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A friend of mine got a blood clot. The hospital couldn't do a thing. We bought the thinners on the black market. What a shitshow. X-ray machines are from the fifties as well


That’s why I emphasize that Cuban healthcare is only good for preventative measures. Once literally any ailment manifests within you, you’re on your own.


Not even anymore, fundamentals are lacking as those great teachers are now mostly retired or passed away, while yes, some excellent doctors and teachers remain, most brilliant people with opportunities to do so have left the country for a better future


It used to be preventative but not anymore. You have a surgery and you have to bring even the gloves. No medication even for a headache, many surgery rooms are closed. So much poverty. No food. No freedom, so much represion with people and their family that are again the dictatorship. It is actually sad and unbeliveble.


Hopefully the people rise up for change peacefully. Honestly. But I think they be squashed by the government.


Thanks for your kind words. Hopefully happens as you said -peacefully - but this goverment will not leave peacefully. People did it on July 11, 2 years ago. They smashed them 😰 so sad because I do not like violence, but I don't see that could ever happen peacefully.


Why can't they get new MRI machines?


Most countries won’t sell to Cuba anymore since they never pay their debts


Wrong, we want to install a world bank In Cuba and are strangling them until they follow suit like the rest of the world basically has. Last holdouts are North Korea and Iran as well as cuba I think.


They could just build their own MRI machines. Oh that's right inept socialist economies are incapable of putting together complicated means of production. You need the free market and the west for that. With their pesky profit driven innovation.


The MRI was discovererd at a New York state University by a doctor who was pursuing publicly funded research


They won't sell to Cuba because of US embargos.


Plenty of countries (including the U.S.) sell millions of dollars a year of food and supplies to Cuba


I bet they don't have the amperage to run the machines with their 1940s power grid. What they need is a cruise ship sized hospital ship that can dock and has all the items and power to take care of people as a floating hospital. Since Cuba doesn't have any money nor means to pay to maintain such a facility, the economics of it would only work if another organization had the ability to fund it and had enough money to sustain it in perpetuity.


Other great point !


Guessing MRI machines are capitalist products and they hate everything capitalism lol


The US has blockaded Cuba since 1958. In 1960 the US blocked all trade except for food and medicine after Cuba nationalized US owned oil refineries without compensation. "The United Nations General Assembly has passed a resolution every year since 1992 demanding the end of the US economic embargo on Cuba, with the US and Israel being the only nations to consistently vote against the resolutions." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_embargo_against_Cuba


Hmmm from what I understand, the embargo included food and medicine for several decades until a resolution to allow medicine was made in 1992, only to be subsequently undermined in 1996 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8942780/ Weird, why would the United States commit so much effort to keep a fledgling nation from fair competition in the world market for the entirety of its independence? This sub often says the acting government is responsible for all of cubas' economic turmoil and shortages but if that was really an inevitable outcome of a planned economy, why does the US go so far out of the way to *make* it happen and defend their making it happen to this day? This is a declassified CIA document where a report from 1960 included a recommendation to seed economic turmoil to attempt to undermine the popular support for Fidel Castro and his administration that I happened to find totally randomly. Could this be why they maintain sanctions? https://history.state.gov/historicaldocuments/frus1958-60v06/d499


We arnt supposed to ask these questions Stop it


US sanctions are a large part of the reason.


That's a lie! Stop trolling over here


Not on medical supplies


They can, but they spent the money building hotels and buying police cars, and supporting movements with affinity with the dictatorship all over the world.


Police cars instead ambulances, repressing their people and living the best life...and the list can go on and on. The embargo/blockade is an excuse from the goverment incompetency and deficiency. Cubans must resist but the head of the cuban government and their families live like royal family.


Wait, why are they from the 50s?


Cuba had a revolution and the US placed an embargo on them as a result. So they can’t buy medical equipment from the US. Cuba isn’t a rich country so it’s extremely expensive for them to buy and ship Chinese or Russian medical equipment. Plus the US has trade laws saying that any ship that offloads goods in Cuba can’t dock in an American port for 60 or 90 days (I forgot which one it was) so most countries just don’t deal with the Cuban markets at all unless being heavily incentivized. So most of what they have (of anything) are from the Batista regime (1950s). But there’s also a lot of ideological dogma and corruption in Cuba itself so lots of foreign aid as well legitimate trade deals from countries like Mexico and Brazil don’t trickle down to the Cuban people. Cuban government continues to blame the US for mismanagement that they’re mostly in control of using the fact that it is kinda fucked up for the US to still be embargoing them this many decades after the revolution was won and this many years after Castro died. Whether the exact circumstances of Cuba are more the fault of their own government or the US will depend on who you ask but neither are blameless


