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There are no servers in Russia because Russian law requires voice chat data to be stored locally on the servers in Russia. Valve doesn't want to do that so they just put a bunch of servers just outside Russia to avoid that.


We don’t need Russian exclusive servers. Just put Russians with Russians in one team and everyone else in the opponent team.


This is brilliant, let them stew in their own crap for a year and let them sort it out. Or not...


You think any Russians want to deal with that?




Pretty sure their government is not the main reason nobody wants to play with them…


Yea I remember playing csgo and getting flamed by blyats years ago and thinking "boy why is Putin making them do that?"


Living through hardship is virtuous in russian culture as well as forcing the same suffering upon your children. Russians are weak and accepts oppressive rule now as they have through their entire history. All people posess the power to topple authoritarian regimes and hiding behind hopelessness is not a excuse for the russians.


Weak? Russian government is hella paranoid, and have been guarding their power brutally for years, they have tons of securities against overthrowing. Russia had many huge protests and attempts to overthrow the government over the last 15-ish years, yet the government brutally shut them down, killed many activists, and put thousands in jail for very long time. Fucking hate people from first world developed, western countries saying "oh, duh just overthrow the government". You don't know anything about that so stop saying like it's something Russians can just do, there's lot of people trying, but it's just not that easy, just because reddit or tik tok didn't inform you of Russians protesting doesn't mean it never happened.


Western democratic liberties is not something kindly given to us, but something fought for. You are right in that overthrowing a government is not easy and that there is a cultural component that is needed for actual structural change. How do you suggest change to come to russia without rebellion? The very same challenges that the russians suffer have been overcome by virtually every western people before you.


I'm not saying there shouldn't be rebellion, I'm just saying it's not easy and it's unfair to blame people for not doing it yet


You haven’t met any Russians to say this nonsense Russians are far from weak.


I agree with you, it's stupid as hell when people from developed, free Western countries start talking about how easy it is to just overthrow the government while having no idea at all what is happening or has been happening in Russia


You've clearly never had a Russian podcast team before


Yo this has nothing to do with the government, tons of nice Russians, the nice ones just tend not to play CS 😜


Useful idiot


I rather their tyrane goverment than their CS players.


this reddit is full of stupid and “awake” people who they think if they don’t watch TV or somethin they are not brainwashed. Don’t even care to teach them


I am getting down voted for telling the truth. Bunch of special peeps in here.


no, you got downvoted because people are clearly having bad experiences with russian players, not because they dislike the russian government


But the Russian team would always loose as they cant do team work. There would be no challenge in beating them.


Free Elo \^\^


They can put a server in poland and make it russian only, it doesn't have to be phisically in russia, just create a server specifically for them


If you use cs2 server picker from github and block Poland, Sweden and Finland, and adjust your minimum ping in-game, you can get rid of a significant amount of Russian players.


afaik Zelenskyy wanted to block faceit in Ukraine because of the russian server faceit added recently because of russian law with stored voice chat data required


According to Russian law, the server is not only obliged to store data on servers, but also to transfer them at the request of any state authority (police, court, investigator) without a court decision.


Source? *(no not talking about cs:source)*


The source of what? Google "Yarovaya Law."


> Yarovaya Law Not everyone knows about this, but thanks. I asked because I was interested


I didn't write in a negative way. I just didn't immediately realise which comment you were writing to, so I asked


all good man


From the book/site that lists the laws, where else?


Didn't find it myself on google so I asked for direct source. not going to read a book of Russian laws to find out lol


Then just disable in-game voice for them, who care about it, have you already heard them using it? Was it important? You don't have a clue, they don't speak English or any other language anyway


Put the servers into Belarus or Ukraine then. They have awful ping and many of them don't speak English, are fucking rude or (in most instances) both...


I don't have a problem with Russian players and their comms or attitude but as someone from the UK I got to ask why you can't find players closer to me. I pay for 1Gbps fibre internet and run CAT 6 cabling through my flat to have the best experience possible and you've chosen an opponent over 3,500 miles away. I've never played against an Italian, a Greek, a Spanyard. No one is talking about Mario's secret recipe or Don Giovanni's Bull fighting. It's always Cyka Blyat.


