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might as well just play on Stake and have a chance of getting real $$$$ lmfao


This is so sad but very True at the samé time.


Stake is banned in Germany 😭🙏


Use a vpn to login, old accounts can then still operate and cash whatever. Just recently hit a 500x on 17€ and bought knife/gloves for it.


Tbh not even gambling degens could defend this update since there's not even a new case added(for a literal 25 anniversary) or an operation Valve just missed the mark big time this time


Valve is just missing EVERYTHING since CS2


Definitely not since CS2 even back in 1.6 it was the same crap


Young buck said wtf is poolday lmao


There are only 5 people working on Cs2 Hahahhahahahhahahhaa@aaaaa


Give me shoe skins already!


I need a hatchet skin for Danger Zone


It's okay let's just hol up until the next anniversary only 5 years to go. Oh wait...


CS20 Case came 1 month after the anniversary, nothing new


the maps suck honeslty, wingman ones are nice, wtf is pool day, performance is lacking and has been, my bullets still go through ppl who have half my ping, good times, back to elden ring


Pool day is an old school FY map. It’s dope and legendary


Poolday and poolparty were old community maps, back from the OG CS, the total playtime of those maps probably rival the total playtime of overpass or cache.


fy_poolday is an OG map. First map I ever played on 1.3.


Mills plays decent from my 2 games but Thera is rough, beautiful map but it’s just too cluttered and claustrophobic


This is what I thought at first when playing it on casual (10v10), but after playing a few games on competitive (5v5), I'm liking Thera a lot! I'm thinking others will start to think this way with time.


I think thera is fine but mills is to wide and open. T side is hard.


Absolutely love both, at first I was trashing on thera for looking like something out of a disney movie but now it may just be one of my favorite maps! Colors are still lame but there’s so many awesome obstacles for movement, being close together gives good opportunities for peaking/repositioning, and it’s easy to rotate and hear where the enemies are going. Definitely takes some getting used to but I’m loving it! Same with mills I like the openness personally, as well as the sites and different buildings you can go into and there’s definitely some great spots for movement plays. Momento seemed good will take some getting used to, pool day sure I don’t care personally, and not a fan of assembly at all but maybe that’ll grow on me too


how can you not know pool day? are you 12?


poolday is a legend. mills and thera are spectacular too.


The maps are actually good. Also get ur money up and get a good pc lmao


The maps are fun to run around on but in no way are actually good competitive maps.


There are so many bootlickers of a fucking multi million company that cant bring something amazing for their 25th anniversary lol. Some of you seem like valve’s bots


Multi billion***


To be honest, I'm basically just in the middle. I still enjoy the game, even though it doesn't live up to the height of CSGO, nor the hype of CS2. There have been big improvements on cs2 since the beta as expected and tbh I think it'll keep getting better - it's just disappointing how little they seem to do or even care. Overall though, I still hop on the gane with friends basically every night and for the most part just enjoy the game. Yes there are cheaters and it's definitely a huge problem, especially overseas, but here in South Africa it's actually not been that terrible for me. Not much worse than GO, but it's definitely more rare for someone to have my experience with cheaters. At least it's not going backwards with each update.


I’m with you here. It’s been a suck fest waiting for them to fix everything since launch and they should have kept CS:GO at least for a while. I’m just glad I’m not good enough to be at ELO where cheating is bad. 😂


Some of us have better shit to get upset about than not getting what we wanted in a free video game update.


Youre shadow boxing my guy, i played for 2.5 hours for the past week lol. Its just pathetic from valve


Play something else man I’ve been gone for 2 months now. Its been decent break. Playing different games and touching GRASS lol


i’ve been touching grass for 2 years man. more chill and relaxing than playing this fcking game 🤣


You only been touchin grass for 2 years wtf typa statement is that


havent played since mar,21,2021. its really disappointing how this game turned out


agreed, playing phasmophobia rn and eat grass


damn i haven't hopped on phasmophobia in a long time!


thats what im saying


I just got back to WoW, nerding hard in Cata Classic ATM. Grass is sooo green in Kalimdor lol


It's literally funny thing how people are still playing cs2. Valve doesn't give a shit what players are saying, or wanting and especially needing. Cs2 has been only a shadow of older versions, better graphics are not the main thing what makes cs2 better than older versions. Now we got a little bit bigger update but the community was literally behind of it, Valve just released it.




It seems the more people play a game, the more it becomes about monetization in stead of tackling core gameplay issues. Yes, the game has become a shell of what it once was. Seeing this with the majority of mp games the last decade. It's all about corporate greed and not about making the game more stable.


