• By -


How dank is dank memer?


Is there any secret Easter egg, by Which we can get an odds eye, if there isn't then u should please write some code for it, but don't disclose how we can get it


Can we get pizza with the older mechanism, like eating it will level up, I really wanna prestige


Make some work items less rare(only by a little bit)


more currency commands? also questions: what's the work item with the highest eval/trade price? is there going to be more work items?


Why did the dank member cash keep getting more and more worthless? Was it your intention? I mean, before the update, the pls dig and work items update, I spent about a month grinding, voting everyday, and I only got around 2m. Now I can just vote once and sell my boxes and banknotes for a good million.


There is something wrong with pls pet. When u enter the command first it shows the fun level as 0 and then when try playing with your pet it shows "pet doesn't want to play with you now" . And then when you enter the pls pet command it shows the level back up . Pls fix this P.S sorry for bad grammar


fish bj bruh its a scam


add daily quests that involve obtainable items and the more difficult challenges include something good like a box of some sort in addition to their reward. ex: turn in 100 commons fish (for some items or money) turn in 12 boar (for some item or money)


Please allow for pets to fight other pets


Add more realism, like reduce moneyy when we go wrong in work


I want 1m pet


Will we ever get a trade command to prevent scams?


can you change the function of the life saver back to where it will save your life when you die instead of us having to activate it for it to prevent us from dying


Have you considered adding special attack for the Pls fight command?


is this event tool cube (better coinbomb) thing coming and what happend with the "eye"




Is there a command to disable bank heist for you personally or its for the whole server?


Whats your take on macro farms and what are the features implemented in the bot that make detection and other things to identify macros easily and efficiently. Are there any common applications that are used to run macros and any way to prevent them from exploiting features of the bot? And finally how do you protect people from trading with people who have macro ed earlier as when they get identified all those who traded with the person get blacklisted;-; Clockwork Monster#4089


is there any upgrade regarding stonk machine gonna happen ?


Add a build system, like, you can build, or buy a house, and have advantages over having it or not, also disadvantages, like having to pay for it every week, or you lose it




*Insert whining here.* Server suggestion and it's just complaining.


how do you level up to the trading level? i have a lot of stuff that says is tradable but idk how to get my level to level 10


I think that there should be a command added like dive where you have to buy diving gear to do it like fish, hunt, and dig. Also the rewards maybe like slightly better than the current three but only slightly, so the dive gear costs a bit more than the fishing rod, rifle and shovel. I just felt like this would be kind of cool. Have a nice day now.




can we get heist results dmed to us cos sometimes in a big heist it’s difficult to find our usernames in the big long list of users


Add a command where you can set up a trade to reduce scamming, something like "pls trade @user" Dm:" What would you like to put in the trade " me: " 1 tro" then dank memer will ask other user what he would like to put in the trade. Then once they do that they both have to comfirm the trade by saying yes


Make life savers more expensive then make it so that it always is on. this turning on stuff, no one likes.


~~Add a rainbow phallic?~~ Already added


Do you plan on adding more content to Dank and improve further?


how can i get blob?


Are you Satisfied With How the things are working currently in the bot currency system? The deflation, the Gambling , the new update and stuff. What do you think needs more improvement?


Suggestion: Instead of getting all our credits in our wallet when we die, couldn't you guys just take about 5 - 10% of it? Given that bank notes are rare to find, there is not enough space in my bank. I recently died while hunting and I lost about 67 million credits (proof will be provided). That made me quit the dank memer game. P.S: No hate to the admins. I just want to get back to it, knowing that I won't lose all of my wallet creds. [Creds Lost Proof](http://snipboard.io/ZpzRnS.jpg)


Change robbers mask so that it hides the name of the robber but doesn't hide the server name so that they can leave the server the rob occurred in if they want to. Currently there is nothing stopping any server from enabling rob privately and robbing their members


Why can’t people get items back that they lost from a dank bug?


I don't think you guys are bringing back blob event because it's the only rarest item on the bot, but what about toes??


make passive only for the bank.


bruh then what do ppl with hundreds of millions in their bank do


Are their going to be anymore type of fishing or hunting? like I saw a cool suggestion which was a pls farm one


When did you realize that the bot had started to gain traction and why did you pursue the bot?


Can you please make a text channel with slowmode like 3min for people want to bring something up but they cant talk?


How about a gun item where it kills a user so you buy the gun from the shop but you would need bullets (you can get bullets from pls search) And it would be hard to get the bullets Wolf57#4827 id : 718897813626290187


If I make a super-detailed fanart of the frog, will you see it?


Get a house item that you need to pay rent else its gone and it gives you shield from robbers and things. Make also a casino place where you pay millions to get in and have a higher chance of gambling payouts but higher chance or losing alot of money. Im a dumb idea suggestor and these arent even creative


Will you guys bring snow and toes and fools back next year or will you guys make a new items so the old ones can still be OG


Is ectoplasm rare?