1gbs isn't that expensive though, it's like $8-10 here in Russia, and it won't change ur ping anyway, just set your mm\_dedicated\_search\_maxping to 20 or something, because most Russians exclusively play on Stockholm/Fin/Pol servers anyway Also what do you expect? Russians are the biggest playerbase and there are also lots of Russian speaking players who aren't from Russia, so your chances to meet someone speaking Russian are 10x times higher that meeting someone from Greece


8-10$!?!??? im paying 30$ for ~100Mbps


Depends on where you live.


Imagine creating petitions not on Change org, not even on Steam, but Reddit of all places.


he just wants to farm upvotes


Well, didn't get any from me, quite the opposite.


Fits right into this sub if you ask me. I don’t think there’s a single subreddit I know that is as much of a shithole as this one.


if (nationality==russian){ connect.nearestserverallocatedforrussians(); } else{ connect.nearestserver(); } Here you go valve. Now everybody are happy


Double space at before endline and Reddit will put the new line on a new line. Idk why reddit does that


Yeah fuck reddit syntax


Four spaces at the beginning of the line and Reddit will put it in a way specifically suitable for a `code`. if (nationality==russian){ connect.nearestserverallocatedforrussians(); } else{ connect.nearestserver(); } > Here you go valve. Now everybody are happy


Undefined variable "russian".


Rather _invariable_, from my point of view.


Remember, no russian.


​ https://preview.redd.it/5nzk4ya8hyvb1.png?width=555&format=png&auto=webp&s=d1fc67caf33ec1bc11871b15b3bb867a7da0cf68


What other games have separate servers?




And yet they still play on EU servers. They shouldn’t be allowed to queue for those servers. They bring so much toxicity into online games its wild.


Even Russians don't want to play with Russians. It is what it is.


But still refuse to speak english


THIS My biggest gripe with Russians is that they DO NOT speak English and if they do it’s either with the thiccckest accent ever or it’s some word salad of russian and english words.


Poor bro sad that not everyone wants to adapt to speak his language :(


most people playing E-sports in EU speak english even though for most of them it's not their first language. being able to communicate some basic info in a game that relies heavily on communication is absurd. Not only that, the Russians I've played with that didn't speak english didn't feel bad about it, but were almost proud of it.


The russain servers are in sweden.


Still matches me almost exclusively with Russians


Its almost as if they have the biggest player base


But then I get matched with Swedes and Germans on EUW (with the default mix of occasional Russians).


Petition for making separate servers for Turkey


I feel you bro


I'm Russian and I don't even remember if I get matched with turkish people at all, maybe we're like same magnets, never get put in one lobby


I don't think we are worse than usual russians. At least most of us know how to speak proper english.


just dont queue Dust 2


has anyone tried using a vpn, choosing a location close to you but far from russia as possible, meaning thei ping would be very high and they wont get queued with you.


Imagine playing game where you need good ping with VPN


i dont know what that means, is that a specific reply to me? if so i think u may have missed my point.


Using a VPN is setting yourself up for high ping/lag in online games.


u gonna get fucked playing with a vpn is what he meant. "close to you but as far from Russia as possible." If you want to play at an acceptable ping, that "close" criteria must be very close to you, and by then, using a vpn has no effect lol


not necessarily. im in the uk and often get put on servers in stockholm or even worse warsaw. both of which (if the same as dota2) are where the large majority of russian players connect to. if i were to vpn to somewhere like spain or italy, i would still get a similar ping but would probably get connected to Southern europe server rather than northern/eastern, thus increasing my chances of avoiding our russian comrades.


Just use https://github.com/FN-FAL113/cs2-server-picker


Petition for separate servers for turk/arabs.


Everyone knows that playing with russians is real pain in the ass and I have literally never seen in 6000 hours in this game normal, comunicative, kind Russian. Let them play but not with other nations, they are simply differend mind. This game absolutely made me hate this nation due to their toxic behavour and I think that separating them from the rest would be good option - PLEASE ​ EDIT: Even my close friend has russian wife and he literally said "russians are the worst country to cooperate with in any kind"


I think a big part of it is conformation bias. You don’t notice the kind well adjusted English speaking Russians. They just blend in.


