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I use sunscreen. Arms, face , neck, got burnt on my knees/lower thigh once too because my shorts rode up a bit.. Sunburns are bad, skin cancer much.. much worse. Protect yourself out there.


exactly, why is this even a question.


I saw a side of tiktok where people believe sun doesnt cause skin cancer and that it only heals us. So i guess to some it is a question


The idiots have become too comfortable.


They haven't looked at the skin of the previous generation of idiots much


Sigh, good point.


So they get cancer and die? The information is there, if they choose ignorance more power to them.


I researched this topic quite a bit and the answer is too nuanced for TikTok. The tldr is humans need moderate amounts of sun to avoid many illnesses, and vitamin D supplements aren’t a substitute like many believe. How much sun is different for each person and depends on several factors, including skin tone, geography, and time of day. And you never want to get sunburned.


This is somewhat correct it’s the seed oils we eat that helps the sun burn our skin I use sunscreen some but rather wear sun protected clothing and then use a natural sunscreen without all the harming chemicals that are in the big brand names.


It is great in small, short doses but it's just that it goes into dimishing returns really quickly and outright destructive right after


28% of zoomers in a recent study said they don’t believe sun exposure causes skin cancer. NYT article about it.


Don't forget ears. I somehow got that once after being outside for half an hour and it lasted a week.


“I dont know who this cable guy is, but I can assure you he hasnt killed as many people as melanoma.”


Make sure to renew sunscreen at least once for all-day rides, too. It doesn't last that long if you sweat.


i’ve had multiple cancers in my life, including skin cancer. I use sunscreen now all the time… Unlike the past.


Good lord yes.


Every ride I slather on SPF-50 lotion — thick, then slather some more. Then I get dressed and before I head out I spray on a thick coat of that sticky SPF-50 spray as well. I look like a greased pig, but it keeps me from getting fried.


It would likely be more effective to put one layer on and then just reapply whenever you stop (depending on how long your specific product handles sweat), or every two hours at least (in the heat). Putting more at once doesn't necessarily equal more protection.


That's my problem though, I'm a cycling machine. I never stop. I get relief from the sun when it goes down; it runs away from ME!


My understanding is that many people do not apply enough sunscreen to be properly protected. That is why I go out of my way to really get it thickly applied everywhere. If I’m going to be out for more than two hours I’ll take the spray can with me and’s reapply.


I do thin SPF-50+ for 1 hour rides in the German sun. It's decent. If I ride 4 hours, I wear ultra thin long sleeves with SPF-50 from GripGrab or something like that. Soak them in water regularly, it's refreshing (albeit it probably lowers the SPF, but no burns). This just leaves calves, knees, face and ears to cover with lotion and they survive with a single application as they see significantly less sun.


Get waterproof/sport sunscreen as youll sweat the normal stuff off.


Absolutely, and I use a lot of it.


My derm recommended Elta MD - it's a fantastic sunscreen. I also use Blue Lizard Sunscreen its a bit cheaper but works great. (It's from Australia after-all). Anything with Zinc really. More important is to re-apply every 2 hours. For that I bring a Zinc based stick with me (One from Blue Lizard in that case) and have my bike computer remind me every two hours to apply new sunscreen. DO NOT MESS WITH THE SUMMER SUN. It will mess with you!!!


Zinc and Titanium oxides, the sensitive skin blue lizard loses all of the chemical agents and is strictly a physical based zinc and titanium sunscreen. It changed my life honestly, I used to burn hard at the beginning of the season each year. Not only are mineral sunscreens better at protecting you, but there is no risk of hormonal disruption like with chemical-based traditional sunscreens and there is a mounting body of evidence showing that traditional sunscreens mask a lot of the damage without actually preventing it. (before anyone starts complaining that "everything has chemicals in it" I want to point out that I am well aware as I am a chemistry teacher and I am making a very technical but important distinction between the nature of the barrier between you and the UV rays)