New maps are cool. Disappointed on the lack of operations and communication though. Anti cheat needs fixing. A new skin collection would be nice with the operation too.


Tbf Valve never had any good communication.


I imagine if they were transparent with their "roadmap" CS2 would be dead on launch


After today’s update, am uninstalling and getting some fresh air, fuck this shit. Only cheaters and a shitty map pool, Valve doesn’t care about the game anymore, they need some changes for yesterday.


its not even valve that made the maps, they're community made, soo that should tell us something.


Haven’t seen a blatant cheater for a fat minute lmao. Ur still acting like it was a few months ago when we saw them in dm and casual every game


In Brazil I still do. Every mode.


Brazil? I would stay inside


Oh don’t worry, I don’t live in Rio lol, there are some places in Brazil that are not that problematic


You kidding? 5 out of my last 8 games I had blatant cheaters head shooting everyone through walls with scout? All within the last week.


I agree there are less cheaters but the game is still a mess. Hitreg is horrible, servers are trash, rubberbanding on 15 ping etc


Ya I agree unfortunately. After 15 years or so playing counter strike, I think I’m done. Think I’ll go home now. o7


See you next week




Ok, drop your steam here and we will check.


Yep, relatable. I've been playing less and less since CS2. Started playing when I was 6 years old with 1.3(I think? I remember the old player models). Wish they had never touched csgo honestly. Im glad the theme of replacing a game with a worse version of itself and slapping a 2 onto it while it slowly dies is a reoccurring trend these days.


I get why they had to port it over, the spaghetti code would have been insane at this stage of CSGO... however the closed beta and not taking any feedback onboard from it was terrible. They made a deadline and stuck to it even though, in retrospect, CS2 probably needed at least another year in beta and loads of A/B testing.


I'm fine with the drip feed content as long as they fix the cheater problem. Genuinely feel disgusted when my first game is the day has 'legit' cheaters with level 4 steam accounts


i would've been fine with filler content too, if the game was playable, as you said.


to get into higher ranks is to play in HvH


The 25th anniversary update is only in people's heads. There is no such thing, they did not release anything like it and never told they would. Today's update is just another one and at least they added some maps to some modes. The game core is still far from good. They once told they wanted to focus on the core before they start adding more content, yet we get more content and the core is still broken lol. It's just Valve, don't take them seriously.


i really ain't starting to take them seriously. i believed them to be the only actual sane game company that cares about the shit they make, but it seems like everything that has been released by them in the past few years is anything but serious, or good, in that matter. take it from someone that grew up playing mostly games made by valve.


I'm enjoying the new maps :)


i just want cache


2025. fmpone is working on it.


I wouldn’t mind too much if they released cases and a few mew maps or old remakes to commentate the 25th anniversary of CS instead we have nothing other than some minor updates here or there. Can understand the logic but even that understanding is something that has its limits and patience


exactly, patience is the key word.


My best decision after it released, was to sell every item. Came back one last time on the major and they still havent done shit. Got some golden z4kr - changed my review - uninstalled.


Maybe CS just isn’t for you? I’ve been playing the same 3 maps (dust2,mirage, and inferno) for the last 15 years and it’s still all the content I need.


Cs2 is dead hahahhaha


Million and a half players every day is dead I guess?


Oh my little sunshine....the game got worse and worse with the updates, more people quit but the numbers still went up How many are bots? 400.000? 600.000? 800.000? Chinese websites are full of bot tools just for 10usd per month, everywhere are ads for Cs2 bots


Provide actual evidence/sources or stop wasting your time explaining something you don’t understand


Hahahhaaha just play the game and have fun dude. I dont post links to cheater websites


Damn, crazy how that works when you ask for actual credibility for dumb shit people say


Play something else then jesus christ


i am tho, can't say siege is in a better state than cs2 but atleast that game is getting updates 🤣🤣 don't understand why a person should play another game and can't criticize the game they're loving in the first place without avid reddit users hopping on their ass.


Wait until you find out about how many cheaters are in R6


There’s a stark difference between criticism and complaints. Learn it.


will you ever be pleased lmfao, this shits such an echo chamber. new case = VALVE DOESNT CARE, new maps = VALVE DOESNT CARE, constant bug fixes and shit like cl_lefthand being added = VALVE DOESNT CARE.  maybe look for a different, more positive hobby


i agree it’s become such a cringe cesspit of complaints, as if these people do nothing else with their lives but play cs


Valve legitimately doesn’t care. It’s a pathetic excuse of an update for 25th anniversary. New anticheat, new operation, season 2 of premier and maybe we’ll see


Imagine defending valve when it comes to cs2 :)))


imagine being a whiny negative bitch about literally everything valve does. im not happy with the state of cs2 either but when they do good things LIKE LITERALLY ADD NEW CONTENT, yea im actually quite pleased about that.


