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All items are overpriced for what they give


Meh. There are some really cool skins for <50€ that are fun to play with. Other games also have people buying 50€ skins. In CS2 i can resell them, so I know which one I'd pick. But yes, for that reason I also own skins. I know im proving your point right, but that doesnt invalidate mine! :D Edit: Wanted to reply to the guy below you. Long day


All the skins are overpriced for what you're getting, anyone who says otherwise has money tied up in them, just remember that


They're not even StatTrak™ and yet they're >$75 for the most garbage patterns, OFC they're overpriced.


All skins are overpriced you are basically spending money on differentiate colour of pixels


Racing green gloves are best budget gloves imo even in BS they look ok and cost 40€


there are these orange hand wraps, they are imo in the top 5 looking gloves in the game and they are like 70 bucks in mw. i think the op only looks at factory new gloves, they are actually all cheap in normal conditions. like even these gloves that are 60-70 bucks in ft and mw cost upwards of 300 or 400 dollars in fn, but like that is just not worth spending 300 extra bucks on lol


the turtle greens?


Driver gloves racing green


Yeah, I've always thought this. I'd rather have a more expensive knife than a cheaper knife with gloves. Personally, I think the default gloves look great and, naturally, fit the character models well. I also think gloves look good, but massively disproportionate to their cost. Like, imo, the upgrade from default knife to any other knife is pretty big, but the upgrade from default gloves to any glove is quite small. Animations are probably part of the reason I think that


The gloves are a pretty big upgrade IMO if they specifically go well with the knife, e.g. hedge maze with emerald butterfly knife.


Well that's a "Budget" combo 😅


I saw jL using it in an ohnepixel video :D You can tell if someone is a serious cyclist because their bicycles are worth more than their car. I guess CS2 is just taking that across to e-sports.


I know people aren't a fan of them, but I personally like the black tie drivers gloves and everything under minimum wear looks like absolute trash so that'll set you back like $500+ which is tough to justify. I decided should CS ever get a proper anti-cheat I'd grab a pair but, that day isn't coming anytime soon \^\_\^


I think ANYTHING you have to buy in a video game is overpriced. It’s like a casino that you can’t cash out of.


Cosmetics that dont affect gameplay are the best form of monetization. And cs2 is one of the rare games where you CAN cash out


I would argue that it’s the downward spiral of gaming with CS2 being the perfect example. Everybody knows everything wrong with the game, but Valve only cares about “fake” materials like skins making them billions. So the game sucks, but the company takes it in for BS pixels that can disappear at any moment.


It is a completely voluntary purchase. The other options are paying for an expansion or rehash every year like fifa or cod. Or paying a monthly subscription fee AND for expansions like WoW. Or spending real money to get stronger in game. Cosmetics are the best way for a company to support itself without screwing the players for money. It’s the player base’s fault that the skins are more important than the quality of the game. Were allowed to speak with our wallets, and the playerbase says they want more skins. We could grow a brain and stop buying cases (which lootboxes ARE a problem, im not denying that) and force them to fix the game. But the alternative to voluntary skins is mandatory fees and purchases.


I disagree. Played CS / CZ for the last 20 years. Servers packed every night. Cost $0. I provided custom skins to players in my server for FREE. Monetizing content gameplay might be the “new norm”, but it’s a bullshit model. It clearly gives priority to paid content I stead of better games. We got to this point because technology was being driven to improve to make the GAME better. Now shareholders are looking instead at how to make the in game content profits better. Given a choice to spend money on R&D to push hardware even further, they will instead lean on a business plan to increase in game sales.


