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Find a steeper hill


steep hill, good tarmac, tight tuck... should get you 70+ kph pretty easy.


There is literally 0 information on the factors that determine speed in your post.


Grind finer.


Steeper hills and pedal the big gear which is usually good to the 40mph area.


Its probably related to aero.


You haven't given us much to go off. On a steep descent it's very easy to break 55 even without pedalling, just tuck up.


Find a -10% or more and you'll go flying lol


Find a longer and steeper hill, increase your mass, get stronger legs to increase your velocity


I have a funny story about this. There's a local hill that I hit quite often and I try to improve my time every descent, I gain confidence, tuck better, pedal faster and brake less in the corners, the top speed is higher every time but all the time I hit exactly the same 1:58 time


Strava premium can show you where you were faster or slower during a segment. Mywindsock does something similar


Hit 60 today on 6% avg with some parts 8-9% today, sitting completely upright and some big curves.


54x11 + decent grade hill + a little belly for aero (bellies are actually more aero) and mass. Plus a good tuck. Plus, keep off the brakes for kris'sakes. I regularly hit 40s on moderate hills and usually over 50mph (not KPH) with not much effort. Best part of riding is 40-50mph descents.


You’re maxing out your gears and you’re getting enough wind resistance to mitigate speeding up from the descent’s incline. You’re essentially reaching your terminal velocity for going down this particular hill. So two options (can really do both): go down a steeper hill; and/or get different gearing that puts up resistance to the max speed you identified.


I'm ~148lbs/67kg and can easily reach and exceed 70km/h on a 10% descent of reasonable length. Pedal into the descent so you have some momentum will also help.


I don't think your question makes sense. I think no matter how fast you go, there will be a faster speed that you can't go. It sounds like your maximum speed with your current setup is is 55km/h.