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P250 on ct is useless, you already have 1 hit kill potential with usps


I think it depends where you play. If I'm playing a closer angle, I prefer P250. But if I'm swinging mid, I prefer the USPS. I know the USPS is 1 shot headshot kill. But the P250 just feels better up close. Maybe it shoots faster?


It does feel more spamable


But p250 feels easier to shoot. I did several aces with p250, but never can get more than 1 kill with usp-s.


"Stares in confused 80% hs with Usp-S" the Usp is a damn HS machine, so freaking clean in round 1. The p250 feels clunky specially long range.


I cant hit shit with it, p250 on the other hand is almost autoaim.


I suggest you fix your aim then... USP is FAR more precise than p250...


I think it's just more of a preference, I liked usp-s in csgo, but in cs2 I'd rather pick up a glock. My aim is fine for my rank (12-13k) and I'm not gonna try to go out of my way just to have higher number in a game, when I'm already enjoying the way I play.


It isnt preference, the USP is more precise than the p250, while the P250 has more armour pen and can be spammed more.... you might not like the USP-S, but on paper, it is more accruate than the p250. But yes, in the end you do you.






Heads are bigger so usp +armor is the best. Why would that make the p250 worse in any way on pistol round


Because with a P250 you have no money for armour.




Gets headshotted immediately


At a 2K elo, armor is probably a good bet.


even at pro level armor is a good bet


I take a nade and a kit first round ct side and the kit wins me lots of rounds. Firstly you can hold the def and people rarely expect the kit. Secondly you can use the smoke/nade to enter into a side or hold off your site. I don’t think armour makes a huge difference in the first round anyway. But I’m not the best player so maybe this is just me.


You’re not wrong, I usually switch it up based on map. Inferno for example - if I’m playing CT on A where I could have to defend entry against multiple sites, I’ll probably go with armor. If I’m playing B site, I might go with a nade and kit. However, when in doubt it’s never a bad idea to go with armor.


not in my elo buddy


This is why I stopped buying armor. Everyone seems to have laser focus at 2k elo.


armor is the correct answer man. ive played for 4k hours. at ur level armor and get ur aim up.


Just came here to agree with +6k hours. Buy armor. I'm giving you some extra advice for pistol rounds. Remember to move sideways when shooting with the Glock; standing still will get you killed. With the USP, it's the other way around. Also, don't spam recklessly with the USP and avoid taking long-range fights with the Glock. Focus on learning the mechanics (aiming, counter-strafing). Gamesense comes with experience.


if you’re bad with usp try the p2k. it’s legitimately good and the slower rate of fire could suit you better. just random suggestions lol. don’t be afraid to play passive and wait for your team on pistol as ct. and just go out with the team on t.


The P2K has exactly the same weapon stats. It merely has a different sound and one extra bullet to compensate for it.


Understood, thank you


Watch NartOutHere and think about using ReFrag. it’s a really nice tool to improve for 7.99 a month. it’s sick. Look it up on YouTube.


I bet their aim is not good but you are not just moving enough/are in the wrong places. I suck at the game and sometimes get 80%+ hs games with a lot of kills when the enemy just doesn't know how to move/position well.


Aim punch is a thing to consider too and armor helps a lot.


You need to work on movement then, if you’re standing still the whole time it’s very easy to get shot, but people at that skill level really struggle to hit a moving target with a pistol. With a usp, move left and right, and just counterstrafe every time you want to shoot. You’ll probably want to work on your tracking to shoot people successfully while doing this too


I think about my options.What can I do with my spawn point? Am I going to entry or am I the last at the party. If I'm last I will mostly play supportive with flashes maybe even smoke's or a nade just to use all the money I have left. But it's also different on ct side where I rarely can use more than one flash but I think I can work on that too. If I will get timing advantage cause of spawn I will mostly play with armor and go for fights.


Yeah I play very situationally with pretty much all my buys, if I can only buy a couple pieces of util, it's all based on the situation, am I CT or T? If CT, smokes and mollies are priority usually to stall pushes, if T, flashes are usually a higher priority for entries. First round is actually tough because it depends if your team has a plan and what map, side and spawn I have. If I'm T and B spawn on D2 I may opt for a tec-9 or armor, or just try to play the glock saving incase the entry goes poorly. Really depends though.


Pistol round is important I don’t think you should ever save on it. And as much as I love tec-9, it’s not really a pistol round weapon. It’s not a bad buy like a deagle would be but usually it’s better to just get armor or maybe a p250 and/or better util if you have a exec plan with your team.


