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downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [play minecraft with us](https://discord.gg/dankmemesgaming) | [come hang out with us](https://discord.com/invite/dankmemes)


Inb4 "this sub has gotten too political" (it's always been political and it's probably more political now because it's an election year)


Mate, the line between what isn't political and what is has become so blurred I can't even tell the difference anymore.


A topic is "political" if you disagree with the perceived politics of the person bringing it up


Damn. Hard hitting truth


We really truly do live in the Football era of politics when "Vague Statement about Everyone" is "Hard Truth" lmfao


Politics shmolitics, I just want my porn back.


Unfortunately for you porn is quite literally politics. Some people would very much prefer you not to have it.


Remember when Game of Thrones had titties? Oh you sweet summer chud


everything is political. but recently it's specifically about the subject of politics. its like everything has a colour to it, but lately its focused on the colours


Exactly. Politics is essentially "how do we as a society want to live together". As long as you live in a society and have any opinion on how that society and your interactions with others should be organised, that's political.


> how do we as a society want to live together the word is even more abstract. For example a family household with many children has child politics that dictates how the siblings interact with one another and the cliques they form in order to get what they want.


This sub is mostly American, and your politics have reached peak clown fest. It's only natural that the lines between dark comedy and politics have blurred. Don't get me wrong we Europeans are not far in reaching the same status with our politics. Don't wanna be a tinfoil hat dude. But those Russian troll farms we kept hearing about in 2018-2019, seem to have done a pretty good job on the western social media platforms.


that's funny, cause I read the same comment in a thread about greeks tossing immigrants off boats to drown except it was talking about european politics & russian rubles influence. putin's propaganda is a divide & conquer form of strategy.


Exactly, I totally agree, Europe is in exactly the same boat on this matter. And if you ever hear a snobby European bragging about their politics in the future, here or any other subreddit, just ignore them as we slide down into extremism ourselves this past year. Full of propaganda or outright fake videos that push a right-wing narrative, and people are falling for them en masse.


I mean I think I get what you mean but this meme is overtly political. It's not even trying to be subtle. It's straight up refers to a political movement and their proposed platform.


>"this sub has gotten too political" It's interesting that you will only ever see this comment if something is attacking conservatives, but never if it's pro-conservative. The reason for that is those comments are always coming from conservatives and they never have a good defense of any of the criticism.




This sub is 99% shitty conservative memes nowadays


Show me *one* 'conservative' meme that isn't shitty. Everyone knows the right can't meme.


Does unintentional humor count?


Given the dearth of the options, I supposed I'd have to allow it.


In this case, I nominate the priDE MONth meme


4Chan is the birth place of modern meme culture and that community is distinctly conservative


No. The whole conservative meme on 4chan thing started as some lame edgey joke. Which I get, but is, and was, stupid if sometimes funny because of the absurdity that made fun of conservatives.   Then, the mouth-breathers, unable to discern the sarcasm, took it literally and started to actually believe Trump was going to save them from the whatever during the 'storm'.   And, even those 'ironic' conservative memes were still shitty. 


So much freedom that they went into the negatives


We want a government that is so small it removes all of your choices for you


When I hear "small government" I just think "oh you want to get rid of the rules that protect us but cost you 1% of your 29 million per year"


"Small government" = "Slash regulations that keep people safe, protects the environment, and keeps kids away from the coal mines"


Yes! In fact I don't mind for them to take 1% more to remove them


We want a government so small that it fits inside everyone’s bedrooms


The only government is from the all seeing ordained god of the Bible. Unless you have money, have power, or are my mistress and need an abortion


So small, it fits in your pants and uterus.


Gandi sid meier's civilization philosophy


Nuke everything?


Integer overflow error


Nuclear Gandhi type shi


Freedom for me, none for you -Republicans in a nutshell


More like unsigned int ovetflow and we're back to 0 freedom.


