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I prefer listening to music, but here’s a list of audio books narrated by Samuel L. Jackson if you wanted to listen to something during a metcon https://www.audible.com/search?searchNarrator=Samuel+L+Jackson&source_code=GO1PP30DTRIAL54703142491H0&ds_rl=1261256&gclid=CjwKCAjwkuqvBhAQEiwA65XxQHuS1vkDD0EdMcD5VGkEn9f9eQiCM4SeS3PxFBGlBkTXgELz_El-DhoCun8QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds


Thank you so much!!!


Not really CrossFit related but David Goggins book can’t hurt me is good on audio.


Thank you!!!


Katrin’s book is good, Bergeron’s book is not, Sam Briggs’ book is good but the audiobook voice is bad. Happy listening!


Oh thank you!!!! So so much!


Mat Fraser’s book is good. But it’s comical how he avoids using Fronings name a few times. -the guy that won the games before me


I listened to Mat’s book but it’s been years. I forgot about him not saying Fronings name. 🤣 I listen to audio books rucking- not in the gym. It seems to make the time go by faster with a ruck. Thanks!!!


Have you tried podcasts? Talking Elite Fitness is my go to.


I love podcasts! I am looking for audio books specifically because I am training for the Pack test for wildfire and I use books as a reward so I go train. Haha. It works well for me as motivation for this type of training. A good audio book is my reward to get out and grind the miles out. I don’t listen to it any other time so the reward is hearing the story on the ruck. :) I do love TEF podcast though!!!


That’s really cool. What’s your typical mileage and weight for that training?


I work my weight and distance up over about 6 weeks, 2x a week. Final test is 45# pack for 3 miles under 45 min. I’m female but doesn’t matter. A ruck still needs to be carried the distance no matter female or male. 🔥


Awesome. Good luck!


Thank you! Last year I finished in 40:00 flat so I gotta beat that. Oh and you also can’t run. One foot always has to be on the ground. So it’s a quick shuffle.


I’ve heard of the ruck shuffle! I haven’t practiced it though. It’s literally the “I’m in a hurry” walk.