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https://github.com/mono/SkiaSharp It has bindings for different platforms such as Windows and WebAssembly. You need to use the platform-appropriate NuGet package in addition to the core library to get a drawing surface.




This piqued my curiosity to look up C# bindings for D2D, and uncovered https://github.com/jingwood/d2dlib. It's built by a legit-looking company from Japan. Might be worth a quick dekko by someone.


Last time I used SkiaSharp I found myself having to do `?? throw new Exception(" failed");` on just about every function call because if something fails it will just return null rather than throw an exception. It makes your code verbose and also difficult to debug, because you have no upstream exception message to help you figure out why your call failed. I would only use Skia again if performance was priority #1.


I used Win2D for a few FEM/FEA projects. Simple to use. SkiaSharp is also pretty good. [https://github.com/microsoft/Win2D](https://github.com/microsoft/Win2D)


I heard it's the best way to do it once you have tooling, but I always just used WriteableBitmap for my FEA. My reasoning is just "because I already implemented click/drag/select" functions. Do you have some reasons behind picking Win2D?


My software started out as experiments at university. I originally started by making a graphical UI for simple FEM models with GDI+ but found that there is a limit to the number of elements like lines and circles that it can use at one time. So, I moved onto Win2D as I was able to use it to make my own camera. It did all the transforms like zoom, rotation and such but customized. Line thicknesses and notation marks stayed the same size as it scaled to follow engineering drawing standards more closely.


Monogame 😉




Why does it not have any screenshots or videos of examples? It's a game engine...


ImageSharp has basic drawing capabilities, but beware the commercial licensing if you plan on selling your final product: https://docs.sixlabors.com/articles/imagesharp.drawing/gettingstarted.html




OP asked for a 2D graphics library. You're describing a GPU-accelerated 2D graphics library. Given OP asked for "easy to use" and specified "very simple shapes and colours" I think they could probably get away with drawing on the CPU and avoid a lot of extra complexity.


Raylib brothaaaa


There's a few that come to mind. FNA, monogame, sfml.net, raylib


https://github.com/SilkCommunity/TrippyGL Similar to MonoGame, but is more lightweight




Do you happen to have any good resources to learn Simulation Framework other than the GitHub wiki page? I've scoured the entire repo and cannot find any information whatsoever in terms of a full documentation.


I havent gotten around to writing docs yet, but the readme should give you the basics. feel free to ask any questions in the discord server


Yo you’re the simulation framework guy??!


yeah lol