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why doesnt she do chapo to plug this pod


idk but its a fun casual listen, found it by stumbling into a couple of the matt appearances in my youtube feed


She has a couple times if I recall. Not as promo but more the oh yeah btw I do this show


i think her and rax and courtney aren't necessarily in it for maximum breadth of listenership, it's just something they do for funzies on the side as mutual friends. i think if it gained too much of a following it would start stressing them out with heightened expectations or the like.


They had a falling out


This is sarcastic right?


A guy I know told me


does he work at nintendo


Ninchapo (Chaptendo?)


is his name virgil


Why lie about this? So fucking weird.


I can’t wait to preorder the Tactical Jerry Orbach children’s book!


That’s a good sign that she’s restarted her podcast.


the seriousness of the heart defect, stroke and multiple surgeries, how much work she says it still is caring for him, and the fact his tweets are still often garbled after 9 months all make me feel it would be wise to not expect him back any time soon


Hell, I’d want him to take a year or two off just for time with the baby. I’m happy to know he’s still alive and in the embrace people who love him.


Honestly crazy to listen to this because what she describes as causing Matt's stroke is exactly what caused my dad's stroke two months earlier


I’d rather not listen to her pod. Could someone summarize it?


Matt is still rehabbing, it’s tough. Stroke was caused by a birth defect in his heart, hence why there’s so much additional surgeries.


Starts at 5mins in. Matt had a stroke. Amber is bustin' her ass taking care of a baby and helping Matt with rehab. "Update" is a pretty grandiose way of describing it.


Get better soon Matt


I did say "brief" update! It's still genuinely more info than we've gotten from anywhere this whole time and gives the context that we probably can't expect him back any time soon


I’d also prefer a summary, but is there like, a reason not to listen to her pod?


Not really, just not familiar w her at all and I had no clue it was at the beginning of the pod. Looking at the description, her pod seems cool.


Did you know you're a misogynist now? Edit: it's a joke off some other dweeb's comment, damn


Idpol bullshit in the cushvlog sub you hate to see it


Probably misogyny. Nobody who has time to post in the sub is too busy to listen to 10 minutes of a podcast


Misogyny is when you don’t listen to a woman’s podcast


Picture this post but with this headline—"In case you missed it Jerry Christman (Matt's brother) just restarted his podcast Crime Boulevard, gives a brief update on Matt"—and tell me you don't think these same people would have 10 minutes.


Yeah I don’t think a lot people are going to run off and listen to a new podcast they don’t already listen to if they could simply ask for a brief summary of the info. I saw this post and simply wanted to know if there was any new info and didn’t have time that second to put on a podcast cause l was spending time with my family on Father’s Day not because I hate women. I would guess most people here are like that. To be fair, I would absolutely agree with you that there is an absurd amount of misogyny on reddit, but it doesn’t seem to me that this particular sub is rife with it. And I think “too busy to listen to a podcast means you’re a misogynist” is an absolutely brain dead take


Hmmm, I don’t know, “Father’s Day” sounds pretty much like a thing only a misogynist would celebrate… /s, and jeez there are some people on this sub who seem never to have encountered any of Matt’s work


I don't think you're a mysoginst, I do think men who listen to Matt, while priding themselves on their feminist bona fides, would be much more likely to listen to the first ten minutes of a podcast of a man they don't know than a woman they do.


Or believe it or not, many people just want a brief update on his condition without having to find this podcast and listening to 10 minutes of talking.


I don't have the time either, am glad someone summed it up. Just giving my sense of how our society works, that men favor men's voices, and that it's a form of cultural misogyny. Does that mean EVERY thing is misogyny? No. Does it mean you're a misogynist? No. Is it worthwhile to consider how cultural misogyny shapes our responses? Pretty much always.


good bit


Never listening to a podcast called Crime Boulevard


“Crime Street” or “Crime Road” would sound far more appealing, and I wouldn’t listen to those either


"Crime Traffic Circle" for the win.


Even if it was hosted by the brother of a pseudo famous podcaster?


Especially not then


What if it was called “crime time?”


You’re reaching so hard. This is Reddit. We don’t even read most of the articles we get our info from.


weird way to put it lol