Only rule is on CT you only buy another gun if it’s duelies you drop for someone who has armor. Otherwise usp-s is the best pistol already for whenenemies have no helmet. T it makes sense to buy P250 because it adds 1 shot potential at distance (and the armor pen makes it decent at body shots if needed). But you have to PLAN on taking ranged fights with it (ranged as in further than the glocks 1 shot range) - I personally think you’re trying to apply higher elo meta to low elo gameplay, and it doesn’t really work for you. Armor is more vital in low elo because people don’t hit as many headshots, so having extra protection and less aim punch increases your odds way more than having a kit that adds 5 unneeded seconds to a retake that the enemy won’t know how to play out properly to drag out time, here you’re off better with armor again and better geared to punish them for playing the bomb poorly. So my suggestion is to stick to armor on both sides until you’re around 8-10k elo, then try to expand on it. Again, never substitute your own ct starting gun for another gun, the money is better spent elsewhere as it already provides decent armor pen compared to glock and good accuracy + 1 tap on bare heads. - If you think people on 2k elo have laser focus aim, I guarantee you it’s your movement that’s the problem, you’re making yourself a super easy target, could be standing still in too obvious angles, or not moving and shooting or doing so poorly.


Thank you. Lots to digest. Will definitely work on my movement, leetify been telling me that for a while, I'm not great at the whole a,d dance


i think he is talking about faceit so 2k elo is pretty high like 20-25k MM


No I wasn't talking about faceit * I'm a lowly 2k elo on premier. In my defense though I'm only at 200 hours played lol


oh wtf


hahah alright. well then buy kevlar and tap fire heads. no need to complicate things that early. im 2k elo faceit and almost every time everyone buys kevlar or nades


I would probably buy armor and if not buy util like a smoke and a flash or a kit on ct


There is no best thing. People used to do armor for ct (bc glock body shots) and no armor for T because usp headshots. But you should use whatever your strongest with. Having a player with a kit or util is very helpful vs all armor and no kit/util


>no armor for T because usp headshots He's 2000 elo, though...


He also said "used to"


Just buy armor bro at your elo I doubt there is going to be a lot of strategy going on anyway.


correct answer^


Depends on map and site I’ll defend as CT. I’ll often get a nade and double nade (with a friend/random) a choke if there’s footsteps etc. Mirage B I’ll use an incendiary. If no nade, then armor. I never buy kit as CT r1 or r2. It’s a quick win or loss if there’s a plant as the Ts usually have little util if any. T I don’t buy anything unless it’s a smoke or flash to get to a site. 10k, just my personal, not high rated.


Kinda position dependent on CT side and map dependent as well. Like in inferno, nade stacking B usually works great. Normally it’s armor on CT side tho because Glocks will chew you up. On T side I still usually buy armor but it’s much more reasonable to swap out for some grenades.


P250 is awful choice, take armour as ct and atout or stuff as t


Armor to prevent your aim jumping when you get shot is the usual go-to if you aren’t sure what to get. Stick with the USP or the P2000 on ct side, unless you want to play up close somewhere with Dualies. No need for a p250 when the starting pistols already have good range and 1shot potential. P250 can be alright on T side if you take long range fights, but the Glock is actually really good. Tec-9 kinda slaps sometimes, too Five Seven is super good on eco rounds not pistol round, CZ-75 is useless, deagle is the just the deagle


Unless a specific tactic gets called and someone needs to get util, please just buy armor. I'm so tired of my teammates (lvl 10 included) buying fucking tec9's, 57's, p250 with unused util, etc. The standard pistols are already great and all these noobies throwing early mollys are free kills, even if you can't hit heads. Edit: Just realized you might mean 2k MM and not Faceit elo, in which case you should uncertainly, undoubtedly, 100%, always get armor, never even think about any other options - honestly rather not buy at all & get an early rifle instead, assuming you're comfortable with it.


At 2k you should play DM, aim training maps, throwing nades guides/maps. That only makes you rank up to 10k simply because people at 2k elo have no idea about anything in this game. They are either that bad or first timers who are stupid enough to play premier. It doesn't matter much what you buy first round at this stage, but always buy kevlar and that is it. It's the most advantage you can get for 800 bucks. Better pistol means nothing if you can't survive 1 second being shot. Don't know where your ideas come from, but drop them now. Buy kevlar no matter what. You are not exactly at level where any tactics applies. To sum up, learn shooting and basic nades and you will win most matches at this level almost yourself or by making it very easy for teammates to execute if you throw a good smoke/molly/flash.


pay attention to nade locations, and avoid them. you really dont need armor on first round. especially on T side. notice how often players get 1 tapped by the usp/usp-s. buy a nade and a kit first round ct side buy nothing t side first round flame that retardedness all you want but its gotten me to 20k


Don't overthink it at 2k elo man just buy armor and work on aim


Glock in CSGO sucked, so it made sense to buy the p250. However, the Glock is pretty decent in CS2 so I’d stick with it and learn how to use it. At 2K elo people probably aren’t getting good headshots, so you can’t go wrong with just buying armor. Only buy a nade round 1 if you actually have a plan for it. For example; on CT to stop the rush, or either side if you plan to nade stack with your team.