Yes! Good point. Mineral Sunscreens is what you want. There was this really good podcast here from the biker focused FastTalk. Recommend everyone to listen to this: [https://www.fasttalklabs.com/fast-talk/skincare-for-endurance-athletes-protecting-your-performance-and-your-health/](https://www.fasttalklabs.com/fast-talk/skincare-for-endurance-athletes-protecting-your-performance-and-your-health/)


Mineral sunscreens have the significant issue that they need cleanly shaven surfaces or you just get white hair. I mean that's not a problem, hairy arms aren't aero anyway, but still it's worth being aware of. Unless of course it's nanoparticles mineral sunscreens, but they may have the other annoying side effect of being cancerous.


I use exactly this sunscreen - I just wish it were easier to wash off. Soap, scrubber, repeat and my skin still comes away with a shadow of white.


haha yeah, but then again that goes to show how well it'll protect you even tho you are sweating or even when swimming! I have found that with two applications I can go the entire day at the beach with it and not burn


I haven't tried that exact one, but salicylic acid cleansers work well on most waterproof mineral-based sunscreens, for the same reason as why it works well for makeup removal.


> Not only are mineral sunscreens better at protecting you, They aren't. They're quite a lot worse. [https://www.consumerreports.org/health/sunscreens/best-sunscreens-of-the-year-a7763432372/](https://www.consumerreports.org/health/sunscreens/best-sunscreens-of-the-year-a7763432372/) The very best mineral sunscreen they tested in 2023 was only half the SPF 30 rating. A few chemical lotions (like Coppertone WB 50) actually exceeded their SPF 50 rating.


Very happy with Blue Lizard! love the little sticks too easy to keep in jersey and reapply. I ride gloveless and I find the sunscreen disappears from my hands first.


Elta is the best I’ve tried but as a broke guy I only treat my face to its glory and use the cheap stuff everywhere else.


I like how blue lizard has UV detecting technology. Second for the SPF sticks. I also like Think Sport, you can buy Amazon or Target.” I use long sleeves or spf sleeves as well.


Yes just not above the eyebrows or else it ends up stinging the hell out of my eyes when I start sweating.


If you're in the US, American sunscreen sucks due to awful FDA regulations (The last time new active ingredients were approved was in 1999!). Do yourself a favour and try and get EU, AUS, Korean, or Japanese sunscreens. They have more modern filters that work better, longer, and don't sting your eyes. Just be careful that you don't buy the American versions of products like Biore or Neutrogena. They're branded the same but use FDA approved filters. There is also an issue with fakes of Biore from third party sellers. If you want to know more about the shitshow that is sunscreen in the US: [https://www.healthline.com/health/the-best-sunscreen-isnt-from-america](https://www.healthline.com/health/the-best-sunscreen-isnt-from-america) and [https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/why-sunscreen-in-the-united-states-is-behind-the-rest-of-the-world](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/why-sunscreen-in-the-united-states-is-behind-the-rest-of-the-world)


WARNING! there is fake Biore Essence and other japanese sunscreen. They sell for 5 yuan (~$0.70) on 1688 in China (with full retail packaging). I would not buy them online except if you already have experience with the product (and can tell if it's fake or not). Biore watery essence (with Uvinul/tinosorb as the main active ingredient; there is a version in some country under the same brand that contain the cheap chemical instead since Uvinul is not approved) is the one I use, but I buy from the store when I travel in Asia. That chemical is wonderful, it's non sticky (for real), it doesn't degrade under the sun (like the cheap USA made one does) and you don't sweat it out (like the physical blocker does). It's a shame it's not more widely available. I guess there is a lot of lobbying going on in the US and other place, if it was available, no one would buy those Avobenzone, Octocrylene, etc. If you are in Canada, you can search for Mexoryl. It's already much better and doesn't degrade under UV, but it's really sticky. The best is Uvinul/tinosorb but there is a lot of fake online, mostly on everything made in Japan. Amazon is known to sell the fake one. If you want to find the Biore Essence online (I don't recommand), try to find the version that come into a plastic bag (ziplock style) with the biore brand. The fake one they copy the japenese packaging (bottle is in a shrink wrap that is glued to a cardboard)). The real one also sting the eyes, the fake one doesn't. The real one have a particular smell and the color is off white. The real one is expensive for the amount you get ($15+) (if you buy in Asia you can sometime find promotion on it). So I no longer recommend this to people, it's just not worth the risk except if you are in a place where you can get your hands on it through reputable physical store.


