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Yes, every mile or KM counts.


Yh but can i count and take it with my training plan, because ima trying to train enough in weeks i have less time and try to not overtrain on other weeks.




as someone who does mainly commuting. it definetly improves my riding. if Our do professional training that could be something else.


Yh i train to race, i just started, havent done a race so far, far from proffesional


how could it not be benefecial


I mean can i count it as training?


What is training?


Ask your coach


If you rode 'em, add 'em.


Is this a cycling coach and you're training for cycling goals? If so, ask them if riding to school counts and have them better define what's required. If it's some other type of coach saying you need X number of hours of exercise, then count it. You can do anything you want. Create multiple spreadsheets. Track total miles, break out commuting, break out specific types of training, track miles on different bikes, whatever works for you.


They're your numbers, do whatever the fuck you want with them.


def is not worth to add communiting's km as a training load


Yes, of course.


6km may not be long enough to get real z2 benefits. Zone 2 is best done in longer, I generally say 90min, blocks. It's for endurance, so a cat nap approach doesn't really stress endurance systems. However, if you were to do some HIIT on your commute, I think you *would* see benefits. Then I'd absolutely count those kms. I have a 7.5mile (12km) commute I do this way 4 days a week, and I definitely noticed myself getting faster when sprinted the longer safer segments between lights or on the trail. Also, you could do "sweet-spot" training, which is really close to threshold, about 90%. This is also effective in shorter blocks like a commute. This is especially useful for people with limited time to train, as it is a kind of jack of all trades training, and still effective for shorter rides. Again, then I'd count the kms.


Tbh hiit is way to sweaty and hard for me to do before or after school. Also id like to ride with my friends who dont cycle and have less watts.


How about the sweet spot training then? Otherwise if you're going at zone 2 for only 15mins, it's going to have next to no training benefit, so I wouldn't count those kms.


Sometimes i use them as recovery rides, but yeah sweet spot is possible like once a week if its not too hot. I dont want to come to school all sweaty or wipe sweat off with baby tissues.


Depends on the elevation, but I don’t count my 10km commute.


why not? that's 100km a week if you commute twice a day from monday through friday lol. it's a known fact that it doesn't matter if you exercise 60 minutes in a row or 10 minutes 6 times a day, each provides the same health benefits, so i see absolutely no reason to "not count" commuting if it's anything more than like 5 minutes at a time.


I live in the netherlands so elevation is basically non existent


Haha okay… but 6km is like 15 minutes ride. So I dunno. It’s like walking for me. In grand scheme of 8-10 hours of cycling a week, it wouldn’t count in my book.


that makes no sense. if 6km is 15 minutes, that's 30 minutes per day which is 2,5 hours in a week. how is 2,5 hours not a significant amount in a "grand scheme of 8-10 hours"? it's 25-30% of the whole amount!