I wonder how he even differs between Russian people and Ukrainian/Kazakh/Moldovan/Serbian/Bulgarian/etc... They all would sound the same to him anyway, I can easily understand most slavic languages with a little bit of help because they really are similar


The trick is he doesn't. Just another nationalistic madman who is even worse to communicate than the people whom he hates. He probably starts his game by saying f Russia or something offensive if he hears slavic accent and expects them to communicate/respect him. Classic cs.


I completely agree however I did have one game last night with the most polite russian 3 stack I've ever had. Especially as a brit, usually they're awful. But these guys were solid. Started with the usual "hello team, where are you from" - considered just staying quiet but I didn't and to my surprise they were actually very nice. Of course the standard "ah England, queen and crumpets!" Remark but after that it was smooth sailing. Even though we lost they even said gg and goodluck. Not all russians are toxic but 99% of them are


Now imagine if you said, "Not all black people are criminals but 99% of them are"


Because black people do not support an empire of evil


I’m from NA, so i don’t have an amazing sample pool. But i get matched into EU sometimes late at night, and almost every ruski i’ve ever met has been nice, maybe a little loud, and not always very good, but for the most part they are decently respectful and funny. There’s no way you (as an EU player) haven’t met nice russians?


Wait, what's you max ping setting at? Lol


100. I mostly got those matches in CSGO when NA servers were dead asf


And you're getting a ping below 100? I'd be surprised, but maybe pings are that low by now when connecting overseas.


Matchmaking ping is almost never accurate for me, IIRC i typically get 150-175 on EU servers, and ~60 in my region. but the server connection screen will always say it’s significantly lower then the actual ping i get ingame.


If after 6000 you've never seen one maybe it's you who is problematic?


True. I have 1,2k and although I haven't seen many I've definitely meet a good amount of nice Russians.


survivorship bias, you never noticed good russians, only the bad ones


That’s too biased, most of the games i managed to comeback from a losing side had russians, communication is key, they are nice to play with if they have a good mic and if they know english. If they don’t then it’s not because they are russian, it’s because you can’t communicate with them due to the language barrier


Dude even Russians don't want to play with Russians, just look at dota, they go to eu server get shit ping have to speak a second language just to avoid Russians. Either you don't play in Europe, don't have enough hours. Also even if they speak English they won't call in English but they will insult you in perfect English at a moment notice. Russian online community is one of the most toxics I have ever encountered. Even cod on the Xbox 360 days wasn't this toxic.


I have never in my life seen a "russia" server (except maybe WoT), everyone just plays on EU (or Asia, in some parts). They don't call in English because they don't know the position names in English, they know them in Russian, because, well, its their first language. Also, have you maybe thought that not every Russian speaking person is Russian? Need I remind you that the whole CIS space speaks Russian? That includes Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Georgia and more. Have I gotten shit from Russians? Definitely, but by playerbase percentage to pos percentage, I don't think its much different to Turkey, Romania and Ukraine. Gonna make separate servers for them too? Have you maybe thought that games like Dota, LoL and CS just have inherently toxic communities, no matter the playerbases ethnicity and nationality? I can clearly see that you have not, and you just choose to stupidly hate on people who just speak a different language


If you have never seen a game with Russian servers either you don't play games or you are blind, there are toons and I literally gave you an example but I know you are not reading anyway. Wow there are more than 1 language that uses the Cyrillic alphabet? Wow they all must be Russians... what? You can't tell the difference? very racist of you. I actually know Bulgarian (lived there 5 years) and can tell those languages apart, and is at least a 80/20 split and guess what they fucking speak English because they speak different languages, Russian is not native to them, for Belarus is a bit closer but you rarely find Belarus players, and Ukrainians despise being talked to in Russian although they will understand it, but they won't call In Russian to a bunch of westerns. Your experience is an outlier or you just lying either way don't care, this post is not about you, if you never had problems good for you, the problem is still there impacting players. So every game is toxic therefore we can't try to make less toxic? Got it! very nice perspective, very productive. The only one throwing hate here is you, you still haven't addressed the Dota situation that completely debunks your point but you still want to keep talking when there is nothing to argue.


