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Lost her left arm doing this kind of shit and here she goes again.


I swear, Jodie will never learn..


Must have been in UK or Australia before


Hey, she really wanted to crank up the radio on her favorite song. The problem was, it was a car going by 55 mph. Be respectful, ok?


LOL i legit had a good laugh


This is why I'm on this sub




i don't even own this game and this is why i'm on this sub


I might get banned for this but... Pirate it. They done scammed all of these customers anyway, I mean look at that rendering, it's still not good enough Edit: spelling


Meh, I make plenty of money, I'm planning on getting it when I can finally get ahold of a 3080. I'm hoping by then it's patched into something playable. I like to pay even for shitty games because I want my dollar to support the industry, even if they don't deserve it lol.


Respects. I'm happy you eating good bro


A little too good, quarantine is making me fat af


Yup, I blame ā€˜Merica


I mean the game is still good. Just not the "next gen never seen before" thing they advertised.


The people saying its a shitty unplayable game are being dishonest. Its a disappointment, thats true! But it is still better while being a disappointment than a lot of other games.


I bought it yesterday (after waiting like 5 years and literally buying and building a pc for the first time to play it), thinking after the patch most of the bugs would be worked out. It ran ok and there were a few funny bugs but nothing major aside from some issues with the resolution on my ultra wide. What I did *not* expect was that even running on highest specs, it looks legit awful (the world mostly looks great but anything that moves seems to suffer). Everything has this kinda hazy look to it that Iā€™m sure isnā€™t intentional. Like everyoneā€™s hair has had sand dumped on it, and heaps of the textures look weird and unfinished. Nearly pissed myself laughing when I had my character check themselves out in the mirror, smiling or smirking or being sad etc - and she looked EXACTLY like I did after trying Botox a few years ago, trying to contort the muscles into various ā€œnaturalā€ expressions while my mates laughed at me. Just like me, my poor girlā€™s attempts at different expressions ultimately ended up looking a little pained, but otherwise exactly the same vacant half smile with a bit of bizarre twitching. Fucking hilarious, really took me back haha


They *kinda* fixed the blurriness, but the game looks its best during scripted events


Blurry probably isnā€™t the right word to describe what I mean, itā€™s almost the opposite, like itā€™s overly sharpened - I had a similar issue w destiny 2, which apparently was due to the textures being too detailed (little white dots on some of the more intricate shapes, some odd lighting effects on the same) - itā€™s a bit like that, but more dirty looking. Like grain/noise in low light photos. I donā€™t know whatā€™s causing it, but turning anti aliasing off like I did to fix D2 doesnā€™t seem to make a diff.


Theres settings you can tweak and turn off. The best npc scenes are indoors at night for some reason


Pirating sucks and they did not "scam" they did massively mislead the consumers however, those 2 are very different things one being illegal while the other is merely bad PR.


Mimimi cry me a river,I refuse to simp for big corporations


Shut. Up. This whole sentence is stupid. Think before you type




These glitches are on console. How you plan on pirating it on console. If they had a pc they wouldn't have bought it for console in the first place Let's do something illegal because i can't think for myself. Only corporations bad


I've done many illegal things, so what? These glitches are on PC as well. Also you can pirate games on console as well


Whatever you need to tell yourself to justify your actions


Lol you're a loser mate piss of


Guy who steals a $60 game and im the loser rofl


You are uneducated on piracy. Piracy is not stealing you need to understand how torrenting works.


Son i have been pirating games before torrents were even a thing You dont know shit about pirating until youve used usenet or navigated dodgy warez sites with god knows how many viruses, trackers and ads you encountered before the days of adblockers and noscript But theres a thing called maturity and knowing where to draw the line


I waited beyond the refund period just to see it in its full glory after the patches and still, soooooo disappointed. I regret not getting a refund, Iā€™m probably not even gonna play this more than the initial hours I have.


They will be never fix the game completely, the problems run deep


As scooter said "Catch-A-RIIIIIIIDE"


Scooter's mom is hot. Would smash 12/10


Too bad everybody allready has...


Man, Borderlands set in the Cyberpunk world would look so awesome. Despite all the other shit, the environment itself looks crazy good when itā€™s all working. If it played like BO3 Iā€™d never leave my chair


pretty sure there's a mod floating around that puts the graphics into borders style graphics. Sadly same gameplay tho


>Scooter's mom Borderlands 3 had Promethea which had that cyberpunk world look


okay I laughed out loud. lmao


"Step-brother! My hand is stuck!"


This new cyberware is getting out of hands


I hate you. Take my upvote though.


The most immersive and interactive gaming world to date. To be fair this one is pretty awesome.


I was thinking sth similar. It isn't 'broken' in a way that doesn't work at all. **It works!** in unthinkable ways. If that isn't the future, I don't know what is.


This is hilarious but damn is it creepy Uncanny valley for sure


The look on her face too šŸ˜‚


haha i love this game


You know, I just really don't get the cybernetic prosthetics in Cyberpunk...


Engaging. It keeps your mind occupied while you wait.


I'm liiiiike a bird, I wanna fly away.


Ahhhhh... yes, the new bugs in the newest patch, eh? LOL


if only


The arm šŸ˜­


This is what happens when mrs incredible turns to opioids


ā€œPatch 1.2 makes Cyberpunk 2077 the game it was meant to beā€


[Bullet Tooth Tony intensifies]


These body modifications are getting ridiculous


When a 2020 game looks like a Sims 3 glitch. What is going on anyway?


Glitches and visual bugs happen in literally every video game ever released, the date in which they were released is irrelevant.


Of course you're right. I meant that it SPECIFICALLY reminded me of those Sims 3 glitches with the extended limbs and otherwise completely alien Look of some of the characters.


