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Pay your employees a living wage: "We don't do that here"


Pretend to be nice and always wear a fake smile. Don't forget to disturb the clients every 3 minutes asking if they need anything all just for to get 20% tip.


I'll never tip someone asking for a % of my meal. You either take what I decide to give you or shut up. Who the fuck even invented that shit?


the employers invented it to offload rising wages to the customers.


To start, I hate the tipping culture. All businesses operate by the end user paying the wages of the employees + materials and other operating costs + mark up = price of goods/services. Where restaurants are going wrong is keeping prices low on the menu to retain customers but expect them to tip the server to offset their operating costs. If they simply increased prices to meet the staff wages + profits then tips could go away. They risk losing customers by increasing prices though even if those same customers would have come in before and tipped. Consumer price perception is not as good as consumer math most of the time.


My sister makes up to 400 a day at place that really isn’t that expensive, from tips alone. I doubt a lot of them would rather go to a set wage.


Or, hear me out: employees get paid a living wage *and* customers choose to tip the employees if they want. Crazy concept, I know.


If you're getting paid I'm not giving you extra lmao, I'm not here to fund your pocket fhange


Also negatively impacts the wages of male, overweight, disabled and not conventionally attractive servers. Pretty sure it’s shown they make less than non-disabled attractive female counterparts in tips. I’m sure some members of those groups would appreciate the equal wage.


Oh yeah absolutely, that why I said “a lot of them”, not all. I know there’s some unfair leverage for some of the workers and there’s plenty that would rather make a set wage. I personally just think a good portion of them would rather stay with the tips. I could be wrong but I know if I was making a few hundred a day with tips, I’d be pissed to go to a regular wage that’ll probably quite a bit less.


Everytime i hear stories like this, i wonder why people get pissed when someone doesn't tip. it seems they are getting over paid already


It’s because they’re extraordinary outliers. $400 in tips is huge but it’s by no means a standard


And then add in restaurants adding this bullshit "administrative fee" or "kitchen fee" or "hospitality fee" of 3-7% that some restaurants are doing now, and you get even less transparency. That should be outlawed because these fees make it difficult to peice shop and compare products apples to apples, which is necessary in a free marketplace.


I work in the back end of restaurants, pos and design. We manage over 450 restaurants. We are talking over 60K a night at the lowest income place we manage. Small mom and pop. They have the money to pay their employees.


Outta curiosity is that 60k a night in profit or revenue?


No It started after Americans saw it in Europe, but there it was an actual extra thing. Then they brought it to America and hired former slaves to work for free, but they could keep the tips. So the answer is slavery. >After the Constitution was amended in the wake of the Civil War, slavery was ended as an institution but those who were freed from bondage were still limited in their choices. Many who did not end up sharecropping worked in menial positions, such as servants, waiters, barbers and railroad porters. These were pretty much the only occupations available to them. For restaurant workers and railroad porters, there was a catch: many employers would not actually pay these workers, under the condition that guests would offer a small tip instead https://time.com/5404475/history-tipping-american-restaurants-civil-war/


it's not explicitly stated though Some accounts credit [European travelers](https://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2015/11/30/457125740/when-tipping-was-considered-deeply-un-american) with bringing the custom to the U.S.; others credit American travelers with bringing tipping back from Europe. The truth? Wealthy Americans in the 1850s and 1860s discovered the tradition, which had originated in medieval times as a master-serf custom wherein a servant would receive extra money for having performed superbly well, on vacations in Europe. Wanting to seem aristocratic, these individuals began tipping in the United States upon their return. EDIT: i'm an idiot, but i won't delete this comment to serve others as an example not to jump the gun when confirming your own biases.


Yeah, I think you found the article I originally read, I just went for a fast and simplified approach.


It started after Americans saw it in Europe, but there it was an actual extra thing. Then they brought it to America and hired former slaves to work for free, but they could keep the tips. So the answer is slavery. > After the Constitution was amended in the wake of the Civil War, slavery was ended as an institution but those who were freed from bondage were still limited in their choices. Many who did not end up sharecropping worked in menial positions, such as servants, waiters, barbers and railroad porters. These were pretty much the only occupations available to them. For restaurant workers and railroad porters, there was a catch: many employers would not actually pay these workers, under the condition that guests would offer a small tip instead https://time.com/5404475/history-tipping-american-restaurants-civil-war/


Bonus points if you wait for them to take a bite so they can't reply to you


i tip based on how much time and labor my visit was. if i was there for a while and/or was a bit needy, you get a bigger tip. if i came and ordered the moment i sat and you brought out my food with the check and i'm gone in 30-45 minutes, there's no reason to tip more than like 5 bucks. and this is coming from someone who was a server. if i have 8 tables throughout 2 hours, 10 bucks per table every hour is 40 bucks per hour which is MORE than fair


Has to be a middle ground between this and not being able to find a server when I want some more water in Europe


It’s your choice to smile


Man, I've met a lot of servers, and they all make substantially more money through tips then they would if paid a livable wage. I'm not necessarily saying I like what tipping culture has become, but when these people are taking home 2k a week in texas... well I was stunned lol.


only the hot chicks tho


Oh absolutely the girls usually made more, but the guys certainly made good money


Min wage in California is 16/hr and then we tip them on top of that. Granted it's expensive as shit to live here but I bet they make more than the average European server.