>So every game is toxic therefore we can't try to make less toxic? Got it! very nice perspective, very productive. Yeah, also any nation has toxic people, the only problem with Russians is language barrier, it doesn't make the people better or worse, since the callouts ARE different just like when we compare EU to NA calls


A person refusing to communicate with their team is objectively worse in a team-based game, than a person who does.


yes, it makes. They have such a differend mindset. Those comments are from people whos just never met russians in person. I WORK with them, I play games with them, my friend has Rus wife. Bro, they are way to diferent from eu people.


Its not only language barrier bro, they are just "different" in every other aspect


you might be a little xenophobic


OP def racist, fat L


Read wikipedia what racism mean, cuz u probably dont


How many russians have you met in real life brother


Are we talking about Russian IRL? Or we talking about the online community? Nice try to change the subject.


I work with them, meeting them every day. What would you say now?


I Agree with it most of the time. Sometimes theres a funny russian guy, i also sometimes pretend 2 be the angry screaming russian like " rush b Dawai cyka". But yeah, Vavle definetly needs 2 separate russian and turkish gamers from the rest of the world. The stubborness 2 speak only russian or turkish in voice is astonishing.


Who will i play office with after ?


In all honesty... i had a russian in my team that was absolutley bashed by the rest of the team. Dude was top fragger, communicative and made jokes to detension the team as we were losing. Word by word : "i beg you , stop. I am normal person and want to have fun and win" they bullyed him so bad that the dude stoped playing and communicating the last 4 rounds. He was 17 years old. Honestly felt bad and ashamed even if i did not say anything bad towoards him.Why the hate you small minded imbeciles? If you say you re better , why not give an example instead of acting like total autists towards russians/turks. I ve had some bad experiences especially with turks whom i find far worst than russians. This does not mean that if my stack gets a turk we will all terrorise him. Faggot op needs to learn how to coexist with people he does not like , it s not you r mom s servers you spoield little shit head. Also... i m Romanian. I get called a stealing gypsy at best every match by all of europe. What should i do? Hate all the nation because some small minded 16 year old told me that i m a gypo?


>This does not mean that if my stack gets a turk we will all terrorise him. He didn't say be toxic towards them; he said enoough many of them are toxic in multiple ways, that it would be better to not share games with them. There's quite a big difference. >Faggot op needs to learn how to coexist with people he does not like , it s not you r mom s servers you spoield little shit head. Oh the irony.


Make separet servers for Turks they are more annoying then Russians


Jeez I'm so tired of people complaining about Russians this is getting annoying after Russia gets own server y'all gonna start complaining about Balkans after Turkish people , everyone else is a dick right , no every country has douchebags dude it's not about the nationality I've played with Russians that are pretty cool , and I've also played with people from Germany, Sweden , France etc etc who were the biggest cunts, it is what it is some people are nice some people suck , don't go and blame the whole nation is my opinion


Tbh, should just be server by language, and report for speaking other than said language in chat -> immediate restriction of account to that language area (for a specified time, preferably starting from weeks). For those with on language area, just have a no voice area -> mute them for a given time to learn a lesson :) ​ I personally don't even think Russians are the most toxic people (Ever played with toxic Finns or Swedes? Brits? Holy fuck they are annoying).


every single russian and turk i've played with (which is what i play with every single game in cs2...) has acted like a subhuman retard, you must be lucky


Ofc u fing assholes in other nations but in this case its 99% of time that they are being toxic and refusing to cooperate/speak language that speak both sides. Its in every tier of the game, when I started playing in 11years ago, their behavour is same in silver like in globar of high faceit bro. Its just the nation.


Ither you just have bad trustfactor or you are the toxic one. Most russians i play with are cool, for me british people are more toxic


Ither you just have bad trustfactor or you are the toxic one. Most russians i play with are cool, for me british people are more toxic


lmao i dont mind the Russians why the hate,


They're funny


Petition to make working ac?


would do every1 a favor


Say this is implemented. For a time, you're happy. Then, you notice your games get soured by other nationals less proficient in English than you. Will you create another PETITION then? This is a slippery slope. I suggest an alternative: language preferences. So that people only match with others who also have the same languages set as their preferred ones.


Cry is free


What if the Russians got vpns and started invading us servers


and the chinese as well get them tf out of our servers


Same for turks!


Yeah. They should not even be allowed to play singel player games on steam. Block them entirely


Question is.. why? I’d rather have separate servers for Chinese because they have a history of hacking in CS, plus they are racists and never polite.