Thanks I'll keep an eye out.


>The fake one they copy the japenese packaging (bottle is in a shrink wrap that is glued to a cardboard)). Well.....shit. I've been getting biore watery essence packaged this way from Asian beauty shops I find online for years. I don't know where else I would find it, if not online.


Try burnoutsun [ocean tested](https://www.burnoutsun.com/collections/mineral-sunscreen/products/ocean-tested-sunscreen-spf-30). By far the best and longest lasting sunscreen I've ever used.


Would you happen to know if Canada is the same as the US? I guess it wouldn't be proper to put an Amazon link to the biore stuff?


I don't know about the Canadian regulations and considering I found out now there is a massive problem with Biore fakes I don't want to link to something.


What brand? I used to get that sometimes but started using Coppertone Sport lotion and haven't really had that issue since.


Sun bum, but my daily sunscreen/lotion does it too. Gonna give coppertone a shot next time I need a fresh bottle, so thank you for the recommendation.


I love sunbum but it’s definitely not sweat proof. Coppertone sport works well


I wear a cap and that helps protects the scalp and it reduces sweat significantly.


The cap also directs the sweat to drip off the bill and not go directly into my eyes.


That’s right. It’s been very helpful and it doesn’t feel right going out without it lol.


Years and years ago I went for a ride without a cap or sunscreen. Got back to the hotel I was at and took off my helmet.. only to have tiger stripes from the vents in my helmet burned into the top of my head (shaved bald)! It wasn't a good look and I wore a gap for the rest of that trip.


I had the same problem until my wife gifted me La Roche-Posay, ANTHELIOS  sunscreen. Due to its price, I would never buy it alone, but I couldn't go back now. It is not greasy (glasses never move when sweating), it absorbs instantly, and it doesn't sting the eyes! I still use it only on my face though, and an unbranded one for the rest of the body due to its price.


Yes. Skin cancer isn’t cool.


When I started taking longer rides someone said the number one killer of cyclist was skin cancer. I didn’t fact check them but it makes sense.


I read a comment somewhere on the social medias that went something like "cyclists are a dermatologist/oncologist best and worst patient" The cynicism being "best" in that apparently we're super notorious for "forgetting" sunscreen (guilty here) so by volume, they never go out of business. And worst in that, we really all should know better


Makes sense. I live in Florida, keep sunscreen in my kitchen, garage, bike bag, and my car yet I forget sometimes or neglect on those 60-90 min rides early morning or late evenings.


I forgot it once. Never forgot it again after it.


No, it's vehicle collisions.


I recently had a little skin cancer taken off my hand, right in the little triangle where the strap of the glove leaves a little space over the base of the thumb. Wear sunscreen


I’m going full finger gloves because I noticed I sweat so much that it washes away the sunscreen and leaves my fingers sunburned. I’ve had too many skin cancers removed and I’m not going through that ever again.




That was awesome. Thanks for sharing that. Words to live by for sure.


Oh geez my dude are you okay?? May I ask how you found out you had it? Regardless I hope you’re doing good now


Thanks :-) Just a funny spot that wasn't going away. Went to derm. Had it cut off. NBD really. Physician in my 50s and it's basically a good plan to have a dermatologist give you a once over on a regular basis to take off suspicious spots before they get a chance to do awful things. Especially if you grew up like me when we didn't really use sunscreen as kids…


If I’m outside I wear sunscreen.


Even if it’s cloudy, you should wear sunscreen. I like alcohol based ones that still let your skin breathe and sweat help cool you.


What is an example of this?


