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Don't buy him clothes or accessories. In general, don't buy people things associated with their hobby unless they've specifically asked for it. This is a hobby for him. I suggest you take him somewhere to show off his look. Get dressed up fancy and go to dinner or brunch at a nice'ish place, concert in the park, to a theater, apps and a glass of wine at a wine bar, or something else like that. For me, as a dad, I don't need more stuff and I buy everything I want for my hobbies anyway. The best thing I could get from my daughter is time. Kids get so busy as they get older. Just spending time together for a few hours would be the best gift for me.


OP!!! This is the answer^^^ get dressed up and take him somewhere. Literally anywhere, even if it’s dinner at McDonald’s. The destination doesn’t matter as much as you getting dressed up and taking part in his new passion. A fancy father-daughter date is a memory that he’ll likely cherish for many many years to come. Getting him an accessory isn’t a bad idea at all, but as the wife of a 46 year old man who has two large closets all to himself…you might not be able to afford something he’d wear regularly (not sure your age, and not judging your finances at all, it’s just a pricey hobby!). But a fancy father-daughter date, no matter your budget, is truly a gift that will live on and on for him.


Agreed! The destination really doesn't matter. Grab a coffee and walk around the mall so he can window shop. Like you said, just do anything dressed up. He'll feel special and appreciate the time with his daughter. I'm a dad in my 40's and I know I would.


I wholeheartedly agree! My daughter is only 2.5 so I have a little bit of time before we start, but one of the things I'm most looking forward to in the future is fancy daddy daughter dates


Same here! Gives me something to look forward to in 20ish years


> you might not be able to afford something he’d wear regularly Normally I'd agree, but I think usually the sentimental value of it being from his daughter would change that. If she got cufflinks with his/her birthstone, or that somehow link to another hobby or something she knows about him, that's probably a good idea. I also love the idea of taking him out though! Unfortunately, going out somewhere fancy enough to wear a suit can be pretty expensive too. It all depends on what's available in her area!


Ohhh cufflinks with his or her birthstone is a great idea


Full agree. I’ve got my fair share of hobbies and while I appreciate when family gifts me related items, it’s usually not something I wanted or need. An excuse to indulge in the hobby and spend time with kids would be best.


husband calls these men in black dinners


I heard a saying: "Never buy a watch for a watchmaker" or something like that. IE, their knowledge is too specialized that you'll never pick something they'll like.


That's why I have a wishlist. With details on the make, model and website source of everything hobby-related I want.


I have begged hubby to do this for years. He won't and I accept it because it's been 28 years. He just waltzes in the house and announces that I just bought something for the bike(s). I still sneak stuff in on him though because I'm trouble and he knew that going in. What else is a leprechaun gonna do when left alone and unsupervised???? We're basically living like teenagers now........


Golden rule to livd by


I can't stress at this point in my life how much more I appreciate new experiences or consumables over gifts. I have too much crap, I don't need anything else, and if I do I'm going to intensely research it for 2 weeks and buy it myself.


Yes! Especially since I'm guess OP is Teen/Early 20s and one on one time with them is less than it used to be. As I get older, I want experiences and reminders of them more than anything $$$ can buy.


Rent a suit and both of you spend the day being classy af together


This is perfect.


get him some cuff-links, they actually have variety packs that look great and aren't expensive.


Bonus points if you get something that has meaning to you two. Like if you go sailing together a boat anchor or maybe your birthstone? Edit: Stop down voting the poor guy that replied lol


what does that gift idea have to do with suits/slacks/ dress shirts or penny loafers? Sorry, just asking.


He means the cufflinks being those things


Laughing my ass off at this guy interpreting that comment as "buy him an anchor."


Wonder what the "shipping" would cost... 🤔


This guy dads.




Hahaha when you put it that way I also laughed out loud...


I once got my dad cufflinks made out of coins minted the year he was born.


