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1: Interesting sort of take on land destruction, Kind of makes me wish it also had the rider "activated abilities of enchantments you control cost 1 more" and "use this ability only as a sorcery", so it isn't as easy to lock an opponent out of their lands. I do like how it triggers some enchantresses, so that works as a sort of plan 2 of attack for them. 2: I know for a fact at least the card name isn't already taken but this is a very normal card that could se print, but unlikely would because it is very capable of bogging down games of limited. 3: I really like the fact that you have to make the active choice to adventure into the labyrinth but still, like, have the property that you can choose not to explore which is kind of cool. What sort of modes were you hoping to have on the labyrinth? was it supposed to be like a JRPG where it contains rare loot on one side and bad things on the other? or was it supposed to all be more or less good? I don't really like the cumulative life loss on the reverse side, it feels kind of pedestrian, maybe make minotaurs for your opp based on tokens?


Arkenduel curse is meant to be like a [[Pack Rat]] style effect, but that tackles a different type of resource in hordes to punish greedy mana bases. It’s like a 20 mana blood moon when you think about it lol Yeah I just can’t believe this isn’t a thing yet, and it totally could be. I mean, it’s not as busted as Ragavan so who cares is the new design philosophy these days lol The labyrinth is gonna be something like, you venture deeper and create a stronger creature token each time, or you find a mysterious artifact, or you fall into a trap. Then at the center I had made a card that you could tutor out of the deck grave or hand straight into play, Supreme Lich Garetkogg which I forgot to put here :/ but, the idea was that you have to actively spend time and resources and deck space to refresh your life just like if you were venturing deeper into a toxic dungeon for real. Gotta dress the wounds and stuff, which is meant to balance it cause of the tempo loss from trying to recoup all that life


[Pack Rat](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/7/170693f5-13db-4191-99b1-e527ffb5b88e.jpg?1562783180) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Pack%20Rat) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/rtr/73/pack-rat?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/170693f5-13db-4191-99b1-e527ffb5b88e?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


1: Its a little more oppressive as the line could potentially lock your opponent from colored sources as early as turn two. 2: obvs not broken for constructed, just a pain in limited 3: Okay then!