I feel like banning porn is not even close to the worst thing in Project 2025


The problem is the GOP has gotten so cartoonishly evil that normal people don’t even believe it’s real. Like you just describe their agenda in plain language and it sounds totally psycho. * abolish the department of education * abolish the Department of Justice (literally defund the police) and replace them with the military * cut health care for the poor * legalize discrimination against women Again this is all in there, I’m really not exaggerating. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025


They literally want to deploy the military to the streets as a police force. This is shit my conservative dad ranted that Obama would do, just a few years ago, and now he’s suddenly all for it.


You see, it’s only bad if the “damn dirty Democrats” do it. If the “good and true Republicans” do it, it’s for the good of the nation. /s


That's what makes me dislike the use of labels like political parties and the like in political discussion. While it is sometimes relevant, other times it simply serves to paint an "other" or "enemy", creating an us vs them illusion, and distracts from judging proposed changes individually.


You’ve cracked open the problem of political parties.


Man if only there were someone that was the first leader of america who specifically asked to not have political parties when they left office, if only that was a thing that happened... oh, wait...


Then they are morons. The police are already their natural allies. They are filled with bigots happy to hurt the people they are supposed to protect. They are mostly far right themselves. The military has principles, discipline. It's leadership believes in their oath to uphold the constitution. They would likely not go along with the program.


> The military has principles, discipline. It's leadership believes in their oath to uphold the constitution. Or rather, it's supposed to. Older millennials and above may remember some distinctly [unsportsmanlike conduct](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_war_crimes#War_on_Terror) recently. Now, whether the military would be willing to do that on its own citizens remains to be seen, I'm not confident personally. But the military isn't some bastion of righteousness that would stop Trump in his tracks. If anything, trying to bring the military in to replace the police would result in the military fracturing into warring factions about whether to do so, and then about how to go about prosecuting their newfound position.


As a member of the military, we have no business policing. The best we can do is defend and attack points of interest. I will admit that we might have less casualty rates on civilians than regular cops, but that's only because we actually get trained.


Tbh Obama should have used the same constitutional interpretations to do all the stuff he said he was gonna do.


every conservative accusation is really a confession


Honestly I think currently the military would be more qualified to be police than actual police and that's kinda sad.


He was always all for it, he was projecting then. I've seen it with some of my own relatives too.


Exactly. And it’s not like this is some far right group with only a few groups who support it > “Project 2025's advisory board consists of ‘a broad coalition of over 80 conservative organizations’—mainly conservative think tanks, as well as several universities and the magazine The American Conservative. As of February 2024, the project has over 100 partner organizations.”


And it's the same groups that already successfully placed people on the Supreme Court who will vote according to strict ideology instead of doing their job.


Also: Legalize discrimination against LGBT+ folks, including repealing legal gay marriage Repeal affirmative action, equal opportunity, and voting rights protections I think they’re mostly against any efforts towards limiting climate change, but may have a split on that. And more, I’m sure…


Project 2025 calls for cutting *research* into climate change. They don’t even want to hear about it or know anything about it. I myself am pretty moderate on this topic—like it’s a big problem we should deal with but I recognize there are trade offs and people need to get to work tomorrow and blah blah blah. That is what is so crazy-making, like I describe the Trump GOP *in their own words* and people think I’m a wild eyed socialist or a propagandist or whatever. It’s nuts!


Genuine question, how can they be called protections if the government can revoke them?? WTF?


This.... this reads like a joke.... _please tell me its a joke_


Man, if I could, I would. What's worse, it's applicable with the next Republican president, even in '32...


That’s just the trick, it sounds like a joke and people don’t take it seriously because it is just so hard to believe that this is what the GOP really supports. They know their policy agenda is toxically unpopular and they’ve successfully built a media machine that pumps out Trans Girls In Sports and Biden Is Old stories. And when you (rarely) actually see a legit story about Trump and his acolytes’ real policy agenda, it is impossible to believe they could be that horrible. But they are. They were one Senate vote away (RIP John McCain) from taking health care away from poor kids to finance their tax cuts for rich people. It’s so awful that people think I’m being dishonest just typing that out. But I’m not! That’s what actually happened!


It’s not a joke. They are currently hiring thousands of people to replace positions at all levels of government in order to make the transition easier.


