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True. People don't hate AI, they hate losing their jobs.


People dont hate losing their jobs, people hate losing their income. Huge difference.


Yeah, the idea of AI taking over mundane jobs should be something to celebrate, but we all know it's just going to concentrate wealth further up the chain.


Realistically legislators should be putting plans in place for universal income for when AI has a significant impact in the job market. Unfortunately, they won’t even think about it until it’s far too late. (At least in the US)


They don't even know how social media works we're fucked


I find this catch22 kinda funny, in a morbid way. Corporations want AI to take people's jobs but still assume consumers will have money to buy their products.


Oh don't worry, this can be regulated. Corporations will push a legislation where consumers are mandated to buy their products.


They’ll just print more money, worsening inflation.


Eh, define mundane jobs. I work in a store and I actually really like my job... Majority of the customers are super nice, there's small talk, they share their stories, they get so happy when I give them some freebies or stuff that I recommend happened to be their new holy grail.. people bring us small stuff for Christmas etc, it's really nice, but it could theoretically be done by one self checkout robot hahahah


I think it's great that you enjoy your job, but you'll find that the majority of people who stack shelves for a living would much rather be doing other things and only go to work because they get paid. When I was a kid and worked in a store I loved interacting with (some) customers, but the bulk of my work was lonely and boring. If money was no concern there absolutely would still be people who wanted to do mundane jobs (sometimes it's great for the soul to switch off and do basic labour), but they'd probably do far fewer hours and they would take less shit from customers/bosses. Not to mention there other mundane jobs like data entry/processing which is boring as fuck and doesn't even have the upsides of human interaction. I think in an ideal world AI would replace the majority of human labour, but places like supermarkets would still have part time workers for the human interaction. Shelf stacking and most of the checkout work would be automated, but still have people on hand to help and give the "human touch".


You make a good point.


Idk, I think I’d hate losing my job if I enjoyed it


If you loose your job , but not your income , then you can always make your leaf work again. It will just be labeled “artesan” to your product 


But then I have overhead for tools that were once provided to me by my employers to do my work without resources to pay for it myself. Microscopes aren’t necessarily cheap and I can’t freeze samples properly in my refrigerator. Also, I keep my food there


The coming decades will necessitate universal basic income being seriously considered.


People don't hate losing their income, people hate being poor. Huger difference.


If the population actually benefitted from it instead of some CEOs and investors I’d be a lot less concerned about loss of income for a lot of people. As things stand AI cannot take any reasonably complex field as well as manual jobs. What it can take is the low paying and relatively shitty jobs such as call centre operator.


This month, that's all it can take. AI progress is not known for stalling or moving slowly. 2025 will be... Interesting.


See the thing is… ask any AI to do something precise and you’ll get something that never actually fits the exact description. And I don’t see this changing any time soon. Any new breakthrough in a field makes tech evolve very quickly for a while. But frankly it’s already slowed down a little and there is a very clear limit to what current generative AI can do. And besides all of that, people always forget that there literally isn’t enough power nor silicon to satisfy current demand and we have barely scratched the surface. This will only get worse. So even if it were possible theoretically we’re not anywhere near a point where the majority of workers can be replaced simply due to money and resource bottlenecks.


I hope you're right.


I’m pretty confident in this. We already barely produce enough silicon wafers to satisfy current demand. Building silicon fabs takes the better part of a decade. So as it stands we’re already essentially at capacity since there’s basically only a hand full of companies actually making chips and even fewer make chips at the performance level we’re talking about. Good luck scaling this to the size that would be required to actually layoff a large portion of the work force. And then there’s the software aspect. LLMS are pretty good at faking being intelligent. But they’re not that intelligent after all. It’s amazing what they can do and mind blowing at first, but as soon as you try and get them to do something specific it’s a lot less reliable than a human. Ask GPT to paint a white square. Sometimes it gets close but it’s not what you asked you just want white. So no it won’t take your job if it’s any more complex than answering the same stuff over and over or writing the same mundane response emails.


My only concern is if they have AI specifically design new and better chips, and then create self-modifying video to squeeze twice the performance out of them. Self-modifying AI is what's really scary.


