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This dude 100% has a micro penis




Again with this?


This is the guy who was posting about the resin from HF. He's just trolling and has nothing better to do with his time.




where's the mold, I'm not seein it..?


its click bait, its to get people to rage, its attention seeking behavior. it assures people will stop to look at his post.


Nobody is upset about the journey except you...bc you were spamming about it in every post, and it wasn't just spamming- you in lied and got called out for it. 5 days from complaint to having the replacement in your hands is pretty damn reasonable, too.


I have proof of mold in the bud. 5 days from complaint to having the replacement in my hands is reasonable. That wasn’t the issue. Calm down buddy you’re gonna have a heart attack 😂


>5 days from complaint to having the replacement in my hands is reasonable. That wasn’t the issue. Yet you claimed 3 weeks yesterday...and seem perfectly happy to smoke all that "moldy bud". 😂 I wouldn't be surprised if you're a scammer trying for free zips, or a competitor using their moldy buds to get free stuff and ruin someone's reputation.


I think I’ve told you this before but you keep coming back to all my comments to re hash everything. Did you even read my review? I’m saying hello mold 818 is good. Like I’d buy it again. Weird a competitor say that. I’m a returning customer who loves to smoke weed lol. I didn’t even accept their replacement bud! And I never smoked the moldy zoo animal x Gary Payton bud!


>I didn’t even accept their replacement bud! So you were claiming to wait 3 weeks for bud you said no to?... 🤦‍♂️ >And I never smoked the moldy zoo animal x Gary Payton bud! You literally said you have to smoke it fast so that it doesn't spread... Why are you lying again? 😂


Lol I’m really in your head. I’ll make a post clarifying everything later but you’re being annoying. You’re trying to misrepresent what I’m saying. Just wait for the main post to go up.


Dude, you had one bud with a spot of mold. Give it a rest already for the love of god…


I love the 818. Smoked a j of that last night.


818 OG is def one of my fav buds from them, each oz has been consistent on that specific strain.


I’m gonna hold off on buying from them again for a while it seems they grew too big too fast


my second oz of garlicane (most recent drop) smelled weird when i got it. couldn't put my finger on it but it def had me scratching my head and the color was off. I tossed it in a jar and keep burping it and stuff. its gotten better. crossing my fingers in a month its just gunna be magically delicious.


I just got Garlicaje in on Friday and it smelled very strong of garlic. Vaped really well with great effects.


I just cracked the seal on mine again. It def need a week it two in the jar cause its fine as hell now haha!


Yeah, their stuff is coming in under cured at the moment to a certain degree.


I think it depends on what batch you get but you’re right about the size. They’re huge. Someone batches seem better than others.


that's not what he said.