> The problem is the GOP has gotten so cartoonishly evil that normal people don’t even believe it’s real. I mean, he did try to warn you lol




But.. the dep. of education isn’t going to be abolished, it just needs to be replaced… with no plan of actually doing that. These are things my conservative family believes.


The scary part is how many people are okay with this


Agree but also I think to the extent any of it is at all popular—e.g. deport 12 million people—it is the kind of thing that a conservative might casually think is a good idea but would hate if it actually happened. Much like the Iraq war, which at one time was quite popular. So if you deported 12m people you would have much more expensive housing, produce and meat, a dramatic decline in economic production, not to mention a ton of terrible news headlines as enforcement inevitably scoops up some Latino citizens by mistake. Almost every conservative voter would end up hating it and pretending they never supported it.


Sure. They might realize after the fact that it was a bad idea, but that's still not helpful.


Argued with some fool the other day who believes the institutions are strong enough to hold. “Not with project 2025. There’s no more checks and balances. No more actual accountability. Just fascism.” “Meh” was the response. Probably a troll. But these people need their indifference shut down…. “Don’t feed the trolls.” No, feed them!! Just keep repeating what project 2025 aims to do


Trumps like 5 points up in the polls too, looks like he could win, it’s kinda wild how little project 2025 gets talked about


> abolish the Department of Justice (literally defund the police) and replace them with the military *crudely clear throat* States rights?


Isn't this just A Handmaid's Tale?


Wait.... Isn't it defunding the police is a leftist thing? Of how the leftists complaining about the police 24/7


This is exactly what I mean: the Discourse consistently misrepresents what the parties actually do when they have political power. To be clear, there are definitely some weirdo lefties who got their stupid slogan into some mainstream outlets but if you actually look at the record of what the national parties have actually done, you find the GOP has in practice consistently called to cut police budgets: >It was Bill Clinton and then-Senate Judiciary Committee chair Joe Biden who created the original federal police funding initiative as part of the 1994 crime bill. Republicans opposed that bill, and Donald Trump spent much of the 2020 campaign trolling Biden about it. Obama boosted federal police funding as part of ARRA in the face of near-unanimous Republican Party opposition. Every single Trump administration budget request proposed cutting police funding. https://open.substack.com/pub/matthewyglesias/p/defund-police-biden?r=bwl5a&utm_medium=ios I have many qualms with how policing is done in this country—the murder clearance rate is scandalous!—but I don’t think defunding the police is the answer. Neither does Joe Biden.


Gilead ass shit


Ah yes, military police forces on the streets aka one step closer to get the feel of totalitarianism. People find it's a good idea, at least until it happens. Then some people get scared to go outside, suddenly it's horrible and government bad.


Objectively, yes, but we’re talking about Redditors here.


There is a lot of political merit in motivating the worst people for their most selfish interests. The gooner caucus has a lot of weight behind it.


As a trans woman, I agree. I would prefer to not have my rights revoked.


If they get into power, they will revoke your very life.


You're not wrong but you've also gotta consider that they will decide what counts as porn, and it's not gonna just what most people think of. It's another way to criminalize the LGBT community and force"trad life" on people.


Hey I’d still take that over the actual explicit criminalizations of LGBTQ people in some of the other policies.


It literally IS outlawing “the idea that someone can be transgender” as pornographic, and if you bring it up around anyone under 18 you become a registered sex offender.


And you can bet your sweet ass they will be following in Florida's footsteps - legalizing the death penalty for sex offenders, and the conservative judges will dole it out at their discretion. This project is a call for genocide.


Project 2025 is utterly terrifying. They want to basdlically abolish every semblance of democracy and replace it with tyranny, and they really don't hide their intentions in their manifesto. It's worth a quick Google for anyone curious. Its hard to truly communicate how fucked the US population is if Republicans actually win the election.


I worry the Republicans will win the election this year due to how radical the Conservatives have become


This project is so bad it's enough to make other countries step in. Maybe that's how they get their next war.