And put French people with each other too please.


Grow up.


the best comment there, rly


Redditors showing it’s ok to hate as long as the person is of Russian nationality lmao


Petition for making separate servers for Argentina (they are racists)


I'm Spanish, living in Brazil and playing with VPN in Argentina and they are tottally fine with me.


Поплачь об этом


can you stop making gaming into something political


gaming esports sports It should absolutely be political if esports is to be taken seriously.


even sports should not be used for political division, sports bring people together wherefore participation should be allowed to everybody, you can ban politicians from sports if you want


Sport in general is brutally political - check out the Olympics or the World Cup, both has been used by Russia (resp, Qatar) for enormous political gains. Athletes are political and commercial figures. The Football Associations are usually one of the most influential within any state and most of them are controlled directly by FIFA. i see your point, im not trying to belittle you as I would love that to be true also. I just feel the sooner people stop repeating this, the better.


ofcourse it is and always have been, but we as gamers (usually younger people) could try to go a different way, thats all im saying.


I agree that's a nice dream but unfortunately unrealistic. The two go hand in hand. Main thing is to make sure they promote positive effects.


How about we get Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Ukraine to cut the cables? This way the Ping to us will be to high and they will be forced to play on their own Servers.


In that case youd have to separate all slavic people from americans


Same with the chinese please, they are alway stacking and refuse to speak english


They aren't "refusing" to speak english, it's just that VERY VERY few chinese people actually speak proper english.


https://preview.redd.it/25b4do1h8yvb1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fd2048acd28d65f3338a2dd80b191e7e1e0be98 Нахуй пшел.


thats why people hate u


Man you are saying outright xenophobic things and you want to hear something good? Wow


Этот человек даже не знает сути текста, а уже оскорбляет. Какой же он смешной. 🤡


Petition for making separate servers for west eu. Also to improve na servers so they don't connect to eu servers cuz they are usually the most toxic people, like west europeans. Never had problems with russians, they were always kind and funny. Maybe it's you that's the problem, or the kind russians just blend in too well because there are many Slavic languages


U have never played cs then if u never had an toxic russian. Try to quee in easter europe


I que in EU. I have about 1k hours in GO and 2 and have been playing since 1.6 was released and I have never met a toxic russian. At worst, it was a Russian kid who only spoke Russian (mostly in danger zone) , but we easily got thru the communication barrier


Its not just language, they have no brain, literally. They cant thing about the gameplay, stupid mistakes they make which starts tilting everyone else in the team, selfish behavour, playing only as one, not a team.


Maybe YOU are the problem? Maybe YOU are the one who doesn't listen to the team? Maybe YOU are the one who was toxic at first?


literally no, last week me and a few friends were triple queing premier and we got 2 russian guys qued together, one of my friends speaks a bit russian so he translated what they said "we will not do anything you tell us and we throw if you don't speak russian pidarac" like literally the most fucking toxic people in cs are russians, they bought r8's every rounds and keep in mind this was around 10k elo


Thats what Iam talking about, literally every single time


:DDDDDDDDD OFC bro, good one


"Of course it's always the Russians, I'm the biggest sweetheart in this world!" -you, at least what you think you are


Nah it's definitely the russians, they're retarded


As a russian, i don't agree, if they make russian servers, i will be stuck playing with other russians


I was playing payday 2, ended up in a server with all russians. They only typed russian in chat, and at the end of the heist the host kicked me without warning. I honestly don't understand why russians suck so universally in online games.


Send ukranians and Belarusians to those servers aswell.


I'd rather have 128 tick servers. Granted I live in the United States so this problem I don't understand so much.


128 tick servers won't make you less dogshit...


moved from NA to EU recently, solo queue on europe is a death sentence because 90% of the time half your team doesn't speak english. please do this volvo :(


Wouldn't it be better to just choose languages you speak to find you a match? As a Russian, I don't like playing with other Russians and I'd much rather play the EU server while speaking English as I usually do on CS.


Just exclude russian IPs entirely from the game. That would be a sanction that would actually make the youth go to the streets. No joke. Every military aged male plays csgo/cs2 over there. And gaming is their only copium to escape from reality. If they have to face reality, maybe they will stop the war.


