• By -


That sucks, sounds like the movie was Odie'ous.


No kidding - this amount of violence definitely isn’t Nermal


Movie studios got no respect for us, treating us like a bunch of Johns to be milked


Movies these days Arlene-ing in the wrong direction.


Come for the advice, stay for the dad jokes! Seriously though, check out Common Sense Media for age ratings. They do a pretty good job not only giving age ratings but giving Cliffs notes on level of violence, sexual situations, alcohol/drugs, consumerism and also positive messaging. MPAA ratings are pretty much garbage.


Nice thanks, never heard of this before!


That escalated quickly.




For your cake day, have some BUBBL̶͊E WRAP >!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<


What sorcery is this


Thanks for the tension sheets... they are just bubble wrap painted red, but thickie holden knows what's up




I can't be the only one that popped them all looking for the one that didn't say pop!


Why is this so fun?


> It really feels like the movie rating board misses the mark on this Not to be snarky, but it's rated PG. So yeah, not supposed to be appropriate for 1-5 year olds


Tbf the Paw Patrol movie was rated PG and there was nothing suggesting parental guidance about it. I can’t remember the last movie rated G to come out.


I can see why Paw Patrol gets PG. First one has truck drive off the side of a bridge; a tower collapse; etc.; second one has fires/explosions. All cartoony and certainly fine for young kids if their parents are good with it, but when I think of G rated it’s like Mr. Roger’s where there’s nothing that could be deemed beyond the pale for kids.


Studios will almost always put something like a car crash, mild violence like a sword fight, or a dangerous situation like a fire or explosion in a kids movie so that it gets a PG rating since the G rating is box office poison, and even little kids will think they’re boring or “for babies”.


Idk they all feel like G to me. Then again I’m of the generation exposed to G rated films of Don Bluth and early 90s Disney, all of which would certainly garner a PG rating had they been released today.


I love the awkward period where PG-13 wasn’t a thing yet so Ghostbusters which had smoking, ghost head, and cursing got a PG rating. When our school had field trips where they would rent a greyhound bus we could bring movies but they had to be PG, Ghostbusters and Raiders of the Lost Ark were my two that I nominated.


Gremlins pushes it to the extreme. If not for its playful tone, that would be a hard R. Yet it is the same rating as Paw Patrol. Go back even further and the original Planet of the Apes is rated G. Humans hunted (and displayed) like animals, dissections, implied nuclear holocaust, and bare assed Charlton Heston. Same rating as the latest Vegietales.


Gremlins was the direct cause of the PG-13 rating being created


Ghostbusters also had a sex scene


"Bustin makes me feel good"


Chase is a fascist. 




Dude, Zootopia has some pretty terrifying scenes when some of the animals go savage. The jungle jaguar chase in particular was pretty frightening!


And a nudist resort.


Good Toddler movies, cause they are bright and Frozen has 2 has nice songs. But if you look at the themes Zootopia has strong themes of racism and acceptance that does require some parental guidance if questions are posed by the child. Frozen 2 has discussions of death and grieving loss parents, which in turn could pose questions dependant on age.


I've never understood this thing about "posing questions". Kids are going to encounter stuff, whether in media or in the real world. It making them ask questions and think about things isn't a problem, that's life. It would be a bad thing if it scared them, disturbed them, caused them nightmares, or had emotional themes they wouldn't be able to deal with but that's not what you're talking about. The reason I take umbrage with that attitude is that people use this excuse in the context of real-life bigotry, like gay people simply by existing and being gay, could potentially cause a child to think about the idea of being gay and ask their parents about it, and that's somehow a problem for parents. And in that context it's pretty disgusting, and I don't see why it should be tolerated more when it's used for media criticism. I'm not necessarily saying that you have those kinds of views, I think you're probably just pointing out a consequence of the content in a neutral way, but certainly people out there do use this type of argument, so I think it's probably worth some caution and being clear that we reject the idea of censoring content that might make children think, while at the same time helping parents be equipped with answers to these questions.


No consequences in the content, I’m just saying there is content in the film that may require parental guidance. Like in Frozen 2 when my kids related the death of her parents to my in laws passing, I was able to provide the answers to their questions. That’s why it’s PG and not G. I’m not saying don’t show your kids these things, trust me my kids watch all kinds of content. I was just saying why it’s PG I dunno it wasn’t as deep as y’all went.


They are but the PG rating is meaningless these days. Those should be G but G rated movies don’t take in money.


I would show neither of those to a toddler, simply because of sensory overload and stimulus fatigue.


In fairness, 2001: A Space Odyssey is rated G, and that features a scene in which someone is blown out of an airlock. Fun!


The movie is rated G in Australia, British Columbia, Ontario and other parts of the world.


