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Have you tried setting your buffer higher?


This is always the case. Drops only happen when I forget I got the buffer too lower.


I know you’ve already mentioned it, but honestly, the best solution is to Master in a separate project. (Or even a dedicated application such as Wavelab). But you’ll get a better perspective taking your export to a new project. Yes, you may find that after applying certain processes in the master, that you have to go back and tweak your original mix. But really this is the best approach. Leave your main bus free of treatment. Except maybe a small amount of glue. Keep it subtle. Export at reasonable level. (Not too loud). Do all your maximising and clipping in a separate project.


I agree. Sounds like the machine is at its limits. I would render in place instead of freezing, then run any mastering in a new project on one stereo mixdown in the lightest application possible.


>the best solution is to Master in a separate project. (Or even a dedicated application such as Wavelab). The best solution is to have a mastering engineer do it.


I had a problem with a large project full of very long audio recordings with partial and full dropouts. It ended up being due to a tired old HDD, and I solved it by getting a new SSD. Check whether its your CPU or disk peaking


First guess is that you have a plugin behaving badly. Second guess is that you're using pirated software and it's punishing you.


> Second guess is that you're using pirated software and it's punishing you. Why assume that? It's more likely to be buffer settings being too low, or hardware related.


Not one plugin that I didn’t pay for. But I use a lot of cpu heavy ones.




I don’t know right now, but it’s a very capable Lenovo one. I just use lots of cpu heavy plugins




Will check!


Either increase your audio buffer size if you're no longer tracking or if you're ready to commit to certain plugin settings you can render audio in place which replaces the waveform and bakes in any processing already on it so you can continue to add more processing if you need to


Buffer size is completely up. Yeah, I could render them out. But it sucks if I want more small changes then.


If the buffer size it's already at the max, and you are ONLY using Cubase (and there's nothing else running in the background), the project freezes when playing because your CPU is already at the max. If you don't want to upgrade your PC or get a new one, this is the only solution: When working on the project, don't use oversampling, and try to use Cubase stock Plugins that have the "Live" button, this may help. After you're done, THEN activate oversampling, and turn off "live", and export. Test listen to confirm if you like it.




As long as you're happy with the current settings? You can always add more stuff but can't undo anything you've already done. Although it does keep the original track and settings. It's a bit of a pain in the ass tbh but if your cpu is maxxing out then you have limited options. Your other option is to do your master in a separate project if the master chain is what's slowing you down


For now I have everything ready and could just master in a different project. There’s no other way to make it work? The freezing is not it I guess? It will also freeze the effects?


Freezing a track blocks any editing, including automation. It works the same as bouncing a track, but you can go back. It only unloads that track inserts, any Groups and FX tracks routed to that track will not be freezed.


Yeah it will but it takes time to freeze and unfreeze every track. If you have the mix how you like it it's just as quick to export a wav of the full track and master it separately. With render in place you can still adjust volumes up and down and add more effects/automation compared with freezing tracks


Asio guard settings?


Buffer is all up


Have you bumped up your audio interface buffer size? You usually have to do that when projects start getting bigger.


When mixing and mastering , set your buffer high , when recording set your buffer low