U can rock a usp or a p2000 and then get a kit in case the round comes down to that which just the other day I won a clutch cuz I had a kit and two of my teammates didn’t. I usually do a smoke and a kit. A smoke deters rushes or makes them easier to handle. Similarly, the tside armor is no good cuz people are looking for headshots anyways. So a flash and smoke is usually good


Depends on the map for me. Inferno / Ancient I buy nade, flash, p250. Then nade mid. Other maps I buy armour.


As the last hope on the team i always choose the defuse


Imo, if you're not buying for someone, get armor, aim punch is a btch and WILL get you killed


Ct side - kit + nade T side - armor


When I feel like buying CT side first round, it's things that will help me prevent or delay a rush from Ts. So depending on the maps and positions, it would be Molly+flash or smoke flash and nade. I hardly ever buy a kit first round.


So, I buy differently on round 1 depending on side and map, for example on Inferno, I like to buy a nade and a defuser on CT to nade stack banana/mid. 9/10 I'll be buying armor on T side, but every so often I'll do 2 flash and a smoke if we're trying to play a lil slower (if we know the enemies are good). I also like to do the "raid boss" strat, where someone buys a tec-9 and drops it to someone who buys armor. A lot of people will full save on pistol as well, so they're ahead on eco early (most of the time if you're less confident in your pistol rounds, I recommend this) there's a lot of different buys for different play styles and situations as well, this is just how i like to play.


I buy armor in t side and a kit and nade in ct side


Get armor, otherwise aimpunch from a torso hit will f you up


On CT, just armor. On T, you can also go with armor, but what I like to do is buy P250, smoke, and flash.


Buying any pistol on CT first round is pointless, like everyone said. But still vs armor depends on where you play. Example: dust2, if you're alone in B, get a smoke for tunnels. That and a flash. There are other positions that can work better with armor, but I'm more of a utility guy. That's personal preference. If you defend your site with someone else, one of you could have the utilities and the other can get armor.


as someone with 10k hours I will share my opinion on the D2 for example or should I say my Play for 1st round and IT all depends on the map and which side you play and how you want to play. 🛑D2 *D2 CT side LONG play: buy granade and pair it pistol you are comfortable I suggest something you can spam, I use 5"seveN. *D2 CT side goose or "A" box play: keep USP as it can easily pick heads on long and short! sometime nade can be useful if Ts are pushing short. *D2 CT side Mid play: USP and buy flashes, it can be useful if they are pushing Mid door or B. *D2 CT side B play: buy grande and keep USP and play from platform for maximum damage. *D2 T side B rush: tec9 and flashes ( if not taking taking the entry keep glock ) *D2 T side Mid to short rush: Buy molly throw it towards mid doors and keep glock. *D2 T side long rush: tec9 and flashes. ( if not taking taking the entry keep glock ) Best pair with someone rush short.


buy armor, as it will remove the "aimpunch" when u get hit without armor ur charakter is going to "flinch" alot, when u have armor not so much so u can keep ur aim on point


kevlar. depending on the map 1-2 teammates should get some util and maybe drop a dual baretta to a mate with kevlar. But dont do this at 2k premier elo. People rarely do this at 2k faceit elo but its the meta. for now just get kevlar and work on mechanics and macro play


armor 99% of the time before you get to higher ranks and can coordinate with your team. You can buy a HE + something at times on CT if you play like B on inferno and wanna gamble on them rushing. Just stick to armor. You will know when you get better when to switch it up.


If you win pistol round enemy going be broke on pistols and no utility for 2nd so just upgrade to smg and push same site as 1st round and you’ll easily over power them…Pistol round frags and win gives the team on winning side a lot of advantage for next few rounds. On CT side always buy a kit…amount of times I’ve killed all enemies only to not have a kit to defuse faster is one of my many flaws that keeps me in lower ranks 🤷‍♂️


Depends, if its a 2k elo premier or faceit. If its premier, id buy nade always, if its faceit then smoke or incendiary. Armor is only good at high range in pistol rounds, but if you focus on your aim and dont rush , it should not be a problem


Dualies + nade on CT side Tec and flash on T


kit + smoke


I'm not buying the first round on either side in the last 2-3 weeks. Only when my teammates and I agree on some tactics which is almost never. Second round depending on if it was win or not. For T side win-> fullarmor+mac-10+almost all grenades(if you can't use them well, you don't need to buy most of them.) For CT side win-> fullarmor+MP-9+nades+defkit. When we lose first round im going full eco 99% times.


