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I would say that is ultra super safe haha. I normally bike on roads without bike lanes. At times I think bike lanes can make it more dangerous than roads without them though (ie you go straight through intersection, car next to you goes right without signaling).


There is some truth to this: https://www.forbes.com/sites/dianafurchtgott-roth/2022/09/08/bike-lanes-dont-make-cycling-safe/ As a cyclist who bikes 10K miles a year all on road, give me 2 lanes (the left lane so that cars can pass me safely) and some signs that say share the road over a bike lane any day.


I agree. Plus in bike lanes you get stuck behind people, there is no room to pass and 90% of the time they are so fucking narrow even going in a single file you feel squished


Not to mention, they are filled with litter and debris. I love cycling, I'm not scared to admit that I don't like bike lanes.


They're basically just gutters with a "there I fixed it" paint line. My strongest preference is fully separate infrastructure with smartly designed crossings. Absent that, I'd rather just be in traffic. At least if motorists are honking at me I know they've seen me.


2 lanes seems to piss off drivers more. For whatever reason my short 2 lane section is the sketchiest.


Yeah, I always leave the bike lane to go through an intersection, especially if I know there are lots of right hand turns. it also makes it simpler for the cars because they don’t see two lanes of oncoming traffic. They just see one that fits into what they’re used to seeing.


If there was only a single white line, would you still consider it safe?




Very safe (technically it’s the drivers that are dangerous) I would love to have roads like that. Where I live you get about 6” of pavement outside of the white lines and that’s it.


Very safe, that left turn by the cyclist was not that great though.


Why was the left turn bad?


Looks like it's a right turn to anyone following, wasn't predictable. I would take that left like I were a car, from the left side of that lane, leaving room on the right for cars to turn right etc.


It's as safe as any other rural highway in the US. I prefer to bike on back roads over roads like that.




Left turn was sketch.


As safe as the US interstates I have biked in the past. I would not send a kid or a grandma out on a bike on that road so, no, not really safe.


Yes. Source: me, I've ridden on that


This is Galveston Rd (Hwy 3). It's southeast of downtown Houston and most of it has wide shoulders all the way to NASA. It's very popular with cyclists in the area.


I've seen worse, At that time there's not much traffic and the asphalt looks recent.


I'm lucky if the roads in my area even have shoulders. Biking this would be heaven.


D. Need more information. Day of the week? Time of day? Your experience level? Other riders’ experience on road? Is the community bike friendly? The cyclist in the video sure seems to be hugging the curb. That’s dangerous!


Tarmac looks good, decent shoulder, I ride sketchier country roads every day. I didn't watch every minute of the video, but I saw nothing concerning.


What's the speed limit, what's the axle limit?


I've ridden on very similar roads before. Super safe. Never had an issue. I like that the bike lanes are not physically separate. Often they get filled up with debris if they have a curb, etc. Those really flat straight roads can get quite windy and it's hard to believe how much garbage ends up in separated bike lanes.


dedicated shoulder way with clear and apparent white markings? Damn, bro that's a luxury. Let me grab a pic on what road I ride on [my usual route](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/837585113171755008/1257596516500115466/image.png?ex=6684fb86&is=6683aa06&hm=52c8c9504f46a97f972125349aaa292670e448bdd6238d4d1c911e7b885071ec&=&format=webp&quality=lossless&width=714&height=340)


I'd avoid the whole neighborhood, looks too crowded. But seriously, that beats any paved road near me. Usually the pavement ends a few inches outside of the white line. The right half of the lane is often riddled with cracks and bumps and a 55mph speed limit.


Depends on the speed of traffic. I refuse to bike in painted lines when cars are going faster 50


Lol you'd be stuck riding a 1 mile loop around my neighborhood in that case.


Yep I ride around Los Angeles and Orange counties. I’m happy to take the lane there, but biking on a freeway? I rather take the train. Got thousands of miles under my belt, what’s good


Not really. I stay off those as much as possible.


Nope. I expect the speed difference considerably higher than the footage visualy sugests. There should be a distinct color difference betwee the types of road and a clear seperation. As in gras or physical 3d objects seperating road from cycling path. Also it is too narrow. I am spoiled with good cycling paths though.


Looks like a highway. I don’t ride on highways but instead prefer country roads. Cars going 50+ right next to me is not my thing. Really depends though on the area you ride in and what you have available to you.


The speed suggestion on most country roads is 55mph though?


They don’t, in my experience, where I live and I’m riding. Wide open unmarked roads though, sure. That’s why I said it depends on what’s available in and around where you live, but I wouldn’t ride on that, personally.