Keep making excuses for valve's incompetence/indifference about cs2, i'm sure Gabe will praise you...


Add community map != good update. What th r they doing in their office?


adding content to a very content lacking game is actually a good thing yes and id like to encourage them to do it more often :)


Release an empty game and add nothing but a community maps and one case with a community skins is a genius


Some update will cater to different peple. People are working on stuff like the game modes it might just take time.


if you think that a case and some COMMUNITY maps is peak content along with shit like lefthand THAT WAS ALREADY IN CSGO BACK WHEN IT LAUNCHED then i don't know what to say anymore...


never said its peak, either way youre seething and im actually having fun with the game rn :) 


Where are the removed game modes then? Where are the working community servers? Where is fucking former maps, where is the fucking operation in years, where is the working anti cheat? This game is a downgrade, not an upgrade.


Cache and train is being worked on. Fmpone posts updates.


https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2186934885 we had these many maps to play on in addition to variety of game modes, now I accept that not all maps were in the last version of csgo, but still even with the final version of csgo we had a lot more maps then what we currently have. Just two maps won't fix it even though its a step in the right way.


Yes, step by step. We got 5 new maps and probably more in future.


maybe we didnt get an operation but at least there are more and more cheaters since the last ban wave


Yea the lack of support for this game is not worth my time or money. Valve is garbage for how they treat the community


I just retired from cs, due to the lack of interest from the development of the game since the developers aren't listening to the community. I know we complain alot and valve have a tendency to not give a f**k about the complaints anymore. So I decided to stop using my copium tank for this disappointing version of cs.


same. its sad because even my friends quit the game, and its funny because all we would speak about when we were playing was cs. what would cs2 be like, if we wanna hop on csgo, and so on. only cs. ever since cs2's release, we really don't give a single shit about the game no more.


I think valve is treating the release of CS2 as technically an operation. I wouldn’t wait for one, maybe see one a year or two from now.


it's a legal gambling app


You still play?


Why is everyone whaling about 25 year anniversary and expecting a huge update? Firstly, none of you would know its a 25 year anniversary if they didn't specifically tell you. They didn't release a patch to celebrate it, did they say they would? Did they release a big patch for a 15 year or 20 year anniversary?? No they didn't. So what the FUCK are you morons even complaining about


they did lmao you weren't here for the cs20 case I guess?


That's a big celebration to you, more skins? Get a fucking grip


I'm just saying, we haven't actually gotten a patch for the 25th anniversary yet. Everyone asking "this is it?" forgot how the 20th anniversary patch also came super late.


soo then why the fuck are people paying for shit such as cases and skins in the first place? just to sit and look at the skins when they can't even play the fucking game cause every single game you queue consists of atleast one cheater? i swear i don't get some of y'all mfs defending a big ass company. you're legit the reason why they keep on fucking sleeping and not doing shit. you just blindly give them your money and act like ignorant bitches.


Valorant ass maps


im havin fun


that's what matters... but when u queue a premier game and get fucked by hackers... that's not fun. as i said in another post, even csgo had less cheaters than this shit. all they've done is replace 12 years of their work with a shitty game, made some nice visuals and called it a day. its unsettling how many people defend them aswell.


:) fellow fun enjoyer


Jesus Christ how about you stop bitching for 5 seconds and be happy we got anything, if you hate the game so much play something else


Great, getting rekt by cheaters on comp and premier and now its time to get rekt by them on pool day for the 25th anniversary


It depends on trustfactor. On main 20k EU no problem, on smurf 14k cheaters every game.


100%. I genuinely just don’t see the issues people on Reddit bitch about and judging by the player count it’s easy to say that the redditors are not a proper representation of the main player base


Reddit is an echo chamber. If you play multiple games you see in each sub people complaining. When you play the game you see thousands just playing the game without any idea whats going on on reddit.


We playing elden ring with this update 💪💯


hopefully in a few year's time they realize they fucked up and revive csgo :P




Csgo is dead for valve but in 3 years you look back and accept csgo was outdated. Same story when csgo released.


no it wasnt. the game looked completely fine and played flawlessly. not every game needs to have these insanely realistic graphics that cs2 has.


