• By -


Risky business imo best of the lot (including between two nerds offshoot) topical and entertaining, but no waffle


100%, Risky Business is my favorite and the one I recommend the most. They cover such a wide array of security news, and have good insights and interviews from a nice variety of sources. The host is a former journalist and is excellent at getting primary sources and distilling information.


May you link the channel please.


Kindly do the needful


Stop! Dude you’re giving me ptsd


I thought that was a meme within my team. Ah the Cybersec community is great




Risky click




Hacked, Darknet Diaries, Risky Biz


Cyberwire daily, Hacking Humans


Anything from N2K really. Caveat is good for GRC


Love cyberwire


Down the Security Rabbithole with Rafal Los is good - just passed their 600th episode mark, so well established and has some solid industry hitters as regular guests. [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyo0dkKRvfVtWXjRxNISrhme1MgBj3C2U](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyo0dkKRvfVtWXjRxNISrhme1MgBj3C2U)


Agreed I've come to this late but I have really enjoyed this Rafal's and guest's insights.


I work with Raf and been a guest on the podcast once, he’s really worked hard to make it a success and it shows in the quality of guests he has on - except me perhaps! 😀


Open Source Security Podcast, it is weekly, episodes are about 40min.


I honestly can't stand the way these two guys constantly talk over each other. So annoying. It's fine to disagree... but c'mon, let one side finish making a point before you interrupt to make your own.


It’s true that they do that a lot, I don’t mind it because it’s obvious those two are long time friends, but I can see it’s not to the taste of everyone.


Consider “what’s in the SOSS? An OpenSSF podcast”


Oh my god, preach. It wrecked my head.


I completely see why people would be put off by that, but I kind of like it. It seems more natural than many other podcasts, imo. Some episodes just don't have much informational value, but often the discussions are kind of interesting.


Security Now with Steve Gibson


I love this one because it gives the the NPR Car Guys vibes


Haha, totally. It’s less professional news, and more news and fun from the academic side, which is a nice place to be in some times. I feel like I spend so much time responding to active threats, and not enough time thinking about security for security’s sake. 


This was my *first* podcast, way back in 2005! Taught me the basics of networking and security. Incredible that he's still going...


I can hear the SpinRite ads in my dreams...


They just released 6.0! Or 6.1!


Second this one.  It’s great.


I have about a dozen security podcasts I listen to. I had to stop with this one. I like both of them, and they are more accurate and technical than most others (which I prefer), but having web articles read to me verbatim is tedious. For example: "In YourMomSoft version nine point six point three, point three to YourMomSoft version nine point seven point two point zero, there exists an overflow bug in the OvenBake procedure call, as it calls the stack, where the input into the subsection Breadmin of the admin center, whereby if you input the exact string six, nine, four, two, zero, W, T, F and then wait for the system clock to be exactly the fourth hour, twenty minutes, zero seconds, zero milliseconds, and zero nanoseconds, and zero picoseconds, then submit, you will trigger a buffer overflow by calling the BigFat.dll version nine point three, point two point eleven, point sixty nine." Podcast gods help the listener if it the article being read is the deep dive into the bug and goes into register numbers and more. It will be read, in its entirety, verbatim for the next 10 minutes. CLEAR 0. 0 x y MOVE from 1 to 3. 0 0 y x ADD 3 to 1 and 0. x x y 0 MOVE from 2 to 3. x x 0 y ADD 3 to 2 and 0. x + y x y 0


The only thing I ever found annoying about Steve was his obsession with assembly lol


Hahahaha yeah, he def gives off the old person vibe with his "the address is double-u double-u double-u dot, G R C dot C O M forward slash... blah blah blah". He does get in the weeds quite a bit, but I like his exactness. I just skip over the verbatim bug/exploit code readings, lol.


Not really a podcast, more of a livestream, but I've always enjoyed Black Hills Infosec's Talkin about the News (on Mondays) and Dr. Gerald Auger's Simply Cyber Threat Brief (weekdays)


I am convinced that anything Black Hills produces is gold.


It's true


The amount of people I’ve waved their comic books at while frantically saying, “look at this! Look at how AMAZING THIS IS” has started to border on “person on the street corner wearing a sign about the apocalypse” levels of fanaticism. I love them.


