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No, we also have triangle.


Oh yes my other dreaded shape


Or a square lol


That’s usually me. It doesn’t matter what haircut I get!


I didn’t even know there was a term for it but triangle. Simple, but effective. Curls can be literally beautiful but then flat on top or poofy on the bottom. Really you never know what you’re gonna get.


😂😂😂 I laughed out loud at this one. 🤌🏻🤌🏻


I live in this space. 🤭🤭


No, there are so many more options than circle! And I don’t necessarily think the ~inspo (ok Not inspo, but non you) pic you shared is a fair comparison per se, bc your hair looks thicker and curlier to me. My guess is if you had that cut, you’d have the much more common (and dreaded) shape aka triangle, not circle. Layers and telling your stylist what you like or dont is probably your best bet! There’s hope for you, don’t assume you need a bad haircut!


I get triangle hair soooo easily. I want it like straight on the sides haha, not round or triangle. I wonder if it makes a difference to blunt cut the end of curls individually versus slide cutting it?


I’ve been doing more of a diamond shape than circle. Circle/round is too feminine for me.


I think I’ve seen Atoya Bass do diamond shaped cuts!


This is what I was going to suggest! Atoya is my actual hairstylist and the diamond is fabulous. I can dm you a photo of my hair but it’s definitely not a circle or triangle.


Oh yes I’d love to see it! I find her cuts to be so pretty


Okay sent!


I would like to see it too. I’ve not heard of a diamond cut. I hate the triangle and have been wanting more rounded but I’m scared of bangs also.


Oh, this makes me excited. I have a new client appointment with a different stylist at Atoya's salon. Would you mind sharing with me, as well?


I love diamond cuts!! Really makes my curls pop and looks so cute and fresh imo


My mom used to call me triangle head. I feel you sooooo hard. I have the circle though. My inspiration is Julia Louis Dryfus in the late Seinfeld era. *


Oh yeah her hair is such an inspiration!


Sounds like you need to ask for layers and ask your stylist (preferably one who has curly experience and expertise) to frame your face


Mushroom head


Neither of the pictures are op. She said they're all from instagram.


Shags or Mullets can be a good option for you, along with undercuts and asymmetrical cuts


I might have to look up some shags. I don’t want bangs, but I think I’ve seen some cute cuts without bangs!


Totally! Also don’t be afraid to look at some different undercuts too. It’s a really simple way to remove the bulk that makes your hair round or triangular, while keeping your head cool (in both senses of the word)


I actually had an undercut once! It did keep me cool, but oddly enough it seems like my volume comes from the top layers and my bottom layers all lie nice and flat how I like it


Maybe consider shaved sides then? [Image for reference](https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-samsung-gs-rev1&sca_esv=2b3402ed1f730118&sxsrf=ADLYWILADF2lMkZvyW2c6JirBBezfIdXgQ:1716785617577&q=curly+hair+with+shaved+sides&uds=ADvngMhjGyhbtdglk04_rxO0f7jc_AQBMZNUvLkZHByhRg0qxzgeN_pN1MQ8o2JhEB7ouz2diQxXtM0K_qb54-0eMdTHQTAjiDqPeMHtvHF6TIlrNrY2mT7tgiHLdTQY3ivqw58YbpXmmcESmg7kMNV6g-2lnye3o9YFAZ-SFVPUh8Br7Xo4PP10J41zW71JUmEyQ3xNFkm277ZiTeQEl3QKewrEZJL6DVgsODkZFl0qRqsv-Lf-UtT7SIpx5_Waul8TtLgBL-bUxKKJsM2Ac1WIX55BbiJYcTbp4glxL1bMmsv4rn39od6Yu5G7jwKeFfbb94p9fA3VRQ3_62YvwHo2M-bH7DMiyeeO6tVj1BUOipEuktpiy8RcWkl0tfT7_YUV1wv7oIK8pgoM7r7Hat2YBwCXjET_Vw&udm=2&prmd=isvnmbtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjzm5DnhK2GAxX-CTQIHdeVDKAQtKgLegQIFRAB&biw=384&bih=724&dpr=2.81#vhid=6axIG3h9gB1Y1M&vssid=mosaic)


That’s what I do and I love it


Could partly be cuticle damage making the top bits of hair more voluminous!


Yeah, that’s definitely true for my back crown area. It’s come a long way but it’s not as silky as my under layers


I love shags. I got my hair cut back in September into a shag (albeit a straight one) but it’s grown out beautifully and still has shape to it


And here I wanted the extra volume round style! lol With chin-length hair, it's going to be sort of hard not to get the round or triangle look. Seems like you want fewer layers that are longer and a more defined curl style and way less volume.


Haha I think it looks so cute on other people but not on me! I think you’ve nailed it. I get confused about layers because I hear some people say it reduces volume and others that say it adds volume


Yeah the short layers add volume! It’s the medium to long layers that lay the curls flatter.