Well, that it reminds you of Sims 3 still has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that it's a "2020 game"


Okay if you say so.




Wow, a small graphical bug. Totally unplayable. 0/10




Am I triggering you buddy? šŸ˜‚ I must be since you've shifted from soft insults to hard insults. There's nothing to discuss on this post. It's just a random bug.


lmao if calling u what u are is an insult, then sure. says im "triggered" when u started all this with ur blind fanboyism. im just showing u the problems. yet you stay blind.


**You are not showing me a single thing.** Only you're pathetic insults.


so you saw nothing in all those tags and what could be thousands of comments and experiences huh??? stay blind. soft ass thinks being called a fanboy is an insult.


I'm well aware what peoples issues about the game are. I share some of them. You cannot insult me. You're desperately trying but you cannot.




Crowbcat's video is joke to me. I barely finished watching it. What many issues? The patch adressed over 500 things and overwrote over half of the game's files. It may have created some new issues here and there because that's how patches work. That's how coding works. You fix 100 bugs but may create 25 new ones. Ask any programmer if you ever get the chance. CDPR stated that it's now up to Sony to decide when the game will come back to the store. Patch 1.2 stabilized PS4 Pro performance quite significantly and it's more than playable.


yet you seem to keep ignoring them after claiming to "share some of them"... why? also, theyre not just simple "issues" like you want to claim. theyre constantly listing game breaking bugs, immersion breaking bugs, poor gameplay experiences, tons of "graphical glitches"(the term u wanna use for complete map drop offs šŸ˜‚) obvious cut content still ingame and not implemented for whatever reason, the list goes on and theyre not insults fanboy. its how i actually think of you. but keep playing victim. fanboy. also, ironic cause you seem really mad about all the "insults," cause thats ur most used word here šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø




That video is one big joke to me. I barely finished watching it.


I would like a personal item that lets you toggle radio stations while walking around the city. Yeah


Hahaha this is really good, thank you


Oi mate get outta me cah!




Jesus wtf dude lmfaaaaooo


What a terrible day to have eyes


When self driving car ain't working to well.


Some people will say it is because of your pc.


I know, right?


2107 be like in the future.šŸ˜­


Is cyberpunk ever going to NOT be a joke? It's like the most memed game ever. So much raw material there. You don't have to try and invent a meme - they just happen during normal gameplay. šŸ˜ Well I suppose cdpr wanted to create a memorable game..... šŸ¤”




Haha yeah. "success! Kinda..."


They will never fix this game lol


If it weren't for the bugs I think this game would have died within a week


We are more entertained with the glitches as there's some immersion lacking with the game. Entertainment finds a way.


Ur character creation tho lol


The man 'Pettson' from the Swedish comic 'Pettson and Findus' made me do it. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-ebpcPcXdOhQ/TZX_3HZ0RGI/AAAAAAAAJ7Y/M-b2ZN7R1zk/s1600/pettsonlagarpannkaka.jpg


That link looks fake af. Will it break my computer if I click it?


Absolutely yes.


I have to click it now to find out


They were never seen again


Looking at all the bugs, glitches and performance i am slowly getting hopeless about this game and its future.


That was obvious from day 1 when the game have launched and when Play Station removed it from their store. Nothing really changed from that moment.


I had hopes from Patch 1.2, instead i stopped playing the game after that.


CDPR already got paid. Since they couldnā€™t deliver what they promised _before_ they got paid, it seems unlikely that theyā€™ll even _try_ now.


I was watching a comparison video the other day, what they showed us in 2018 how the game will be and how the actual game is. There is not a single thing which has been delivered as they promised, and the game isn't even optimized. I will wait for a few more patches and fixes ( if there will be any), else will uninstall and move on, thinking it was bad call pre ordering cyberpunk.


Bad call to preorder any game, I didn't even buy it. The city however looks cool, other then then that lol


It's a bad call to pre-order any game. It's people like you who ruin the industry. In the old days we awaited reviews and then bought it if the game was good. Now you rely on a promise where more often than not game's get released unfinished with a bunch of bugs, which they *promise* to fix with upcoming patches and will add content with DLC's for which you will have to pay for


Yeah may be you are right, its our fault who believe in developers and pre order, specially them who created The witcher series. Trusted in their work and "promises". But i dont agree on point where people like us ruin the industry, its the developers who can't deliver what they promised to. Any ways lessons learned, and paid DLC's? No way, if they fix the game that will be more than enough.


> It's people like you who ruin the industry. Completely logical conclusion there Maynard. Name some old games when the industry wasn't "ruined", without bugs. The biggest driver of the change has been expecting users to have a network connection. It has led to great ways to patch instead of downloading a file via ftp, but has also led to "release now patch later" mentality.


Could you share the link of the video please? I'm very interested in this video.


There are tons of cyberpunk 2018 vs 2020 comparison videos on YouTube.








Oh come on! Haha, this gameā€™s glitches are so ridiculous.


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*Neuron activated


Jesus take the wheel!


i remember this girl was in Cyberpunk screenshot ads before it released last year.


Moments like this redeem the game completely!


Grand Theft Auto NPCs, after you steal their car, be like:


Lol, this game is a sad dumpster fire. Didn't they say that multiplayer is now off the table for the future?


Why is every single car in cyberpunk lopsided?


Who put Super glue on the volume knob??. šŸ˜…


Hehe.. Eww... Eventually, there is going to be a glitch that gets you to rethink it all.




Ahahahhhahaha gosh this made my day I legit laughed way to loud at work thank you


So accurate


Christ on a crutch


Mr. Bean






2nd picture has me in tears šŸ˜‚


Lmao i love the "hu... eh" expression she has too. Really Tryna turn it up


Pon pon shit šŸ¤˜šŸ¤˜šŸ¤˜