I try to listen to Simply Cyber Threat Brief live every morning, but I'm on the West Coast, and it's hard to wake up at 8 am EST.


Yeah I hear that. There's no way, too early for me too. I'm on team replay, usually an hr or 2 behind. Love seeing you and the BHIS gang for your Talkin' About News stream. See ya later 🙃


I second this. He brings the excitement to security news. Sometimes, it's a little too "extra" for my ears, but when I'm in the mood for it, its a great listen.


Dailey News: Cyber Security Headlines from the CISO series or Sans stormcast bi-Weekly long form: SecurityNow with steve gibson


One of the producers of Cyber Security Headlines here, glad you enjoy it!


Smashing Security is great for a light catch up on the news and the banter between hosts are entertaining. Black Hills Information Security is also great for hot takes, current news, and banter ( always a sucker for good banter)


> Smashing Security is great for a light catch up on the news and the banter between hosts are entertaining. Emphasis on the light. E.g. they didn't report on the xz-vuln and the repercussions re:supply chain security.


This is fair. I tend to listen to them as a reprieve from the mainstream since my other cyber info inputs can get a little oversaturated. It’s nice to hear what else is going on outside of the latest 0day in some cases.


That's fair to say. We're trying to be accessible to the general public, because it's so important for them to care about cybersecurity and privacy too. Hopefully those working in the industry will find plenty of stuff to enjoy it in too though. (Full disclosure - I'm one of the hosts of "Smashing Security")


> Hopefully those working in the industry will find plenty of stuff to enjoy it in too though. Hi Graham, I definitely do; it's one of the highlights of my week! I didn't want to throw shade, just to give an indication what listeners can expect. (though I'd *love* for you to get a bit deeper; heavens knows you and Carole have the knowledge and background for it!).


Don’t worry! No shade felt. :)


Click Here podcast is good


Came to say this




Critical thinking podcast? Its for bug bounty people


I love that podcast! I've being doing app pentesting for a long time and am very comfortable testing web apps without running a scanner, but that show blows my mind on a regular basis.


[7 min security](https://open.spotify.com/show/61c15kBzYFPyr0eMVJS2BK).


Hacker And The Fed. The hosts are an FBI agent and an infamous hacker he arrested and put to work for the FBI. Can get a bit technical for noobs like me but I can generally follow along. Similar format to other shows with stories from the past and current events.


Is this still active? I don't they even released one episode in 2024.


I can only find one episode from February of this year so maybe not.


It's not. He recently told me they uncovered every stone in that story.


Adversary Universe (CrowdStrike's podcast)


I listen to the IT World Canada daily one, pretty good for keeping up with major stories/new vulnerabilities/breaches.


Security weekly


Adopting Zero Trust - not in the weeds tech, but Elliot tends to have really experienced and intelligent guests on that bring many different views to the concept of Zero Trust. [https://www.linkedin.com/company/adopting-zero-trust/](https://www.linkedin.com/company/adopting-zero-trust/)


Oh hey that's me.


found him!


Darknet Diaries, Smashing Security, Cybercrime Investigations (Geoff White), Click Here


I’ve used to listen to quite a few different one but have started to be really irritated by the hype banter and all the marketing BS that is in some of the podcasts, just want them to get to the point. I personally listen to Cyber Wire but I really like Cyber Security Today as the podcast is only 7 minutes in length except for a Friday Weekly recap one which is about 30 mins or so. There very little BS and back and forth in the podcast. SANS Daily StormCast is a good one too for keeping up to date with InfoSec.


Securitynow with Steve Gibson Blueprint podcast from SANS Hacked Daily stormcast (SANS isc)


The Social Engineer podcast!


SANS Internet Storm Center has a great, short daily review of current events—usually about 5 mins. They are approaching their 9000th episode in a little less than a month. Highly recommend! EDIT: I might be wrong about the number of episodes, but it's been going on since 2009. A ton of episodes and content no matter how you look at it.