That is 100% wrong. It's not because they had a revolution. Cuba has a strong history of having revolutions prior to Castro. Russia wanted to put nukes in Cuba. Castro agreed, JFK sent a war ship and told the Russians to get out of the area. Ever since they agreed to be party to destroying America, they have been embargoed. Obama tried to soften ties after Castro's death. It looks like the Russians were messing with US diplomats and they reversed the thaw.


Damn, they should probably be buying new medical equipment, yk unless there's something like an embargo preventing them from it.


My grandmother had a horrible death as well. No pain meds on the island. No medical assistance to keep her comfortable. The “doctor” was my cousin and his friends who do black market medical care. There was no power so they couldn’t answer my calls when I was trying to call to say good bye to her. It was absolutely horrible.


I’m sorry for your loss


Gracias, amigo.


I'm sorry. Stories like this are why it pisses me off so much when Bernie Sanders lies and claims Cuba has better healthcare than we do. They most certainly do not. Reagan's EMTALA made sure nearly everyone got fast and free emergency treatment in the US.


My grandfather was refused treatment for his cancer because he was "beyond laboral age" And of course there were no pain meds anywhere They literally sentenced him to a slow painful death But an army of idiots are ready to sing the praises of Cuba's healthcare system


American here. A buddy’s cousin who still lives in Cuba broke her leg several years ago and it took like 3x as long to be treated and heal than it should, and it healed crooked so now she’s got a permanent limp in her 20s. That’s virtually unheard of here.


Why do the "useful idiots" still pretend that Cuban Healthcare is a thing? what is there to gain?


They gain nothing. Just plain idiots believing a bunch of lies.


Were the literacy programs were a success or a failure?


The narrative is pushed heavily in USA


[Useful Idiot.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Useful_idiot) it’s the same people who say ‘that wasn’t real communism!1!’


Commies man, or I think tankies is more the correct term. At least in the US anyway there are tons of what are essentially "weebs" for communism. Its fucking shameful.


I’ve never heard anyone praise Cuba for their healthcare. What am I missing? Why would anyone say that? There can’t be even a shred of evidence to support that claim.


You must have missed the massive amount of propaganda put out by the regime and its allies, which is great


I guess so? I feel like common sense would tell you that the healthcare isn’t good. No? I mean there tech has to be way behind, there schooling has to be way behind, and anyone with real skill probably leaves at the first chance. I remember being in grade school hearing how great Cuba is in general but never really heard anyone say why. And after watching just a few YouTube videos made by some tourists, it’s very evident that Cuba is far from great.


No? Well there was that popular documentary that made it a significant argument in its assertions called Sicko. But maybe that doesn't count.


Never heard of it.


Michael Moore Documentary, yah, that's slightly better than a revelation preacher in a tent or the proud boys Press release but it's not a serious source.






https://www.rand.org/pubs/commentary/2017/10/doing-more-with-less-lessons-from-cubas-health-care.html Actual policy and healthcare experts all agree that Cuba has great health outcomes despite their poverty and embargoed status. Anonymous people on reddit making up stories have no credibility.


3x maternal death rate using data from over a decade ago, really excellent outcomes there you clown.


Less than 10% of per capita expenditure compared to the US and they have the same life expectancy, less infant mortality, and many more outcomes which are better than the richest country in the world. All the newer data supports similar outcomes. But since we're comparing healthcare systems, it is fine to use data from a decade ago, because neither Cuba or the US has fundamentally changed their systems since then.


slightly worse healthcare outcomes than the USA isn't the flex you think it is.


For a nation that spends 10x less than the US on healthcare per citizen? It is a massive flex.


Sorry friend, you are anonymous as well or not?and you are reading and sharing old news. That is from 2017 . We are in 2023. 6 years ago. The best thing is, to respect other people opinions ( which communists do not know about it) and if you do not want anonymous people against the communist dictatorship I give you an idea (In my opinion) you go to Cuba, leave without money from outside, do not get any money from outside while you are overthere and try to survive as a regular cuban people does with their regular salary, food from the food card ( tarjeta de comida) that most of the time only provide symbolic stuff. Nobody can live from it. I will give you 3 months to live that way, after that we can talk. Comunnism is a failure, poverty and more poverty, repression...but if you do not want to go I can give you names that you can google and you will see how communist family members live when the economic is the worse for the regular people. Stay well


The overall healthcare system in Cuba or the USA did not change much since 2017. 6 years is a very short amount of time as well. And if you want, there is new data that is 1-3 years old that all show similar outcomes. If communism is such a failure, why is a country like Cuba, with significantly less money, have such good health outcomes compared to a rich, capitalist country like the USA?


