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One bottle with water, one with a homemade electrolyte mix, snacking often, high carb and energy snacks made for exercise (think gu, Clif blocks, Honey stinger, etc.) some real food along the way (think PB, apple sauce, quick sandwich, etc.) Electrolyte mix 1/4 cup sugar 1/2tsp salt 1/4 cup juice Little lemon juice Water


Just for reference 1/4 C of sugar is 50g of carbs. This is more of a sports drink vs electrolytes. This is about 1000mg of sodium (which is good). Definitley add Morton’s No-Salt or Windsor no salt similar. About 1/4 tsp is the right proportion to sodium in what you are doing.


This guy electrolytes




You can also buy potassium chloride at your grocery store and add it. Not sure what the ratios are though with sodium


Been finding LMNT to work well for me.


Lean-age Mutant Ninja Turtles?


Is eating teenage mutant ninja turtles making you feel bloated? Try *new* Lean-age Mutant Ninja Turtles! Now with 50 percent less fat, but *all* the flavor! 


Not sure if anyone else would agree, but I don’t think lean is the best thing to drink if you want electrolytes


*holds the door open* get out


I'm sold on this stuff and have gone through everything under the sun over the last 30 years.


I make my own LMNT at home bc it's pretty expensive. It comes out to like $0.10/serving versus $1.50.




> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-m4JQEv3fj4


Recipe please?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-m4JQEv3fj4 I've used natural flavorings, and artificial (kool-aid pouches) and prefer the artificial lol...


I love this in their citrus salt version. Easy to take extra packets with you and add to bottles when you refill. 1000mg of sodium, 200mg of potassium and 60mg of magnesium.


This stuff is so tasty! I use one bottle of this, and one bottle of hi carb mix on most of my rides unless they're 6+ hours long. For the longer rides I take 2 hi carb mix bottles and a 2 L hydration pack with electrolytes.


This is my strategy as well. Something about having a good tasting drink for the back side of a long ride too. 👍


Just started using it this week and it’s my favorite brand now! Also since I saw their brand focuses on simple/few ingredients I decided to look into making my own electrolyte mix since LMNT is pretty expensive. They actually have the exact recipe for each of their 4 flavors and the mineral amounts so you can make it yourself. Not sure why theirs is priced so high considering I can make it for less than 10 cents a serving.


Pint of beer.


Only the one?


I'm so happy I discovered dried mango. I think that's gonna be my main snack for the rest of my life.


are you rich?


Not for long!


Mango is super cheap where I live... usually 1 dollar a kilo during this seaosn... I usually buy a lot, then peel and freeze, or make water and freeze it which later I can use for lots of things.


That's a great idea. Maybe you can airfry as well


Kirkland brand isn’t bad price wise


I’m on the Gatorade train, plain and simple it works. Although may go to scratch


Skratch works for me. Dependable and not expensive.


And cheap, a tub is 12-15$


This is what I do as well. Works great.


Do you just do the powders mixed in a bottle of water?




idk why but Gatorade is the only thing that has ever in life made me have stomach problems while riding or not riding. Has happened three times only with Gatorade. idk


Try using less Gatorade power to water and adding table salt. I find the ratio they recommend is gross.


My regiment for the local 65 mile hill climb w/ 7000 ft elevation gain: 1 bottle water, 2 bottles with 1 nuun each, 2 standard GUs, 1 GU with caffeine, 2 stroopwafels, 1 random snack (usually trail mix or clif bar) I start with normal water, then when it runs out switch to the nuun ones. About 20 miles in I’ll eat my first Gu, then alternate with solid food & another Gu every 20-30 minutes or so depending on how hungry I feel. 1 hours before the ride I’ll eat a banana, oatmeal, and coffee. Depending on how big your breakfast is, you may be able to skimp a little more on calories during the ride


nice breakfast before, salt tab on one of my bottles (I usually take 2 750ml), stop for 2nd breakfast halfway through (which includes some salty stuff), and maybe pop a salt cap on my way back if the day is particularly warm and I have to refill my water bottles (I am a sweaty boy)


Hobbit style. I like that.


why else would anyone endure more than 10 mins on the bike?!?!?! it's all about being able to eat more food!!!!