New one that's pretty informal from the CISO and sales perspective of cyber https://youtube.com/@Ctrl_Alt_Decrypt?si=xt6aCMCU2JIl9lzS


For keeping up with daily news I recommend Cyber Security Headlines & CyberWire Daily


I love serials. Some good ones I’ve binged in the last couple years. [The Lazarus Heist](https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/w13xtvg9/episodes/downloads) - North Korea hackers [The Ransomware Files](https://pod.link/ransomwarefiles) - self explanatory [Shoot The Messenger](https://beta.prx.org/series/43392) - Gripping stories surrounding the Pegasus malware [Privacy Files](https://privacyfiles.com/) (not a serial) - I hesitated about recommending this one, because some of the “SMEs” they have on for their episodes demonstrate a rather remarkable lack of grip on the subject matter at hand. But one of the few podcasts I’ve come across that focuses on privacy not just strictly from a cyber perspective


Darknet Diaries is pretty good.


Modern Mischief: explores hacks, detailing how they unfolded and the individuals behind them. It's a captivating one that I highly recommend. It’s available on Spotify.


Hi, as a CISO, I can recommend the following (besides the other really good podcasts that have been already mentioned above):  * Podcasts from the [cisoseries.com](http://cisoseries.com) : * 1) Cyber Security Headlines to have a brief daily overview of the latest news * 2) CISO series podcast (more casual and relaxed, I love to start or finish my day listening to it) * 3) Defense in Depth (usually focuses on a specific topic for a debate)  * The Virtual CISO Podcast ([speaker.com](http://speaker.com)) provides insights about topics like ISO 27001, incident response, data privacy, third-party risks, etc. Guests are usually industry thought leaders who share their security advice, tips, and the latest strategies. * The New CISO (with Steve Moore). Although it’s provided by security vendor Exabeam, the content is super insightful, vendor-agnostic, and focuses on the real challenges that CISOs face.  * CISO Tradecraft ([cisotradecraft.podbean.com](http://cisotradecraft.podbean.com)) takes one topic and provides an analysis, gives insights, etc.  * CISO Stories ([cisostoriespodcast.com](http://cisostoriespodcast.com)) is another great one with broad topics and interesting guests. * Risk & Reels ([blackkite.com](http://blackkite.com)) focuses on a specific topic for a debate. Cheers!


I'm one of the producers on Cyber Security Headlines, great to hear you enjoy and get value from the show! Means a lot


Great stuff, keep going!


Hey, have you heard about FortMesa's 'MSP Cyber Roundtable' podcast? It's all about cybersecurity for MSPs, with experts giving helpful advice. You should give it a listen!


Hi! If you're into cybersecurity podcasts, you should give FortMesa a try. They talk about cybersecurity topics in a way that's easy to understand, even if you're not a tech expert. It's a good way to learn and stay updated. Give it a shot!


Darknet Diaries


This one is my favorite because he’s got an excellent format and it’s always entertaining.




For news, Risky.biz is my go to


Another vote for Risky Biz. Goes over all the weeks infosec news and ends with interesting interviews with industry professionals. Also the Lazarus Heist, although it's a series rather than a weekly/monthly podcast.


Hacker and the fed if you’re into that sort of thing


AOL Underground - https://aolunderground.com/ Ephemeral Security - https://ephemeralsecuritypodcast.com/


The Sensuous Sounds of Infosec. It’s 3 guys with very different views of the world talking about a lot of things related to IT and Cyber.




Cybercrimeology is worth a listen imo


Identity at the Center for IAM specific security content


I've been listening to Security Now for years.


Simply Cyber Every morning


Dark net diaries. 


CyBUr Smart Morning News Update. A 15 min morning look at current cyber news by retired FBI Cyber SME. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-cybur-smart-morning-news-update/id1583327333




One that I’ve been listening to recently bc of my interest in the OT and industrial space is OGofOT. It’s pretty new and they are still getting their style figured out. They also have this weird gimmick where they mask the voice of guests with this filter that’s pretty annoying, but the stories make up for it.


Proofpoint's Discarded podcast is good.


Risky Business CyberWire Daily WIRED Security


How to enter in cyber security felid 🤔


Click Here.


[The 443!](https://www.secplicity.org/category/the-443/)


Darknet Diaries ‼️


Shameless plug for the Cyber Crime Junkies podcast (I say this because I was recently a guest on it).


I listen to the The Security Cloud Podcast: [https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-security-cloud-podcast/id1731557213](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-security-cloud-podcast/id1731557213)


The David Bombal Show is good esp. the ones with Occupy the Web (OTW), The Shawn Ryan Show has some good cyber episodes (esp. with Ryan Montgomery (0day), on Spotify I like Blue Team Warrior and Blue Team Security podcasts. I love Darknet Diaries - I would have added that if you hadn’t! :)


Hacked is also pretty interesting!