I like the Ultrasun stuff from Bath & Unwind. They are from the UK I think but ship to the US but it takes a while.


Dude. I use sunscreen going to the *shops*. Without a word of a lie, I got sunburnt in Scotland. In **November**. In summer I practically bathe in the stuff. Sunburn is no fun at all.


Old guy here. Back then, we did not have the quality sunscreen available today. My skin has taken a BEATING. I've had a few pre-cancerous things removed. Some other growths that were not cancer, but were ugly. My skin is crepey. For your health and appearance, wear high SPF sunscreen.


I worked a trade for 15 years (house painter). You'd get made fun of for wearing sunscreen so I never wore it (I was young and dumb). I'm now 40yo and I look much older than my peers. The sun really does age you. Luckily my skin is still in good health just leathery and wrinkled.


yes. im not sure why the cycling community takes sun damage so lightly when it's primarily composed of the highest risk group for skin cancer (white people). Not to mention it'll lead to premature signs of aging ([see picture of a trucker exposed to sun on one side for 28 years](https://assets3.cbsnewsstatic.com/hub/i/r/2012/06/04/9d138f74-a644-11e2-a3f0-029118418759/thumbnail/640x480/e0f29342bca417e0c4e833b0229ad963/trucker-damage-face_web.jpg?v=6d480a252670b63de1e37fef02c977a5) - mind you, car windows have UV protection) you're technically supposed to have multiple layers of protection for sun damage. sunblock, physical clothing, shade, etc. it looks dumb but i've been seriously considering [brimmed hats](https://dabrim.com/products/cycling-classic) for myself personally. that or [UV buffs](https://www.buff.com/us/). kinda wish we had something that looks less dorky but i feel like being in full spandex already looks pretty dorky to begin with. might as well full send


And the 'pro' version of jerseys for sale are the ones with no collar....


A great point to emphasize. I’m noticing this too and will not buy one of the collarless jerseys for this reason.  We need the protection for those long rides. 


we already have no shame for the most part, wearing a goofy hat is the least of my concerns if it can help block the sun. You don't realize how intense the sun is on you until you have to stop, while riding with the wind on you it's hard to tell.


People would take sunburns much more seriously if they were called "radiation burns." Which is what they are, which is why people should take them seriously. Whenever I'm in direct sun for more than 30ish minutes and the UV index is at least 3, I'm applying plenty of sunscreen to all exposed skin at least once every two hours. One of my main aspirations in life is to not die of skin cancer.


Not as much as I should and I've had a piece of cancer cut out of my face. Thank you for the reminder.


I've turned to long sleeve and gloves but I put sunscreen on legs, neck and face.


of course. I had melanoma once, that's enough.


Yes, and for rides more than a couple hours I bring sunscreen to reapply.


I’ve been wearing those neck gaiter/buff things for several years and my friends always say, “it’s good you don’t care what you look like.” I simply show them my scars from my skin cancers. Nobody learns until they’re under the knife. I’m close to pulling the trigger on the “DaBrim” but damn they look like they’re like an open parachute.


My neck is pretty well covered but I've definitely considered sun shirts.


I wear a spf neck gaiter buff in the summer too. The packaging on mine said to soak it in water for a cooling effect, which is nice if you just use it to cover your head and neck. Just don’t soak it and cover your mouth and nose!


Absolutely, Banana Boat SPF 100 and if I’m going to be riding for more than a couple of hours I’ll take it with me and reapply. I’m a pasty white northern European…


There's not really any point in going over 50 with suncream.