Yeah and let me tell you it’s currently a pipe dream of the highest order. The complexity of expanding its own code and models and hardware to become better is so far off into the future, I don’t even know if we’ll see it in our lifetime. Not only would it need to be better than humans at designing micro chips, it needs to be better at writing code at various levels, testing itself so it still works and doesn’t break literally any other part and then also deploying the changes and and the hardware as needed. And on top of all that what if it runs into a critical bug? It’ll have to self diagnose and fix itself without intervention. What if that failure is in a critical part of the AI? Will it die? Will it corrupt? Do we spin up a new instance? Obviously you could split the task up into multiple smaller AIs but then who manages and orchestrates them? And you’ll run into the same issues again with what happens if one of them crashes or has a fatal bug. Believe me when I say that people way overestimate the current capabilities of AI. Current ai is like an enhanced spell checker or image generator that is pretty darn good at generating things based on existing knowledge. Making something with actual problem solving skills like a human… yeah that’ll be a hot minute.


And then it becomes a cycle of constantly improving itself? That's a terrifying thought.


People talk about AGI but I think that's really what they mean.


Yeah and that’s decades away. Before that’s possible we’d need actually intelligent AI that has problem solving skills. That’s the first step towards such an AI.


remember when horse replaced by cars. i remember.


You seem a little obsessed with AI


I only come to this sub for circumcision memes


AI will circumsice you! /s


Puh, thanks for the /s. I really thought AI would circumcise me 😮‍💨


It's the only thing bro posts. Mostly fear mongering


OP is not even the only one doing this




What do you mean by that? Look at this guys post history.


AI bros talk about literally anything else for even a second challenge (impossible)


I have a sneaking suspicion that it'll take quite a while for AI to take over plumbing.


in about 20 years we won't even need pipes anymore


Bluetooth water.


I got a Bluetooth brita on alibaba, works great


Remove pipes, return to well


Where tf the shit gonna go? To OpenAI's headquarters?


AI's got confidence but not a medical degree, it seems!


Not yet


Hmmm, yes. Exactly what we need, let's get rid of the humanity in medicine. I'm sure there will be no problems.


I can't wait for the dystopian future where it's who's computer is best to determine my quality of life


Ai bros are crazy


I don’t know, if you go to be seen for anything you see a doctor for a total of like 2 minutes. You pretty much have to be shot for them to spend any amount of time with you.


That's kinda my point. Imagine removing the little humanity there is.


49.9% chance of living and the ai is definitely pulling the plug.


I'm gonna be a lawyer. Pretty sure case-specific interpretation of obscure laws is not a strength of AI. ChatGPT couldn't even tell me the alcohol laws in Estonia when I asked it the other day.


Yes. Many jobs are safe *for now*. The point isn’t to say “Every job is currently replaceable with AI” it’s to say “Every job can *eventually* be replaceable with AI”.


I work in IT in a large tech company that has businesses all over the world. I am 100% sure they won't be implementing AI for even the most basic things anytime soon.


What global tech company do you work for that doesn't have developers using Github Copilot? Or everyday users using Microsoft Copilot that comes included with most M365 licenses?


These are not AI that is taking other people's jobs.


Copilot does the opposite of taking jobs. It's an assist tool. It's similar to using a linter, something we've been using for decades.


AI would need VERY specific instructions from my customers to be able to do my job. At some point this may change but ai will never have true understanding of a given topic because it is not sentient.




Exactly, ChatGPT falls apart when met with a topic that requires nuance and is not straight forward situation of "If A then B". No doubt it will keep getting better and better in the future tho.


That's because chatgpt was actually not developed and isn't intended to be used like a search engine or a office work slave. It does fairly well and can be suprisingly good but the key thing chatgpt is actually supposed to do is to maintain a sort of realistic chat/conversation.


I wouldn’t count on that. ChatGPT already passes the bar exam in the 90th percentile. Future versions are only going to get better.


I always find it funny when people try to point out all the flaws with current AI's abilities and how they can't perform whatever jobs like it actually means something. These programs have been out for what, a year or two? We really haven't even started to explore the vast range of functions an AI can handle. Give it a couple more before denouncing its abilities.


E x a c t l y .