That’s amazing. I made my wife a coin necklace made of pennies from the countries we’ve visited for our copper anniversary


My late husband took a pair my of fake buffalo earrings and helped the tool shop at work replace them with real ones. Those guys polished them up and made them look like a million bucks. I treasure them still.


Never forget tie clips as well. Not all shirts have cuff links anymore but a nice tie clip is also a treat


Yeah tie clips are legit as well, and he might not already own a very nice one.


If he’s into his suits as OP suggests I’d bet he’s also ensuring he buys double cuffed shirts.


Yeah. You're likely correct


French cuff shirt does NOT have buttons and requires links to hold them closed.


I would go with getting once nice pair of expensive cuff links over a variety pack.


This is a big one OP. If he doesn’t have the French cuff shirts that use cuff links already, he sounds like he’ll enjoy the excuse to buy some. It’ll class up his outfits. Others have already mentioned you can get cheap and expensive cuff links. Ones that have special meaning. I have ones with initials. I have cuff links with the birthstones of all of my daughters. More importantly, you have gift ideas for the next few years. Personal, holiday themed, hobby themed as he goes through life. It’s simple. You can spend a lot or a little. And you can give something with meaning between the two of you. Like, some links with a symbol of something you share (Disney, sports team, golf ball) would be kept and worn a lot more than some garish tie or big tshirt with the same printed image.


I came here to say this. The price only matters if they are flimsy. Don’t buy those. Get him something that will remind him of you or are something he likes. A friend got me some a few years ago with little ceramic tiles that had a martini on them. I got tons of compliments on them.


You can get personalized cuff links with engraving of faces of people/pets.


Cufflinks or tie bars are usually a safe bet. Make note of his usual watch metal type (silver, gold, etc.) and base your selection on that. The watch is usually the most expensive accessory. So other accessories typically match to it.


It requires your shirts to be made for wearing cufflinks though, so check if he own these shirts.


If he's in to suits and dressing fancy, he has French cuff shirts. Like, 99+% certainty.


And if not, he’s going to use it as an excuse to justify buying some nice French cuff shirts. You need a couple in white, maybe a light blue, a pastel pink.


My wife bought me cuff links that had my pictures of my kids embedded in them!


This is a perfect idea. Even better if you make them yourself. You can buy cufflink blanks that you can customize. I made my dad a pair using two pennies from his birth year, one side heads and the other side tails. They are now his favorite cufflinks.


Somewhat related, you can get a customized dress shirt with his initials embroidered on the cuffs.


Cedar shoe trees, you can get a quality set for less than $30, Allen Edmonds is a solid brand. They make fancier ones with different style knobs/pulls, but just make sure you get one that is his size range. I keep these in all of my leather shoes/boots. Gets the moisture out, makes them smell good, and maintains the shape of the footwear.


And something like a good shoe shine kit to go along with those.


Great suggestion - every person that wears nice shoes should have a kit to help keep them in shape at home. A shine at an airport every now and then is nice too


Absolutely these! DSW has them as well. I have a pair for all my leather dress shoes to help maintain their shape and moisture.


Don't buy a clothing item or accessory, if he's gone full #menswear he will be too brand-conscious. How about a book for inspiration, something like [this](https://www.amazon.com/Sartorialist-Inspiration-Every-Wants-Education/dp/0847864197).


2nd this. As a self-proclaimed top 5 best dressed man in any room, I don't like when my family buys me clothes because they rarely get it right. Alternatively, a gift card to his favorite brand. (Check the tags for some of his clothes)


I try to claim I'm the best dressed without being overdressed (on occasions, I may overdress, for which I will make no apology). I like the top five thing.


Check out this company: https://wurkinstiffs.com/collections/magnetic-collar-solutions I have been using their magnetic collar stays for years and I get soooo many compliments from people “who get it” because my collars are always perfect. I work in a field where I wear a tie every day and my collar stays and tie bar are what make me look better than my peers. Highly, highly recommend. Also, I am not a fan of this companies tie bars so find another one if you go that route, but I promise he will love magnetic collar stays.


Socks if you have a smaller budget. Personalized socks can really set off a suit.


