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There is absolutely no way I’m spending 50 mins watching this. Anyone have a TLDR?


Brian used to get paid to be on Sevan’s podcast. Brian is the only one sevan has ever paid to be on his podcast. He was offered more money to appear on TEF. He was earning a salary as a full time coach and as a writer at MCU. He then left MCU for Barbend, who offered him more money. 4 months after, Barbend fired him and then shortly after his gym fired him. He was out two steady salaries and needed work. No one else wanted to work with him so he started his own business. Brian just went on JasonCF Media’s podcast (can’t recall the name of the podcast) and aired his dirty laundry. I’m sure I missed some details but it seems like Brian alienated people and was just searching for more and more and money.


Yeah, it is like these guys all forget that most of us are out here coaching at affiliates and trying to help gen pop people feel better about themselves all while they squabble about athletes, full lock out, and if he said something a bit nasty about me and trying to make money off all us poor saps that click the links. Sort of all of them forgot we are all here to exercise and help others get healthier. In fact, I am not even sure why I am even this deep in this??!!! Fuck all of a percentage of CF people make it to any major stage, most of us are just regular people doing life and enjoying seeing a spectacle at the games, fuck this high school style politics.


If he got paid to be on Sevan, that would at least explain how he managed to tolerate Sevan's rantings and weirdo comments (I remember once when Sevan started talking about sexual fetish gears and showed those pictures, one with a naked man, when Brian was supposed to be talking about the CrossFit athletes). Good for Brian not to appear on his show without payment. After trying to excuse Sevan's behavior (because he does make some good podcasts about CrossFit), I'm now dubious about those who appear on his show if they weren't paid to be there. I haven't watched his podcasts for a few months now after watching him rant about women, and suspected that his guests who were there and who tolerate his rantings are probably of the same ilk, which is depressing because I like his guests. You just start to think that folks in CrossFit are all like that, which is not good for my interest in CrossFit.


Lots of people in this sub love Sevan. Check the comments/posts that are like "I don't care how you feel about Sevan as a person, his content is the best." I can't stand him either. But whatever. It's easy to hide his content on youtube/IG.


I know there are a lot of Sevan's fans, they infested the entire CrossFit space (I stopped reading the chat on CrossFit's YouTube streams because they couldn't stop talking about him) They will post links here to his videos without saying they're his, just to trick people into giving him clicks. And they'll feint ignorance on his rants about women, trans people, or whatever groups of people, and they'll downvote you when you post evidence. The problem is more that because he is popular, he presence tainted CrossFit. The last time he started ranting about women, his guests included Peter from CPW, and he sat there saying nothing. Peter is a self-avowed fan of Sevan, and fair or not, you'd just start thinking that he is one of them (and the fact that he posted things like mocking Dani Speegle doesn't help). I stopped listening to Peter ever since. You see Sevan talking/training with teenager girls, and you think what kind of parents allow their children to go on a show with someone who posted sexual fetish stuff on his podcast. Many of those in CrossFit who support him can't or won't see the problems, and so you also think that they are all like him. Everything he touches just makes CrossFit look bad.


The only audience sevan cares about is Greg.  Sevan sees Greg as an adoptive parent.  


Excellent read. That is TOTALLY correct. He is desperate for Greg's acceptance.


Maybe he likes Greg because he likes Crossfit and Greg invented it.


I would like to hear more about this.


Sevan has a lot of fans because of what he did to grow CrossFit in the early years. Yes he's weird and speaks his mind which is refreshing because of how rare that is these days. His popularity truly speaks to the state of CrossFit and what the community yearns for. Honesty. You're hung up on a single tangent that he went on one time? You're just like the people who get offended when he asks a female competitor about her period or birth control. He's unfiltered and a great interviewer (up there with Rogan in that regard) If you don't like him, it's your right to have that opinion and not listen to his content. Your last sentence is pretty ridiculous considering he is probably the reason you know what CrossFit is in the first place.


Talking positive about Sevan is not tolerated here! How dare you! s/


I knew about CrossFit because of a Heber and Marston documentary. If Sevan wants to claim credit for that, he can, but it's the talent of the Buttery Bros who made the documentary watchable. You are the kind of fans I talk about, who ignore the issues because you like him, or are like him, which is problem for people who are not like you or him, and bad for CrossFit when it becomes associated with a set of social political belief that has nothing to do with health and fitness.


So wait -is this where you say someone else is the problem. Maybe some self reflection may determine that indeed -you are the problem. I suggest you are. If you don’t like him don’t listen -but suggesting all the people that enjoy his content are infesting the space is pathetic. I might guess I been in the space longer than you and I wouldn’t call you an infestation. Just someone with your own opinions - you should try and do the same for others.