I thought servers don't get paid minimum wage though? Employers are supposed to pay the difference for it if you don't make minimum wage with your tips, but that doesn't always actually happen.


In most states yes, in California no. Employers here aren't allowed to count tips towards an employee's wage, anything earned from tips is on top of whatever they were getting paid already.


Oh nice, that's good.


I dort get it. Isn't there a minimal wage in the USA or just in some states?


Federal minimum wage is $7.25/hr, states can set their own minimum wage and waitstaff typically work off tipped minimum wage which is like $3/hr, but they can clean up very easily on tips if they are good at their job


I dont get it, wouldnt i be more inclined to tip the chef? For good food? The waiter brings drinks and takes orders, however he has no say in when the food gets there or if it good. Why do I need to tip for that?


To be clear, if they don't get enough tips to make up the difference between $3/hr and $7.25/hr, they're still required to be paid the difference up to $7.25/hr


3$/h???? Holy shit


I mean, a lot of waitresses and waiters prefer tips. Because being one would almost certainly be a borderline minimum wage job. Whereas if you are working the right place you can make a lot more than that.


American here. I've had 3 arguments this month where I was saying that tipping is the dumbest shit in America because I'm being morally abligated to pay a wage that not only shouldn't be taxed but the employer should be paying already


Until people lobby for change, it won't happen. And the people who want it to change are the ones who have no time and money to do so because they aren't being paid a livable wage. It also goes to show that people who hate tipping refuse to put forth the effort to lobby for change because we know we're fighting a beast on this. When other Americans say you need to tip, we aren't business owners. We have 0 control over that and corporations lobby to keep it that way because it saves money. We just don't want a minimum wage worker to get hurt out of principal because the government refuses to change. Tipping is stupid and shitty but it's not the waiter's fault this is the situation they're stuck with, and refusing to tip does nothing to actually help the problem and only serves to hurt someone with low income. Their bosses don't go "wow, nobody is tipping you, maybe I should change..." they go "wow, that sucks. work harder."


As an American thank you.


My man when I was a server in college I'd do like $200-300+ in a 6 hour shift depending on if it was a week day or weekend. Literally living like a king while my friends that worked "hourly" jobs only got like $10-12/hr working normal college jobs. There is a reason serving is so popular in the US. There are practically no servers/bartenders out there in the US that would prefer to make an hourly wage over tips. Or if they do want that then they're not very good servers or they're at the wrong restaurant.


Hell Yeah. USA


I'm glad we don't have tipping culture in Finland.


I only hear about your great hospitals. My teammates keep telling me I should go there


What is it about you that everyone keeps telling you to go to the hospital?


Hospitals are great and very cheap but wait times can suck


The hospital they mean: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kuopio_University_Hospital


Oh :D That's a classic.


I’m not gonna lie I’ve definitely linked someone to the video in league post game before.


I mean it's there (I was on vacation there and it was explained to me by a waiter). Basically you can tip if you consider it exceptional service, and it will be accepted, but it's not something you need to worry about doing.


There’s only really tipping culture in America, and that’s just so employers can have cheap labor.


What you gonna do about it? Shoot me?




Well. It IS the USA...soo, probably?


That's the joke


shoot you? this is not school.


Most American comment I've seen this year


They'll send in the Florida men


In Miami/South Florida, depending on they type of establishment (usually bars and restaurants in extremely touristy areas), will add 20% gratuity to the bill automatically, no shame.


And then they'll make a space to write an additional tip, meant to fool someone who is not paying close attention.


Your ass will be sent to Detroit. Happened to me.


There ain’t no tipping in Detroit. You know why.


I wouldn't knwo neither of those since my Italian ass has never touched Detroit.


What’s wrong with Detroit?


Higher chance if you're still in school.


You're more likely to get struck by lightning then get shot in a school.


I mean the restaurant I worked at while in HS/college had multiple servers have to have police removed servers after people tipped nothing on insanely high build /super larger groups because they went after the guest's


I'm sure this will be civil.


Wouldn’t the meme be for Americans traveling in Europe and trying to leave a tip?


I tipped for 95% of the meals I had in Germany the 2 weeks I was there. Not 15%, but it's a thing other places too.


In austria, tipping in bars and restaurants is common, but not expected. Usually it's rounding up a few bucks (say paying 40 when the bill is 38) and on bigger bills you add 5 to that for example. In other places, you never tip.