Seconding socks. Handsome socks make the man.




This is definitely the correct answer. You can never have too many, and I love socks with a story. 


Tie bar and matching cufflinks.


They also have cheap multipacks of tie bars. Nice to have a bunch of colors


As someone who regularly wears a tie, I second this. I always appreciate new cuff links (though I rarely wear them) and matching tie bar. One word of caution, make sure whatever is on them is appropriate for the time they’ll be worn.


Metal Collar Stays. Game changer: [https://www.amazon.com/40-Metal-Collar-Stays-Box/dp/B00A7L8ZKE?source=ps-sl-shoppingads-lpcontext&ref\_=fplfs&psc=1&smid=A3L49T78R1EZEC](https://www.amazon.com/40-Metal-Collar-Stays-Box/dp/B00A7L8ZKE?source=ps-sl-shoppingads-lpcontext&ref_=fplfs&psc=1&smid=A3L49T78R1EZEC)


With tiny magnets!


And a lock picker insert


I didn't know I needed this until now but I'm definitely doing it.


Second cuff links


I would whole heartedly recommend a book: Dylan Jones - Rules for the Modern Man. Great fashion and clothes advice, particularly with regard to shoes, suits and formal dress. Also a plethora of general chivalry anecdotes. Great read and serves as a nice coffee table book too!


What's your budget?


probably ~$50


I think cufflinks are a nice idea. They're not in fashion as much anymore but a tie clip, maybe that has his initials, maybe that's too much tho and just something more simple would be nice. As a dad gifts that remind me of my kids are great. If there's some connection you have with him, could be anything, incorporating that into the gift is a nice idea.


Is he a geek, by any chance? My favorite pair of cufflinks is a set of Thor’s hammer and Stormbreaker, but I have plenty across the Star Wars / DC / Marvel universes. Tie bars also a good choice, belts / buckles if you want to do a full themed set.


I have my initials as scrabble tiles that my wife got me. It’s great.


Maybe a valet stand? Can put his suit jacket, pants, etc


What a great question! You should get dressed up too and take him out to a place that works well for dressing up. A nice restaurant and a show is great if you have the time/budget. If not, afternoon Tea at a good hotel in your area can be a nice low-key high-fashion event. Try to get your picture taken together if you can and get it printed out for him. Talk to your mom/his partner about what he might like.


Metal collar stays! I got a set from “würkin stiff” and they’re so much nicer than the bendy ones that your shirts come with.


I like the cufflink idea.  Particularly if you share a hobby as others said like boating, etc.   But if you want to do something else you could find the fanciest store that he’d never shop at and buy him a 50$ gift card there.  


I’d go with a tie bar over cufflinks. More versatile and (imo) French cuff shirts are too dressy 90% of the time (unless he’s an attorney or in really high powered finance).


I would never wear a tie bar. Cufflinks I would.


Lapel pin. And second the comment about choosing style based on something with meaning.


Get him a lapel pin, brooch or boutinere. There's so many varieties to jazz up a suit. If you know his size you could also look into hats like a nice fedora to pair with it. If he starts getting into more formal wear cufflinks and studs Take a look around Etsy you can get all sorts off custom options for reasonable prices or you can try the counter at a local formal wear store.


Take him out somewhere he has an excuse to wear his best suit. I’ve got an amazing suit I love to wear, but never get a chance to go anywhere it fits. I’d love an excuse to wear it. Or if he’s got a suit that doesn’t quite fit right, set him up with a tailor who can make his most mediocre suit into something customer cut just for him.


Loaf of sourdough and fancy marmalade is the answer to buying stuff for people who already get themselves what they need.


Yep. He's impossible to buy fir because he has "a look" and can't describe it or feel people will misinterpret what he said and ruin what he already has. You sort of answered your own question. "Any excuse to wear his suit." Tske him to a nice restaurant. Hell, take him to any restaurant but tell him to dress up. So long as you go with it and make the effort as well, he'll love it.


A set of collar stays!


