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Bro si quieres subir lo peor de holguin tienes que ir a la llavita... eso que pones es el promedio de los barrios en la periferia de la ciudad


De pinga, menos la foto de arriba a la izquierda, conozco el resto de los lugares. Parte el alma ver eso.


Es después de cruzar un puentecito de metal.


Ese basurero está una cuadra y un poco detrás de mi casa en el reparto Zayas. Vivi ahí hasta el año pasado. I don’t like the post, the implication or how my city is portrayed by OP. I don’t feel like answering comments, I’m sick of you people.


Aquí somos una pila de Holguín y creo que podemos dar fe de que no son los peores lugares…yo creo que la misma aduana está peor que todos esas.


La aduana pa atras pegao a villanueva está fula, al menos la última vez que crucé el puentecito de hierro hace como 2-3 años.


Esa parte está linda m jaja, en Reynerio Almaguer detrás de la panadería las calles son un poema trágico.


Do you know that there’s a whole sub-set of foreigners who strive to live in the worst conditions possible? There’s undoubtedly a foreigner living here, just as there are foreigners living in the much deadlier and poorer ghettos of Cuidad Juarez, Caracas, Baghdad, Khartoum, Damascus, Gaza, etc etc.


nOt WoRSe thaN DeTroiT. Seriously people who say stuff like that are extremely priviledged.


Bring 100 cubans into Detroit and they'd turn it around in 5+ yrs lol.


As a Cuban, I guarantee with absolute certainty that many Cubans would give anything to have a house in Detroit.


100% true


Arguably not better.


BuT cOmMuNiSuM wOrKs! It jUsT HaSn’T bEeN dOnE rIgHt. These dumbass college kids who go to these crazy woke colleges and believe what the insane professors spewing propaganda about how great Cuba,N Korea etc. Need to live in these places so they can see how great it really is. Mandatory 5yrs in their favorite commie paradises! Then maybe they’ll understand how bad it really is.


Yep if only capitalism reigned in Cuba—then it could be rich like Haiti.


Haiti? Really? What’s their biggest export? Witch doctors? Maybe if they had anything of any value to trade they might be in a better position. I mean the other side of the island seems to be doing ok.


The myth that communists aren’t working class people who’s beliefs are fueled by their material circumstances and critical thinking skills is super funny


What's a foreign tankie?


They wouldn't last an hour


Foreign tankies will just deflect to Cuba's literacy rate and supposed world-class healthcare, and blame the US blockade for everything


Yes…. Yes


Solo puedo decir de pinga


I lived at my abulitas house in Guatemala in a zone that looks like that however I did not have a job as I came from the US with some money saved up for the trip. So I don't think the challenge counts. If I did have a job over there I think I'd like to be a translator for tourists as I see some tourists use Google translate to talk to the locals which i think is a horrible idea but that's what the tourists do sometimes


ask your daddy US to lift the criminal blockade and i'll take your sister there with me


You again??? US doesn't have any Blockade against Cuba! What are you talking about??


yes and there are no homeless people on streets dying of harsh winter and diseases in world's richest capitalist country


Wonder how much better they'd do of the global superpower the likes the world has never seen didn't do everything within their power to make life more difficult for them


If there weren't us sanctions perhaps the country would be a nice place to live


Can someone create r/cubanexilecirclejerk already


And all the Tankie has to say is “the sanctions”. El dinero que hubiese recibido Cuba se lo iba a quedar el gobierno