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I dunno friend. Missing Link is on my list of songs I will never be able to play loud enough. Doppelgänger is a banger but damn does Cuckoo cook


cuckoo is for sure the better album cohesively. the direction they went after their debut was light years ahead of the rest. honestly can't count how many times i've almost went deaf listening to missing link but doppelgänger's singles put it ahead for me. i still think faît is one of the lost stadium anthems of the 90s.


I’ll never forget the first time I heard the Screaming Bird Mix of Missing Link. Cemented my love for both Curve and NIN


I was already a massive fan of both when BlackerThreeTracker landed. The convergence of the intersection of these two bands was… mind blowing. (I’ve seen NIN live more than any other band). For an even more amazing intersection with regard to Curve. My favorite book of all time is Vurt by Jeff Noon. (The Game Cat was a primary character in the book, I had been using a variation of Gamecat as an online alias shortly after Vurt came out in the US in 93/94). I had bought the Pink Girl with the Blues CD and 7” the day they came out. And on day two or day three of owning them and listening I really started to pay attention to the lyrics and had the most startling epiphany. The song was about [Vurt.](https://songmeanings.com/songs/view/3530822107858528920/)


My personal ranking of albums just in terms of listenability: Doppelgänger, Cuckoo, Gift, Open Day at the Hate Fest, Come Clean, New Adventures. There isn’t a single track from either Doppelgänger or Cuckoo that I skip or have grown tired of. And IMO Gift and Open Day edge out Come Clean strictly on account of the song Come Clean. This order is not my order of actual preference. Though it’s close. Come Clean minus the title track is absolutely a brilliant album.


totally understand. i've been leaning towards gift over come clean recently. gift is pretty short and sweet with no bad songs at all but come clean was the album that introduced me to curve so it has sentimental value even though some of the songs are less desirable like the aforementioned title track lol. still have to familiarize myself more with the internet-only releases which was the only reason they weren't mentioned but i've given them a spin here and there.