Samuel L Jackson is in it? Does he get to say motherfucker or nah?


He gets one.


Just one


My man!


Also gets to use the soft A with Garfield once.


Want to have your mind blown? Watch the first couple episodes of Garfield and Friends (not with the kids!) Some of the stuff they say on that show is SHOCKING


You mean like saying someone should be drug out into the street and shot?


Pretty sure that was a common phrase from the comics too. Remember, comic strips were written for adults.


Holy shit yeah that’s exactly what I was thinking of


The inventor of Christmas Trees?


They what?


It was a common thing that Garfield used to say in the cartoons.


Reminds me of the episode where Pepe Le Pew pretended to shoot himself just off screen because the cat wouldn't sleep with him. Also the one where the intro is him laying on a bed, talking to the viewer about "making love" (his words). Now that I think about how wild old cartoons were, I'm actually not that surprised that Garfield said that.


I grew up on old Garfield, Pepe Le Pew, and other Merry Melodies cartoons (violent when compared to Daniel Tiger). I’m not violent and neither are the generations who grew up on them. The thing is : most kids can differentiate between cartoons and real life. Just because they see the 3 Stooges poke each other in the eyes and punch each other’s noses does not mean children want to emulate that behavior. Just like adults watching John Wick.


Ah, alright? I wasn't making any point about media leading to children becoming violent. I was just talking about some of what used to pass but never would nowadays.


Shoulda gone to *Furiousa*.


I took my five year old to Civil War she loved it


My three year old loved Fury Road. She’s really into big loud trucks that go vroom vroom.


I guess it really made you hate your Monday huh?




It’s honestly the worst movie I’ve ever seen. I ranted to my friends about it for at least an hour on discord afterwards. It made me reconsider my position on global thermonuclear war and now I’m all for it.


I had this feeling after watching the Space Jam remake/sequel. Watching Porky Pig rap made me want to swan dive into a goddamn wood chipper


Ungh... porky pig raps? That's even more cringe than when Macully Kulkin "sings" a rap verse in the Michael Jackson video for Black or White


Yeah, I did a good job forgetting most of that movie, but I remember sending a Snapchat video of that part to a friend with the caption “I now get why people join isis”


I don’t wanna spend my life bein a color


Ungh. I'm feeling embarrassed for everyone invovled


Bruh, Global? Pretty sure ONE country is responsible for this.


The rest of them allowed it to happen


The only one responsible is Garfield


True! But I dont think we can [nuke our imaginations](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qr6bULq6zQw)


How about a nice game of chess?


Better or worse than the Bill Murray version?


Worse. This one was crafted in a forge of hate




It’s like it was written by AI but they went out of their way to find the worst AI for the job. Like you know how live action movies have location scouts? This one had shit AI scouts and they really thoroughly researched it before settling on the worst one.


Furiosa it is then.


It was fantastic


I know. Left the 4 year old at home for that one.


God what a good movie.


Isn’t it PG? Not to be judgy but probably shouldn’t be taking 1-5 year olds to see a PG movie…


We took my 3 and 5 year olds and there really wasn’t anything particularly different in tone or content from most other animated films aimed at kids. It was terrible in quality but that’s a different topic.


Yeah. It wasn't very good. It was no more violent than a minions film which my son loves but he was bored.


We took our 5 year old and she was generally bored with it. Aside from one or two scenes she was more interested in the popcorn than Garfield.


My theater is showing older kids movies for $2 a ticket. We went and saw curious George my daughter loved it. Sucks that every Garfield movie is junk.


We actively discourage our kids from watching pretty much any Garfield media. The character is consistently greedy, selfish, rude, and manipulative.


Aww, I've loved Garfield since I was a kid and I'd say I turned out pretty well :D


I’m a mild Garfield collector and I remember thinking we’d have to store everything somewhere when we had a son…


And lazy. When I was growing up, we had Heathcliff and Garfield cartoons. I never got Garfield’s appeal. He’s fat and lazy and we’re supposed to like him?






Somebody's asking to be shipped to Abu Dhabi....


Bummer. My son (9yo) was disappointed today cause we went and saw ‘IF’ instead of Garfield. IF is decent. It’s a tear jerking that’s focused way more on the parents entertainment than the kids. Same 9yo said he was bored halfway through because he was confused by the storyline.


Saw it yesterday with my son. The story IS confusing, they imply a lot of the story which is hard for kids to put together. Like, they hint at the mother’s story with one blink-and-you’ll-miss-it moment in a home video. That being said, there’s some beautiful moments in there and the girl’s performance was very good so overall we enjoyed it. I did think it was different than what the trailers promised and was quite a bit heavier than I thought it would be. It wasn’t quite Bridge to Terabithia misdirection, but it was close.