Make s reservation at a fancy restaurant and both of you dress fancy and have a nice evening. He will probably pick up the tab but don't assume.


Do you have a budget in mind? Also - what are your dad's hobbies aside from suits (I ask because if he's into sailing, maybe a really nice tie with anchor patterns etc). edit: As the top comment mentions, cuff links are a good idea. Depending on budget, maybe a nice watch or sunglasses. I have never owned nice sunglasses because it feels ostentatious and I would be scared of losing them.


Oooh maitainence gear. Shoe shine and polish, collar stays, dress socks (though you're going to have to go and check what brand of socks he likes and thsi can't be a lone gift either), they have sock suspenders that link from your socks to the back of your dress shirts to keep it tucked during activity, high quality hidden tie stays, a long handled shoe horn. Cufflinks, ties, pocket squares, stuff that is often seen externally is a lot tougher to shop for and depends on how picky he is, and there's a real chance you'll have to match or exceed the quality of what he's wearing at the moment.


Love how this girl happened to be acting out of love and stumbled upon one of the most genuinely supportive and loving subreddits, complete with great and practical advice. Btw, OP you’re awesome and I second the fancy father/daughter date, who cares if it’s not that fancy of a restaurant, bonus points for adding some inexpensive cheesy cufflinks that represent a fun story y’all have.


&collar apparel has been a game changer for me. I wear slacks and dress shirts everyday. I get compliments in the looks, but the secret is that they are lightweight and super stretchy! I look dressed up but feel like I’m lounging in joggers and a tshirt.


If he's really into all these accessories I can guarantee he just wants more and more for variety sakes. Buy a pocket square, cuff links, tie bar, etc. Just get him something you like!


Cuff links. Bolo tie, pocket watch


Get him colour laces, he can match those to his pocket square/tie too to complete the look


A book about the history of suiting or menswear, or a definitive guide. Dieworkwear on twitter may have something about it, or over on mensfashionadvice.


Pocket watch for sure. Or, depending on how goofy he is (or is willing to be for a laugh), a monocle.


Get a men's watch box, other accessory/organizer, or a "coffee table" menswear book


We did a [Tribute](https://www.tribute.co) video for my FIL for his 80th. We basically snuck into his address book and reached out to all his friends and family and asked them to record a 3-5 min message. Very casual, low pressure. We even paid for Pete Rose, one of his idols, to do one through Cameo. The whole thing turned out to be about an hour, he wept the whole time. Loved it. Might be best to save this one for a milestone like 50, but it was a major hit. Honestly, as a dude who has a particular fashion style myself, I doubt anyone would pick something better than I pick myself. And if you get it wrong, he’ll feel obligated to wear it anyway, which isn’t fun.


Honestly, a really nice Tie Clip can elevate a regular suit. I love my tie clips and have different ones based on the suit I'm wearing. You can also get customized ones. I have brown, gold, silver with initials. I love them.


Tie clip. Burberry Tie


A good set of collar stays!


I want a nice set of suspenders and matching bow tie. I would like funky prints or patterns.


Cashmir tie.


Take him shopping! Always nice to switch things up a bit.


I would get him an appointment for a fitting at a bespoke tailor and go with him


I like the cuff links suggestion, but might I add that there are clips you can add to the collar of your button up shirts that adds a flare up there too - some chain, some don't. Maybe another parent here knows what they're called? Not to also drop tiktoks, but there's a guy on there (and likely YouTube) with the @ of Parkeryorksmith. He does a lot with suits, fancy, casual fancy (including hawaiian shirts, I love it), and besides his videos being informative he does a lot of varieties (including a goth look). He shows a lot of the little details in tying a proper suit together, so if you're low on budget, want stocking stuffers, etc, a lot of the accessories he pairs could be a consideration with your dad to up his fancy game. The little details that take it above and beyond just another suit, that show more effort went into it. Father's Day might be a bit soon for that one, but birthday and Christmas might be a good time to drop some more if he's still interested in it. :)


I’d say some fancy embroidered handkerchiefs he can fold into pocket squares


Tie clip


gift card to a hat shop or local haberdashery.