If you outlaw porn, only outlaws will have porn


It's takes a good guy with porn to stop a bad guy with porn


And it's essentially game over for the Americans now. Now that they're willing to push stuff on this level it doesn't matter if they lose this election as long as they win any election before they lose control of the SC in like 50 years


They can ban pornography but I’ll still watch it


Exactly, not like your mom boarded up her windows yet.


We can all see you dude...


If they prosecute you, just say you're following the President's lead, who paid off a porn star.


Only Republican sanctioned porn for you, with a designated overseer, such as Mike Johnson & son.


Porn will still get made. It’s a multi billion dollar industry. They can’t all become C grade movie stars


the point isn't to stop you. the point is to have a law everyone brakes so they can enforce it on people they don't like.


Can't stop me from filming my own


Yoo sauce ??


You think banning porn is bad? Try reading the other things they want to get rid of


What? You seriously think potentially creating an authoritarian dictatorship is worse than banning porn? Have you lost your mind!?


I... I'm more concerned about becoming a felon by literally just existing.


It’s so messed up. At this point, I feel like the GOP, and Trump, are genuinely evil and will most likely go down in history with the rest of the villains that the world has faced.


You are betting that they don't win and write history. There won't be fair elections for a long time once they are done.


People really don't understand how close we are in a historical context. What is happening in the US is not exactly unique in history, and generally tends toward atrocities. Conservative rhetoric about multiple minority groups is essentially 1 to 1 with what you see in the lead up to genocides elsewhere in the world. It can happen here.


I’m trans and military. If project 2025 goes through, I’m stuck in the states until after it starts. How cooked am I?




The worst part is that project 2025 is so bad you could be talking about like 5 different things.


Sometimes you have to wake people up to the horror by appealing to their base instincts. A cishet gooner doesn't care about the strife of sexual minorities unless it affects them.


Dammit if I want to see two midgets in bondage gear flogging a quadruple amputee chained to a sybian machine, that's none of gubmints damn business


This is too specific to be imagined on the spot.


Creative minds always find a ~~hole~~ way


Any amputee in a storm I always say


what the hell is a sybian machine


[Oh, my sweet summer child...](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sybian)


Taking away porn is really one of the least impactful and horrible things on that list


If you outlaw pornography then the only people who watch pornography will be outlaws


Yeah they want a Taliban type arrangement, no police, no education, military law, segregation of anyone that isn't religious.


Doesn’t it kind of sound like the reason they want to get rid of education is so that the rest of the country would be as dumb as them and they’d have more followers who are just as intolerant about social controversies as they are


This is precisely it. Dumb people are susceptible to their agenda.


Well that's the standard Taliban arrangement.


Pornography doesn’t pervert people, people pervert people. You can have my porn when you pry it from my clammy, hairy palms All that’s needed to beat a bad man with porn is a good man with porn.


That's not why they're banning pornography. They are redefining pornography to include *all* media related to/inclusive of transgenders. The pornography banning is a dog whistle they can use on the ignorant fence sitters while riling up the anti-trans crowd. If they can label all trans lit as porn, then they can make teachers and librarians felons for "distributing" trans lit (read: *allowing it to be checked out*) and get around censorship accusations as it is immoral to distribute porn to kids. Anyone unknowledgeable of what the new definition of porn is likely won't dig deeper as it will become perfectly acceptable to say that a librarian allowing kids to check out material on a transgender or about trans folk is disturbing porn to youth, and under the new definition it will be completely accurate/true.


Do it, pirates always find ways. Try it. We will overcome you. Hehe come...


Yeah, but it'll allow them to label whatever they don't like as "pornographic" to make it illegal Like, if they pass the porn ban, I'm giving it a year at most before mentioning the existence of LGBT people puts you in a child predator list


The first thing you see when you open the official Project 2025 website is “It is not enough for conservatives to win elections.” That should alarm you very much regardless of your political knowledge and affiliation.


Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't Project 2025 from a "think tank" and not from the GOP? If that's the case, isn't this just fear mongering?