I’ve done many centuries with just water and regular foods like nuts and gummies. I’m not reaching but can finish most centuries in 6 hours or so. I try to keep it simple to avoid stomach problems.


while i'm all for keeping it simple, nutrition on endurance rides can be vastly improved. just because you can finish a hundred miles does not mean you could not finosh them faster, more comfortable and with less strain on youur body. i use liquid fueling options on endurance rides and there is a measurable difference when indon't and recovery takes longer


I’m a fan of Scratch Super High-carb lemon and lime. It’s expensive though so I save it for my long rides only. If anyone has a home brew recipe for something similar that I can put in my bottles I’d welcome it. 🙏


i'm not sure if cyclic dextrin is just marketing, but 100gr of carbs is impressive and if its pallatable i'll give it a try


It has a thicker consistency then other mixes, especially if you use the max amount to get to the 100g carbs. It's not terrible but it's something to consider if you hate gels since it will slightly resemble that for your tongue.


i don't hate gels and it makes a lot of sense, since its double the amount of carbs you get from regular liquid fuel


To be fair, if you put 100g of any other mix instead of whatever their recommended amount is, you would also get 400 calories and have no problem with solubility. The main advantage with skratch is the cluster-dextrin which supposedly breaks down more gradually than maltodextrin so you get fueled more consistently instead of a big rush everytime you take a sip. For me, the biggest advantage is the fact that it's not sweet at all so it's easier on the palate especially towards the end of a long ride.


Good news is no stomach issues at all with this stuff.


I remember riding the Buffalo Classic the first year, first century, first long distance ride ever. Ate an apple, brought some energy gummies, and drank a ton of water. It was grueling but no problem. The next year I didn't bring anything and decided to try some of the snack tents along the way. Worst idea ever. The brownies were too heavy, mixed with the gatorade it caused horrible stomach cramping. Had to bow out at the 70 mile marker. Rough day.


I carry about 60 lbs extra weight so if I'm going on an intense ride on a hot day I need electrolytes the night before and morning of a long ride. Two regular water bottles with maybe a salt tab on hand just in case.


High5, NamedSport or SIS are my go to tablets. One in each water bottle. If it is a very warm day, 30C+, I’ll take extra tabs with me for refills.


Penco Ultra Endurance Drink


Try polase


Two bottles of high 5 energy drink if it's hot. 


Tailwind drink mix + water + honey stinger waffles.


One bottle of Gatorade, one of water. The bottles should be empty within two hours. Repeat.


As I look through this comment section, I realize that y’all go on some long rides I’m just some 14-year-old with a hybrid bike that will go like 30km max, i just don’t have the time to ride longer lol


Nil. I drink water, and stop for pastries and cakes every now and again. This strict nutrition regime has served me well so far on many rides of around 150 km and 2500 m of elevation gain.


I like your style, Dude. I just came here to say, I drink more pilsners than IPA when I do a ride longer than 30-miles. I really ride mostly touring style (occasionally, I will go for a spin without a major destination), so I like to stop at a cafe or brewery about halfway to reenergize. As long as I get some water along with the beer, and it’s not too much alcohol, it seems to help me out. I am not sure this sub is meant for me lol


Haha, excellent. Appropriate hydration is important after all


If under 70 degrees, I'll do up to a 100 mile Zone 2 ride without any electrolytes. Over 70, I'll throw a 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of table salt in a water bottle mid ride to sip on. Today I did a 63 mile mid Zone 2 ride with 10,200 feet of climbing and nibbled on a cliff bar (180mg of sodium) between hours 3 & 4. Other than that, 200 calories of raisins, an orange, and 250 calories of gummy bears. Total of 800 calorie intake on a garmin estimated 3000 calorie burn.


A pinch or two of salt in my 700ml bottles. Which ends up being about half a pinch an hour


I do 1/4 tsp lite-salt in each bottle. Lite salt has less sodium than regular table salt but also has potassium, so it’s a better electrolyte supplement.


Whatever is on sale, dump it as much as my tastebuds can handle, ride like crazy. To mix it up a little stop for beer or coffee. So far, managed up to 200km in a single ride without stomach issues :) But please, figure it out for yourself, each individual is different.


2 water bottles - 24oz and a 16oz both with a tablet of nuun.


Obligatory /r/fucknestle since they own Noon now


How long have you been using nuun? I’m trying to figure out if they changed the coloring at some point. They used to give me massive headaches so I assumed they had red 40 in them but they don’t currently.


About three years now. Of all the flavors my favorite is the strawberry lemonade. I'm not sure about red 40 dye but according to their website blog they never use artificial coloring.




Try doing a 600k! Changes it all


LMNT, SALTT, Re-lyte or I make my own with No-Salt, Salt, some trace minerals. I mean since they tell you that the contents on the above you can make it yourself pretty easily. I kind of prefer my own sometimes.


Two water bottles one with just water the other with scratch labs hydration mix. If I didn't have that I put a pinch or two of an unfiltered salt I really like in one bottle.


SOMEONE NEEDS TO MAKE A CHART. And apparently a list


I've been doing 1000 mg sodium (2.5 g salt)/L water but going by how much I'm (not) retaining while still losing weight via sweat I need more. 