I usually buy armor and a decoy grenade. At high elo people will instantly know it's a decoy but not at lower ranks and can actually add benefit, e.g. you're all going A site, throw a decoy toward B from spawn and the people holding B may stay there a bit longer giving your team the numbers advantage for longer. Sometimes I'll opt for HE, Smoke, Flash instead of armor+decoy depending on the map and what my team is buying. E.g. I'm holding long on D2 or banana on Inferno, those can be huge if the enemy team is rushing. Cant count how many times I've pulled down 2-4 ppl to around 60hp from just the nade making them much easier to kill at elo where it's mostly bodyshots anyway. If you don't buy armor, make sure you don't play as aggresively though and let your teammates take the engagements with you nading and then flashing for them. I almost never buy a gun in the first round. The usp is pretty great except it's low amount of ammo imo and the glock is a beast if you use it correctly. Avoid taking super long range fights like sitting in pit on long vs A site and instead rush in, move a lot and spam the fuck out of the other team. \^\^


First of all, forget any other weapon exists other than: CT - usp-s, p250, mp-9, m4a4, m4a1-s, awp T - glock, p250, mac-10, ak-47, awp (Simplify your game especially if you're trying to get good rather than play for fun) First round for T if you're planning on staying alive and dueling for clean headshots go for p250 and a smoke. If you're rushing glock and kevlar will do. First round for CT is different because it's highly situational on the map and where you're defending in the map and do you have a premade to do different strats with. Generally speaking you do not buy a weapon as CT because usp-s is considered a really good weapon by default. That being said there are some variations like so: Usp-s + kevlar is ok, Usp-s + kit + nades is ok, Usp-s + any assortion of nades is ok.


my first round: CT-1 molotov,1 flash T -2 flash, 1 smoke


Hey. You can either buy armor or you buy smoke and flash. Can also buy p250 to not have to play with Glock. (i used to be a global in the Csgo times, recently came back to the game, got ranked 4.2k, now after a couple of weeks I am now at 15k elo. Not sure what that correlates to though.)


Glock is totally op. Super accurate when you shoot slowly and insane when rushing. If you get headshotted often from cts get better with grenades und don't get armor.


i always buy armor ct and t site on some maps if i have a good spawn as ct i maybe go for a HE nade perhaps on dust 2 A long, if i go for this i will usually buy dullies aswell or a smoke. on T side i sometimes buy smoke and dullies or p250. but like 95% i just buy armor


personally, in the first round i prefer to buy smoke, grenade and flashbang/zeus instead of armor because armor is kind of a waste of money imo, because you aim for the head most of the times and the $650 armor does nothing to protect your head, but for lower ranks you can go with the armor, lower rank players(talking from experience, i used to do that when i was newer to the game) tend to shoot the body more because it s more easier to hit the chest than the head. call me out if im yapping or something


I buy armor and my buddy throws me some duel berretas and I wreak havoc on the Ts, so if you have a friend and good aim that's really fun, not as good on T side though because CTs on pistol rounds are aiming for the head a lot more bc USP As for CT the USPS is just op as shit with headshots and you should really try and aim train with it, make sure you have it equipped though! Not sure if CS2 has it as a default gun or not


I legit thought u meant 2k faceit and downvoted all the noobs suggesting armor xD but yeah buy armor and after climbing the ranks u can try util and def kit as in high elo heads gonna pop and armor rarely needed.


Buy utility if your pistol round tactic require that. As a ct, i usually buy kits and smoke if no one else does not buy kits As a terrorist, glock is just overpower with kevlar. That is a default buy if we are not needed to buy smoke/flash (then i would buy p250 for the better long-range damage)




Smoke and a kit is pretty good, armor is usually the go to. On T side I like upgrading my pistol to a p250, if I'm teamed with some good players I might buy two and drop them one. Otherwise you just get armor. Maybe one person on your team gets a flash? At your elo though, it's hard to recommend anything other than armor and maybe better pistol.


Always buy armor


16k here. I buy a nade if I’m ct ant they are playing into me. That’s it. I also would use the p2000. More ammo that usps and feels more accurate. No need to buy another pistol. You turn on follow recoil setting and slow down your shots and you will hit more.


I usually go for the Five-seveN if CT and the Tec-9 if T. Sometimes I’ll get a DE, but being able fire about ~20 rounds quickly has worked well for me and those are both deadly with headshots. Plus pistol round is usually the only time I will actually buy one unless I plan on picking up something from a corpse.


You should read the other replies posted here to make your gameplay better, if you’re interested in that, otherwise you do you, but it’s definitely not ideal, but not everyone is trying to play min max and I can dig that.


I just play causal so I don’t really care…


Which is fair, but why are you giving advice to someone asking for competitive help then 😬 It was really bad advice


lol I didn’t say he should do it…


P250 plus grenade