> Played CS / CZ for the last 20 years. Servers packed every night. Cost $0. … And how exactly are companies supposed to make money off of that? You cant change the fact that companies want more money. I would rather give it to companies of my own volition than have to buy a reskinned call of duty every year. Especially games that people play for thousands of hours. You cant have constant updates without cash flow. Sure a subscription model might be better, but then your playerbase would diminish and poorer people wouldn’t play. Ive probably opened like 20 cases in 10 years. I wish people would stop giving valve money right now. We have the power. We’re just squandering it. How do ypu suggest things should change? Switching to subscription model is the only valid choice i can imagine when someone plays the same game for 5000 hours


These companies became giants before paid content. CS was famous before paid content, not because of it. I don’t think the issue is “how will they make money?”…. It’s “how much money is enough?”. Was Valve making BILLIONS in the CS 1.6 days? No. Does Valve NEED to make billions in the CS2 days? No. Greed trumps all reason and moral compass. They snatched a game born of good gameplay and community innovation and convoluted into a cash-cow solely for paid content, while ignoring the actual game content and game play experience.


back then you had to buy half-life. cs was a mod of half life. so you needed hl.exe (i.e. a paid version of half-life to play it). even buying blue shift for $10 got you hl.exe


Yes. $10 for the game. No paid in-game content. Skins were free for another 20 years. Hell, how much is a “Prime” enabled account upgrade now? ….$10 over a 29 year span is not the same as the billion dollar earning sheet they are posting now.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 10 + 20 + 10 + 29 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


You can cashout and you dont need gloves to play cs The prices are made by the Community (supply and demand) bc it seems like enough ppl think its fair price otherwise they wouldnt buy it


The devs have a hand in this too. Rarity is a factor in price.


How do you cash out?


Sell them???


How? Using what platform? How do you get the money you spent OUT of your bank account back IN your bank account?


Skinport csfloat gamerpay Twitter traders skinbaron buff market skinbid bitskins


So open up more security holes…. Is this why there are so many posts about people getting their inventory stolen, scammed, hacked, etc.?


They are getting api scammed or scammed bc of stupidity but skinport has browser extensions that re check trades you do with their bots to prevent that


There are enough youtube videos explaining api and most common scams +how to prevent getting scammed


The fact that there are THAT many videos about it says all you need to know. 😂


Its really not complicated stop trynna act like its a crazy scam infested thing😂 you buy something the same way you buy anything else online and then you sell it the same way. If your not careful just like with anything else you can get burned. People are just careless


People are getting their accounts stolen because they click phishing links. People get scammed because they’re greedy a lot of the time. If you’re careful and use common sense it’s very easy to cash out.


Loads of sites to sell for real money if that's what you are asking


“I’ve know nothing about this game but I’m going to give you my opinion anyway” nice dude. 


I have been playing CS for over 20 years (about 10,000 hrs on record), and building and hosting dedicated servers. What do you mean by “don’t know anything” ?


Playing for 20 years and don’t know about cash out options for skins? Maybe I misread 


In game paid content arrived to CS in 2013 via CSGO. That’s 10 years later. Most CS players didn’t switch to CSGO because 1. It sucked, and 2. It was for kids (mainly). Sprint content (of any kind) has only existed for 10 years max. Out of those 10 years, most trading sites came later. When I can “sell” a skin on the STEAM marketplace, and then put that money directly back into my bank account from STEAM, let me know.


CS skins are extremely lucrative and reliable compared to other speculative collectibles, and the market free floats with numerous legitimate businesses operating as exchanges. What you’re saying is basically the equivalent of “valuable Pokemon cards have no cash out option because Nintendo won’t rebuy them”. No denying CS skins as an “investment” are EXTREMELY speculative and at risk of total nullification if Valve ever pulls the plug. However, as long as trading exists on steam, you will, for a fact, be able to cash out skins. 


“Cash out”. Using third party sites to transfer balances to…what, exactly? I don’t see anyone going out to dinner and saying “I’m paying for this whole party / tab with money from CS skins.” But I think the point here is being missed completely….. They took a game that was made famous for it’s revolutionary FPS gameplay and morphed it into a billion-dollar gambling game for skins, while simultaneously not reinvesting any of the profit into the game to bring the maps people love into the game, do nothing about cheaters, etc. They are making billions on the back of a NAME, but is now just apparently a Pokémon card gambling site with a third party support market.


