch to truly achieve a ā€œdeliberate, strong lockoutā€ OP is talking about, is not really something worth writing an angry Reddit post over. If you try doing quick and light deadlifts itā€™s easy to understand If I was judging I wouldnā€™t have no-repped them. And I doubt anyone downvoting me would either. And it isnā€™t just cuz theyā€™re ā€œelitesā€. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø. Easy to be an armchair quarterback


Eddie hall does the same. Do you need your head back?


Iā€™ll take ā€œwho caresā€ for 100, Alex


you forgot to add in your context- "crossfit Karen"


At some point we all need to accept- the athletes going to games are already determined and on the radar. This is a bigger sport than a bunch of people heading to a ranch to hit sledgehammers. Itā€™s fine- pay your $20 and enjoy the workouts!


Who cares, dork


Is that you, Justin?


Please get a life






I would just add you can have rounded shoulders and upper back at the top of the rep and while it looks sketchy it can still meet the deadlift standard of head and shoulders behind the bar. Don't really know or care which elites this may or may not apply to but it's easy to check just looking at your own profile in a mirror. Ideally you'd want all the reps to be more clear and definitive with a profile view camera but it is what it is.


Either you are a quarterfinal qualifier or youā€™re not lol


CF is not about form bro. It's about speed and being the best exerciser in the world.