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EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. They never speak English and they only say "blyat"


True. Russia needs their own servers, and have needed them for years. Valve will never do it though. Unlucky.


Thing is, valve has done it with Dota but the russians just refuse to play on it.


They should just do it and not tell us. Or even better, tell us and pay the Russian media to not tell them


Why don‘t you speak russian, brittish boy


because russian isn't the world language. English is.


but my Russian TV said ALL the world speaks our great language cause it is the best. So it has to be true! /s


Yes they also said that our soldiers are doing really well in their mandatory training operation over in the far west. :) in fact some of them are returning home early, in black sleeping bags


Neither is English, when you play in the Europe expect other languages not just your own. If you can't get past being a bigot go move to na


Mans said "boy" . 💀


Because Russian isn't a worldwide language, play on your own servers if you want people speaking russian


We found the ‘blyat’ screaming griefer 💀


Do you?




Uk based player here. Nope that’s normal, it’s a fucking nightmare. Russians are a huge problem when it come to the toxicity/griefing issues not they it’s all on them but I’d say 40% of my games have Russian players and about 50% of those games they are the issue they will scream, troll, throw, and bully for literally nothing.


Was it the same on CSGO?




Yes it was. The problem resurfaced more now because of the rank reset. In CSGO if you already reached the middle/high ranks, it filtered out a big portion of the cyka blyat guys. Now they are "distributed" everywhere again, because everyone started from low elos.


Yep it sucks.


was the trust factor reset as well? Since that would propably have an even bigger influence than the elo reset ig




Honestly, after all these years, I still don't understand why STEAM hasn't done anything about the Russians. They shouldn't be able to play on European servers. Besides, maybe it's time for a proper anti-cheat system. I don't know about COD Warzone but apparently when the game thinks they're suspicious, they show some kind of ghost that ONLY cheaters can see and if they shoot at it they're marked as cheaters and then they only play against cheaters.


I think because russians are a big part of the player base in cs and in dota. From their perspective it would be bad for business to lock russians to only play on russian servers and get them cut off from the rest of the world. But they definitely should because russian toxicity is wild.


I dont believe Russian servers exist


Russian servers *CANT* exist because of Russian server laws, which means if they even wanted to separate Russians from the rest of the world then they’d have to set up a single big ass server in Poland or something and make everyone from Russia get sent there


They dont need serveres IN russia to have russia servers. Place it anywhere else, call it Russia and limit russia IP to that server. Done.


This is a norm but I am really not sure why. Those should be the same people transferring from the cs go to CS2. It's probably because the ranking system needs some time to put everyone at their appropriate rating and I have a feeling that those are the people from the very bottom of csgo's rating that get to play with everyone else right now. I hope it will be better in some time, when people play some more matches. I would be totally fine playing with people that are not that good but at least try, but holy shit the toxicity in those games right now is what's killing my drive to play this game.


I feel you. Premier is currently an elo hell. :-) Can't even get my fucking 10 wins, because of trash team mates that troll, don't speak, DON'T LISTEN TO THE FUCKING CALLS OR TACTICS or they're just beginners (can't blame them) We're currently playing as 3 stack and my mates are currently sitting at 7-8k Elo. I left my last game like 10 mins ago, since we got ranked with 2 and 3k elo teammates and the enemies with 10+ Fuck this mode.


I climbed from 4.5k to 9k, with alot of my games being 3 stacks. You can still play with bad or toxic teammates, we all have bad games anyway , just give calls, and if they are super toxic mute them and keep playing.


Got tk’d by a Russian child that had three kills by the end of the game. Is there seriously no report button?


You can report whatever, nobody will ever look at it


I wonder what percentage of EU players are russian...


they are about 12%, then we have poland at 5% and ukraine at 3%


in my experience its like 90%. Its hard to find the motivation to play.


The real question is why are you bothering with a game you have to motivate yourself to play?


10% hackers 90% bots, russians are really in every match ready to ruin your game by not talking and botting, then proceed to insult you.


Unplayable game without a 5 stack. Valorant does better with server select let them play on Stockholm servers


I get what you are all talking about, we all wish for russians to get their own servers and gtfo, but what can we do until then? The answer is chill, just play your game, I don’t communicate with them, I just give info when I die about the location of known enemies to me, and they mostly do the same when I’m left alone in a 1vX situation, the moment you engage in a conversation with them you will lose, it’s like the saying about fighting a pig in the mud.


yeah, don't get me wrong toxic teammates suck, but most people aren't that bad. Like even teammates that are being toxic in chat still want to win the game half the time, and won't completely throw. If you have toxic teammates, just mute. Also if you had decent teammates you can just invite to lobby/add them, soloq is always a gamble.




It does not reward grinding...




I mean faceit doesn't have that either, to get from lvl8 to 9I need like 23 wins in a row. Half the reason I stopped playing faceit was cause its so grindy, even with a 60 percent winrate it takes ages to rank up. Cs 2 on the otherhand if you are playing consistently well you can fly up the ranks super easily. I've gone from 4.5k to 9k elo with like 16 wins.


It actually does... I have grinded my brain from 9k rating to 5k.