The base gpt kinda sucks and uses training data instead of the internet You could say Gemini instead which is more accurate since it actually searches the web and gives you the exact results you’re looking for If you ever think something is fake there is a little google button below to see if what it said matches web sources and you can see the real source of its information


You are obsessed with AI. And no, AI isn't smarter than us. It's literally just a parrot without "cute birb" part




AI's won't replace my job of being a shit truck driver for the Burj Khalifa


I thought it said al, not ai


Same lol. Thought it was comparing ALS to a stroke and I was like uhhh ALS does the job pretty good


AIs will not replace you job if you dont have any


AI lacks opposable thumbs and hand eye coordination. The Boston dynamics robot is starting to appear at industrial sites but it can’t open doors, is less capable than a toddler. For those of us field engineers, I think we’ve got a few years left before we need to worry.


Well, they wont after i bomb their servers ;)


Thats something an AI would say,


OP doesn't undersand how Generative AI works


Try getting chatgpt to write an advanced program. Italians won’t even approve of the spaghetti


By the time AI takes over my job, I think it will be more than competent enough that we shouldn't need to have to worry about jobs at all.


Don’t get me wrong, AIs are a powerful and ever impressive tool that will have a massive impact on the workforce and society. However if you’ve ever actually tried to use one it’s easy to see why someone would think their job is safe from them. AIs make all sorts of mistakes that humans just… don’t. Examples: -If you’ve ever looked at an AI generated image you’ll see what I mean. When you first look, it looks really good, but the closer you look to more random details will be wrong, things people just… wouldn’t get wrong. Like for instance hands and arms. Things like number of fingers, orientation of the thumb, number of arms, location of arms coming out of the middle of the body, etc. they are also really bad at generating text within the images. Like there was a guy running for Congress who tried to use an AI generated image of him door oncoming and talking to people, but his clip bird just had straight jibberish. -Or if you have ever tried using it for programming, you’ll also realize your job is safe. I had to try using it for a programming class once and what I realized pretty much immediately was that it was really only really good for small and specific programming questions but bad with larger programming requests. “Is there a function to do [specific thing] in Python?” Really great. “Write a python program that takes [x] input, does [Y] with it and outputs [z]” absolute dog shit. They also have a tendency to just lie sometimes. Which I suppose humans do to, but when it comes to professional jobs it’s much more rare and the motivations are usually pretty easy to understand and make it easier to detect. With AI there is no motivation beyond simply not knowing the answer but having to give one. There is no malice or selfish intent, and they deliver the lie exactly the same as the truth. So it’s harder to detect and just in a way more scary. For instance some lawyers tried using ChatGTP to write up their plan in a court case, and ChatGTP just made up a knob existent court course. The Lawyers didn’t even bother checking it and the fact I know about it can probably tell you about how well that went.


I play Go competitively.


Oooo I get it… they think that combating ai is a form of altruism. Personally, I’d love if ai could take over virtually all work if possible. Working sucks.


True. I can't even do my job. All the equipment is broken all the time. Ordering is always weeks behind. Half the reagents are expired. I doubt AI could do any better.


I mean, I'm a janitor AI literally can't scrub a toilet, collect trash, clean desk tops, wipe down phones, vacuum, dust baseboards, dust crown molding, clean windows, sweep up dead leaves from door ways etc. Sure a roomba can vacuum but it will never do a good enough job and I'm sure someone could make a robot to do half the stuff I listed but the cost and time to make a robot do that isn't cost effective.


You haven't seen the " Figure 01" ,aren't you?


How much does it cost to maintain, charge, program, buy? How will it react to specific random problems? Is it able to realize if it's actually doing something right or will it just start "cleaning" with a dirty tool.




Oh, he's taking about AI! I thought he was on about someone called Al.


Apostrophe’s exist for a reason.


Bro there's an architect/engineer that designs on a computer that lurks here that believes he is designing robots that will eliminate all trade work before an AI learns to draw blueprints on a computer. And I'm talking within 30 years. Not joking.


It can do it but can it doing right? AI can't even create good art or write something that seems natural. It's only the AI bros that are deluded here.


AIs can draw an image 100% more impressive than I ever could. But I know the correct number of fingers on a human hand and limps on the body. I also know that forearms don’t jut out of peoples stomachs randomly so. So who really wins here?


We can spend all our lives trying to come up with the miracle machine that knows everything and can do anything but nature already created that "machine" - the human being. We may not all be artists but some of us are while others are musicians, writers, good healthcare providers, good teachers, good botanists, good engineers etc. AI is just superfluous.