Xenophobia at its finest. Glad Valve won't listen to people like you!


Blud hasnt spend a minute on EU CS servers


Try playing on eu east first


Play some Solo Q Cs on EU Server. Its not racist or xenophobic anything. Theres just A LOT of them and they are almost all toxic


Their behavour is speaking for themselves


I understand people love ideas like this because they always sound like a 1 quick fix to solve the issue but ideas like this never work in practice The issue is not “oh it’s the Russians”. Yeah sure let’s pretend that drastically speaking more cheaters are Russian. Well by making separate servers all you achieve is separating this “statistically high” group from the rest Those who don’t cheat in Russia will suffer more. This to me doesn’t solve the inherent issue of.. you know the cheating issue. Oh and you know I don’t think it would be hard for those people in Russia who figured out how to cheat to also figure out a vpn. How about instead of dividing the player base and hurting the innocent we instead fix the inherent issue This is effectively like covering your eyes on an issue and saying it no longer exists


As a Russian speaking person I would prefer if there were separate Russian servers, at least divided by language. I'd rather play with 4 Russian subhumans and only communicate in Russian than jumping between 2 languages whole game while not even being completely sure if there are English speakers in the team.


The issue with russian player is not with cheating. It's the facts they refuse to speak english in competitive and the very high toxicity from this community. Of course not all of them are toxic but it's more often than not a pain to play with russians.


Why is it just Russians? Why not just put a language option? I live in NA and I get French and Spanish players?


It's not just russians, but it's mostly russians. I've also had a 4-stack of spanish or Portuguese player who refused to communicate in english once but such occurence is rare. If you're with 2 russians in your team, you're in for a bad time.


Maybe in Europe? In NA i get Spanish and French speakers all the time I can imagine it’s the same all over the world.


communiaction is a basic feature in CS and russians either are incapable of, or simply refuse to speak english, scream at you in russian and then get mad when you don't do what they tell you. This isn't about cheaters or toxicity, the language barrier between russians/ukranians and even turks and the rest of europe is so fucking huge that it can straight up make the game unplayable.


Why isn’t there just a language option? I live in NA and I get Spanish and French players all the time. Hell I get more Chinese than I get Russians. I’m not sure how separating just the Russians will solve this issue


I would go and personally suck GabeN off if we actually get something like this. Seriously though... Its a pain in the ass to play with russians that mic spam, talk russian only or kick you for not being russian. They are the reason why i play many MM games with voice and chat completely turned off.


pretty sure i played with a russian model/vlogger and her friend yesterday. she sounded hot af and she had her lady friend with her. this bitch was cracked. i looked her up on insta and she is real. they were cool af. only good experience with russians ive had in 350 hours of csgo.


I have nothing against russians but against russians in csgo 😅 Either they don’t know how to speak english or they simply refuse to speak it Beside that they talk russian no matter what Even if noone can speak their language, they keep speaking russian. I dont get it And even if they queue with russian friends, they dont use discord but ingame chat Russian servers are a very unfair solution but 90% of russians just annoy us other players But because of those (estimated) 10%, it’s imo not a good idea


Well its fucking annoying to play with Russians Since they always fucking speak russian… idiot teamates


Nah russia lobbies are funny


People who say that Iam Racist or Xenofob should rly read this post again. And even If i was, is it changing something? **NO, because the problem is real**. Look at the upvotes, I would say that its not just me. Even the post is third most upvoting post in last month. I hate them because they have such a bad behavour, their nature temper is complete oposit of what is CS all about. Let them play together, because EU people cant handle their nature.


Are you going to do anything other than bitching here? Create a real petition and I'll even sign it, to start. Change.org < here, for example.


Animals should be kept in pens


Go in then


Just ban all Russian users. They play this game IRL every day


Do China, Palestine, Greenland, and Mercia as well


this community is retarded


Just say you're xenophobic.


**!SIGN NOW THE PETTITION!** [https://chng.it/fh2PQ6HxJg](https://chng.it/fh2PQ6HxJg)


Agreed 100% Remove them from the game or make them seperate from everything else


Go cry


I did, many times. Problem?


Instead of crying play with your team or go learn russian, most of those idiots can be shuted up if you awnser them very rude on their language. It helped me quite often