Pinch of salt in a bottle to start, maybe a Gatorade after the 4 hour mark. Otherwise just water.


It really depends upon environmental factors. I've ridden 60 miles and only consuming 1-1/2 bottle with electrolytes because it was in the middle of winter, cold, and I wasn't sweating much. I've done the same ride in summer and had to drink 4 bottles. Good rule of thumb is replenish what you lose from sweating and you'll obviously lose more when the weather is warmer. The other two factors of your regimen is based upon two other factors, how much you sweat and the sodium concentration of your sweat. Both of these factors are specific to each individual and they can vary widely. Even though it is a small sample size, Precision Hydration provides a distribution curve of sodium concentration and most people fall with 400-800mg per liter of sodium. But the peak can go all the way up to 2,000 mg/liter. Once you have a good understanding of your sodium concentration, you can tune your electrolyte mix for you. You can make it yourself if you're willing to put in the effort, or you can buy it. Read the ingredients so you know what you're getting.


How does one work out their sodium concentration ?


Do a quick search on Precision Hydration on testing sodium concentration in your sweat. They provide instructions on how to do a DIY test on how to measure your sodium concentration in your sweat. They also have a network of coaches, therapists, and others who can administer a test that draws sweat out of your body and uses a spectrometer to measure the sodium concentration. If you live near Boulder, the CU Sports Medicine and Performance Center apparently can administer the same test. I tried calling around different hospitals in my area (SF Bay Area) and they only administer the test if there is a medical reason. The price of the test is dependent upon the person who is administering the test and ranges from $100-$200.


My longest was about 70km iirc but honestly usually just go for powerade myself (not the zero sugar kind), and sometimes raisins for fructose and some carbs


The decathlon long hour thing. I forgot what it is called, but it has 3H+ on it. It's cheap, works, and tastes good if you are into artificial low effort cherry flavor.


Isostar drink


First bottle I have is water, then after that I usually have isotonic (Sis tablet) in every other bottle after that. For me I'd go through about 4 or 5 bottle on a 60 mile ride, but I sweat loads so for others it may be totally different.




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I use Trace minerals 40,000 volts, have it it both my bottles at the start. I also take a small 15ml bottle of it which I can put in my bottle when I refill. Not had cramp since I’ve been using it. It’s also what your body needs in its purist form without all the bulk and crap they put in the Electrolyte tablets etc.


I've been using Trace Minerals Endure very happy with it and the 15ml bottles. Maybe I should try the 40,000Volts as post workout it contains way more chloride and magnesium than the Endure.


I like the Skratch brand of powdered electrolyte drink.


Easy. (2) Packs of LMNT.


I usually do 100km rides early in the morning to avoid sun. so, it will be an empty stomach 50km ride until 7 am.. I will have a tea/biscuits/ Rose milk/lemon juice depends on my mood. Then completed the remaining 50km.. Sometimes I have completed 100km only with water.. I don't know this method is correct or not..


If it’s hot out, 4 bottles of Gatorade. If cold, 2. Same (4 & 2) of water.


I’m a very heavy sweater; leave salt stains and completely soak everything. I use Skratch mix in my bottle. Every hour I take two Hammer Nutrition Endurolytes Extreme capsules. At the end of the ride I drink one glass of Seeking Heath Electrolyte mix.


Eat drink and be merry 😂🚴🏻


Dates. Scratch mix. Water.


depends on how hot it is.


Last night I did 1 bottle of Extend branch chain amino acids and 1 bottle of water. My wife did 1 bottle with Propel powder. We drank it all!


I like Heed and Skratch Lab products. Just my preference. I find Gatorade and other stuff you get in the grocery and convenience stores too sugary sweet. If I do have no choice but Gatorade I try to water it down by half


Born watts & minerals. 1 or 2 tabs per ride


Did use LMNT, but got tired of spending the money. Used the recipe on their website and made me an old fashioned Excel calculator to dial it all in. I generally go for 500mg sodium in my. Bottles but as it heats up I’ll start with 2 bottles at 1000mg/each.


The amount of sodium, potassium, etc, you need on a ride is going to vary based on weather conditions, as well as whether you're a heavy or light sweater, and whether you sweat large amounts of electrolytes or just a little. I discovered I'm a salty sweater even though I don't sweat large amounts, so I need the extra electrolytes but not a lot of liquids (when compared to others). I uses SIS hydration tablets in my water instead of drinking straight water, though I typically dilute it a bit (1/3 tab for each bottle of water). This seems to work great for most rides in the summer. I carry some extra tabs with me so I can refill when I stop. I also usually have a second bottle with Gatorade/sports drink, but more for the carbs than any electrolytes.