I'm not sure who downvoted you, but I was talking to a retired dermatologist about sunscreen. And she was telling me exactly that. That above 50 it's just marketing. She was telling me that it actually make it worst, since people will think they can expose themselves more and/or they can apply less. The reputable brand will put 50+ If you think about it, at 50SPF 2% reach your skin, 100SPF 1% reach you skin. It seems like a good deal. The problem is in how they test the rating: "A SPF test is performed on a panel of 10 to 15 human testers. It is measured how long it takes before UVB rays make unprotected skin go red. If redness appears on unprotected skin after 10 minutes – SPF 30 means that it will take 30 times as long for the same symptoms to appear on the skin." So basically they look at skin... how red it becomes... which at this scale (1% or 50 times as long) become hard (read impossible) to judge. There's also that skin redness is caused by UVB, but skin cancer is caused also by UVA. But they don't need to put the UVA rating on a bottle (and they don't test for it)... So a SPF 100 might be much worst then a full spectrum SPF50+. Or that's about what I remember of that conversation. Basically it was not that simple, the conclusion was to use 50+, mineral or chemical. Apply enough, avoid exposure as much as you can, and reapply often. Herself she was using mineral (by the obvious white hue) and she was wearing a giant sun hat.


I'm not sure if it's "just marketing", as 50SPF means it blocks 98% and 100SPF is 99%. It's just that the difference is marginal. Not applying enough or evenly, or not diligently reapplying would be an order of magnitude more important than the difference between 50 and 100SPF. Not only that, over 50SPF products usually have ingredients that are bad for ecosystems.


I should. Often don’t. Olive skinned, super rare for me to burn. I’ll try to be better; have been thinking about it since I’ve got a watch tan from my Apple Watch band, so I’m definitely getting sun. You ever notice your fingernails grow faster when you’re getting a lot of sun. I feel like my hair does too. Anyway.


I prefer to take in my cancer rays straight


Because of where I live I either ride super early starting at 6am and finishing by 10am at the latest.  Or if I start after 9am I have no choice but to cover myself in sunscreen or I'd become a human sized cooked lobster. The midday sun here does not muck around.


Yes. And I also wear a hat even when it’s not sunny because I learned the hard way that I get racing stripes on my bald head if I don’t.


What? You should be wearing sunscreen ALL the time


Yes, I even apply after 3 hours ( always stretching the manufacturer recommended 2 hours). I use a ziplock bag to take some with me as I’m a weight whiner. My first layer if protection is I always wear long sleeves and kickers to cover as much as possible


For short rides or if the UV index is low, I don't. For longer rides or a higher UV index, I will put sunscreen on any exposed skin. For super long rides, like anything 3 hours or more, I put sunscreen on my neck, ears, and face and then I wear sun leggings and sun sleeves. Bring a travel tube of sunscreen to reapply, but I don't want to bring enough sunscreen to cover my arms and legs every couple hours. Sleeves are a lifesaver. SPF 50 all day, no need to reapply, no greasiness, and they actually make you feel cooler by keeping the sun off your skin.


I discovered summer sleeves this year. A bit of a game changer. No need to cover my arms in sunscreen and as you say, they make you feel a little bit cooler. I put some on my legs and bring one of those lipstick looking sunscreens with me. They're like 30 SPF but it works, as it's so easy to apply.


Sleeves are so, so superior to cream.


Don’t the sleeves make you hot


Did you not read it? >they actually make you feel cooler by keeping the sun off your skin.


I read it but I’m confused by the statement and was hoping you would elaborate But if you feel the need to belittle instead that’s up to you


You must have very thin skin if you think that was belittling, and you didn't *ask* me to elaborate, you asked a question I had already answered. But fine. Having the sun beating directly on your skin, regardless of whether you're wearing sunscreen that keeps you from burning, is hot and uncomfortable. Keeping the sun off your skin feels much cooler, especially if the fabric is extremely thin, light, and white like cycling sun sleeves. This is why people who spend a lot of time in the sun (landscapers, painters, construction workers, tour guides, fishermen) often wear long sleeve shirts. Blocking the sun is more valuable than the tiny bit of extra insulation that comes from the fabric. In addition, you can get the fabric wet, which then cools you even further as the water evaporates.


Didn’t mean to argue about it. Seems like a miscommunication. Hope you have a good night Appreciate your thoughts on the topic though I hadn’t seen it that way


I wonder if the sleeves lose their protection over time with washes and whatever.