I imagine it varies since Europe has a lot of different cultures. I've been to a few countries in each pot, but people like to pretend it's America only.


Yes it does vary, but so far i have never gotten any bad comments or weird looks when tipping like an austrian in other European countries. In new york though, i got a death stare for clicking no tip on a tablet after getting some fucking icecream. The options started at 15%. That and considering the written prices are without the tax, i mostly paid 150-200% of what i expected to pay.


NY State Tax NY City Tax NY Local Village Tax NY Fuck You Tax


So you're the reason why I'm seeing those tipping screens on their card payment systems lately. Tip with actual cash or don't at all, I don't need my European ass to be judged by a fellow European whilst knowing full well that cashier would definitely also press 0.


You have never been to Paris, have you?


That was probably the original and someone took it and edited it the other way for some easy karma


Many people here tip too, but not everyone. And that's OK.


Not really, cause why would anyone deny tips


It would have made way more sense to do it as an American going to leave a tip somewhere In Europe, I agree. This reads the exact same way but makes no sense being an American waiter lol.


We hate tips, you probably gotta be rich if your instinct is to tip everytime you order something


Bro I hate American tipping culture




I side with Mr Pink


You put your meme on backwards


Ain't no way I'm ever tipping anyone just because it's "expected"


"here's $2 and a rubber band i found in my pocket" waiters really expect to get a $20 tip for serving food they didn't even make


Many places have the servers give up some of the tips for a "tip pool" that gets split among the back-of-house people like the cooks, dishwashers, etc.


And according to the back-of-house people I've talked to, they never actually get a fair split of the tip pool for very long


I wonder just how many is the "many places" u/u/Casual\_OCD was talking about. I worked in a couple of restaurants in the past, and the tip pool was not a thing, as far as I could tell. Nor was I asking for any: I was a janitor/dishwasher. I got paid by the hour. It's the waiters/waitresses who could be legally underpaid, not me.


I'm an American, I don't tip.


Good man, keep it up. If more were like you - things might actually change for the better in that industry.


[Mr. Pink, is that you?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-qV9wVGb38)


Europeans: "we dont give a fuck"


I'll give you a tip: "Join a union".


Coughs in Starbucks shutting down unionized stores and getting away with it


Sorry, I just like tipping when the meals/service is actually good, not when I’m being constantly pestered by people trying to earn their wage through tips because they are underpaid by the establishment while I’m trying to eat


No one wants to tip, but no one wants to do anything about it and will just continue to not tip.


Not tipping is the only legitimate way to force change cause the servers will never stand up for themselves when they can make several hundred dollars an hour at some places.


Servers absolutely like it like this They make ungodly amounts of money that they don’t make in any other (sane) countries


Servers make more money in tipping culture than non tipping cultures. Servers would rather get payed a low wage so that people tip them generously and make hundreds of dollars from tips alone


That’s not only europeans lol


We pay tips in table service restaurants. But fuck paying tips for counter service coffee


One of the things I miss most about Europe is paying the price things say they are.


If the table service ruined my dining experience I don’t tip. I shouldn’t reinforce the poor practice. Let the wait staff get mad enough to do something about it.


A tip in Europe is leaving a few cents to about an Euro because you don’t feel like grabbing coins and having like 7 cents in your wallet. Meanwhile, the employees still get paid for their job. Aka their pay is already in the price of the meal


In Europe right now. Plenty of places seek tips, many get pissy if it's under a certain percentage. The waiter in Paris who lit my napkin on fire was extra pissy I didn't leave a tip.


If you are in a touristy place (Paris for example) they probably try to get a tip as soon as they discover you are American since they know about your tipping culture.


That's cus you're in fr*nce 🤢


Well yea if you expect me to tip even if the service is ass then you can go fuck yourselves xD..obviously it sucks that they rely on tips...but this isnt my problem lmao


10% is common enough in Ireland for good service. Less or none for poor service.


Make me lol.


I once had a waiter run out to me, as I was getting in an Uber with my girlfriend. He forced me to tip him. I truly want to go back in time and stand my ground.


That sounds like a robbery.


Tipping is an option. Just leaving facts. Pay people a real living salary. 


Fuck tipping. Tip yourself off a bridge if you expect me to subsidize your shitty work situation because you don't have the courage to demand more.


Tipping is basically begging for spare change. It’s gotta be embarrassing to work for someone who won’t pay you a living wage.


The fuck we don't




Tip? Show me what you did that was above and beyond the expectation of your job. Just doing your job doesn't make you deserve a tip.


When Americans travel to Europe and tip someone getting paid $20 euros/hour


Real question: what's worse our tip culture or countries where you have to barter and haggle for everything? I know they aren't related but both are extremely annoying.