Heritage Foundation is the think tank. This is from their website: https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-embraces-heritage-foundation-policy-recommendations >The “Mandate for Leadership” series includes five individual publications, totaling approximately 334 unique policy recommendations. Analysis completed by Heritage determined that 64 percent of the policy prescriptions were included in Trump’s budget, implemented through regulatory guidance, or under consideration for action in accordance with The Heritage Foundation’s original proposals.


Well, a former Trump administration official (who IIRC is still said candidate’s buddy) was the head of writing it and Trump himself has said a lot of things that align with the ideology/action plan in Project 2025.


So typically the way white house administrations staff themselves is by just hiring a bunch of people from places like the heritage foundation and other think tanks and lobbying groups


These are the people that will fill cabinet positions in trumps second term. It is not fear mongering to post the platform that he us running on.




Sorry to tell you but the think takes are in charge. It's a "the animals are running the zoo" type thing


The Heritage Foundation is the most influential think tank in conservative politics and this was architected by dozens of people from Trump's inner circles and Republican leadership. It isn't fear mongering. Even ignoring the incredibly regressive politics endorsed by it, it also describes a massive restructuring the executive branch to consolidate power under Trump. Things didn't go way worse in Trump's first term because people like Milley and Pence were there to refuse. The explicily stated intent from both the Trump campaign and party leadership (through Project 2025). From the Wikipedia page: >The two officials released a similar memo days later, after Axios reported Trump intended to staff a new administration with "full, proud MAGA warriors, anti-GOP establishment zealots, and eager and willing to test the boundaries of executive power to get Trump's way", which would include targeting and jailing critics in government and media. Axios also reported on people being considered for senior positions in a second presidency, which included Kash Patel, Steve Bannon, and Mike Davis, a former aide to senator Chuck Grassley who has promised a "three-week reign of terror" should Trump name him acting attorney general. Patel had said on Bannon's podcast two days earlier, "We will go out and find the conspirators – not just in government, but in the media ... We're going to come after you. Whether it's criminally or civilly, we'll figure that out."


It’s signed off by every major conservative organization. Maybe google it before casting doubt because you can’t cope.


Heritage foundation essentially runs the GOP. The major architects of P2025 are all people from Trump's previous administration. So no.


No. Republicans tend to follow these mandates. Couple that with the facts that Project 2025 locks down power for Trump and the fact that Trump is a raging fascist narcissist anyhow, he will do what it says.


That's it. I'm going democrat


"that's it. I'm going democat" - the guy who has voted left his entire life probably


Democrat isn't "left" by any stretch


More left than the Republicans


Not difficult


I'm definitely not voting for Hunter Biden though


Hunter Biden isn’t even running, why do you have downvotes?


Because people on Reddit can't detect sarcasm, is my guess. 


I still believe there is no way Project 2025 will come to pass, there would actually be riots in the streets


Ironically enough, the side of politics trying to protect the second amendment is *also* trying the hardest to get themselves shot to death. This is why we have guns.


I've been in the gun community for a VERY long time. The overlap between hardcore "gun nut" and hardcore trumper is not near as big as you think. Most in the community lean libertarian if anything. the trumpers i've met that also are vocal about the 2nd dont really scare me, they usually can't hit a target past 10 yards and cant run for more then a beer


Yes. The *gun community* is wide-spanning. I am referring, very specifically, to *lawmakers* and the people who *make the politics.*


You say that, but unfortunately a decent portion of the country is calling for some of the major points of it (national abortion ban, defund the Departments of Education and Justice, dictatorship, etc.)


That would be quickly put down by a violent state. They are running on this, if they are telling us who they are we should believe them.


This has been said about multiple things that have happened since 2016.


Still have to vote even if you think that


Whatever you believe, just VOTE!


If it happens then everyone should understand it’s just a matter of time before China becomes the world dominant power, permanently. Conservatives and christo fascists are taking pride in eliminating education standards in favor of religious ideology.


Something that I have seen nobody on any side of the political spectrum talk about outside of meme subreddits. I don't think anyone actually believes any of the stuff mentioned in it will ever happen, especially by 2025.