Why aren't there pain meds?


Because construction materials (for hotels only), luxury cars and rolexes for oligarchs take precedence over food and medicine in import lists


Why can't they import more?


Because money is finite and they would rather spend it on luxury goods for themselves than food and medicine for the people? As I previously stated?


Who are they? Oligarchs? In a communist system?


Yes, are you new here? The Castros, the Almeidas, all of the "historic generation" families who live in Punto Cero and Miramar, the ones who drive BMWs and have lobster and beef "dinners in white" while the people starve


Oh okay, yeah, that's just the world for the poor and working classes. I thought there was something specific about Cuba.


So is the point you're trying to make that Cubans don't get to complain about being opressed and exploited because others are opressed and exploited?


Not at all. Every disenfranchised person in a system gets to complain. This isn't a suffering Olympics. Oppression and exploitation are a big part of the human experience, except for those few oppressors and exploiters.


Nobody is singing praises of cubas healthcare but they all seem to think free healthcare comes without a cost, there is a cost. You pay with your medical outcome. It’s the bottom of the barrel with no clinical standards, barebones for people who otherwise have nothing. They’re trying to abolish private insurance healthcare in America and make “universal healthcare” which is a nice way of saying socialized medicine. In America people are entitled to insurance under their employer..not my fault other people don’t have an employer or don’t work. People need to read what you’re saying and think twice about insisting we need universal healthcare


The biggest organizations and publications in the US support Cuban healthcare and sing its praises. Example from 1990: [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/2315760/#:\~:text=Life%20expectancy%20in%20Cuba%20is,with%205%25%20in%20the%20US](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/2315760/#:~:text=Life%20expectancy%20in%20Cuba%20is,with%205%25%20in%20the%20US). ​ Far more recent: [https://journalofethics.ama-assn.org/article/health-equity-cuban-style/2021-03](https://journalofethics.ama-assn.org/article/health-equity-cuban-style/2021-03) [https://abcnews.go.com/Health/cubas-major-medical-achievements/story?id=43844344](https://abcnews.go.com/Health/cubas-major-medical-achievements/story?id=43844344)


None of them live like regular cuban. It is so funny how people from outside defend communism without ever live in the communist society like regular people. Go to Cuba for 3 months, do not take money with you and do not get any money from outside, food or meds with you and do not receive them when you are there. Live and work like regular people. You will never defend the communism ever again. I mean it!


Not everyone in the US is entitled to medical coverage through their employer, many employers are exempt. My wife's employer is exempt despite her being a full time worker. And you know the insurance is expensive, right? You don't just get it for working? They deduct it from your paycheck and it costs a lot.


It’s a human need, and therefore of utmost importance, why work for a place full time that doesn’t offer it? Obviously it’s taken from paychecks but im sorry, I couldn’t work for a place full time if they weren’t offering benefits


Sorry to hear that.. as a descendent of a North Korean defector, I can personally relate to that pain.. it’s too damn harsh to even talk about such things..


I fly over Cuba for work. It is crazy to see at night. Miami has more economic activity going on than an entire island of people. One city. Communism has destroyed your beautiful island and wonderful people. I love you all and hope things improve. You deserve so much more.


I’m so sorry for your loss man. Nobody should suffer that indignity.


Hmmm, mysteriously the pro-socialism crowd is oddly absent in this thread.


Just one pos who said I made it all up. Blocked him immediately.


I cracked a molar while spending a month in Havana in 2019. I couldn't find even a single Ibuprofen anywhere in town. I was told the hospitals were reserving their supply for cancer patients. The best I could do was just get hammered in the evenings on boxed rum. Some asshat here said I was full of shit and insinuated that Cubans from Miami were flocking to Havana for medical care because the care is cheaper and superior to the USA. Americans have zero idea how it is there. I mean, none.


Not a fan of just insta-banning folks, but it makes sense.