CISO Tradecraft


Shared Security, Critical Thinking, and anything with Phillip Wylie.




I enjoy beers with talos


Hi, here is a link to a podcast listing. You can sort by "security" - [https://docs.teckedin.info/docs/podcast](https://docs.teckedin.info/docs/podcast)


These are my usual go to podcasts for security * Risky Biz https://risky.biz/ * Click Here https://therecord.media/podcast * Unsupervised Learning https://danielmiessler.com/ * Security Now https://www.grc.com/securitynow.htm * Open Source Security https://opensourcesecurity.io/ * Malicious Life has some good hacking stories https://malicious.life/


Recently started listening to The Lazarus Heist, it's very good so far. Not super technical but includes some specifics about NoKo hacks and how they laundered the money back. A couple others on the list I haven't started yet are Modem Mischief and Reply All


All the ones mentioned above plus Threat Vector by Unit 42. The Microsoft Threat Intelligence Podcast. 8th Layer Insights. Control Loop. Afternoon Cyber Tea. Uncovering Hidden Risk. Pretty sure all of those are N2K podcasts now that I think about it. Anyway, N2K and TWiT are 90% of what’s in my podcatcher. . .


Security Weekly’s series have been my favorite for years. Learned a ton from them.


Everyone has already listed the major ones, however I have recently stumbled across this channel on YouTube that is a good summary and discussion of the latest privacy-focused news of the week (with a ton of cybersecurity content mixed in). I sound like a shill but I swear I don’t know the guys and I think their content is worth listening to: SurveillanceReport https://youtube.com/@surveillancereport I just binged the last three videos in the background and it’s very easy listening.


Have you checked out CyberWire's "Hacking Humans" podcast? It's a great blend of cybersecurity and social engineering topics that keeps things interesting and informative. Definitely worth adding to your rotation!


The Azure security podcast, As name suggest host talks about security in Azure and mostly Product Owners, Program managers in MS come to talk about Cloud security.


Security Now is another good one to add to that list. [https://twit.tv/shows/security-now](https://twit.tv/shows/security-now)


Wow. I had forgotten about this one. Haven’t listened in maybe 7or 8 years. Gonna have to look it up b


Unsupervised learning (security and AI)


New Books Network, science and technology, look for cyber episodes


BrakeSecEd has dropped the audio podcast to move to more Twitch and youtube. We put out a podcast for interviews, coding, been around since 2014 [youtube.com/@brakeseced](http://youtube.com/@brakeseced)


Technado. It's not security specific, but they do spend a good chunk (if not the majority) of each episode discussing security.


Germany: netzsicher


I found this one: https://youtube.com/@thedecloakedpodcast?si=JwHpFfw3-_G72td0 It focuses on cybersecurity leaders POV. Ups and downs of the industry. Career advice and what pisses them off about cyber.


Storm Watch by GreyNoise


“Click Here” from Recorded Future News is quite good. Their NPR/Frontline vibe turns cybersecurity news into crime dramas and interesting documentary style edutainment.


Podcasts can be used for CISM CPE Credits ya?


It should be. However, I didn't see it to be mentioned explicitly in ISACA guidelines. On the contrary, ISC2 lists podcasts explicitly as an accepted source of CPEs.


The WISP podcast is really good, they share stories about women in cyber security.


How about Compromising Positions? It's a "cybersecurity from the outside" podcast. Full disclosure, I'm one of the hosts of this podcast. We only interview non-cybersecurity professionals and ask them how their concepts could help cybersecurity teams improve. We interview behavioural scientists, risk managers, people in marketing etc. and we've found there's a lot of interesting key concepts that have genuinely help cybersecurity professionals make an impact. https://youtube.com/@compromisingpositions?si=raNV4O1H8EveorUL


Compromising Positions www.compromisingpositions.co.uk/where-to-listen/




I just started Darknet Diaries. Cyber Espionage is nuts!


Darknet diaries


Security Now on the Twit Network.


Darknet Diaries


Darknet Diaries. I little of everything


I went to search for one of the ones mentioned and Google was like..here man: [https://imgur.com/yQJoHq6](https://imgur.com/yQJoHq6)