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I would tell my kid: "It's an adult joke (adult things as a concept are firmly established already in my house. Adult movies, jokes, drinks, activities, etc. And there are kid things that adults can't do to balance it out.). Since kids aren't driving, some people think that kids won't see it, but obviously you did cause you are very observant (got to throw in some vocab). Try not to repeat any bumper stickers you see to anyone besides me and mom because they might make people upset. Good job bringing it to me. " I also have a list of things my kid wants me to explain when they get older so I would jot this down. The best part is by the time they are adults they will already get the jokes and I'll get to painfully explain these concepts on their 18th birthday.


This guy dads


Hell yeah, I'm using 'the list' idea.


IMO one of the perks of being a parent is the long con joke. The promise of future eye-rolls and cringing so hard that it could form diamonds from a decade or more old setup is my version of eating ass. I suggest writing down dates and details of why the question came about. In my idle time I write detailed answers with sources. I also have one for when she gets married for those questions I answered with "that's for married people". I plan to compile them into a coffee table book for her wedding with family pictures as backgrounds so that it looks innocent.




She hasn't asked yet but she's only six. I just added "Why can you touch mama's butt without asking but I can't?" (I am incapable of breaking this habit). To which I said, "Marriage is an agreement between adults. You can ask for whatever you want when you get married. It's complex adult stuff that I'll explain better when you are getting married. But basically mama consented to butt grabs years ago." (hard eye roll from wife) We go over consent pretty hard in our house so she knows about withdrawing consent and stuff.




As long as it’s not the same wife.




Only if you're the one eating it, though maybe not, I don't wish to cast aspersions


Asking the real questions!


I am stealing this. Beautifully executed.


I was raised by my grandpa, he admitted once that he had an arsenal of dirty jokes of which he said he’d share one or 2 the moment he thought we were old enough while I was growing up


.... Well?


They were never old enough...




This guy thisguys!


“Okay, so yeah remember when you were 9 and asked me what ‘I eat ass meant’, it’s time to have that conversation.” Idk why but that made me audibly chuckle


Bonus points if all their friends are there and they get to hear blueys dad explain in detail what eating ass means


"Now that I'm giving the toast at your wedding reception and you are forced to listen to me, I'm going to explain in graphic detail. Please advance to the first slide of my PowerPoint."


Omg the list of things to explain is unbelievable genius. I have one graduating high school today, wish I had this for a speech. Still got 3 more as young as 3 so I'll be starting their lists today


I know parents who start email accounts for their kids as soon as they're born, usually so they can email them pictures & stories from their infancy. This would be another great thing to email your kid. 


My only note is I might front-load the "Good job bringing it to me.", but that's mostly because my kids will have stopped paying attention before I got to it.


We have "Mommy and Daddy words". Sometimes, she will ask "Can I say a mommy daddy word?" Then come whisper "dumb" in my ear. She has been told in school she can't say that, so she put it on the M&D word list on her own.


Im imagining sitting down with my folks on my 18th birthday joyfully anticipating finally finding out what eating ass means


That’s it. I am packing it up and letting OP raise my kids. I will use that one today.


Should also mention that an “I eat ass” bumper sticker is inappropriate and the person who put it there is probably immature


There's some asshat who lives across the street from an elementary school that I pass by multiple times a day for work with two of [these emblems of idiocy](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/61nbzhgHNGL._UF1000,1000_QL80_FMwebp_.jpg) hanging on their fence, facing the school. I don't care which world leader these chuds want to have sex with, but literally waving it in kids' faces is pretty shitty.


Sneak over there at night and paint an I in front of the Fuck


They're really spilling their own tea by blasting their sexual preferences out to the world at large


In my house we value freedom of expression as long as no one is being hurt. We believe that inappropriateness is situational and person dependent.


important lesson for kids to learn. shielding doesn’t work.


I somewhat agree, but I think you need to go a step further and discuss what communication is in general. What is this person trying to communicate about himself or his beliefs by sporting an "I Eat Ass" bumper sticker, and is that communication effective? Does this bumper sticker make you more or less likely to want to meet this person? Freedom of expression doesn't mean that all thoughts expressed are neutral - to use the obvious example, what if he were flying a Nazi flag? Learning this is a huge part of developing as an adult.