Ah yes "that could never happen here" definitely has always proven true just like with Jan 6 or a former president saying the election was stolen or domestic terrorism. You stay a smart good noodle and just don't think too hard might hurt yourself


I mean the odds the Republicans will be able to pass a 970 page wish list of batshit crazy ideas in under a year are fairly low.


Just like they overturned Roe quickly after they grabbed power. And they fully plan to install Trump as dictator, so they can do whatever they want.


If they win elections they will be able to as there will be no one to stop them. They already have the Court


We didnt think anyone actually believed that they would repeal roe vs wade either


Not by 2025, starting in 2025. That's when their President would start his second term and resume what he started with his first.


look at everything going on... it can absolutely happen


[That’s the least of its problems](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025) Also tor exists.




https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025 TLDR, it's a plan to turn the US into a theocratic dictatorship should the Republican party win the next presidential election.


this is why we gotta vote, we need to keep these lunatics from controlling our country because if we do nothing we're going to suffer


When you take the worst qualities of an donkey and an elephamt, you get a lot of shit -that woman from gta san andreas


Why would they need porn when they can just get a child bride? Yea. That's a thing. That's why some of these red states refuse to pass child marriage laws.


I'm not American but reading about this project 2025 reads like "Let's screw the country and turn it into 1984 dystopian land".


I wonder if the porn ban was added in by someone who is actually trying to get it taken down as a reverse psychology tactic. They're in the same party but don't like the obviously bad shit in the bill, so they added in a porn ban they knew their moustache twirling peers would agree with. A porn ban that they knew wouldnt fly under the radar and all the commoners would immediatley notice.


The porn ban is in there so that they can define something as “pornographic” and then it becomes illegal. In Project 2025, trans people are already in that category, so “The notion or idea that someone can be transgender” Is illegal, and if you mention it OR ARE TRANS near minors, you’re a registered sex offender. It’s a short way for them to criminalise any idea they want, and it’s starting with the LGBTQ community.


Eh, Texas already did a porn ban and there hasn't been much rioting about that which I've heard about.


This is just like the ending of Revenge of the Sith *"the remaining democrats will be hunted down and defeated!"*


......Land of the free everyone.....


I don't want +100,000's of my fellow LGBTQ+ people to become felons just by EXISTING


Wonder how the conservative adult content creators view it. Will they vote to turn themselves into criminals under the eyes of the law?


That requires an amount of self-awareness that isn't typically found in conservatives. Voting against their own interests is kinda their thing.


where are the christian nationalist democrats?


Forcing everyone to lock in and stop bussing


The Project 2025 shit is actually so insane I genuinely think whoever tried to actually implement it would get Ides of March'd before they were halfway done.


I'm scared (my community is listed as porn in the hellish plan)


Tf was that Gilead ass shit that I just read a summary of. It just kept getting worse as I read


This is 1:1 the setting of the handmaid's tale


They're going to have to pry the porn from my warm sticky hand


Imagine being a high schooler with parents that believe in this shit. Wild.


They already are. Granted its the worst porn site on the net, but still. Better get your VPNs up if you live in a shithole red state!


That's a scary proposition against individual freedom


I live in Texas and um wtf 😐


Conservatives stopped between hailing a cab and petting a large dog.


I don't even know what Project 2025 is. Is it more of the Q-anon crap?


Heritage Foundation policy document for the next administration. The think tank previously had it's policies enacted in Republican administrations and there are close ties between them and Trump. John Oliver did a recent piece on it and there are some news articles out there about it. Essentially it's a plan to put a dictatorship in place, among other things.


I live in North Carolina they already have. I’ve resorted to macys catalogs to bust


How the hell is Trump supposed to find potential dating partners who look like his daughter without porn? Your logic is flawed.


i'm trans, theyre gonna take away my rights


Do you know how much money the government would lose if they banned porn?


They can't take away the 10tb I've already downloaded.


Ya'll qaeda's manifesto


I don't think "Christian nationalist" call themselves that. The only ones talking about project 2025 is left wing media. Is this fear mongering?