"iT'S AlL BeCaUsE Of ThE eMbArGo"


I feel like this is the one trick pony of tankies


Embargo from inside that never affects the comunists and their families on top of the goverment. Anyone defending communism need to go and live over there like a regular people, they will come back fighing to change the dictatoship that controls cubans. Believe me!


Can't take responsibility for their fundamental flaws. Nothing new to see here.


After covid every Cuban has an history like that on the family.


I am sorry for your friend. May his father Rest in peace.


and many stupid people still say that Cuba has the best healthcare system in the world


The healthcare system vs reality 2 different things, the healthcare system in theory is great, they just have let it rot away as they don’t give a flying F about anybody but themselves, those in power in Havana


No. Stop that nonsense.






Braindead Commies around the world


Many people in my country do 🫠 they've never been to Cuba tho


I don’t think anyone thinks that given that it’s categorically untrue.


It's all the tankies who dream of Cuba being a socialist paradise.


no one says that


Packing for my Cuba trip was the hardest thing I've ever done in my life. I kept on thinking "what if" for a million things. Meanwhile, my clueless family just threw in a bathing suit and called it a day. It was the most beautiful beach I've ever seen in my life but by day 3 I was ready to leave (food poisoning, hunger due to not being able to eat the "food" served, seeing the extreme poverty etc..) I find it distasteful that people can vacation there. It should be humanitarian visits only. I only went because it was all I could afford at the time to escape winter. Now, I have finally moved south so I will never need to escape winter again. I was desperate to avoid winter but I feel bad for Cubans.


The worst is Cubans that left the island and return on vacation flaunting dollars…is disgusting


Not really. They left because they knew their was better. They return and show the Cubans left behind what life could be like. Let them inspire the locals to rise up against the communist system.


Rise. It’s been 64 years. No weapons and the poor Cubans sell each other out for 1 pound of Cafe. If Cuba had oil or some other natural resource it would be different.


“Let them inspire the locals to rise up against the communist system.” Inspire? They left. They didn’t rise up themselves. How does this inspire anybody?


It could inspire them to sell out their country and its people, like they did when they left for Miami.


I agree, especially the ones who claim Asylum but give it a year or two and they are vacationing there and flaunting their dollars. It makes no sense. There is no dying relative in this case.


Vacationing there is what the Cuban people (including those who hate the government) overwhelmingly want you to do. Those who don’t want you to go are incredibly paternalistic considering that it runs counter to what the people affected by the mismanagement of Cuba want. The reality is that the place would be far more impoverished than it already is if the crowd seeking vacations stayed at home. I absolutely shudder to think of what that would look like. Believe it or not, countries get even poorer than Cuba without successful revolution much of the time so it’s nothing to gamble on.


You find it "distasteful" that people vacation there, but you vacationed there. Oh, but that was different because *you* only went because it was "all you could afford" to "escape" the winter. You know that you had the option to stay where you were, right? You made the same choice you are finding "distasteful" when made by others. But no worry, now *you've* moved south so *you* don't need to "escape" winter again. Good for you, I guess. Fuck everyone else I guess? That's some impressive hypocrisy and mental gymnastics on your part. Unless someone held a gun to your head, you're literally no different than those "distasteful" other people. No wait, you're worse - because they probably aren't judging *you* for doing the same thing they are.


Yes, I escaped winter and I AM HAPPY!!! You can complain all you want and be a miserable person but you can't ruin my HIGH VIBE.


You were the one saying people shouldn’t be allowed to vacation there lol, what if that was all they could afford at the time?


Hmmm sounds pretty hypocritical of you


Oh PLEASE. Spare me your garbage comments.


Sorry for your loss man! De Pin.....aquello!


I'm sorry for your friend and their father. That sounds awful. I can't imagine. Unfunded healthcare systems don't (can't) work.


Comunism only works for the communist


Nailed it! Communists at the top and their families




In the middle of Toronto? Because this wasn't in some wilderness or some country town, this was in the middle of the capital Havana.




Man… fuck out of here With that bullshit, respectfully


Doss calling a taxi cost half a month's wage?


No, only a days wage for a taxi, but an ambulence costs more than a month's wage.


You know in many countries it's free, right? And the government doesn't spend far more on police cars and tourist transport than on ambulances like in Cuba.


Post about it in the canada sub then


Lmfao no it doesn’t. You live in Canada, white man. You have no idea what it’s like


What’s white have to do with it? Sounds like white men made better decisions for their country than the “brown” men. And I’m brown!!!