IF would be a decent at home movie. I didn't think it was worth the cost of a ticket. It wasn't bad. Just wasn't great. Kids didn't hate it though.


I just watched it today. My 11yo wanted to see it. I loved Garfield as a kid and I wanted to like it. But yeah, it's horrible. Such a stupid story. It's not just passively "not great", it insists on being bad. The writers forced so many awful movie cliches. Not in an endearing way, but in the way that you want to walk out of the movie. But I couldn't cuz I didn't want to ruin it for my kid. Save your money.


I’ll say this…my kids are both either well into middle school or finishing up elementary school. And for me, frankly - it’s been the sweet spot. They still want to have tv time with dad, but we don’t have to suffer through so much of the garbage that’s out there. A lot of the intolerable stuff for me, is now in their eyes, too “baby-ish”. We can watch network single camera comedies, and animated shows that work multiple levels. I don’t mind that they want to watch things like Abbot Elementary, X men 97 and Regular Show.


I remember Garfield was always pretty tamely crass and violent and the comics/shows from the 90s said some pretty crazy stuff. So this isn’t surprising to me at all.


The movie is rated G in many parts of the world so ignore these comments about taking your 5 year old to it. The movie is horrible though, dumb story and dialogue. My kids liked it..


Ugh. I sat through it all. At least the kid was entertained the whole time, but I came home and told my wife it was one of the worst movies I'd ever seen. I was struggling to even stay awake halfway through.


I didn’t mind the content the way OP did, but I will second the general sentiment that it’s not worth seeing (in or out of theatres). Predictable, boring as shit, even the kids were unimpressed.


Thanks, I'm the same way content-wise, and this seems to be the general consensus. Might watch it when it lands on some streaming service just to see if my toddler likes it, but won't go out of the way for it.


Meh.  My kids liked it.


I’ve seen worse. I thought it was tolerable at best. A couple cheap laughs. Honestly, my biggest frustration was there was a preview for that movie about nasa, in which a character says something like “oh our guy is being a big bitch!” Or something along the lines like that, and I thought maybe that shouldn’t have been an ad right before a movie generally aimed at kids. I think that still falls under the PG rating, but I personally didn’t think it was a well placed ad. Not just the word itself, but how it was used. That being said, it wasn’t the end of the world or anything like that, our kids will hear worse in real life.


Is it too violent for a 5 year old that watches Star Wars? Those movies are PG as well.


My 11 year old is a Garfield fanatic so I took her on a father daughter date to see it. She surprised me with matching Garfield shirts to wear beforehand. I got her the limited edition popcorn Garfield head. She enjoyed it. Having said that the movie is not particularly good. As for the violence…it’s like old looney tunes level. Garfield doesn’t go on a shooting spree.


I see this post as i was planning to take my 5yo to see it as he graduates preK today and asked to go see it for his reward . LOL


Yes it was shit.


It was like one long, bad TV episode. Growing up watching the holiday specials I have the voices of Garfield and Jon from those in my head. Chris Pratt and whoever did Jon’s did not sound good to me.


It was very cartoon-y violence. Like a character being flattened and shaking themselves out. Nothing worse than what is in Tom & Jerry or Roadrunner.


I've noticed on this sub that there are a lot of dads who shield their kids from any kind of depiction of violence way longer than I was growing up-- I watched Star Wars at age three and Jurassic Park at five. Not sure if it's a Europe vs. America thing, but it seems like a bit of a knee-jerk reaction imo.


The preview seemed like Garfield was doing a lot. Very ungaefield


I've been burned before so now I pre watch everything.


What were you burned with before?


Most people probably wouldn't consider it that bad but I showed ours some children's programming from when I was a kid and some of the episodes haven't aged well.  Not 'casual violence' level but things we don't tell children anymore like vegetables are yucky, etc.


My 6 year old really enjoyed it


Damn that sucks. I don’t know why I’m always hopeful anytime a Garfield movie comes out. Glad I didn’t waste my time and money yet.


I was quite enjoying it but my four year old asked to leave about 20 minutes before it ended.


Did they at least reference the G-train? The G-train Nermal!


That’s most of the content for kids, sadly. You really have to look to find non-violent or dramatic material.


I learned my lesson with the first Garfield movie


Not going to lie, I am not shocked that it was a terrible movie


Thanks for the heads up! If you think that’s bad, listen to [this](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/kill-james-bond/id1554716458?i=1000530220348) to find out why Cars 2 is fascist, antisemitic, and also anti-trans


I miss the old days of dynamite and killing coyotes with anvils 


Chris Pratt sucks. That is all.


smh....seriously this is what you come up with to post here..lmao


PG is for kids like 8-12 though right?