Sun sleeves & gloves on my arms, been applying sunscreen to my legs & neck. Probably should do my face too but I’m too lazy for that.


I started wearing sun sleeves recently and they make such a difference, not just for protecting my skin but also cooling it. They’re a game changer for rides over 2 hours


When I remember. Trying to be better at remembering but too often I'm already riding when the thought hits me. 




Yep! Fair-skinned, from a culture where being pale is more desirable (funny how no one is ever content with their own skin color), and I burn relatively easily. If I'm riding for more than 45 minutes in the sun I wear sun lotion. Not applying some to forehead though, the lotion and sweat mix burns my eyes real bad and I had to pull over on the road once.


I'm brown and I still burn if I don't


I live in Utah. If I don't put on sunscreen this time of year, I turn into a very unpleasant Red color. Which becomes quite painful, and not in the good way. Do I make that mistake once or twice a year? yes, I believe it helps prep the skin for the worst of conditions. This year I got burned in March if you can believe that. If I go without sunscreen like today or yesterday... I wouldn't be back on my bike for several days.


Phoenix USA cyclist. I do not recommend just sun block. I recommend sun sleeves (or long sleeve Summer weight jerseys). For face I use the best sunscreen I can find and I reapply after ~3 hours. Get the ears and back neck, too. I start at around 5a during summer. Well...when I am not on Zwift of course. Protect your skin from the sun and take exceptional care of your skin. Your older self will thank you.


Skin cancer is trying to kill me. Major surgery, chemo, and radiation. It's metastasized in my lungs. Currently getting immunotherapy. Most likely caused by severe sun exposure sometime in my life. I am thankful for every ride and run. I wear sunscreen.


Sunsleeves and legs and sunscreen elsewhere. Maybe I look like a dork but I'm not fucking with skin cancer


Not a fan of skin cancer


Of course. Riding a bike doesn’t prevent sunburns.


Yep! Face, lips, and any exposed skin. Sunscreen is SO important.


I use sunscreen to check the mail. On my covered porch. Meanwhile, my entire family walks past an open window and get a tan line. I don't ride *any* distance without sunscreen.




Yes, the hard part is reapplying when you are drenched in sweat.


I'm old....(60's)...been mountain biking since 1986. Had skin cancer removed from my face last year ( and I use protection more than most of the people I ride with). Please take it seriously, and get annual screenings from a dermatologist. I was lucky to catch mine in early stages. I've also had multiple pre-cancerous lesions removed. Wish I had more melanin 🥺


i actually use a magnifying glass to focus sun directly on my retinas while I ride because life has grown tiresome


Sun shirt.


yes, on my face as I use a pair of UV sleeves and long sweatpants. I live in Thailand, if I don't use it, I will die of skin cancer easily.


I live in the UK. I need a helmet-mounted umbrella, not sunscreen.


I wear spf 60 on my face every day, even when I am not cycling. It helps slow down the onset on wrinkles as you get older! Future you will thank current you for an improved skincare routine


(looking at my arms) I should


Ears, nose, back of the neck is all i need. I brown out really quick. I never burn


Yep 100, I live near the Equator. Photo aging and skin cancer come way faster here.


Yes! SPF 100 on my body, SPF 70 on my face. Don’t mess around with skin cancer, take precaution, even in cloudy days.


I live in So Cal, so sunny almost every day. Most of my group rides last 3 hours. First 30 years of riding, almost never put on suncreen (I don't burn easily). Last 3 years, I've been putting on suncreen on sunny days. It's too late now. I'm 57 and got age spots on my face that I'm pretty sure wouldn't have been there if I used suncreen.


Depends on where you are and your skin. I wear sunscreen in plenty of instances. But, sometimes long sleeves are better—especially if you’ don’t have a chance to reapply. Also, once I have a little color, I’m not as susceptible to burning and I adjust how much protection I use.


Yes. All the time.


Yes, I use sunscreen. I hate sunscreen, so I wear long sleeves and a cycling hat, and then apply sunscreen only to my face (below my eyes), my ears, and my neck.