Eh disagree with that last part. AI is an amazing tool, but it will never just replace humans. Maybe for simple jobs (think repetitive assembly line jobs), but whe it comes to other jobs AI can be a great tool used by humans that allow us to create and do things that neither AI nor Humans would be capable of doing by our selves.


You know AI is in its infancy, right? You know how an infant can’t really even walk and stuff?


And that's where it will remain, like every new fad..


Haha yep just like the internet and video games


New communications tech and new types of games are hardly a 'fad', lol. AI is going to go the same was as NFT and Crypto.


> AI can't even create good art It does perfectly fine if you use it correctly. It certainly won't magically make you a good artist if you're an insipid husk with no connection to your creativity, though.


I've never seen any good AI art and enough of it is spammed online for it to be an adequate sample size.


That is literally a clean inverse of textbook survivorship bias.




Who’s ALS?


Lou Gehrig.


IMO some jobs that AI cant replace yet (for the foreseeable future) are Domestic help Construction Plumbing Exterminators ...and most of them are blue collar work. Couple this with climate change (colonized countries mostly come from the tropics that is currnetly close enough to be inhabitable due to heat) a LOT of our human resources would come from these already experienced blue worked countries. Ei


Well AI actually IS my job.


I'm an electrician, I wire up these mfs, so I'm safe ... right?


Learn to code


If AI advances I'll just dig Ted out of his grave


lol my job is to skydive with beginners attached to me, good luck AI hahahahahahaha


I think I'm safe for now, but maybe one day


Everyone complains about losing jobs, but not a lot of people talk about which jobs. Customer service, food service, hell just about any "service" jobs. If you *really* want to work 9-5 at a McDonald's that bad, then alright. I'm rather on board for the removal of entry-level jobs that keep people poor, and having our population move towards higher education and higher skill jobs.


Leave Al alone he's just making funny music


Ai already does my dream job (translation), but the good news is some things like manga or books need to be translated by humans because ai translates everything literally rather than localizing everything. The companies right now that use ai to translate get flamed for having terrible translations. Although... It's not impossible that ai could eventually get that good. The important Part is supply and demand causes people who need good quality translations to search for authentic translations.


can't wait to see AI bro's face when they're gonna learn that LLM (the technology that chat GPT is based on) has already reached its limits...


I don't think AI will ever do my job, but companies don't care. If it's close enough and cheaper, they'll let it slide. But customers are the ones who will speak with their money. If a company has AI customer support, I likely wouldn't use them because I like speaking to a person. So it's more of "will customers like it"


If an AI is able to stick their hand into somebody’s butt to tell them if they have cancer, then humanity is cooked


AI doomsayers when you try to explain labor markets shift with the times. How many blacksmiths do you know? What about milk men? How about giant wagon wheel makers? Or those window tappy dudes who would wake you up before alarm clocks were a thing. They didn't just up and die when their job was replaced by tech advancements, they found something else.


Honestly having fresh milk and eggs delivered would be great.


The average redditor creative or programmer type is hurt the most by this. There egos tightly wrapped in their jobs they assumed the McDonald's and blue collar jobs would go first. Weren't expecting AI to programme and come up with creative ideas first. Instead of admitting that we're all more than our jobs and it could hit any of us. You'll see them coming on Reddit going on about how rubbish AI is. I just took a picture of a university level maths equation that I'd struggle to solve as a mathematician that's designed as a bit of a puzzle. And chatgpt4 solved it straight away and explained every step better than I could! I also programme and it's pretty damn close and so good as a reference guide or to code little chunks for you. It's here. Time to work on being a person everybody!


Laughs in nursing


Lol I read this as ALS.


Eventually even the fight against the rise of AI will be done by AIs. 


Ai taking over shit jobs is a good thing but it would require people to find new jobs or lose pay which is bad lol


AI can't do my job because my job can already be done by a dumb robot and self checkout!


Jokes on AI im using it to do my job. im have my own business and AI has done my job a lot easier.


I'm a CNA and going to school to be a mortician/funeral director. How is AI going to put me out of a job? If anything it'd make it easier for me, but I think I'm an exception to the rule for my career choices.