Hand made bow-tie. Let me find a link. I have a friend who has a friend that makes and sells them online.


Braces/suspenders, nothing says masculine style more than hanging your trousers from your shoulders. *Source, my own experience 😅 Make sure you get heavy duty buckles, the fashiony ones are crap, come loose all the time and he will hate them. If he's chunky, get elasticated. If not, buckled.


Cuff links and pocket squares to add a pop of color to the suit. Bonus points for a matching tie and pocket square. Also, depending on how he wears socks, there may be an opportunity there. Good luck!


What's your budget? Accessories are always a safe bet, cufflinks, tie pins, tie bars, etc. At A higher budget, a nice watch is always appreciated. If he likes to stand out, Mr. Jones watches have a lot of character, otherwise stick with Orient, Seiko, or Casio if he likes digital. At the super high end Grand Seiko and Omega watches can't be beat. I'm happy to make some recommendations if you can tell me a little bit more.


Pocket square


Have you considered a watch? There’s a watch for every budget and taste.


- Paul smith socks or pocket square - John fluvog laces - Aesop hand lotion - Opinel apron


Get him a pack of monogrammed handkerchiefs


As others have said, the safest bet might be a fancy dinner or outing where he gets to dress up. An alternative might be a garment bag. As someone who travels for work and needs to bring a suit I ordered myself one of the bundles from [here](https://halfdaytravel.com/collections/gift-bundles). Havent received it so cant speak to the quality, but might be an option


Magnetic collar stays, game changer! Just get the 2.5 inch ones. Your dad will enjoy thinking of you every morning when he’s getting ready and at night after a long day! https://wurkinstiffs.com/collections/magnetic-collar-solutions


Accessories? Tie pins/bars, cufflinks, a wallet (I like the Ekster leather offerings), etc. How does he feel about hats (I use Tenth Street Hats)? There are lots of online retailers who’ll do gift cards/certificates, so you’ll have something for Father’s Day. Whatever you decide, I’m sure he’ll appreciate it!


What if you plan to take him to a nice dinner where he can wear what he already has? I find that gifting products can get problematic really fast (especially difficult for those that just buy what they want for themselves), but in my experience, gifting time together is almost always appreciated.


came here to say cuff links or tie clips but everybody else beat me to it. Still - do it!


You can also ask at [styleforum.net](http://styleforum.net) . Those guys are obsessed with menswear, and I have a feeling your dad visits that forum too. I don't know your budget, but If he's into nicer brands, you could look at a pocket square (Hermes?), a tie (seven-fold tie from Brioni?), or maybe metal collar stays or a nice pair of shoe trees. Or look up a SF-approved leather conditioner for shoes.


A nice pocket knife from Opinel. Lovely aesthetic, extremely useful, and not going to break the bank. Not a sartorial item but something a sartorial guy would appreciate.


I’d just love a card and a hug. I’ll buy anything i want/need.


As someone that no longer "dresses up" daily due to work environment, I can say these items would be at the top of my list: * Silk squares for suit pocket * Tie chain (does not attach to tie, so reduced chances of damage) * Cufflinks (double sided preferred. I have several vintage ones) * Pens An honorable mention is going to be Linen clothing. It isn't for everyone, but it is great in the summer. Durable, but does take a bit of work to keep it looking it's best as it wrinkles quite easily. Not like cotton though that looks horrible when wrinkled. This type of clothing is definitely a personal taste more than the accessories as it it going to be the first thing someone will notice about him. I have heard that hemp "linen" is decent alternative if he likes to pursue items with less environmental impact. Linen is still one of the most eco-friendly fabrics to the best of my memory.


Cedar inserts for his dress shoes Tie clips Money clip Think accessories


Monogrammed collar stays


I saw a cool wooden hanger/bench thing at an estate sale the other day. Like you can pick out your clothes and hang them for the next morning, and sit down to put them on. That would be a cool way to support his hobby.