I prefer sunsleeves, but use sunscreen when I don't wear them.


Yes absolutely, why are you even asking this?! Edit: Careful around the eyes/forehead though. Suncream-infused sweat dripping into your eyes is not pleasant.


Yes everyone should even darker skinned people


I use a product called “Vacation”. It’s like a sun screen mouse/foam. Highly recommend. Ulta and Bloomingdale’s sells it


Vacation is amazing. I’m a beauty editor and I’ve tried hundreds of sunscreens and they are one of my absolute favorites. I prefer the whip for pool days and the cream for my rides, though.


Sunscreen daily, riding or not. I’ve already had four surgeries for basal cell tumors and I don’t want any more.


Being in Texas I use almost every ride and carry a small bottle with me to reapply after 80 minutes. Don’t forget the tops of your hands if you don’t wear gloves. Learned that the hard way. I recently bought sun sleeves as well.


YES! Don’t fuck with skin cancer!


I’m in my 60s and have been riding for about 35 years, typically 100-150 miles a week. I’m outside a lot anyway, and wish I wore sunscreen all those years, and not just because of reducing the risk of skin cancer (which I don’t have). The skin on my arms doesn’t stretch at all, it tears easily as if it was crepe paper. I have constant cuts and bruises from bumping into hard objects because my skin doesn’t give, as if I was 85. Wish I wore sunscreen all those years.


I’ve had 5 precancerous moles removed in the past two years from being dumb and not wearing it in my younger years. Wear your sunscreen.


Always and forever


Queensland Australia here. Fuck yes I do. Even in winter.


Yes. Skin cancer is unattractive.


I live in New Zealand where you get burned if you spend 10 minutes outside in summer, so yes.


No. I’m an idiot


... obviously.


Sure. Otherwise you'll end up with skincancer in f.i. face later in life.


If you don’t need a flashlight you need sunscreen.


Dumb question


As a pale Aussie, I lather myself in SPF 50 30min before walking into a room with windows. Cycling without sunscreen would be a surefire way to die young.


bro how is this a question


You should, unless you think skin cancer is fun.


Do I look like I want to get skin cancer???


Yes. Even for short rides.


I never wear sunscreen when cycling because it’s only my arms, neck, face and legs exposed. Same things that are always exposed and never burn. I only wear sunscreen when swimming and have my shirt off, since my chest, shoulders and back will burn. You really only need to prevent burns. Some sun on your skin is good for you. The risk of cancer isn’t worth the risk of not getting sun on your skin. I spend so much of my life indoors, or it’s winter, that I need all the sun I can get. I’m healthier than most people I know, almost never get sick. I do think dermatologists and the sunscreen industry have scared people. As long as you take precautions to not burn and don’t go crazy with the amount of time in the direct summer sun, you don’t need to slather up all the time. The other analogy I have is that an orthopedist wouldn’t advise against exercise because of the chance of injury. Yet dermatologists advise against sun exposure because of the risk of cancer. I think it’s a little overblown.


I'm the night rider a fuel injected suicide machine . I'm the rocker the roller the out of controller . P S  on a serious note I ride  At night . The air is a lot cooler during the summer . 


I get skin cancer. Like a real man




Sunscreen for my face is definite. I end up using this as it doesn’t sting when I start sweating and if it gets into my eyes [ceravee am facial moisturizer](https://www.target.com/p/cerave-face-moisturizer-with-sunscreen-am-facial-moisturizing-lotion-for-normal-to-dry-skin-spf-30-2-fl-oz/-/A-76545851)


I know, I'm lazy and live in Florida, I'm an idiot.


Always... and I've especially taken to use it on my head since I'm balding and no longer have as much hair up there and my helmet isn't always giving me total shade in sunny weather. I wear baseball hats as it is most of the time I'm ever outdoors anyway. (Gotten to the point that I hate the sun in my eyes as it is, even with sunglasses on, or from overhead lights..so I just wear a hat most of the time). I use SPF50 with sweat resistance, and i also use Blistex when going on long rides... I've been out on rides long enough to feel my lips burning from sun, so I'll do that especially these days. Protect your meat jacket...it's all you got.