I could explain a nazi flag to my kids no problem. I think I'd be inclined to let them interpret "I eat ass" the way they want.


The point is not explaining Nazis *or* rimjobs; the point is teaching children that a large part of communication is the impression you give to another person. There aren't good words and bad words, but there are words and ideas that will be received a certain way in certain contexts. I want to teach my child to be intentional with that communication, and to think about what they're trying to communicate with any message they give out.


There’s a difference between freedom of expression and teaching your kids what others may see as offensive, and an “I eat ass” bumper sticker is pretty offensive to many people. I’m not saying tell your kids I eat ass should never be tolerated, I’m saying teach them that most of the world views it as offensive and to be careful with that type of language. When my kid curses in front of me, I don’t punish him or reprimand him, but I remind him that he should never say that word in front of other people because you don’t know how they’re going to feel about it. Is that not acceptable parenting in your house?


>There’s a difference between freedom of expression and teaching your kids what others may see as offensive From my first comment. >Try not to repeat any bumper stickers you see to anyone besides me and mom because they might make people upset. This is more about my kids lack of understanding of a given word or phrase. I'm saying don't say it because you don't know what it means or how it works yet but eventually you will. ... > but I remind him that he should never say that word in front of other people because you don’t know how they’re going to feel about it. From my second comment. >We believe that inappropriateness is situational and person dependent. ... >Is that not acceptable parenting in your house? Close. We teach that we have freedom of speech but not freedom from consequences. All words are fine in their appropriate time and place and the listener doesn't get to solely determine which words are okay. We can be mindful of other people's sensitivities, rules and laws but we are not slaves to them. There is no word that we say to never use. Words are like spells that get people to conjure thoughts, emotions, and actions and using the right ones at the right times is what makes communication effective.


How would you explain a fuck Biden sticker to your child?


I’d tell him that type of language can be offensive to some people so it’s a good idea to keep it private, but others believe it’s ok so they use it more freely. He knows as a kid it can get him in trouble at school, possibly friends houses, etc. I wouldn’t go into the politics of it, but if he asks I’ll just tell him some people disagree with the president and they can get passionate about it


> painfully explain these concepts on their 18th birthday. Brilliant


We started a notebook of weird/funny stuff our kid said or did from toddler on. We kinda dropped off once kid #2 came along and oldest kid was 6, but it's still a good source of humor. We try to write some things every now and then even since they're teenagers. Mostly, cell phone pics & videos replaced the writing.


It seems like a great thing to list off if they ever get married.


Ooh my bestie and I have a list of topics we have to catch up on when we get together again. I’ll have to start a ‘topics to revisit in the future’ list for my daughter!


BRB, drafting a list


Came for the first graf; glad I stayed for the second.


Not on their 18th birthday, just a small family dinner you invite his best friends and/or partner around his birthday. "Hey your birthday's coming up, I know you want to do X and we still are, but how 'bout we have something small, just get a couple friends together for dinner and cake?" That way it's not a party, he's not expecting anything except a casual dinner. And instead of getting embarrassed around aunt's and uncles, he gets embarrassed in front of his closest friends. And that, I think, is a more acceptable embarrassment. You get some ribbing and that's it. "Ahh, lets see...going down the list, when you were 8, you asked about a sticker that read *ahem* 'I Eat Ass'. Well, you see son, sometimes, in the heat of the moment, it is okay to go ass-to-mouth...".


I'm stealing your list idea! This is genius!


I like it, but man.. you may be surprised on your kids 18th birthday. This isn’t meant to say I think your wrong or I know anything about your kids level of maturity, but sitting here thinking about it, I’m pretty sure if I don’t get to my kids about some of that stuff at more like 14-16 I’ll probably be way too late.


>by the time they are adults they will already get the jokes and I'll get to painfully explain these concepts on their 18th birthday. I fully expect her to know the answer to everything she has asked by then. I told her I'd tell her when she is an adult and I'm keeping my word in a way that I find funny and as a kind of revenge for asking uncomfortable questions. I'm living for that "OHMYGOSHDAD STAAAAAHP!".


"Yup, that sticker says I eat ass. Remember kiddo, you don't have to advertise some things to the world."


That's just Jimmy 'The Tapeworm' Johannsen. He got tired of people asking why is nickname was 'The Tapeworm', so he got a sticker.