I'm sure you're fun at parties lol


Well that's probably because his content is the best :)




I'd like to see Hiller do more day-in-the-life type of stuff like he did with Adams and Lawson. He's really good at it.


I want to know what happened between Brian and TEF.


You know that guy who says that competitive CrossFit is for people who peaked in high school? He keeps being proven right 


Stuff like this is just embarrassing for everyone. CrossFit has the worst 3rd party media presence, period. These guys make childish videos of each other that get basically no views to prove whatever point that strokes their ego….and this benefits CrossFit how? Greg was ahead of his time. No amount of media is going up to change the sport, that ship has sailed. The affiliates and communities therein is where the magic happens, where lives are changed and where people can prioritize their health over anything else.


I’m not sure this type of clickbait media is limited to CrossFit … lot’s on YouTube including politics, culture, and gaming that is similar


Was this a 50 minute video of a 'high school' spat between two dudes with very little to do with their time asides from rag on each other? Because that is what it felt like.


Peak narcissism on display


Feels like Jay and Silent Bob hunting down magnoliagfan with Andrew in here replying to us internet trolls.


Nailed it


And, I guess, this is my point proven.


That’s what “nailed it” means


It's ok Andrew, we get it.


The common denominator seems to be Brian: he has lost several jobs, everyone has kicked him to curb, and he must not have any value to what he expects to be paid. It was crazy when Brian kept saying he was fired, then fired, then fired, then everyone won’t talk to him. I hate to see it happen but something was not making sense with Brian and all the jobs he was going through…. Hope everyone can eventually get along and hug someday, but the sport does need/thrive on drama these days…. sooooo bring it on! 🍿


Making a 50 min video and getting clicks is probably a cheaper, if not more profitable form of therapy, for Hiller. FWIW I love the sport of CF, consume as much content regarding it as I can, and I do not miss Brian Friend. As insufferable as I find Sevans political meta commentary, when he can focus on CF content he has some genuinely lol-inducing moments (the question usually is whether I’m in the mood to endure the bad to get the good). Brian Friend probably thinks he’s like the Bill James of CrossFit, and it’s true. Except there isn’t any money or interest in the sabermetrics of CrossFit. The role he already had - the wanna be jock nerd among the has-been washed up jocks - was the best he could have had, and it sounds like he blew it. 


It’s safe to say His actions have gotten him here. he painted his most recent guest spot like he’s the victim with no accountability for anything he might have done for these people to remove them from their lives. If anything it shows a track record for conduct unbecoming. He clearly did something to get these doors closed and connections broken. They don’t happen without reason. Hiller showed his experience with receipts.


It’s a shame Hiller went from that Hayley Adams and emma Lawson videos to this. Petty high school bullshit content


Sorry,Athena, I don't have time...


my thoughts upon watching the video…brian is autistic. (I’m not meaning this as an insult AT ALL) I am a person that throughout high school and college and in my career due to my field have worked with many people on the spectrum specifically asbergers. I’m not a doctor but he has always stuck out to me to be very similar to those people. Upon watch all of hillers video I’m like 99% sure now. This isn’t an excuse for brian’s behavior but it gives empathy toward it. The texts, the ego, all of it so much of it reminds me of so many co workers and classmates I had with asbergers it’s uncanny!!! I used to LOVE brian and anything he was featured on (I even thought he was cute 🤭) I even tried very hard to support and watch his channel but I couldn’t bear it. This video even with the empathy I have has made me truly lose faith in me and I think we will soon see him out of the space entirely


Second on trying to support his channel. I just can’t bear the cardboard conversation between him and pcandthepups (don’t know his name). It worked so well on the Sevan podcast as Brian provided the stale “boring” numbers, which Sevan then balanced off and made interesting by playing the clueless joker. I find it very painful to watch anything on Brian’s own channel, which is so sad given that I would always look forward to Sevan episodes where he was a guest.


I 100% agree! I used to love listening to his Games analysis on Sevan's Podcast. The guys they have on there now still do a good job and are more entertaining than Brian IMO.


>cardboard conversation Upvoted for this alone


I remember the very first time he was on the CrossFit podcast Sevan used to host. I loved his statistics and analysis but it was VERY clear Brian was not used to public speaking. It was endearing in a way, how awkward he was. I watched a YouTube vid of his recently and was impressed how much better of a speaker he has become. I feel bad for the guy honestly that he’s going through all this negativity.


People watch Crossfit youtube drama?


Apparently hey? Is nuts.




I love and appreciate your juicy content. Thank you for your service sir, somebody needs to do it.


Making shit like this seems like a desperately sad way to spend your existence. Worth it for those big $15 cheques though.