Laughs in Canadian


This is cause of The Embargo, right?


Definitely not because people can't vote for their leaders.


The US controls weather or not the embargo is upheld. They don't control elections in Cuba.


Hey, it's "whether" and not "weather." This is a kind reminder if you don't mind.


My response is missing a /s




It's crazy that Cubans still have a higher life expectancy than Americans, even with the sort of poor emergency healthcare you describe.


According to [UN data from 2021](https://ourworldindata.org/explorers/population-and-demography?tab=table&facet=none&Metric=Life+expectancy&Sex=Both+sexes&Age+group=At+birth&Projection+Scenario=None), Cuba's life expectancy is 73.7, while the US's is 77.2.


Seems the data varies by source, some show US better, some show Cuba better. Cuba did seem to take more of a hit from covid than the US did. https://www.newsweek.com/americans-can-now-expect-live-three-years-less-cubans-1739507


Lol @ Newsweek.


I mean, they linked to the World Bank data used...


The regime's health statistics are manipulated https://academic.oup.com/heapol/article/33/6/755/5035051


That article you linked doesn't provide any evidence of mortality stats being altered at all, and instead gives credit for the long lifespan to "repressive policies," such as lower car ownership levels leading to lower automobile fatalities. "Other repressive policies, unrelated to health care, contribute to Cuba’s health outcomes. For example, car ownership is heavily restricted in Cuba and as a result the country’s car ownership rate is far below the Latin American average (55.8 per 1000 persons as opposed to 267 per 1000) (Road Safety, 2016). A low rate of automobile ownership results in little traffic congestion and few auto fatalities."


>Physicians are given health outcome targets to meet or face penalties. This provides incentives to manipulate data. Take Cuba’s much praised infant mortality rate for example. In most countries, the ratio of the numbers of neonatal deaths and late fetal deaths stay within a certain range of each other as they have many common causes and determinants. One study found that that while the ratio of late fetal deaths to early neonatal deaths in countries with available data stood between 1.04 and 3.03 (Gonzalez, 2015)—a ratio which is representative of Latin American countries as well (Gonzalez and Gilleskie, 2017).2 Cuba, with a ratio of 6, was a clear outlier. **This skewed ratio is evidence that physicians likely reclassified early neonatal deaths as late fetal deaths, thus deflating the infant mortality statistics and propping up life expectancy**


Life expectancy is not just about healthcare. Accidents, life choices, violence, are all a part of it as well. Things in Cuba after the pandemic have gotten steadily worse, especially in medicine.


Nothing easier for a communist government to make up stats that make them look good.


Life must be so much different when you just pick and choose which facts to accept on the basis of if they fit into your pre-conceived worldview or not.


Well the Castro regime has worked very hard and continues to make sure you have only one set of facts available. And if you believe otherwise, you disappear.


Absolutely. It takes a lot of effort for communists to ignore the mass of economist literature and historical evidence to still believe it's a viable political system for but the few ruling elite who benefit.


Not really, since healthcare has little to do with the choices of an individual through their lifetime that effects their life expectancy...like eating habits or certain other activities that play a more crucial role.


Ok, then it's crazy that such a poor supposedly shithole country has a population that is not only willing, but able to make such healthier life decisions to the point of being a huge outlier on the gdp-life expectency graph.


Turns out fasting and eating less (relatively) can be healthy...too bad there is nothing willful about a Cuban diet... But forced fasting is hardly a choice...they have a word for that.


Ok, and so why doesn't that hold for every other poor country that doesn't have a no cost socialist healthcare system? I cannot wait to see your response if you can even put ome together.


Healthcare is free, but hospitals are crumbling, dirty and have shortages of medicine and equipment. Of course the regime will not say that, but you can search videos or pictures of people talking about their experiences in hospitals in Cuba and showing the conditions. It's mostly in Spanish though, but many videos on YouTube have closed captions. Go to Google Images and search "condiciones de los hospitales en Cuba" - like that, in Spanish.


Communists don't report numbers that make them look bad. Read a book


I did, the numbers looked great in that book.


So you believe capitalist numbers but not communist numbers, and that's why you know capitalism is better? Makes sense.




It's so sad that the country is under embargo and therefor unable to import modern cars and equipment.


They can and they do, but they import far more police, military and tourism cars than ambulances.


You are absolutely right ! Police cars to repress cuban people but ambulances? That's not their priority. Their family is covered. They need cubans to be in poverty.