Yea but sbag is more worthy and rare than it


Bring Back Quest


Are the gamble currency commands legit or are they rigged?


How about you make the Dank memer bot open source?


Maybe Buff Leveling a bit. It seems a bit slow, And I'll have millions and millions of coins before I ever hit level 20 lol. Will you make anymore updates on the system in general?


What I have learned about but well since I can't edit I'm gonna give up this is stupid




What are your thoughts on the fighting community? (people betting their items on fights)


What is the biggest challenge to make your own little bot project public? How did you manage to make the bot this popular?


Currently blobs should be returned as it is ruining the dank memer game in my opinion


`pls changelog` command, it shows what's been added/removed/changed in the latest update Also I suggest live streaming the q&a on youtube so people who couldn't get in the stage channel can join through youtube




Make "pls work" cooldown slots same as "pls lottery" , i mean there should be fixed slots for work.


Can you get several of the same job item? If you got a taco, can you get another one while already having one in your inventory?


I have both an idea and a question My question is: can I have a cookie? And my suggestion is: if someone uses the alcohol item along with the 10% chance of death, can there be a 10% chance of finding a random item?


Add uses for the new discord buttons feature


Add another legendary loot into fishing, hunting and digging.




Why does tax exists and why is it 8%


question how do u spend skill points on ur pet and also can u have multable pets


when can we expect a trade command with no possibility of scam?


Is there any official name for the currency of dank memer?


This is a question Is there going to be a chocolate bar in a future update


yes now it is


will black jack be less rigid ?


Can we get more bank notes OR have more bank space per bank note? Also can we reduce cooldown back for dig-hunt-fish-etc commands? The longer cooldowns discourages us to play :(




You should add a super rare item that is called Pistol by using the command pls shoot to be able to kill somebody the command may only be used once each week


It would be cool to add in a medical bill option; Instead of dying so often, people could get hurt. Depending on how serious the injury is, you'd have to pay a certain amount of money, but if you couldn't then you'd die. That way you wouldn't have to worry about losing coins while using commands like please search, and it would also create the opportunity of having a rare "free health care" item that would prevent you from having to pay at all when injured. (Instantly dying could still occur but it wouldn't be very common)


implement a actual trade function ex: pls trade @x -what would you like to trade? Pepemedal confirm item? Y/N (other person does the same thing) -confirm trade? Y/N could have a visual of the amount of money or the items next to the persons name ex: @bigman123’s trade 1x pepemedal🏅 _________________ @imcool’s trade 29392 DankMemer Coins Confirm trade? Y/N (+ some disclaimer so people don’t cry about not getting something)


Why isn’t robbing allowed in your own discord server?


its disabled


there should be a black market where there is 50% or any % that u can get caught while buying stuff from black market


Possible idea: Add items when you win the jackpot in pls highlow. These can be anything from cookies to pepe coins. There's a chance that your reward will be doubled when using a lucky horseshoe. Another idea I've had would be to add a badge if you win enough jackpots (maybe 25 or so?) This would provide more value to jackpot, as it's currently better to just do high/low.


Are you gunna rig the gambling aspect so people who complain because they have bad luck have something to complain about?


include r/dankmemes when typing pls meme


An Item list that shows all unpurchasable and purchasable items from Dankmemer


My Suggestion: With every promotion, the chance of getting work items increases (by a TINY amount) Furthermore, with every promotion the cooldown for the work command slightly decreases (lowered about 2 min every promotion). You might be thinking that that's insanely unbalanced, well yes to some extent... However I think with these improvements they should nerf the rarity of promotions (lower chance) and the command cooldown can be lowered to the max of 50% (30 min). ​ Another promotion idea: more promotions=more days can go without working and without getting fired/failing more times ​ I have made a Reddit post on the sub about the exact same suggestion, it didn't get much attention, maybe now it will


I died about 4 times last month in pls search (3 times i had a lifesaver on). Can you intend to lower the chances of dying in pls search, or better, Increase the of search options?


Work related items are currently underrated. Everyone just wants santasbags and work in santa job. Maybe make the rewards better for other items?(or boosts/multipliers for owning work items???)


Add an auction house! Where servers can set up events and ppl can bid, auctions last 1 hr-30 min per and items are automatically deposited in the person who bids most and the auctioneer gets money deposited automatically. With a base minimum to start so auctioner doesn’t get scammed


i think that you should be able to check the chances for boxes, like the tables.


Are there going to be more usage for some of the work items? currently, a lot of the work items are getting traded just for being work items, but compared to work items like santa's bag and tip jar, some of the other work items seems a bit bad.