The funniest part to me was Brian saying did you see Rebecca’s 24.3, trying to get him to make a negative video on her, but always acting like he is above that and is always in the athletes corner. It really surprised me 🤷‍♂️ It makes me wonder how many athletes he has said hey did you see their reps in the past.


What evidence do you have to support that he was trying to do that? What if he was just getting Hillers opinion on the workout? How do you actually know that he was trying to get Hiller to make a video about it?


Hiller showed the text from him, but I care less it just caught me off guard because he doesn’t seem like that, 🤷‍♂️


Yes, he asked for Hiller‘s opinion on the Rebecca video. But Brian didn’t ask Hiller to make a video nor is there any proof that that’s what he was trying to get Hiller to do. Which is what you said Brian was trying to get Hiller to do. You are assuming Brian’s intentions.


Well it looked like that to me, you have a blessed day




you got to be kidding me that people are really watching 50min videos of Crossfit METAdrama. lol


Shameful that Hiller prioritises this sort of thing instead of helping Athena Perez and many others who were inspired by her journey. Hiller and Brian are both disloyal and only care about one thing………. 💰


I wonder if we will get any info about what happened with Athena…


Her videos weren’t brining the views he wanted 💰


Wasn’t about money


Yeah toward the end of the video it becomes clear that Brian is/was sort of desperate for money?


Athena pretty clearly states why they were not working together. Would it have been great if he kept working with her sure, but if he admits he’s unable to prioritize her coaching and needs than it’s probably best that they part ways. Continuing to half ass coaching an athlete is not considerate of either of their time.


Athena has much more grace than to ever bad mouth Hiller online. We’ll never know the truth publically unless it’s aired but who cares it’s their business not ours


It’s the BS excuse everyone used when they don’t want to do something anymore. Classic breakup move. He got everything he needed from her so now he’s moving on. He made himself seem like a good guy for taking her challenge on, got some pieces of content on a hot topic, grew a bit in the eyes of the community and moved on.


'It's not you, it's me'


This is not true


So then what is it? Make it clear. You clearly don’t shy away from it with other topics


This is true


Fact : I do care about money. Fiction : I am disloyal. Fact : People were inspired Fact : I am and always have been a YouTuber first


That doesn’t tell anyone anything. Surely you went into this thing with clear expectations, you’re a calculated individual. You flaked on a commitment. You wouldn’t ever have to worry about Athena airing dirty laundry she’s got far too much respect for other people to talk shit online. But don’t get it twisted you’ve not inspired anyone here. Athena has, and will continue to do so. You bailed on a fantastic opportunity to be part of the journey


Brian has been leaving a trail of burnt bridges every where he has gone. His ego and self-serving attitude ruins every opportunity he has had in the CrossFit space by thinking he is above the rest of the team. Although Brian is good at crossfit stats and workout memorization.. who cares? IMO he is boring to listen to, he does not know how to add excitement, capture attention, or converse together with others to set each other up nicely


Why the picture on the right looks like a mugshot?


So you click the link. It seems more salacious if it looks like he has been arrested. Simply put, it is clickbait. 'ohhhhh Brian Friend has been arrested?? I better watch this video and find out what happened!!'


Brian is textbook narcissist


As is Hiller lol


I don’t think hiller is. sevan def is


Agreed. Sevan and Brian both fit the definition better than Hiller does. The way Sevan parents his kids is TEXTBOOK narcissistic behavior.


Brian loves the smell of his own gas …




Fuck off with that. What a ridiculous statement to make. Like Hiller or not, like his videos, his style or content or not, but this is your own fucked up narrative, acting like some community college psychologist and painting Hiller as what...some abusive, angry danger to his girlfriend?


If you can’t see how crazy he is after watching this, then you have 5 brain cells. Hiller compares Brian to Bill Cosby the rapist, and you clapped like a monkey, but when I say that Hiller is a psycho it’s “fuck off with that”. Quit being so brainwashed by this influencer my man.


I don’t agree with the allegations of abuse but the phrase of “you clapped like a monkey” made me LOL


I actually said bill on a spectrum of people who have discredited themselves, and said Brian is not like him.




You’re assuming I want to be like everyone else. You’d be wrong. Also, don’t bring Alexis into this. You’re projecting some weird shit there.


Dude you’re airing private messages online for everyone to see. Don’t get salty when people bring your chick into things, you’ve made it fair game by having her in the public eye. Going after people online then the single mention of her and you get offended 😂😂😂


Maybe the most Reddit comment ever. Built up an entire scenario in your head and spit it as truth. So weird. (For the record, I am not a huge Hiller nor Brian fan)


Bro, he has 5+ built up scenarios that he built up in his head in this video.


one of the best things Hiller has ever done!

