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Crows’ number one predator is the great horned owl, so this makes sense.


Wait, really? I'd love to read a source on that


I learned that on Cornell Lab’s course on crows but it’s a paid course. I still highly recommend it if you’re into learning about crows! It’s called The Hidden Life of the American Crow if you’re interested.


hm all of my text was deleted. anyway, i was walking my dog and noticed a bunch of crows flocking to a tree and yelling. i stood still for a moment before i could see the owls eyes peeking out. i spent about five minutes trying to get some sort of in focus video footage, and am glad i got one of the crow body slams on camera lol.


> *"...I just want to sleep..."* - Owl, probably


"You leave now!"- Crows, angrily


They eat their baby crows and can even kill adult crows too so they flock attack them to show territory and "get them before they get us". They can chase many massive predatory birds away from areas they nest and feed. Think of humans with bears and lions. Chase, attack, destroy.


This is the one thing I dislike about crows, thier hatred for raptors. I mean I get it and understand why, it's just I feel sorry for the hawks around my place when they get sky-swarmed.


I don't, but that's because the hawks kill my chickens. We've had zero losses since the ravens showed up 6 months ago. They defend the coop in exchange for fresh eggs every morning.


Ohhh how enterpenurial of them. You have litteral guard/attack birds


Ravens, amazing! How do you exchange the eggs with them?


I just leave a pile out on a picnic table every morning, along with some nuts and other goodies.


As someone who has witnessed an eagle carrying a tiny ginger kitten in its talons as it flies over the highway, as well as an eagle ripping apart an adult crow with its beak and talons as the crows helpless mate tried in vain to free them from the eagle, I don’t feel too bad for raptors getting bullied a bit.


:( man i know it's like the circle of life but WOOF


Bird world is hell


Yep, I lost a ginger kitten that I had been trying to TNR for a few weeks. Found the fur right underneath a red tailed hawks nest. In their defense, the hawks are doing a far better job of killing rats than the cats ever did.


Owls are literally the Freddy Krueger of the crow world. I hate the animosity as well but I don't blame them for being proactive.


do you think that could be who murdered 2 rabbits and left their feet on a bench in my neighborhood? or sometimes i just find rabbit fur in chunks. it's not really attached to skin or anything, but it looks weird and like a rabbit exploded or something.


That sounds like an owl or a hawk for sure. It could also be a small land predator! I'm in no way an expert I just know what I've seen walking around the woods.


we definitely have coyotes. i just find it curious that they leave the feet (there was a third in a different location weeks before).


No,no I don't blame them, I just wish all these beautiful birds could live in realitive peace. Ah well. Ce la vie.


They DO live in relative peace! You should have seen things before the treaty was negotiated ...


In the before times




Thank you - interesting.


That owl is regretting its choice of roost.