Bow ties. They're more accessible and quicker to tie than a standard necktie, but everyone thinks they are hard to tie and you're fancy. I bought a bagful of fun patterned bowties on the cheap, and people love them. I just bought three cheap (but I took my time to find ones that fit; there were a lot of Amazon try-before-you-buy packages) jackets: a plum corduroy sports coat with elbow patches, a light pink linen blazer, and a black dinner jacket with dark red and gold floral pattern (I already had a boring grey blazer). Pair those jackets with some colored jeans/chinos/whatever is clean, a patterned shirt, oxford shoes, and a bow tie, and you'll get people coming to talk to you about how well you dress (it will be old ladies in casinos, but still she went out of her way to pay that compliment to ME). Use color theory when dressing. Clashing patterns are great if the colors go well (contrasting and clashing = loud).


An hour glass


A few ideas that won't break the bank, but are useful to make an outfit *pop*... * Cufflinks (you can find some nice ones at flea markets, garage sales, and antique stores) * Leather shoe cleaner * Tie clips (There are flat clips & "hanger" types that can be quite stylish if worn appropriately) * Metal collar-stays * Tie collar pins * Shirt stays (probably overkill, but these are the straps between dress socks & a dress shirt to hold one up and the other down.) * Quality wooden shoe-keepers


Maybe a fitting at an old style tailor shop?


A good tie bar would be nice or a signet ring for his pinky. Also check out Alain Dupetit for really nice suits, jackets and more at an affordable price. That's where 90% of my suits are from.


Tie. Or a nice tie bar. Flashy socks. Metal collar stays. Shoe polish. Suit brush. Belts. Basically any accessory that doesn’t require a clothing size.


Anything from J. Press, but definitely a tie.


The answer to this question—no matter what the dad’s hobbies (or lack thereof) are—is “spend time with him”


Pocket squares!


Maybe a vest and/or nice pocket watch.


If you want subs for suits try r/navyblazer and r/malefashionadvice. You can go for accessories so cuff links, belts, pocket squares, ties or even socks. Yes, I said it.


Accessories such as watches, tie clasps, suit pins, belts, cuff links,


I would go the direction of looking for things to help him get ready in his suit. A good steamer for wrinkles is a great gift, and he’ll think of you every time he uses it. A nice shoehorn or bench to put on shoes, or even some shoe polishing supplies. Alternatively, I’d get him a mirror or some decoration for a mirror. Ask people who wear suits everyday about gift ideas too.


Does he shave? I (35m) recently started shaving with an old style safety razor, badger brush, and soap. I’ve been buying a dollar shave club subscription for my dad (66m) for years because he likes a clean shave. Blades are $10/mo. Plus a new handle every year, it adds up. Safety razor blades are about 6-9 cents a piece and you get 4-6 shaves out of them. They get your face SO clean and crisp. Check out Rockwell Razors’ 6c razor and get some soaps or lathers and a good badger hair brush. It takes 10 mins or so once you get good, so have him make a ritual out of it. Try different soaps or blades. I got my dad a sample pack of 5 soaps to get him started. If he likes efficiently shaving, or doesn’t, then send this comment to the bottom. Happy Father’s Day to him!


Tie bar/tie tac and/or a handmade pocket square.


Horse hair brush for shoe care. It’s a universally useful tool regardless of his product/cleaning routine.


Get him a tie clip or two. Example: https://cufflinks.com/collections/tie-bars/products/silver-knot-rope-tie-clip


I would get him something like a Men’s Wearhouse gift card if you’re unsure, or if you want to be cute hand make a gift certificate for a father daughter outing to a fancy clothing shop and a fancy dinner or something


A handheld steamer and a nice fabric brush.


My most proud purchase for my lawyer husband was personalized collar stays.


lol sounds like someone has started following the Menswear guy on twitter


The idea of you and your time being invested in a gift is more valuable than any single item you buy. If he doesn't have one already, you spend the time to find a good custom tailor in his city. Choose an accessory (pocket square or tie or links or whatever from that shop) and include a note you found a custom tailor and want to go with him when he orders his first shirt or suit. If he's into dressing up as a new hobby, he will love this and always remember the experience with you more than any material object.


