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i wonder how can you cheat in the game with a decent inventory 🤨🤨 some ppl have too much money


2000 hours, top 1000 in premier, 20 year old steam account, with zero matches on faceit. Hahaha the anticheat is a joke to them


Well, it sadly isn't always their account, my account was stolen like 8 or 9 years ago, items were stolen from dota, but cs still had some left, like volcan, and the account was sold to cheat on. By the time steam support gave it back it was game banned. The ridiculous thing is the guy was rage hacking with my account for weeks and still only received an overwatch, not a vac ban


Cause they know that they won't get ban.


Or they think they won't be punished ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


It definitely started off looking possible but then…. Yeah, that’s crazy


I think you need to look up the word average.


Why is the R8 so popular with cheaters?


Idk, fun gun? I don't cheat and I think it's fun. Although I get a kill 1/5 times I buy it.


no accuracy reduction on movement on the long pulls.


Is that true? I've never looked into it. If so then sheesh


well not "no" but very much reduced. Try it in aimlabs and don't counterstrafe.


I think it's bullet penetration? More damage through walls. Same reason they spin with scouts instead of AK's.


legend says hes still not banned and is playing at this very moment


Yup, my everyday match when i play outside of faceit.. +/- 20K Premier Elo match. Obvious account that has been purchased on a website with 2-3-4-5k+ hours from boted idle server. A shitty 300$ knife with some random and low value skins along that. Most of the time, when you check their leetify stats and past game history there's a point where they were hard stuck at a really low elo and had poor performance and then ouf a suddent they spike straight to a 10-15k elo gain and start being the most consistent prodigy ever... Always a no faceit history account. Or a boosted level 10 faceit from a csgo account that has never played cs2 once on the platform. They are all so obvious and easy to spot.. however, they believe as hard as iron that they are playing and looking like any other "good" legit players around... and try to talk shit and convince everyone.. telling you to get good that you just suck and etc. These guys have such a demesured egos.. that's astounding. Mytonania disorders at it's best.


So good and so real.


That why I now play with cheats, but turn them on only when I see someone cheating


Cowboy Marlboro nice


Are you implying that this is cheating? Looks like a fairly average DMG to me, nothing sus or even out of the ordinary that I can see


just watched it on fullscreen, I take it back lol dang thats some aimlock




I would't report most of these as cheats. What is a legit HS for you and how does it look? The M4 spray... much cheat xD - fr, you are a bloody noob with less than 2k hours i guess.


It’s just blatant aimlock, idk how you can watch the clip at 0:36 and think that’s legit gameplay and a human can move the mouse like that




It’s more like the first shot is weird because his cursor instantly teleports to his head when he starts shooting. He isn’t making the mouse movement as he’s holding down M1 but more like his crosshair jolts to the right and then starts shooting. I also don’t know why you’re acting like one clip being slightly inconclusive means OP is bad when there are plenty of blatant clips in the video


Ok you would report me. I get it. There are plenty, yes but even for the Revolver kills, there are a few that can be legit. Even the hs on long, you never shot threw the smoke and killed on exiting doors? Feelsbadman.jpg


Not sure why you’re cherry picking this one part of the video and missing the entire point but alright


Also the smoke through long door clip I included because he was spamming that part and the guy started coming out and he tracked his head through the smoke perfectly before shooting lol


Where is the aimlock on a short then, or on car? I get the midpushers and the ones on b... but these are just like dude... what is a legit shot for you +1sec Reaction time +Bad visible aim at 100 dpi with a sense of 0,01? Every Flick looks like lock on...


Not sure what car clip you're talking about but if its the 1:00 one, his aim is literally off and too far to the right of his head and his aimbot corrects it immediately. You have to remember these clips are in 0.5x speed. Trust me, I don't sit here and call cheats on everyone who's better than me, but I can see the difference between a good flick and a blatantly aim assisted shot. The short clip I included because his crosshair legitimately follows the guys model through the wall for the second shot, and the third shot does appear to be aim assist because his crosshair is tracking his head. Even when both players are moving the crosshair stays trained exactly on his head.


You're really not that good.


Much wow. Did you ever see me play? No. p.s. I have more hrs in cs than you had in school.


Is that meant to be a flex? "I've spent more time playing videogames than you did in school after 13 years" implies you're a no life loser without a job.


Or that i play, the game for 20 yrs Btw. Yk your on reddit?


Yeah, but I never bragged about how much I use reddit and how great I am at redditing.


I would like to see your faceit account and leetify history... I have been playing counter-strike for almost 20 years now... been grinding thousands of matches on css and csgo on eaea before it was sold to esl.. played alot of faceit also... thousands of none iddle hours on record... GE in go and 21k in Premier... Most of the clips from the video are just obvious closet cheater with a demesured egos at it's best.. i would bet my hand that he also talk shit alot in "all" chat and tell others to get good. You are either trolling right now or just a liar trying to build himself more credibility by claiming you are this and that.. in order to seeks for attention when you are definitely not what you are claiming to be.


well you couldn't be more wrong. Anyhow believe whatever you want. I had an esl player card for 1.6 and source i quit cs before go and played casually to global in :Go with 3 acc's... im not even ranked in Premier because i knew from the :Go beta that the start of the game is gonna be 'rough'... Ever heard 'play gather come together' (ESL before versus at CS:Source times) Don't think to much about other ppl., it's not your strength. Try microflicking on aim_bots you'll see yourself... dare you if you need more than 40 seconds to kill 100 bots hs only.


You talk too much.. all you had to do was droppin the god damn link of your account history instead. Keep dreamin my dude.




>This player is probably not cheating, maybe aim assist, but I used aim like that too. Flick or nothin contradictory sentences back to back? any outside assistance is cheating, you a closet trying to justify your behavior?


watch it on fullscreen you numpty




I refuse to believe anyone is this stupid, so I am going to assume troll.


Aim assist is considered cheating