Now explain to them how that causes tapeworm


Better watch your butt's around that guy, he might eat it....


“How come you sit weird? Is your butt uneven or something?” “Funny story, you know that ‘I eat ass’ guy? Turns out he takes his bumper sticker literally. Ate an entire cheek before I realized what was happening”


Is this why the youths call it "cake"? I'm so behind the times. 


License plate checks out...


My exact thought, fucking New Jersey.


This made me laugh, thank you


Stay classy, New Jersey.


I feel like every person that shits on NJ has never spent time in NJ. NJ is objectively better than the vast majority of states and you probably see less of this stuff here than most other places. Rarely does a criticism of this state from an outsider make a lick of sense.


Ironic that you used the term "a lick of sense," when the original joke is that the license plate on a car with a sticker that says "I Eat Ass" is "Liikkn", that was well played!




I feel the same way every time I see these political bumper stickers saying "F*** Trump/Biden" or I see "Joe and The Hoe Have To Go". It's infuriating. I drive a truck for work through lots of small towns and you see these huge signs that say that stuff on school bus routes. It's classless. I couldn't care less who you support, but I don't want my kids asking me why the hoe has to go


It's astounding to me how many men have signage announcing their desire to have sexual intercourse with our president.


Recently my kid has been asking about Biden and Trump. I'm pretty sure she's heard kids at school talking about it. Then one day she said "Joe Biden sucks!" Needless to say, my elementary school kid does not follow politics and has not formed her own opinions, so she's just parroting what she's heard at school. And I'm sure those kids are just parroting what they've heard at home. It's weird because when I think back to when I was a kid, I think it'd be common for kids to say positive things about the candidate their parents preferred, but I don't recall the tasteless hostility for other candidates. We really have gotten trashier as a society.


I don't think I thought about politics for one second when I was in elementary school. Politics were boring, even throughout my time in high school. I wish they were boring now. I also don't believe smear ads should be legal. Just tell me why I should vote for you, not why I shouldn't vote for someone else.


I was bullied in elementary school because I told kids my mom was voting for Clinton. She was pregnant at the time and even my friends in class told me I should convince her not to vote for Clinton because he would mandate all pregnancies be aborted. tl;dr: kids are fuckin' dumb


It's wild to see these lifted trucks with huge flags driving around saying obscene political statements.


Lifted truck with an American flag = racist low class person. Immediate judgement on my part.


blue lives matter / thin blue line american flag, same thing i see those a lot and im in a very progressive city


So many bootlickers out there.


Depends what part of the country you are in. A lot of Mexicans drive new lifted diesel trucks here in southern California.




To be fair, he specifically mentioned the American flag flying on the truck. No one else but white Americans, fly the American flag on lifted trucks.




Kind of, it’s just unwritten.


And, real quick, what flag is normally displayed on those vehicles??


Doesn't that feel a bit like judging a book by its cover?


I wonder if that expression predates the days when publishers used the book cover as a form of eye-catching advertisement.


When the book’s cover says “White Supremacy: live a life without empathy” I feel fairly confident judging it before cracking it open. 


I have always wondered about this saying. I mean if the cover of the book says "How to Fix a Car" why should I not think the book is about how to fix a car? If someone proudly proclaims they are a bad person, I have no reason to believe they are not.


I agree with you, but your example reminded me of the Twilight Zone episode "To Serve Man". https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/To_Serve_Man_(The_Twilight_Zone)


>If someone proudly proclaims they are ignorant and racist, I have no reason to believe they are not. Yeah, but this isn't happening in this case.


Fair, I was speaking in generalities. I will edit it.


Lol did you edit it to "They are a bad person"?




I work with these dudes, older guys in my dad's circle have this truck set up and so do some guys I've met recreationally through a cousin. Until I'm proven otherwise, I'm confident going with racist inbreds. Basing this on the disparaging comments and jokes not just the set up, though it does seem to nod to some weird tribalism.


No, it feels like believing people when they tell you who they are in an obvious public display of their most strongly held opinions.


>in an obvious public display of their most strongly held opinions. I would agree with you, except you didn't describe an American flag and a pickup truck, which is what we're talking about.


Trash humans


Even wilder on company vehicles. Great work alienating half your market.


Yeah, weird that it is super common on both sides… oh, wait.