I used to get my dad a tie for his birthdays, he'd wear them a lot, too. Cufflinks are a good suggestion too. Or, maybe he'd like some wax if he has leather shoes? Does he like watches? Pocket squares? Some nice cologne? I'm sure he'll be happy with whatever you get him, good luck!


A photoshoot for the two of you dressed your fanciest.


It sure what your budget is (and time is a bit of a factor here) but he might like a nice valet stand. Or one built into a chair. If you are wearing nice clothes, it’s nice to have a place to put all that at the end of the day. I even like one when I’m wearing regular clothes because I’m. O longer throwing my clothes on the chair, I’m putting them on the chair valet where they are supposed to go!


Cravat and pocket square (handkerchief)?


Your father sounds like a proper chap. This might be the publication you're looking for. [https://thechap.co.uk/](https://thechap.co.uk/)


I second the cufflinks. Also if you are near a tailor that does them you can get a gift certificate for a custom-fitted dress shirt. Not too expensive, but very personal!


Something to maintain all his nice clothes and shoes. A good steamer, nice hangers, or a nice shoe shine kit.


Cufflinks that represent something special between you two.


I got these little collar stays that make my dress shirt collars stay nice and strait. You can get them with words on them or generic. [collar stays](https://www.josbank.com/p/jos-a-bank-silvertone-metal-collar-stays?medium=TSA&CAWELAID=430003740004859444&adtype=pla&product_channel=local&utm_content=8RVH-One%20Size-Metal%20Silver&utm_term=JAB658&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwjqWzBhAqEiwAQmtgT_xyFPT83JS3Yu2QLKuDPXMVy3EFLHYdRYHHwYZOt8jVtrgWEwZscBoC8JAQAvD_BwE)


Get him memories. Arrange a day, take him out, do some fun things together, preferably something he can dress up for.


I once did a shoe polish class with my dad at a bespoke shoemaker. It is fun, It gives u a experience together, and It matches his new hobby


Gift? What any dad would love from their daughter. A daddy daughter date. One where he gets to dress up to show off his fashion and the daughter I'm sure he is very proud of. That aside if looking for a material gift depends the budget. Could be an accessory like a watch, or maybe some shoes/shoe trees, cologne, or even incorporate the two....a date to go get him tailored for some custom shirts at a local tailor (think almost trying on wedding dresses, but for guys).


As many have said- accessorize. Cufflinks, tie-clips, pocket watch? Depends in the style of suit. Youtube accessories for the type of suits he wears- there's a plethora of videos out there of people giving piles of ideas for this.


If you’re adventurous, you could plan a trip with him to Asia and get some custom tailored suits and shirts made while you’re there.


Cuff links and a tie pin that would match his wedding band.


About $200.00 hr around here


As a dad I always appreciated the small gifts my children gave me that show they know me and what I like. I loved when they got me something related to law, Star Trek, Dr. Who and the like. Now that they are adults I still do. Doesn't need to be expensive.


Go to the bank and get a bunch of pennies. Sort through them until you find your birth year, if you have siblings find there birth years, his birth year, his anniversary, and any other milestones that you are aware of. Then get a nice coin case you can find them at a lot of hobby shops.


Suspenders, like, a nice pair


Spend money on experiences or food , not things


What’s your budget? You might be able to get him a nice single article of formalwear. That could be a nicer shirt or sportcoat. You can find his size from one of his current shirts/jackets and he can always tailor it more later. Sportcoats are fun to shop for because they come in lots of different designs that are less conservative than a full suit.


[A tie rack motor.](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/13ff268f-fcdc-4dda-8cef-c713e35cab0a)


[Put This On](https://www.putthison.com) Good selection of vintage pieces and pocket squares. You can get him a gift card and then do what the other posters suggested and take him out to show off.