*Construction, plumbing, electrician, HVAC workers have entered the chat*


An AI Lawyer? That should be fun to watch! 😂😂


As a physical laborer with a trade skill, it's unlikely AI will replace me anytime soon due to the physical limitations of what it would need to do as well as the on-the-fly decisions you make every once and a while to solve a problem that has a very vague area in the code book.


Never say never. On the other hand…. we will need *massive* computing muscle for an AI to be fully capable of replacing a human being. It will take at least a century for that .


people who are saying "not yet" have no idea how ai works. if a parrot starts parroting more accurately doesn't mean its not a parrot anymore. there's no intelligence behind it, just a huge dataset with a very low rate of failure when choosing the right output. ai however cannot tell anything not inside the dataset.


My job is safe until we get androids that can function without punching through Meemaw like Superman in Injustice.


This reminds me of the time when AI was defeated by marines who hid in a box and moved to it mgs style


Damn als


Imagine if AI could, in fact, take everybody's job... life would be on easy mode.... none of us would have to work....


at this point you should charge AI for rent, because it's been living rent free in your head for a while now


I literally woke up 10 mins ago and my arm was paralysed


I’m a software engineer, once the AI stops being shit at doing anything beyond specific tasks, I’ll believe it, we’re still a good bit out


Show me an AI that can climb under a sink


F.A.S.T Face Arms Speech Time


I'm a chef, so unless we get full blown Detroit: become Human androids, my job is safe


Ai will never do my job, though. It totally could, but nobody is dumb enough to program an ai to do what I do.


I read that as ALS


I read that as ALS


Funnily enough that is how I usually speak. Jumbled mess.


Don't overestimate AI.


man even drug dealin!?


I fix robots for a living. They'll do my job *last*.


Can AI be a paramedic?


Who is Als?


ias can steal a lot of job, but a ia can sell me marijuan some day?


AIs can't do my job. I'm unemployed.


Maybe not never, but I'm confident that I won't be replaced completely


Another doomer who wildly misunderstands how AIs work or what an AI is to begin with 😂 how do you build an entire personality around fear... It's pathetic


Someone call the bondulance. On the Internet for a few years now, having a stroke is the term for posting nonsense.


Say it with me everyone! Universal basic income!


You got problem, way to obsessed with AI taking over jobs lol


Should have went to trade school lol


Skip the school. Join apprenticeship program, get paid to make mistakes. Make okay money right outta high school, journey out, make good money.


It depends on the situation. My trade school was subsidized by the company I worked for. I had the option to get the training through them and get paid for it, or to get the training through a school without pay, but with an $1 an hour pay bump upon completion. That shit payed for itself after the first year.


Oh there are tons of ways to do it for sure. Sounds like you had a great set up. I just hear a lot of guys say they don’t want to be in a classroom that much and just want to jump into the trades head first. Tons of ways to do it


Go non uiom for 5 years buy your books


Go non union and get your boss to buy you the NEC


Everyone who says that doesn't understand the law of supply and demand.


I don't agree with that one. Most trades are in high demand rn, and even if they weren't, the ability to make money earlier than a 4 year college (or 6+ if you count transfers) is really valuable.


Yeah, just be aware of the risk of long periods of unemployment, and thr physical toll a career in the trades can take on a person


Oh please. I can't wipe my ass these days without a permit, job safety analysis, and an assistant to spread my cheeks. It's not the 80s anymore. OSHA exists. If you're getting hurt working in today's world it's because you're doing it wrong or cutting corners. As for the long periods of unemployment, that just depends how you feel about traveling. I know dudes that work ~6 months out of the year; 3 in spring and 3 in fall and contract themselves to whoever is the highest bidder, wherever that may be (usually Alaska or north Dakota, sometimes other countries). They all clear six figures a year easily and take those months off because they can afford to. There's always a shutdown happening somewhere. I know this upsets people sitting on a mountain of college debt but it's facts. Unless you're trying to get in the medical field, become a lawyer, or engineer, then the trades are the way to go. College is a scam for most people.


Yup. I'm in a cushy shop making low-mid 6s, if I were willing to move more or work shutdowns, or took some of the opportunities that popped up it could have been even better. Shame I wasn't taught about opportunities *other* than college during HS or I could have started this path a decade sooner and be set by now. Contemplating making a move and working 2 week on, 2 off on Baffin Island right now.