Cuba is in the Caribbean Sea. Cuban people never eat sea food ( legally) and illegally not too many and sometimes they do not have even salt. Is that an embargo thing? My friend they have been living from the embargo story their whole life. They never are at fault,never assume their responsability towards the community. There is one huge store very similar to Costco right now ( exactly the same type of store, same shelves, same items but does not says it is Costco) close to the capital I guess and it is selling not for everyone of course.Then? ... Abusive and repressive goverment that wants to live from Donations. Their family and the people in high levels have eveything. They live like royal family and they give bread crumbs to cubans.


Yes, the US is the only other country in the world. So sad… /s


It’s even sadder that the Castro regime has decided to disproportionately allows sanctions to affect non-party loyalists. The worst is despite 70 years of an inability to manage the country, they never stepped down from power at any point which would have rolled back sanctions.


So sorry for your loss. This is the reality of sanctions on Cuba. We need to fight to lift the sanctions so that this never happens to anyone else!




No people need to fight for Cuban citizens' right to privately *own* ***and control*** things, first and foremost, including and not limited to hospitals...


The US controls weather the embargo is upheld. The US don't NOT control weather the Cuban "fight" or not. Causing the Cuban people to suffer deliberately in order to push them into the action you desire is treating them like pawns and extremely cruel on the part of the embargo countries.


And Cuba controls its form and economic policy... No, lets be realistic, Communists treat people like pawns and capitalistic countries, countries that respect individual rights including private property, are not required to associate with such regimes that do not respect individuals.... Sanctions will be lifted when communism is lifted and the people are liberated. Talk to the government of Cuba, not some random redditor. I'm sure all the people of Cuba would have access to all the products that they could of had if no embargo, of course if the "special" groups allow them the left overs.


"The suffering will continue until the government we want is installed"


Hey, it's "whether" and not "weather." This is a kind reminder if you don't mind.


Lmao the average person in "free" market america is not owning their own medical supplies. US sanctions limits Cuban access to new equipment, as well as the experts who can maintain them. A lifting of sanctions helps everyone.


I didn't say the average citizen does... However, a U.S. citizen can buy a building, associate with a doctor, and open a healthcare facility in America. The same should be allowed for Cuban citizens, amongst other business.


Average person in the Free market America can gather in the streets and protest your pathetic communist ass and not get placed in front of a firing squad. Is the U.S. perfect? No. Are you a communist troll trying to sway the minds of those who know the truth about Cuba? Yeah. P.s. The sanctions you keep mentioning... I hope you realize the majority of the rest of the world still trades and has tourist relations with Cuba. Try again.


The tourist relationships bring cash in yes but not heavy industry, Cuba's biggest needs are not cash, but industrial equipment and the experts needed to maintain it. Right now I'm at the Centro de Química Farmaceutica and the equipment required to conduct research simply isn't available so samples have to be shipped all the way to Germany due to sanctions. Lifting of the sanctions will allow cuba to bring in experts and resources who can then develop Cuban industry.


So basically not being able to enforce communist tyrany across the globe to allow cuba to "bring" experts and resources are the faults of U.S. sanctions for not believeing in or funding tyrannical communism.. Honestly, 1 look at your profile and there's no need for further communication because its frightening. Your profile is litteraly littered with bot like radical communism, you are not at all a true Cuban nor American and not worth anyone's time especially as you're profile screams of blatant hatred, ignorance, and dangerously radical views. Please for all of our sake denounce your u.s. citizenship no one wants you here not even the homeless. But for God's sake, you better hope you keep your comfy spot because I'm sure you won't last long without it.


What an ignorant comment, almost so much so its probably bait. Regardless, sanctions from other countries which do not dictate the politics of the sanctioned country have nothing to do with inherent corruption and tyrannical rule over their citizens. The reality more than likely is, that you're either a bot or simply an overly entitled child living in comfort as you arm chair general communist views. I have yet to ever meet or speak with someone who has officially denounced their western countries citizenship and immigrated to either Cuba, North Korea, China, etc... you would learn real quick the realities of your lack of knowledge.


Fool that you are, you fail to realize that I am a Cuban, as an American I work in Cuba and will soon be hoping to be here full time. I am certainly more Cuban than you.