I have never seen an F Trump sticker. It’s always the other way around.


I definitely have. I’ve seen them say grab em by the you know what as well


A house across from our school had a big "Fuck Biden" flag in full view of kiddo pickup/dropoff.


That's why most normal brained people can't stand these assholes. Like, you don't have to advertise everything you believe. I don't love that Biden is old, but I think he's done a commendable job. I'm most definitely not about to fly a flag about it, cause no one needs to know about my dumb opinion. And if you support Trump, that's fine, but don't be a fuckwit with your flags.


They've made Trump/Conservatism their entire personality. It's sad and pathetic.


Same deal with [these freak flags](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/61nbzhgHNGL._UF1000,1000_QL80_FMwebp_.jpg) all over Canada. I literally just posted an example of two of these flying across the street from an elementary school. 🙄😒


Parents have their Onlyfans on their car at my school. This doesn't surprise me, unfortunately.


No freaking way, that's insane man


That's disgusting! What's their OF name so that I can be sure to avoid their page?


But there are so MANY of them though. Which one?!?


Okay now THATS wild


Asking solely for a friend, but you got any of those @‘s? 👀😂😂


"yeah some people say really silly things to be funny. Don't say that though because you're too little and it can get you in trouble."


"you're too little" is a great way to make something super appealing to kids.


Feel like this would make kid me want to say it more :( or adult me too actually


Yep, the worse the thing is the more I disregard it. If you pay it little attention they'll drop it. If you make it a big deal it becomes taboo and fun to say. Now if they say it again and again, you have a talk with them.


Same way I deal with his complaints that other kids are misbehaving in ways he’s not allowed to. “I can’t control other people. Some people just aren’t polite, it’s part of life. We just do our best and move on.”


It’s like the time I was out with my wife, 6yo daughter and 2yo son. In walks a family with 4 kids and (presumably) the dad is wearing a shirt with big bold letters that say “I FUCK ON THE FIRST DATE.” What goes through someone’s mind to wear something like that to a Chuck E. Cheese?


Straight up trash


We have lost the impact of shame in our society.


We’ve also lost the impact of collectivism in our society. Once upon a time people generally conformed their behavior in public for the collective good of children. Now we tend to think of other people’s children as “your shitty kids that you chose to have and bring out in public.” It really does matter. I’m not some conservative person; I’m just pointing out a fact that seems to be lost on people until they have children of their own that they have to expose to the world and all of its crass idiots. We used to take some semblance of collective responsibility for child rearing. Look at places like Japan where they still do this. And how often does anybody see bumper stickers like this in France or Germany? The burden of not putting an “I eat ass” sticker on your car that you then take out into the world is pretty minimal, but these people will shriek about how it’s their right to do so. A lot of Americans have embraced this kind of dirtbag culture and then turn around and wonder why their lives are so messy. Go figure.


The uniquely American flavor of this myth of individualism is the root of a lot of the social problems we have in the US. "I got mine" is anti-social, and is pulling us all down.


Well said


it's american hyper-individualism where a lot of other societies are highly collectivist. "i'm the star and the only thing that matters is me, my opinion, and my rights. everyone else be damned" is and has been soup du jour for the better part of the last 100 years or so


Even worse, a good chunk of our society is proud to be rude, disgusting assholes.


You can say that again. And again.


Even worse, a good chunk of our society is proud to be rude, disgusting assholes.


Even worse, a good chunk of our society is proud to be rude, disgusting assholes.


Even worse, a good chunk of our society is proud to be rude, disgusting assholes.


If the car driver is proud of what they do, you shaming them is not going to do anything.


The internet and social media have conditioned us to just broadcast any stupid thought that pops into our head for the whole world to hear, so there is a significant portion of the population that doesn't have the ability to self-filter. Not everyone needs to hear everything that flits across your consciousness.


I think this characteristic existed way before social media, it just makes it easier to reach a wider audience.


I think Seinfeld said something about that in his Duke commencement speech. "We're embarrassed about things we should be proud of but proud of things we should be embarrassed about" or something to that effect.


Even worse, a good chunk of our society is proud to be rude, disgusting assholes.


Tell your 8 year old that some people like to eat donkeys like how others eat cows and chickens.