Not sure when you joined but the community wanted source 2. I mean you are free to play csgo on one of the projects.


joined in 2016. the community wanted 128 tickrate mm, better mm like any other game has and a better anticheat, nothing more than that. if you asked anyone 2 years ago that is above the rank of dmg whether he wanted this slop or better tickrate and anticheat 100% of the people would have went with the 2nd option. even if this game somehow magically ends up being better than csgo (quite literally impossibe with the direction in which the game is heading), it will take years until that is the case, and by then most of the people will have already moved on.


I remeber upgrade to source 2 next to your mentions ofc. As a software dev myself I'm happy in which direction it's going tbh. It could always be better but there are so many things that come into play.


as a student of software dev what the fuck does software dev have anything to do with any of this, all this is is corporate greed. shutting down go so that everyone either has to transition or quit, pumping the game with skins and an occasional pseudo fix for stuff that is broken (each update you see more and more people complaining that the game is in an unplayable state). being a software dev has nothing to do with your opinion on valve's greed and lack of care for the game's hardcore playerbase.


Wait until you work in corp and you will understand. As a dev you get your tasks you work on them. Maybe as a team you set priorities / maybe its just the management. You can see each month there is a bigger update. It seems they have monthly sprints to release bigger things. Bi weekly there are smaller fixes. Somewhere always something breaks and often its the user that do dumb shit. It's a solid career path and for sure future proof so keep going. Work 5 years in a big corp and we can talk again ;)


nah they just donr care enough. releasing 1 update per month and the update being a complete miss has nothing to do with the number of employees or anything, they just dont have their priorities straight, also from what i understand in valve you dont get assigned to shit, but rather yoh choose what you want to work on which sounds like the most likely reason for the lack of updates to both tf2 and cs. also you are insane if you think any normal human i willing to spend 5 entire years as a software dev, its the last resort, right after going to the australian mines, the worst of the worst scenarios but anyways valve sucks cock and only cares about profits


Obviously if thats still the case that the devs can choose themselves the we've to wait but I heard this has changed but who really knows. I mean we dont know the prios but first they had to fix the core game and the tackle DZ for example. I believe stuff will be released step by step but at its own pace. Helps if you dont put your hopes up too much and play other games. No idea whats so bad in Australia as a Software dev but yeah :D


dont play the game wait for real update!


Go play valorant that has better anti-cheat OR elder ring if you want to suffer in darkness. xDefiant is also good, just do anything other than playing this game right now, you will feel better.


i've played enough valorant... the game gets repetitive... i think you know aswell how you can't just quit a game you love and try to replace it with something else. there's no other game like cs.


I love CS and Valorant so i switch between them. We all grew playing CS, noway we'll just quit the game but taking a break is fine i guess esp when it gets dry or you're frustrated. But we actually got new community maps right now to try, better than nothing.


This. I grew up with cs and wow and switch between those. Every game has their problems.


You got new maps. Shut the fuck up and stop bitching. You're a pathetic excuse of a man. You were born a worm, and you're gonna DIE a worm


as i see it, every game has cheating, and probaly to the same level. but since it has a " functioning " anti cheat, we just assume they're cracked out. i've tried playing other games but nothing can replace this or even take its place, i get frustrated in cs2 don't get me wrong but i'll take that over having super powers and legends flying my way. i'll take it over battle royals, and i'll take it over any looter extraction. does it have issues, yes but honestly can't think of a game that doesn't, is the cheating worse than others, yeaa i'd say it does, but i'm a crack whore and i'm addicted to the cs recipe. let us pray that we get the best product soon.


how hard can it be to have a decent AC (just integrate the face it one) and use 128 tick servers. God damn this game is dead. played for 10 minutes on thera , and again sick of this game. Shit netcode. How they fucked op CS so bad is mind bending. but hey, at least case farmers, cheaters and sking nerds still play. I go back to ignoring the game.


Honestly the past two games I've had I've just left. I don't throw around hackusations but constantly no scope headshot through a wall with an auto sniper is shitty. I'll play next ban wave.


Try getting back your low trustfactor ☺️


I quit yesterday


lol true


Its so sad this gen only cares about skins All they care about is buying skins and dick riding their streamers of csgo They don't even care about the state of the game Update is trash All they see is skins Meanwhile game is shit state right now Non chaters get send away from csgo servers by the cheaters Entered a CSgo2 server casual match and cheaters telling non cheaters to uninstall CSgo Its terrible


gambling strike 2


We’re suppose to be boycotting remembee


Coop missions. Other game modes. Retakes. Assault Cache Train.


Cobble. Bring back cobble


I love gambling


They didn't even address the teleporting/lag issue.