Instead of table being a sub command make it a individual command with the other commands like slots beg hunt as sub committecommandscommittecommands to pls table. Also thank you for working on this bot.


Is cereal a soup? • If yes then, is the pacific ocean a soup? • If no then, is water wet?


Why is the cooldown for turning off passive so long?


Can you pls add dinosaurs? Thx Is like to have a pet dinosaur or pls dig and find fossils.


another suggestion. in dank memer community server can there be a channel or different server where you can talk without phone verification because i dont have a phone so ive never been able to speak in community server


a item what show the next item in shop sale


I got banned idk why. No one told me anything and I wish I could be unbanned. DMC discord server just popped away in my servers section and I was wondering what I did. Melmsie if you see this, please check. I need help, tell me what I did wrong, and I’ll not repeat the mistakes again.


Change the `--` on pls profile to just `-`, since my phone will autocorrect it to `—` which isn’t valid for the command


`—` is actually acceptable you should try it


Wait what


When did you have the idea to make the bot


how many lines of code dank memer is? (I know it may be sorted into cogs, but just an estimation cuz I'm a bit curious)


As we have stealing coins, my suggestion is that to add stealing items too and padlock can be used to protect both items and coins and if this sounds kinda "no" then make stealing items very difficult and also (if you want) make a thing to protect your inventory too


Okay we have catgirl pets but what about catboys?!


Why is the fail possibility so high on the pls hunt/fish/dig commands?


pls auction With a 1 hr cooldown say


Make gambling back like it was before please and slots too I want slots max - 250e3/500e3 and payouts - x10 / x100


what is the probability of getting items from pls work


I work as Santa and from experience I can say it's very very low, at least it's like that for santa bag, I've worked many times and got promoted 8 times so far yet only got 1 santa bag


What’s a blob event?


So in the support server help desk when you tell you have a bug to report dank help desk also dms you the trello board link and tells to checks if it is a know bug or not \-My suggestion


Make an auction house system if possible, for eg like people can upload their auctions through the bot and then it can be either global or server wise, im pretty sure this is gonna be hard to implemet but just an idea


I just got unblacklisted and I still cant use any commands


since the work update has realeased, why would prestige still lost the work progress/hours, there's even a badge for making alot of money using pls work but it got reseted every prestige. (Also the scramble work is kinda glitched, it said 1 attempt left but you still failed even if you do correctly). Also since you increased the max prestige for multi limit, why don't make prestige easier to everyone, it's really a pain in the butt to get prestige now days since the work progress and only the top of the top of player can get max prestige, which is unfair for the majority of player. You should also do something about the life changes since many people still hate it. And maybe give some more uses to some work item (ik you will). Lastly thanks for the amazing update you have brought to us.


have a great day!


Hello, TheLazyTownie here, and as promised, here are the suggestions made by users who weren't able to speak in the stage channel to ask their question/make their suggestion (due to mobile discord being bad or other issues). I have rephrased some of your suggestions, so if I misinterpreted something, please point it out. Also, some people have just said "hi" and nothing else so a lot of stuff isn't here, and I didn't want to wait way too long for the replies. Anyway, here they are: The suggestions: From Kenan X: When you die, an event happens, and the winner gets some of your coins/items. But make it so that you can't get the item back from the person who got your items. From Rishabh Khandelwal: no tax for partner servers trading/giveaways, or some other special perks for them From ฅ\^•ﻌ•\^ฅ: Avatars with customizable accessories/clothing that you can purchase and find. E.g tophat which gives you 5X multiplier From shuny boi: new job: pilot new work item: pilot headphones Effect: call in a random lootbox (normie,dank,daily,etc) and other rare items From Art(dot)org: What if you make it so pets can find items that people have lost from dying? From Nocturnal Brawler: is there a way to give someone your entire inventory without doing it step by step? From GOD007: Reduce the cooldown of sanding someone to 2 hours or something, because right now if we sand a user, they can just rob after 30 minutes pass. Meanwhile we have to wait 24 hours to sand them again From egs205: Can you add like a bidding command and like you can bid on people items and collectibles and more? From AZNCheems: Change pizzas so they are active for less time but provide a bigger multiplier boost ​ The questions (All of the other ones were asked before, so there's only one in here): From Planky: Is having a discord bot profitable enough to create competition between bots and bot developers? If so, what's dank memer's biggest competitor?


passive shld be removed


when is blob event coming back?


What is your favorite video game?








what do pizza do now then? I don’t know because I haven’t been on dank memer for ages


Can global gamble stats be made public? Would be a really interesting to see how much people actually make/lose overall out of gambling


In my opinion, I think the gambling system is getting boring. It's the only way to make money real quick. So there are 2 suggestions for you. 1. Add some more gamble games. Such as coinflip, spin... slots also? 2. Make the payout of other commands higher, such as work, postmeme or something....