He knows that ass = butt so maybe I could have spun it like pork butt = pork ass... but then I'm facing the possibility of him asking for pork ass in a restaurant 😄😄


Please get the server's reaction on film for the rest of us


You can say that again. And again, and again, and again.


“Dad can I try ass?”


I’m going with the plate meaning “Licking” any takers


When I was a kid it was “you’ll understand when you’re older, it’s an adult joke” and that was the end of it. They’d never budge on it so I stopped asking and forgot about it.


saw one here in SC last weekend. dude was day drinking with a nice looking older lady.


She looked nice because she was happy after that ass eating.


"Some adults like to say whacky things because they think they're funny. You'll see a lot of things that adults say that aren't appropriate for kids. This is one of them. Don't say that."


I’ll put money down that the driver listens to ICP.


Having seen the driver, I'd take that bet!


Never trust a car with a bedazzled license plate holder and a princess bumper sticker. This screams “I started smoking in middle school”


Well 8 isn't too young to learn there are people with zero class


As great as it would be if the people around us would behave well, my approach to parenting is to take responsibility for training my kids on how to handle themselves in a world where others are inevitably going to do the wrong thing.


Plot twist: it's OP's car


As a teacher, this stuff has changed my job. I hope we agree that folks should rarely be swearing in school. I used to say stuff like "do you talk like that around your parents" and these days I get 10 year olds answering "yes". I call home to call their bluff, and those parents won't call me back, or they call me a liar. I had one high ranking volunteer promise me that her son NEVER uses that language around her, so I must be lying. Some parents are swearing, talking about adult topics, and watching adult media around their kids without any kind of active parenting. They're giving their kids unrestricted access to the Internet and assuming they are making zero mistakes. I'm not saying parents should be trying to hide adult topics from kids, but there should be regular discussions with kids about context and content. Parents should be talking to kids about where and how certain words and actions are appropriate. As a teacher, I feel like a lot of parenting is being outsourced upon me. I have some parents who either think we should be allowing kids to swear in school, or are just saying that because they don't think they have the power to stop their kids from swearing.


Why *do* we place so much emphasis on swear words? Fuck and shit are so common place these days, it's not really offending anyone. There are most certainly more descriptive words that can be used instead, but I don't get why they are still so taboo. And for the record, no I'm not teaching kids to use them.


Genuinely funny to see that on a KIA


Jack the kia with a usb cable


I’d explain it’s an adult joke, and not something to repeat to friends/other people at school. It isn’t a funny one, but a joke nonetheless 😂


The driver of that vehicle is Definitely not desperate for attention


I saw a bumper sticker today: “I have a small penis.” It was on a big lifted pick up truck so I appreciated the self deprecation


Had a r/showerthoughts post right under this talking about how eating ass is probiotic


Well, it's definitely a Kia Boy deterrent.




"yeah some people say gross stuff to get noticed. Most of them outgrow it by age 8 or so."


I'd remind my kid: "You are what you eat."


depends on the kid. if your kid is a miniature adult I would use the opportunity to explain the word "provocative". wow that person has a swear word on their car. that is to make people surprised or maybe uncomfortable with their words. that's called being provocative. when mom wears her maple leafs jersey in front if grandpa and grandpa starts talking about how they are the worst team? mom was being *provocative*. if you have an actual kid with kid intellect I'd say "yeah that is a swear word. I don't know why someone would do that? what do you think about that ? oh it's funny eh? should I get one for our car? ok lets ask mom when we get home."


Well Son, you’re a very well mannered young Man. And mom & I are very proud of that. Manners are a way for many different types of people, who may believe & think different things, to still feel comfortable in the world and around one another.  Most people use good manners. And this means it’s easy for people to be able to comfortably go to a store, or to a concert, or a water park, and know they will be safe & comfortable. They can trust that most people will follow the rules of good manners so that everyone can get along.  SOME people like to break those rules because they think it’s fun, or funny. And to them, it probably is! That saying on the van is silly because it’s kinda gross. Like saying you eat boogers. Most people don’t want to hear that! The person who put that sticker on knows boogers are gross, but they think it’s fun to make others uncomfortable.  But for our family, we try not to do things that are fun for us, but might hurt others feelings or make them uncomfortable. This make sense, Bud?  You already knew this sticker broke some manners rules because it used a rude word, right? Thanks so much for telling me about this. I would be thoughtful about if you talk to others about it. If you tell another grownup about this, they might be confused and think that YOU don’t have good manners. Even if you’re just talking about something you saw.  If you want to make others feel comfortable, use your manners & don’t say words like that too often or in front of people who aren’t your very close friends or family.  Now let’s go eat some some lunch. Booger Burgers sound ok??




