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Participate. Dont just watch. Thats what will help.


I normally do for him, I just can’t now lol. I am not sure why he wasn’t into the cake. I thought she was very sweet and lovely. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Does he have a lot of experience being shared? He might just be nervous about how you’ll feel about it if he develops a deeper connection with this person over time. You describe her as super nice gf material. It sounds like you would be ok with him being polyamorous with her but for a guy, especially a guy without that much experience in nomonogamy, having that placed on the table can be scary. You worry about if it’s a test or if she’ll regret it later and decide she can’t see you the same way anymore. It can be a major psychological barrier.


You can still give blowjobs in between rounds. Or eat his cum out of her if you’re into that. Its not the most interaction, but I assure you it will spice things up even more.


I normally clean him up or assist him. I rarely interact with the cakes. I have but I usually don’t, especially now. This is the 2nd cake he wasn’t into. I don’t know why and he wasn’t specific.


It could be that he’s just growing to want you more? With you being pregnant that might make him value his family more over a fetish.


In essence it is what he has said, but the way you just said it hit home. This man is changing and I don’t know how to handle it. For years that’s all I wanted and now I’m not sure how to act with him like this.


Well I’m glad I could help you see the problem… even if I’m not smart enough to give any advice on how to fix it. Maybe take a night off and talk through it together, and if that doesn’t work go see a couples counselor. And who knows, if you find a female councilor you may solve the issue and find him a new partner at the same time. But jokes aside, I really do hope you two get over this hurdle and work things out.


Thank you. We will soon see. I have been waiting for his favorite one he had to come back up seduce him. She works nights and so it has been tricky but she is off tomorrow so we will see what happens.


Well I wish you luck. Hope she can make up for the lack of orgasms. Keep us updated please!!


Yeah you are going to be busy. Good on you for getting him pussy he deserves. You and cake should take turns getting pregnant while the other takes care of him.


you’re such a good wife ☺️☺️


You're such a good wife. Keep us posted if he's. Ooh I do love cuckquean stories