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devils advocate, but -- why not??  no one says you have to go out and actually *Hallmark* it.  just use it as an excuse to spend time together or try something new. go rock climbing. hike a new park. take a pottery class.  make it your own! 


Same. Until I realised I could use it as an excuse to do something unique and different with the kids.


We don't treat it like a holiday, but the kids make me breakfast and give me a steam gift card and a few hours to go chill with my friends with minimal interruptions. It's not like an extravagant showing, but it's a nice little pat on the back


I don’t think many really celebrate it. They just maybe get a card or something extremely small, obviously there will be others spending on it but the vast majority probably won’t treat it like a birthday or something


This feels more like "Child and Grandfather's Day" to me. I don't celebrate it for me, but my son likes to show appreciation. And I always call my dad and just chat. Nothing big. Usually the three of us (my dad, me, and my son) on the call. Now that I think of it, I guess I'm the child showing appreciation. Like most holidays, It's not for the target (Dad) but for those celebrating the target. I doubt The Easter Bunny cares that it's Easter.


I don’t feel a need to celebrate Fathers Day personally, but my daughter loves it and feels real pride in making me feel special and loved. It’s a special day for me because it genuinely brings her joy, which in turn brings me joy.


I treat it as a day that I get to do my hobby/task with their involvement in some form. Granted. Mine are still in diapers. But if more to torture the wife


I hate Father’s Day and to be honest, even my own birthday. On the other hand, I have real self-worth issues. It’s important to my family, so I try to act like I marginally care.


Go passive aggressive. Grill veggie hot dogs. Drop by guitar center and play the sweet child of mine riff on every guitar and leave them all in drop d tuning. Demand your child take you everywhere in a wheelchair just for fun. Make it yours.