People say all kinds or things, people DO all kinds of things. It's all part of life's rich tapestry.


Lmao try explaining the two cars in your small city plastered with Hentai all over them. https://www.reddit.com/r/kzoo/s/Og9tkwkZVE


It’s 2024. Everyone eats ass. Sticker belongs closer to the tail pipe, though.


It's disgusting to put this on your car.


"they bbq"


Saw a sticker at a stop sign when I was getting my kids from the bus stop that said…”Tie me up like BTK and eat me like Dahmer.”


Some people eat ass, some people rip ass all day. Different strokes for different folks. (Username checks out)


“Some people eat donkey meat.”


I followed a car a couple of days ago, in Mt. Juliet, Tn, that had the same thing only much larger and displayed across the entire back window.


It’s the princess sticker that does it for me…


I’m sorry handle what?


Did kiddo actually ask a question? If not, maybe just dad joke your way through a response... 'jeez I hope they have a good tooth brush'


I need that sticker lol


I keep seeing have an honest conversation. What conversation? "When mommies and daddies love each other they toss each other salad"???? Ignore that garbage and tell him swear words are not allowed.


"maybe they're cannibals" My kids would find the though ridiculous and would distract them from the actual nature of the sticker


My wife has offered, I just don't think it's my thing. Doesn't sound pleasant to anyone involved.


No humble bragging, some of us cant even get a hug. 🤣🤣🤣


someone that works at my daughter's pediatrician's office has a sticker that says that across the back of their rear windshield.


I'd go get some sharpies and change it from ASS to GRASS


"He's talking about donkey, but being rude by saying 'ass'."


He means pork butt. Which is actually a shoulder. 😋


Ewwe, that means he eats donkeys


"Me too, son. How do you think I convinced your mom to leave her second husband?" Then keep driving and refuse to answer any more questions.


I saw a car yesterday with a large "Fuck Around and Find Out". And of course it was a morbidly obese white women driving. Some people are just trashy as fuck.


I mean. I eat ass so...m


Normally I find this absolutely hilarious, free speech being used to humorous effect, but the guy is clearly just an asshole, with an underdeveloped sense of humor that never grew past middle school, given that he likes to trespass on private property whenever he picks up his own kid(s). I know it's a topic for another discussion, but still, nobody ever fuck this guy again, it'll just validate his bullshit and potentially create even more of himself. ETA: also he's just reinforcing the negative stereotype of New Jersey.


I'm with you - normally, I'd find this humorous. E.G. you slapped this on someone's car without noticing. But picking up your elementary school aged children? This was a choice that this "lady" made.


Surprised no one mentioned the 11-KK, that's KKK. Another reason to avoid this trashcan of a human.


That one might be a stretch. NJ tags have a particular set up. It's currently LETTER##-LETTER LETTER LETTER. It previously (10+ years ago?) was 3 letters - LETTER##. Still, driver is trashy AF


"eat is an acronym for 'Earnestly Am The'"


Stickers should be illegal, unless you’re sponsored, or own a business and you have advertising for it.


I feel like saying "some people like to put their tongues into people's butts" would be sufficiently gross to an 8 year old to eliminate further discussion


“I Eat ass” is so relatable, right guys?


god i can't stand these cringey-ass cars that people drive. might as well have a sticker that says "i'm white trash". i'd tell my daughter the truth- it's a sexual act and it's rude and crass to have that sticker on your car. some adults lack class and/or don't understand social norms. that said, i eat ass too.


You should have seen what stuff I saw when using mIRC back in the day lol.


I really hate people that post raunchy or vulgar shit where everyone can see it. It's so adult-supremacist.


We have lost the impact of shame in our society.


People no longer believe that shame has a useful function.


It’s probably a good Segway into a few different topics such as how people are different and have different interests, or about hints being privacy and boundaries, or maybe a discussion on humor, or maybe even mental health. Try to make the phrase itself less significant than the overall conversation.


Just make sure you don’t drive off a cliff on that Segway