The best gifts are the things we would never buy for ourselves.


A Dapper Dad (my son) close by says, checkout Taft, David Yurman men’s jewelry, monogrammed socks, custom dress shirts and slacks (plan a lunch and set the appointment for him as the next stop to the tailor) take him to dinner in his custom fit.


Maybe some nice cedar shoe trees and hangers?


My go to for just about anyone with a hobby is one of 3 things. 1) A coffee table book recommended from the local specialty shop. 2) A small antique of something that would be a display item at home or on the shelf of the office. Like an old camera body for the photographer or an old shift knob for a car guy. These are surprisingly easy to find. 3) An expensive item of something that is typically cheap. For an artist, there are always expensive art pens ($50 each) or single paint brush made from some exotic hair. Or a chef, a super expensive wooden spoon or exotic olive oil. You know they’ll use it. So for your dad, there are a hundred cool books on men’s fashion or just a higher culture (something fashion adjacent) or could look at expensive socks (some are like $100) or a belt or tie clip (this would be a good candidate for antique). I bet there are “tools” for dressing nice that we don’t even know about, like a fancy shoe horn! You want your dad to be able to show it to his other fashion friends and tell them about it. Or you want other fashion people to recognize it. Don’t buy something that you can find in the mall. Go looking and/or researching and talk to experts. You could email or dm a few influencers for ideas too! They might even have a line of product they recommend and it shows him you are interested in his hobby. Last thought, hat? There are some super cool men’s hats that he’d only wear once in a blue moon but would be super classy. What a cool adventure!


Shirt stays. So the dress shirt never comes untucked. They go around your thigh and clip to your shirt, or clip to both the socks and shirt so both are taught


If you absolutely have to buy him something related to him dressing nice, look and see if he uses cuff links, get him something that either screams you, or something that ties the two of you together.


Ever seen Borat? There’s a swimming suit your dad would absolutely kill for. What are his views on neon green from a color standpoint?


Cuff links, a nice belt, or suspenders. Maybe some nice silk (fake) pocket squares.


Tie clip Pocket square Really nice tie that goes with a specific suit of his. Jacket pin Proper coat hangers made for suit jackets


Cuff links that are personal.


Do you have siblings? I’d consider cuff links with your initials or you plus siblings, depending on how many siblings you have.


Quality time with my daughter is ALWAYS the best present ever.


Medalle D’Or Mirror Shine shoe polish. If he doesn’t know it, he will be extremely happy because know he does. Edit: typo


What price point are you looking at? That is going to matter a ton here because the goal is to get him something he’ll enjoy. In general I’d say accessories like a tie bar or cuff links or a pocket square can work well. Otherwise a book with a lot of good inspiration will certainly work.


Maybe a personalized tie clip/pin or cuff links


1. get dressed up and go somewhere (anywhere) with him 2. if you want to get him a physical item, get him accessories (eg a tie, tie bar, socks, cuff links that relate to something you two share)


It’s about the sentiment. I disagree that you shouldn’t get him an accessory. I think you should. Cufflinks are in right now. I looked at your profile and I’d suggest you make some! As in get a plain pair and make a custom face for them. Like decorating cookies but smaller. Something he likes. If that’s not feasible time wise two-tone and vintage styles are in. Bold colours and fabric is also in. So a pocket square or funky tie could also be a good choice. Think of a pattern/fabric he seems to wear frequently and choose something along that style/type. I love giving clothing as gifts and when it comes to parents the actual item is secondary to the sentiment. As long as it’s in the ballpark of his style he will love wearing it.


P squares


Specialized cufflinks/tie pin/tie bar, monogrammed handkerchief, shoe cleaning set


A guitar 🎸


A high quality British dressing gown.


Customised handkerchief set, pocket knife, sleek wallet.


Hmm I disagree with some of these comments. I think a nice pocket watch, cuff links, name brand watch all would be good gifts. Just don’t get crazy ties or anything. Just some normal classy silver or gold accessories without going overboard.