Y’all acting like the 20th anniversary cases came out on the actual anniversary. Pretty sure they came out in October of that year.


its pretty obvious at this point that it doesnt matter what's done or not, there's always going to be a gripe 😅 cs is grounded in community maps turned "official" thats been the whole shtick. its absolutely on brand and welcomed by anyone thats played cs and knows its history.


Honestly I didn't expect valve to do anything huge for the 25th anniversary. For the 20th anniversary of Counterstrike all they did was release the CS20 case and CS20 capsule. For the 10th anniversary of CSGO they just changed the map pool.


I can’t lie as someone who only picked the game up within the last year, started around this time last year I think, I love the update, new maps for every game mode. I don’t need or want more cases I want more content for the game itself


Play dark and darker lol


It’s sad but i’m still going to play cs2 (faceit) what better shooters are there none is the problem


Imagine the NFL, NBA, MLB, MLS, etc. just went up and decided to say 'fuck it' to a big event for a 25th anniversary... The owners would have fired the Commissioner in seconds.


Its over bois no operation


Why are you mad? Valve is an understaffed and underfunded indie game publisher. Their devs are overworked and underpaid!


But someone’s always pissed about something. They could have the best update in CS history tomorrow- and I guarantee that at least half the community would still find something to bitch about. I’m not saying you’re wrong- I’m saying that everyone gets there expectations in a bunch because of the fucking rumor mill that sets those expectations before anything even happens.


Becouse the stupid high player base still play this fake counterstrike that had to be a separate game , if the player base was not like csgo they had already released operations , cases , battlepass and many other things but the reality is that I quitted cs2 and I quitted every free to play game infested whit trash ugly cheaters or bad developers , played csgo since day 1 and quitted when it turned free to play , it was much better anyway but gaming is changing in a bad direction sadly everything is about money and they now don’t know where to put the money , in the end the counterstrike era is done , accept it and understand it becouse the gold times won’t come back , just avoid every free2play game and you will feel better.


You guys won’t stop crying about the 25 year old game, what is the average age in this sub


Did they ruin the chickens!?


Play tarkov it’s more about the gameplays than the skins except the p2w edition


lol that game has 1000x more cheaters than cs 🤣


You are assuming this is a 25th anniversary event. Where did valve stated that?


It's wasn't even a 25th anniversary update as it wasn't mentioned anywhere


Obviously they need to add an anti cheat but everyone crying so much about the update needs to relax and go outside, so what is valve didn’t fix the game, it’s summer and nature is alive go enjoy it


Yep, had a teammate last night opening cases during the fucking game. Like, you're so addicted you can't even wait until after the game? It's bad.






shut up, let valve fuck their fans over with filler content, LOL


Quarter of a century don't mean shit to Valve




How is it sad. They don't owe you anything and neither do you to them. What does any of it matter even if there was an update that you liked.


by paying money it kind of means they owe us stuff.


People like you shouldn't play games dude. You can never appreciate great updates.


is the great update in the room with us right now?


Yeah, it is. New maps, change to normal comp, a whole mountain of fixes. You weirdos don't even understand the updates yet want to have an opinion on them.


a whole mountain? theres 4 fixes lmao


yes but considering the maps were not even done by valve should make you wonder what the hell are they working on?


valves boots must be tasty


Go back to your juice box. All of you are pathetic whiney losers. Nothing but cry cry cry. Holy shit. The devs don't deserve such a shitty fanbase.


new COMMUNITY MADE maps btw, great update!


I'm very confused, I don't think the state of the game is all that bad, besides hackers maybe. What are some major issues I'm not realizing?


ELI5: they made a really rough ball, that doesn't roll, and after so many months since the creation of said ball (the release of cs2) the ball is still rough - cheatears, bots, hitscan shit, bugs bugs bugs and more bugs, a lot of performance issues for many players, lack of content. I missed a couple of few. These days a lot of games release like this, and many people are mad that valve fell off, me included, since they were the top of the gaming back in their days.


Literally the same problem this game has been plagued by since the start: It's an extremely high skill ceiling FPS, and people will find anything but themselves to blame for not having a 100% win rate. Did I personally like CS:GO better? Yes. People have revisionist memories though. The CS:GO subreddit still had a bunch of people whining about every little thing. It's incredible how many people in this thread are making it known that they quit the game and could care less, yet care enough to keep posting on reddit.


shit hitreg, a shit load of cheaters, a ton of players quitting because of how fucking sad the state the game is in, and so on. there's no content to be made about it besides gambling and cheating.


It’s new maps, that’s pretty tight.