You can cash it out straight to your bank for a good majority of sites nowadays (depending on location), however crypto exchange then a bank transfer is probably the more common method. There were also plenty of full time traders prior to the 7-day trade hold who were earning a full income purely off CS skins, and plenty more who’ve earned outrageous sums through the release of CS2. I think we can agree CS skins aren’t an investment security, but it’s hard to deny that they’re (potentially) valuable collectibles in the same sense as TCGs, legos, NFTs, etc. It’s a speculative but fun market if you have money to burn.  On your point about the broader CS skin market/MTX system, I agree that the market has had unfortunate side effects on the player base and community. Gambling was a problem that has mostly been stomped out at the third-party level, but if you’re talking about cases, it is what it is for better or worse.  Something to think about though: if skins were never introduced to counter strike, do you think the game would still be around in the same capacity in today’s gaming market? Love them or hate them, tradable skins are a core feature that has helped counter strike grow to be the largest and most iconic FPS game of all time. You talk about Valve not using their resources towards counter strike, but I’d bet CS would be getting the TF2 treatment by now if it weren’t for skins. 


there are many "budget" gloves and knives you could buy. for example an ursus blue steel is 200 bucks which imo is one of he best knives in the game, you compare that to any knife that is blow that or like 50 dollars more than that and they all pale in comparison. also there are so many great gloves for 70-100 bucks.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 420. Congrats! 200 + 50 + 70 + 100 = 420 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


yo i got this bot twice today whats up with it?


You like 200 150 50 20


You see your gloves all the time, that’s why they are so expensive. They can create insane combos with weapons and knife skins.


They are priced at whatever people will pay.


They cost exactly the amount other people are willing to pay for them.


My whole inventory is like $30. Except my knife. Which I was gifted. And it’s not bad at all. Just hate default shit.


Many will not agree on this, but in my opinion [Nocts ](https://csgostash.com/glove/64/Sport-Gloves-Nocts)sport gloves are the worst. Literally default gloves with a rather high price tag. >Is it just me or gloves are just a waste of money... Every skin is a waste of money really, unless you do some research and buy specific ones as investments.


There's a very small sweet spot when buying gloves price wise. If you're buying them as a play skin, you should almost always go for FT, with a float around 0.19-0.23 The overpay over market FT will be 10-30% depending on the gloves, but they'll look much, much better. For half the price, they'll look similar to MW if you find a good wear pattern. [Here's a good video on this.](https://youtu.be/CjVv2YLqIRQ)


Its all about Supply and Demand. Straight up. If no one wanted gloves, they would be 10cents on the market. But no- they are 'rare' and everyone wants a pair. Demand > Supply. No different than Cars. You want a Lambo or a BMW? Phones. You want the brand new IPHONE 100 or the old Galaxy 1? Clothes. True Religion Jeans or walmart? Watches. Fossil or Rolex? They do it with drugs too. Name brand or generic?


It’s an inflated Ponzi scheme


It only means it is overpriced FOR YOU. For some other dudes they are not and they pay for it. It gives you a glimpse of what some other rich dudes think what may be worth purchasing. There is nothing wrong to think it is overpriced and decide not to purchase. All the price variations in steam market is self regulated by supply and demand relation and the only thing Valve has some control over is supply. For items that they limit supply become more expensive and vice versa. Probably for some legal reasons they don’t directly sell those at the Steam market but rather sell them through key opening mechanism for $2.5 + box price (free to whatever you purchase from other users who got it for free, or playing the game). Then whatever that produces are supplied to the community market at different amounts and the less they are supplied the more expensive they get. It can be explained by the randomness of demand for every item, there is always some guys who can purchase those for enormous amounts of money (but they can get away with paying much less as it is offered at a much lower price). If there is only a few offered, only those super rich can afford it, setting the price way up. This situation creates the following outcomes: the steam market users who get lucky to obtain those rare items through case opening (paying the gambling price) could sell it to the rich kids and become rich. With that goal, they become addicted to purchase items and end up purchasing a whole lot of cases and keys. That’s why selling those cases are worth any money. By including the whole community into this ecosystem, Valve gets away with getting kids addicted to gambling which would be impossible for any casino to achieve. Anyway, long story short: don’t purchase the gloves if you think they are overpriced. Let them get purchased by anyone who thinks otherwise.


Everything should be attainable through in game actions. We’re in and have been in a dystopia for awhile