Standard is 250 / - 100 ( if you are not on a random loosing streak + bad rng ). How can it not be grindy if you somehow keep increasing with a 50% win rate. A normal and abvious elo / mmr system like all competitive games should have been implemented ( faceit / all riot games / other esports) . -> +x / -x . With 50% you should stay in the same fucking elo


tbf at my current rating if you have 50 percent winrate you get +100-150/-100-150 so it is around even most of the time, maybe slightly favouring positive elo. After losing a couple of games in a row some of my friends got up to 100/-500 so it's not like it's a cakewalk to rank up. Id rather have a faceit style ranking system but that also feels super grindy, I got from level 3 to 7 and just got bored of how many games you have to play to rank and went back to mm.


whys adding elo penalties for leaving bad, leaving teammates are super annoying. I was also hoping for a better anticheat, was one of the most annoying things about go. I don't get all the hate for subtick, the shooting in cs2 feels super crisp, and it caused issues with jump throws but that will be fixed. My main gripes are the movement (which I don't think is going to change sadly) and lag compensation (which is alot better now anyway).




I'm not sure what your trying to say at the start, but for the second bit yeah a surrender option would probs be nice, but I don't get many blatant cheaters that I can absolutely tell before the games over and I check demo. The matchmaking is getting better as well, the rank differences in games is tighter now and the ranks have balances out so you should get too many wipes. Also a 13-0 game is over pretty quick and you can just +left if there's a spinbotter. Also if you have issues with mm, just play faceit, it has surrender, and you get less cheaters and smurfs.


Turks also, they rarely speak eng and when they do they use it to flame the shit out of you. I hate the fact they reach EU servers


The problem ist that for Muricans, east europe and russia are just "part of europe" while here they are a different world, completely different intelligence and culture. AND language! This game is dead


Man I used to play EU about 5 years ago and I never encountered that many problems with russians, but people on here really have a hate boner for them. Have they gotten worse?


Yes with rank reset we all got back to elo hell, forgotten traumas resurface as we find ourself in the desolet pit we once pulled ourself out all because valve zeroed everyones mmr and put us in a battle royale where the price is 100 points a game to grind ourself to a safe harbor


aight, how about Asian server. It have multi culture and different language. - Thailand - Indonesia - Malaysia - Singapore (English but annoying slang) - Pinoy - India - Vietnam - China Every single game, i learn new word for each language. Never every my team neither enemy speak English (except callout, only word i understand) I have tried play with Russian, like 20 times in csgo and 10 in cs2. Honestly, its not bad as Asian. Can't find the point why you all EU hate russian. Maybe im getting used with toxic server


Where are you from? :)




If you come from valorant than your opinion doesn't really matter.


Stopped reading at the valorant part lmfao fuck off and go Play your small pp anime "game"


Bro got mad on a word Valorant 💀 Now these are the real issues!


Ohhhh noes! There are other games in the world and people that have different tastes from you! Hate them! Yeah, that's the way! You're so tough and cool! Can tell you're a shit cunt already... Shit cunt.


You force buy on eco rounds I can smell it


I hate that shit like I say we should eco then there's one dude full buying.


Until Valve loses money and revenue, they will not change anything. Message steam support and create a help ticket. You will get a reply that will prove my point. Nobody at Valve cares about your problem in this game.


Honestly lowering my max ping for server matching got rid of all the russians pretty quickly. Longer queues but that's the tradeoff


come back to valorant


It must be really stressful being a Russian...


Can’t we make a CHANGE.ORG campaign?


Losing in Ukraine really does rustle the jimmies


They will never change this I guess… and it’s killing the game. Honestly they can’t manage to behave


Premiere is unplayable* Fixed that for ya


If Valve doesn't want to separate servers they could've at least make RU teaming up only with themselves based on location against other EU players. And if someone would've used VPN to not play with their lovely motherland mates that could be countered by conventional report system if he wouldn't behave properly.


Honestly I don't know why we still have to suffer through this, I thought it was bad in csgo but in cs2 it's just unplayable unless you have a 5 stack. I have 2 accounts now, one for 5 stack playing and one for solo que, and in the solo que account, i'm not joking when i say that **every** loss is from a russian raging in the first pistol round and abandoning instantly and then another one just throwing for the rest of the game because the remaining three people (myself included) don't want to surrender instantly. And on the rare occasion where I don't have 1-2 active throwers on my team there's 1-3 blatant cheaters on the other team. I even went as far as setting my acceptable matchmaking ping to 10 just to try force myself onto the furthest away servers, but ofcourse there they still are with 127 ping because acceptable matchmaking only affects the servers I get onto (which under like 60 kinda feels like a pointless setting honestly) I would be happy with 20 minute match waits if I meant I never again have to deal with a single one of the players I currently get


Honestly I dont care how they play, I just fucking hate them so much that I dont want to be involved with russian war supporting retards in any way. It doesnt matter if I win or loose, or play with my friends, I have no desire to play if I see even one opponent being russia. Most of their profiles are filled with glory to putin spam or Z symbols. At this point it feels like playing with isis terrorists. I wouldnt do it, nobody would. Why should terrorist state get a free pass about this? ​ Just fucking let them die in their own bad country and ban them from everything. If there are good people there, they will do something about it. But as long as they dont, I dont fucking care. Just let them rot and die in their own piss