(Dragoon) Some other QoL suggestions and questions I was unable to ask due to time: Each is classified by what type of suggestion/change it is. 1. In gambling commands, display the original bet and your own multi in payouts, win or lose. (Statistician QoL) 2. For lottery ticket purchases, have the bot reply to the user command invocation or reply (Helper bot QoL) 3. Invites rules change: currently, Dank Memer is the only bot I know of that does not allow us to use invites as a giveaway requirement. I was wondering if it would be possible to change the rules on advertising/using invites as a giveaway/heist requirement. (Rules change) 4. Command leaderboard similar to item leaderboard (Leaderboard suggestion) 5. Catgirl image command with the alias of “nya” (New image command)


Even when family friendly mode is enabled, you can still receive Phallic Objects. They aren't seen in the inventory but you still get them. Can this be fixed?


How are you


Add a pls spam command where the bot starts duplicating every next message sent by the user for 5 minutes


there should be a bot pet


Pls settings lottery hide this command will hide keep winners information private as to avoid begging for coins or winners lottery ticket. simple but practical especially now that its a announcemnet channel.


do a blob event again






More shop items???


What gave you inspiration to code the Dank Memer bot?


can you add buttons for the inventory thing PLSBUTTONS ARE NEEDED EDIT: pls make a warning before you search or rob. If you search area 51, it will show a warning that you dont have a lifesaver equipped


can we obtain Melmsie's Beard from Mels Room?


why did you make dank memer ​ or how did it start?


I have one question and suggestion (suggestion may benefit you more than us tbh) 1; how are you? :3 2; please hear me out. A second currency. This would not be a "start all over even tho you a pro ez" thing, more so a "hey I got a dollar can I trade it in for some yen?" thing. the exchange rate is obviously not that low, more so, 100000 or 1000000 coins becomes one of the other currency. This currency has a special shop and with it you can buy boosts, such as for 10 mega dank coins you get to buy a 1% chance boost (these boosts are capped at 50% and can add after a 100% luck boost mult for a 150%) and for 100 mega dank coins (this costs either 10000000 or 1000000 normal dank coins) you can buy secret agents that are like robber's wishlist but are able to "tell you where traps are" so when you rob you have a 25% chance of dying, and not a 50%. They are kept until use or death, and are removed even if you have a life saver active for balancing. three-time use only, and they only work after 24 hours as if the agents were spying. The final buffs I can think about is one that costs 100,000 mega dank coins, or either 1,000,000,000 or 100,000,000 normal dank coins. this is giving you what i think will be one of two options one : A Necropus Laruascriptum. It only has one use, you enchant an item in your inventory. once an item in enchanted, you keep that item permanently after dying. but everything comes with a price equal to its' value, so by doing this you lose 50% chance mult permanently. The next item costs only 1 mega dank coin, and it only can be bought if you have the Necropus Laruascriptum and only applies its effect after death. It revokes this -50% chance mult effect but after you die with it once, the price goes from 1 to 10 mega dank coins, then 100, 1000, ect.


What can you do with pepecoin, because I just want to be rich and I can’t sell it. Make it sellable


Is it possible to nerf money gain? because I've seen money gain become too easy IMO, ever since daily got buffed my friend who barely plays has a decent streak and is getting a lot of money for inputting 1 command, also when is there gonna be another game type way of getting money rather than spamming commands, such as something like blackjack but more difficult, and will there ever be more game-like specific commands?


Can u make shop sell more stuff


Am I cool?


Pls trade command when?


Can there be a pls settings fuction that either auto applies or auto reminds you every single time your life saver is over?


There is a reminder type thing, if ur dm notifications and notifs are on, you will be dm'ed by the bot when something runs out, it happens on a command though, so i suppose you still have to be dilligent


What colour dildos are there/ how to achieve them. What new items will you add in the future? Will there be a pride update?


can any admin check if im banned it doesnt let me use cmds


Are there gonna be more work commands ? (like dig, fish, hunt)


there already are fish and hunt


Can you make other ways to get money?


I get the notification of the heist after it happens even though i have the role wat to do?


How Many Mods Moderate In The Day??


What are future updates going to be like?


I think pls daily should be nerfed. And also addition of a rare item "smelly sock" would we cool and it could be found in all sorts of weird places especially after using alcohol °~°


reducing the cooldown of passive mode, in my opinion it will be pretty awesome


Making Pizza better then now Like make pizza giving you an amount of XP and not an XP boost because its to hard to level up after the update and its really annoying


Ok, hear me out. Unicorns


What are the chances of getting a job item ?


It varies on the job, different items have different drop rates.


Bring back the automatic Lifesavers and lucky horseshoes? Why did you guys remove them?