I can promise you, you are not either more Cuban nor American than I am. You are ironically a whore and tool to those being oppressed in Cuba, an American working in cuba with all the luxuries in the world defending a tyrannical regime. I guarantee my family lineage and their fight against the cuban Comunist regime, which then worked their asses off back from scratch in the states busting their asses to earn their citizenship with honor only to then continue sending support and aid to entire families still risking their lives for freedom has more clout than that of a traitor to both america and the true Cuban people. You my friend would be the equivalent of a French nazi supporter in ww2, and will learn you are on the wrong side of morality not to mention history. Cuba Libre, muther fucker


Castro freed your grandfathers slaves and seized his sugar plantation to grow non cash crops you're still pissed about it XD


Nice anecdote, sounds totally real and not made up


Check your privilege


I bet you wear black face every other thursday


Personal anecdotes are never allowed in formal debating forums. They are little better than biased personal opinion.


Maybe...stop the fucking embargo. The ignorant, greedy, Battista cocksucking Cuban exiles are responsible for continuing the embargo.


Well they want their country back from the marxist commies. Can't blame them


Marxist commie what is that. Their country? The working people kicked their ass out for enriching themselves and supporting a dictator. Cuban exiles are the lowest sort of scum.


GTFO tankie Embargo ain't got shit to do with the state of Cuba.


Regular cubans do not eat sea food...sometimes do not have even salt. Is that the embargo? Really? I mean .. really???? Come on!!!!


End the sanctuons


Embargo for over 75 years will devastate a small economy. In my mind, The Cuban people are heros. In order for most Americans to believe predatory capitalism works, socialist countries must not. I'm not sure what you mean when you say real Cubans do not eat fish.


Why does communism need access to capitalism to be successful? Plus they can trade with many countries other than the US. Perhaps the answer is communism is jus a terrible economic system that can be successful in any situation. “Cuba can trade with other countries of its choosing — if those countries are willing as well. Some of Cuba’s trading partners include China, Spain, the Netherlands, Canada, Mexico and Brazil, according to the Observatory of Economic Complexity. “ https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2021/jul/19/facebook-posts/cuba-can-trade-other-countries-heres-some-context/


Communist government started in 1959-(65 years) ( not sure what more that 75 yrs means) Regular cubans are people that live ( only) from their work/jobs. They do not receive money from outside ( this is very basic to understand cuban dynamic). What did I mean ŵith "they do not eat fish"? Cubans do not have salt very often and they do not have access to seafood when cuban island is right in the caribbean sea? Do you believe embargo is at fault ? The government does not sell seafood to the regular cubans. Whoever goes to the sea to get it for their family can get it in trouble and that is just one example. In the other hand the majority of the chicken that cubans eat comes from US so. Where the embargo is??? . And other last fact, they have created some stores in us dollars,euros and so to get basic stuff and they pay in cuban pesos. What about individuals that don't receive money from outside?. How fair is the communism?What about the poors? Everyone is the same and have the same rights? Really? Huge lie and a nasty joke. By the way there is a Costco in Cuba that opened not too long ago, same shelves, same products. Thet just do not call it Costco, every item is from US. Very expensive and tge majority of cubans cannot afford it.So where the embargo is friend? Communism does work. Tell me just one place that communists brought a better life to their people. It only brings poverty and more poverty. Communism needs you to be poor, of course when they live the best life. For the head of the island there is no embargo. There are videos everywhere from Castro's family members and others from the top, living as millionars when the government ask cubans to resist more and more. Cubans do not have freedom, the repression is horrible. Is that because of the embargo? You said "in order for most americans to believe predatory capitalism works, socialist countries must not" I actually do not believe in politics, no human system is perfect but what I can tell you is: communism does not work . Cubans are heros but not because of the embargo. The dictatorship in Cuba has caused a damage in many generations and it is so painful to see in real life the way communism works. Stay well!


Sounds a lot like the U.S as well


What? In what way?


Ambulances not arriving on time, not being seen in the hospital for hours, not being able to afford taxis, just overall bad service.


Sorry to hear this... But, this happens every day, in every single city in the US. And the US hasn't been under economic siege for 60 years.


is this a socialist problem or a communist problem? also, this post makes me appreciate EU and camadas universal health care


Try London or the poor parts of NYC. Sorry you had a medical emergency.


Yeah the sanctions have been brutal for Cubans.


Embargoes just an excuse. They could buy Chinese systems tomorrow


*Embargoes just an* *Excuse. They could buy Chinese* *Systems tomorrow* \- CartographerSea1068 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


But.. But… Communism/Socialism is good…. In all seriousness, sorry for your loss.