50+ sports sunscreen for every ride over 30-45 minutes, so basically every time sun is out


Not usually, and I regret it every single time.


Defs Yes. Just had a couple of chunks cut out last year….


Yes, and I reapply at least every hour. I get way too hot with long sleeves.


Yes. Every day, riding or not. Summer, Winter, any time. In Florida if you don't wear sunscreen you look like Magda (the roommate from Something About Mary) by the time you're 40.


Always, for any ride outdoors. Legs, arms, back of hands, face, front and back of neck, ears and back of ears. On hot days not above eyes but shades and helmet covers that.


I live in Florida. So fuck yes i use sunscreen


Definitely neck, ears, ankles. Not on face and especially above eyes. Sweat disaster right there. Neck is essential. Arms if exposed.


Yes and I’m in the UK so it’s not as hot as other countries. If I wasn’t riding, 30 min in the midday sun is enough to burn and all my rides are longer than that. Also areas like the side of my knees and back of my calf seem to get far more exposure when riding so they’re not really used to UV


And also on short rides. One bout with cancer was plenty for me. 




I use sunscreen everyday




No, because I wear long sleeves and pants in the summer.


Not only that but I use sunscreen when I go on short rides too. On overly long rides I’ll take a travel bottle with me


Every single ride (i.e. when I remember.)


I personally hate it, but I absolutely wear it. I manage to be pretty much fully covered (white arm & leg covers) buff over my head, 2nd buff around my neck. Only leaves cheeks and nose vulnerable. Nice thing is I can soak myself in water and actually feel cool for a while. Much easier to clean as well.


No. I like to ride at high noon in one direction so that my bald head looks like it has cheetah prints


Yes. I have to get the wife to apply to some areas of my back. I missed a spot a few years ago and I got very badly burnt. Always do.


Never step outside without it. Yes. Please.


bald guy here...the first time you come home with your air vents burned onto your nice shiny skull you'll never not wear sunscreen again. Since wave cell has become standard it could be even more interesting... maybe I should try.


Yes. Always for any exposed skin. Top priority for me.


Live in Florida so yes.


no but i really should. i just hateeee the smell of sunscreen and the oily feeling. bleh


Thin as water, almost . https://www.biore.com/en-gb/products/sunscreen-spf-50/


omg ty!


I actually only use it on my tattoos or I wear arm sleeves. Always use sunscreen on my face regardless and always have a roll on sunscreen in my top tube bag


YES. I have moved to the desert Southwest. The sun is no joke here. Plenty of sunscreen. Long sleeve lightweight base layer under my jersey. I’m going to try out sun sleeves as well.


Nose and ears


Always. Everywhere. EVERYWHERE.


100%. I wear SPF50+ on my face and legs; and also wear full length arm sleeves during the day. I also have an annual skin cancer check because I spend so much time in the sun. (Australia). A *lot* of guys I ride with have had multiple skin cancers cut out of their face or arms. I’m about 20years younger, so it’s an eye opener. Do it now, before you notice the damage.


I try to avoid using sunscreen, but I avoid the sun even more. So I try to use long sleeves and neck gaiters to block the sun and only use sunscreen on the few remaining portions of skin. I also try to stick to forested areas with nice tree cover :)


Blue Lizard Spf 50. Zinc and Titanium dioxide all the way. Don't forget your ears.


White sun sleeves work pretty well, too...have used them a lot when touring to limit sunscreen usage. They do a pretty nice job of giving a bit of a cooling effect, too. But yes, protection is important.


Sunscreen, gloves, sunsleeves, sunglasses


I wear sunblock that has zinc oxide. I am sensitive to UV rays and have had skin blistering if not protected with sunblock. I use Blue Lizard brand sunblock.


Every time. To the point my doctor didn't believe I rode regularly. I found something I like the smell off and put it on as I dress to go ride.