Hydration requirements for highly individual based on a variety of factors like sweat rate, how salty one's sweat is. I've found that for me, sodium citrate works very well as an electrolyte supplement. It's dirt cheap and a little bit goes a long way. 1/4 tsp of sodium citrate has 350 mg of sodium.


Im a triathelete, so i need more sodium and I digest more carbs on the bike. SIS Electrolytes. Has good anount of sodium and some carbs in it. One 750ml bottle per hour roughly, but also regular water. For a half ironman 56 mile race I drink 2 750ml electrolytes and 1 regular water. I won't finish all of them though. I also drink every 5 miles about 15 minutes like clockwork.


I have one of my two bottles filled with a 1:5 orange juice.


I find that either Nuun works just fine with me. I pop a tab in one of my two waterbottles, then after the break pop one more in one of my bottles. Easy to carry in jersey, no mess, I feel it helps.


I use Liquid IV, but 1/2 serving per bottle. I’ll carry one water bottle and one electro bottle, but I refill each about every 25 miles or one hour if it’s hot.


I/4 tsp of lite-salt (approx. 300 mg sodium and 350 mg potassium) in every bottle of water. I get the rest of my electrolytes from my food.


Bottle being? 16 oz? 24 oz? 500 ml?


I carry a 24 and a 21 bottle on my bike.


I suffer from ocular migraines if my electros get depleted. Not fun. I start with Skratch on longer/hotter rides, and usually pick up a bottle of Pediolyte or Gatorlyte while out on the road, splitting it between two bottles, and diluting with water. I have a dropper of concentrated electros that I carry on super long rides. Sometimes I use Nuun tabs, usually when I'm in a hurry.


Alkaline water with Pickle Juice Sport and fig bars


I use Sis tablets in my water - you can have 4 a day and it makes a difference. With these things, as we’re all so different, test prior to your longer ride so you know what suites you for electrolytes. I have a reminder set on my cycling sat nav for every 45 min to simply remind myself to drink and eat. My food fuelling (not electrolytes) has changed over the years (I went from all the gels, bars to simply have cold pizza slices) but I always carry a gel but rely on actual real carb food as it suits me better. Only when I get to the stage where even chewing and digesting gets hard in a very long ride, I’ll resort to gels to give me the carbs I need. Also consider pre fuelling and hydrating before a long ride - it’s essential!


This is my routine for sunny days > 25c (77f). I'll sweat a litre in the 1st hour riding hard. Drink water throughout the day Pre-hydrate with a 500mg sachet of precision fuel and hydration electrolyte mix in 1L of water Weigh before I put on my kit 1.5 servings of skratch lemon lime in each (2) 24 oz water bottles Glass of water before I go out the door On a 60 mi (100 km) ride i would drink both bottles and if my ride takes me past a public tap i pack a sachet of pf&h 1000mg mix to refill a bottle. Weigh after showering, plan to drink about 1.5x what I lost in sweat.


I use ultima replenisher. It tastes good. Is relatively inexpensive. 45 cents per serving. I shoot for one bottle per hour. And add gels/ snacks for carbs.


Depends on the weather. "Winter" (it's Florida) I can probably just do Gu tabs in two bottles. Maybe add a tsp of sugar to each. Summer: gu tabs in bottles with added sugar and salt. Refill bottles again half way.


Precision fuel or LMNT work for me! Hit around 16oz per hour-ish. Or precision fuel pills


The one time I did 60k was 3x20k+ train hopping with sprints between trains, pint of beer and a cheese burger on the train between stations. I water in a camelback with MIO,(100ml=hr) 30kg Cargo Bike.


Gatorade, MTN Dew, Clif Bars. 67 years old. Did 105 miles yesterday.


Pack of LMNT in a water bottle for anything over 2 hours. 


Nothing. Doesn't really matter, I get enough salt in my diet before rides. Most people do. Lack of electrolytes doesn't cause cramps, fatigue does. https://www.trainingpeaks.com/blog/the-straight-dope-on-salt/ https://journals.humankinetics.com/view/journals/ijspp/19/2/article-p105.xml


From your first link “However, there is some evidence that consuming fluid and salt during prolonged exercise may at least delay cramping in those who are susceptible. In a study from the University of North Carolina, cramp-susceptible athletes were able to exercise twice as long before experiencing cramps when they consumed a sports drink during activity than they when they did not drink.” Not all humans are the same. Many of us have to have extra electrolytes in high dew point conditions for long efforts. Thousands of us have experimented with this over and over. Leave electrolytes at home = ride/run slows down or stops.


you need sodium and potassium mostly…


High5 when I can get them or Nunn when I can’t.