Ahhh that’s very good to know!


I just got a wolf cut earlier this year and I love it. Do some searches for a curly wolf cut. I’d add a pic but it doesn’t look like this sub lets you add them in comments.


I’ll check that out!


Highly recommend. I cut my bangs across my forehead about eyebrow length, then the pieces in front of my ears slightly longer; about eyelash length. The shorter hair up top gives me more of a wider top that counteracts my triangular ends. I like keeping my bangs separated down the middle and giving myself a little curtained look, but I’m kinda weird about bangs lol.


Stop that sounds so cute!


Wolf or Butterfly cuts can look amazing on curlies!


can you DM me a pic of your hair pls? I’d love to see it for inspo!


Can I see in DMs? 👀 im getting my hair cut next week and im looking for some inspiration!


thirding (?) a shag or mullet type cut, they add some non-circle shape to curly hair. however be careful lol i cut my hair into a short shag the other day, annnnnnd it's a circle.


lol oh noooo is it just the curse of curly hair


nahh i had some great reference pics with my hair texture, i think i just went about it the wrong way and didn't end up with good layering -- if you have even a vague idea what you're doing it should go much better lol


lol layering is a great mystery at times


honestly !! i started out trying to do it properly and i swear nothing happened so i kinda just hacked at it until it looked half decent. the good part about curly hair is that it's a lot more forgiving of awful bathroom sink haircuts lmaoo


Depends on how thick and how long your hair is. If you have shoulder length or shorter hair and it’s thick - good luck 😅 if your hair is long or on the finer side you can ask for long layers.


Good points! I have medium density hair, not thick but not fine and it’s chin length right now. I have what I think are long layers right now and I tend to get a triangle look


The length is your problem. I would either pick an edgy cut if you don’t want to grow it out longer, or grin and bear it and grow it out a bit


Yep, I’m planning to grow it out a couple or three inches but just kind of preparing for how I want it cut once it’s longer. I’ve had my hair be past my shoulders and I got that round cut and it’s not my fave.


You can show pictures of round haircuts and sat “I don’t like these haircuts because they are too round, so I don’t want a circle cut” If you can find pictures of haircuts you like, show your stylists and explain what you like about them. If the only photos you find are of hair that’s longer than yours, mark up the photos and draw a line to demonstrate the length you want.


you can mess with heavier conditioners and your routine to get a flatter or looser curl if round bothers you


I normally ask for more definition than volume. And most importantly I take a reference picture with me . That's what helps me the most


if you currently use a diffuser to dry your curls, only hover-diffuse. don’t scrunch. that’ll help keep your hair from looking round. at least, that’s what helps me when i’m going for that look.


Yep, I hover diffuse! If you can’t tell I’m on the reduce volume train haha but this usually gives me triangle. If I don’t reduce then I get circle. Where’s the in between haha


I absolutely love a shag on curly hair!


In the second picture, I actually prefer her hair before the haircut. I think that looks amazing ❤️


To me? This is the new 80's "I am a mom & I'm not sexy" haircut and I have a 1988 Janet Jackson haircut, cut by a boomer 80s mom. This bowl cut is not attractive on anyone with curly hair IMO.


No? I mean the second pic her hair looks awesome without the round cut too. The before doesn’t look better,imo. But that’s just me.


Absolutely not,it all depends on the curl type and facial structure. 🥰🥰


Oh whoops, I probably should have mentioned my own curl type. I have 2c-3a hair and a round/oval face!


I feel like with that texture long layers and curtain bangs would look amazing 👏 I still with long because round and short makes my face even rounder .


So true! I do love the look of curtain bangs


DO IT !!!


I personally cut my own hair and it’s not necessarily having a round cut as your hair gets longer curly your hair tends to get weighed down, which is why it ends up looking more wavy and less defined, but the best way to combat that is finger curling your hair so that Increases your definition even while it’s long but again that only goes so far. It’s not necessarily that you need to be round like a circle, but curly hair needs some kind of layering in order for it to feel light and bouncy.. so you can have long curly hair. I just it looks a lot better when it has that which is why they cut your hair and layers with curls. It’s not only for the volume effect but it’s also so that each of those layers of curls are a bit lighter and not being way down.. Find a curly hair specialist might be a route. You need to find. I personally cut my own hair because I like it short because it’s the most bouncy. It’s the most well-defined while it’s short I personally like my hair short I’m trying to grow it out longer, but I keep cutting it. …. Makes my hair feel a lot the hair at the bottom to be light because it’s not being way down by all the layers of hair on top of it.. what is the reason why Harry Styles finding a hairstylist or specialist who deals with nothing but curls all day every day


I just got a shag and love it.


No it's not


Instead of a round shape, ask for layers to add dimension and shape to your curls.


Wolf or shag style


Long layers are also a great option other than a round cut, but there are still many other good options too. Just search curly haircuts on pinterest and you can find tons of options. You can even filter by curl pattern when you do it to narrow the search results to a curl pattern similar to yours.


Ooo, those are so cute. I am getting my hair cut next weekend, I might suggest it.


Look up shaggy curly haircut


I can’t do a round cut if I wanted to because my hair is too fine. I haven’t found the solution.


Nope and I’ve never DIY. I must direct you to this page for inspo because I just love them so much. https://www.instagram.com/coiffeurstory?igsh=MTJwc2IzMHVxeG8wdQ==


Oh wow they have great cuts!


This is some good inspo!


Thanks! Both my stylist and I follow them 😃


Growing it out longer would be a way to leave room for layers without ending up a circle. 6 months ago, I got mine cut up to my boobs. Now it's waist-length. I think I'm gonna go more like armpit length next time.


I've got curly hair, I wouldn't say I have a round cut. It's at my shoulder blades, with layers. I'm not a stylist but they're very "blended" layers with no defined steps. The shortest length is about to my shoulder, with just a bit of front face framing, no bangs.


That sounds like your layers are a lot shorter than some I’ve seen or had. I had hair past my shoulders at one points and she cut some layers up around my cheeks…I think what I’m getting from this is I prefer long and blended layers.




Hi there! I'm a bot, and I noticed you used the phrase "afro" or "fro". You may or may not already know this, but the term “Afro” refers to a specific hairstyle created with specific techniques. The term is often mis-used, so we just want to share some of the meaning/history so everyone can choose the best words for their situation. TL;DR: [The afro has a long and important history, including as a symbol of the Civil Rights movement](https://www.reddit.com/r/curlyhair/comments/sr4x3p/black_history_month_at_rcurlyhair/). This may or may not apply to you, but we try to steer people away from using the Afro descriptor if you don't have Black/Afro-textured hair. It's often portrayed as a condition to fix rather than a cultural style. We hope that's not the case here, but just something to be aware of going forward! We recognize that there are many different opinions on what can and cannot be called an afro. For the purposes of this sub and making sure we reserve space for Black folks, we ask those who don’t have afro-textured hair to choose other words. If your hair doesn't fit that description, please edit your post 1) to be more accurate, 2) to be culturally respectful, and 3) to avoid comment removal. Alternate terms to consider: puffy, poofy, fluffy, etc. Thanks & wishing you many great curly, coily, kinky hair days! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/curlyhair) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Your comment has been removed for violation of Rule 8: Respect cultural terms. We recognize that there are many different opinions on what can and cannot be called an afro. For the purposes of this sub and making sure we reserve space for Black folks, we ask those who don’t have afro-textured hair to choose other words. In this subreddit we’re doing our best to educate and create an inclusive environment for all!


I’ve seen a bunch of styles but I do love me some roundness


Very very cute, very pretty on you!


None of the oictures are her. She said in jer post they're all pictures she found on instagram.


Shag / wolf cut also works


Following.  I was just having this exact dilemma in my head recently and I swear I was going to make the same post.  Also I agree on photo 2.


My best curly-cut is more of a kite shape, but I’ve only had one done correctly. Personally, I think one’s head shape dictates a the haircut.


I have really thick hair so I do a "pinecone." Basically, just a ton of layers starting quite short at the top and tapering down. It starts to look like a diamond as it grows out.




Long layers look good on me. I would never get my hair cut all the same length. But also the circle cut would not be flattering on me either


I like the cut in the first pic….


Oh, yes, the sunflower hair 🌻


Wow what an accurate description


I have a rounded long lob and I love it!


No but it's the best


You could always try volumizing techniques on your roots so it doesn’t look so heavy


I mean layers work for me. It doesn’t have to be full circle. Just the top to give the curls room to bounce around.


Anything layered helps, it doesn't have to be round! I personally shaved my head two years ago. It's grown back so much healthier and that was my last haircut. It's slightly layered, but I think I'll need to get the layers cut a bit. My hair looks really nice tbh. I blow dry my roots at the parting for volume, and scrunch the top layer, sometimes blow-drying the roots just above my ears if it's overly-triangular. It looks good, so no, round haircuts aren't the only option, as long as you have layers you can avoid both a triangle and a more circular shape !


My curls are very long so I just do long layers and a curtain bang. Adds enough movement while keeping length. Works for me




I did have a devacut at one point and I found my curls to grow out very choppy, I don’t think it worked well for my typw


i love and prefer the before photo. i no longer get curly cuts bc i hate the shape the stylist creates and i also would never painstakingly define each curl daily. i like the long, voluminous, and different curl pattern strands that just trimming and wash and go provides.