Crazy how not only they demand tips or else they admit to be slaves but they demand a % how fucking crazy is that, like it's anyones business how much you spend.


Fuck that, pay your wait staff enough…


want to frreak an american out.. ask them to write you a service fee instead of tipping them. even better ask them to do what they will want for service before you even place the order...


What would happen if I leave without tipping because I’m broke too, I can’t afford to tip.


I love how where I live we tip as the customer sees fit? Like actually tip based on the service we got? How crazy is that am I right?


As a European I don't have a problem with tipping at a restaurant, we do that all the time when the service was at least OK. I have a problem with the assumption that the customer supposedly is an asshole when he doesn't tip or doesn't tip enough (according to the waiter or restaurant)


I refuse to. Americans need to learn that "customer is expected to tip so employers can pay less" culture is not ok


What happens if you don’t? People just dislike you on the inside or?


What are they gonna do? Send me away?


The only tip I’m giving is to my imaginary gf.


Mu father once told me he had a teacher in university who managed to finance his entire career by winning bets in pool. Of course that was like 40 years ago. But is still impressive.


Death to tipping culture, it is getting outrageous. Ordered something online and they had option for a tip... to do their job.


If the service good ill tip 10€


Never going to see you again….


Clunky meme. It would work better reverse, “Americans trying to tip in Europe”


I always thought that tipping was something that only existed in movies until I came to Canada


Fuck tipping


20% everytime never know what others are going through


American here and none of us like it. It's just the government sucking more money out of the people it's supposed to be leading


Haha and the opposite. I remember going to Europe and seeing some Americans try and pay a tip and the server was Soo confused.


They don't have to tip and if the server calls them out for not tipping, that's grounds for being fired.


I visited US this year and left a tip. It’s good for your GDP


My girlfriend's sister is a waitress and makes hundreds of dollars some nights. So was my ex. If you're a pretty lady, you make bank. I always tip, but I'm just a college student who can barely afford living, so I often ponder not doing it. In the end I choose to always tip 10% if they were good, and 15% if they were great. I pretty much cook all my meals myself though, I rarely go out to eat. If I ate out often, I probably would get sick of it and stop tipping... Edit: I'm American.


Get rich or die waiting.


I would tip the European way. If I had a good meal and good service I'll round up my bill to the next 5$ of the sum. Total is 43$ > I'll round it up to 45$ Total is 75$ > up to 80$ Easy as that. Percentage tipping is crazy to me.


Ok so there is actually a myth going around that I feel need debunking. Yes, servers are paid below minimum wage because they make tips. But what nobody seems to say is that, if you do not make enough in tips to make what would constitute what you would make with minimum wage. **Your employer must cover the loss**. Say you’re a waitress at Applebees. You work 8 hours a day for 5 days a week, and make 10 dollars an hour even though the min wage is 15 dollars an hour. That means that without tips your weekly wage would be 400 dollars a week, when with minimum wage it would be about 600 a week. Say you make only 150 dollars in tips that week. That means that by law, your employer MUST pay you the extra 50 dollars.


Is it mandatory ? Can't we just pay the normal price of the food without all the tipping thing ? I understand that would make people angry but if there's no law against it I mean...


A quick fix would be to stop tipping. Yes it’s gonna make some people suffer for awhile. But all the restaurants either have to up the wages or close. Eating out shouldn’t be something you do every day. In Europe it’s a luxury you do once in awhile.


I mean no one is gonna stop you from not tipping, they can't force you to tip. Although the employee might be a little annoyed.


I do tip, but 20%? 25%? If I pay 9,79$, here's 10$ and enjoy. If you ask me to tip, I WILL demand that change for 10$ back. I've worked as a waiter and I was ecstatic when someone payed 189 Czk and gave me 200. I would never have the audacity to ask for a tip.


I only eat where they get paid by the hour so I don't waste my time and money Most restaurants food comes from a factory and they squeeze it out of a bag The only tip I have is to get a different job and stop feeding into the idea of tipping


Tipped once in Yanksville in all the times I've been there. You are not entitled to a tip for doing your job.


No ones stopping me from still not tipping so idc


"Minimum wage jobs were never designed to live off" Oh that's literally in the name. It is there to uphold a minimum standard of living but libertarians had to jack prices up while keeping 1950s wages. And if someone comes with the problem that "the minimum wage prevents people to strive for better positions and qualifications", well this ain't true. People still want a bigger house or a nice ride but a minimum wage should suffice for a nice flat and an econobox ffs. And better: it should also be there to finance further education but whatever.


Word vomit


Literally rent free. America bad this, America bad, that but Russia does something around here and I know who some Europeans go beg for help. Grow up. And this is coming from someone who lives in western Europe.


We don't really do that in Europe either but there are two main considerations: 1. I tip for exceptional service not just for the fuck of it 2. More than 10% is just not right. The entire price list loses it's meaning if I'm gonna pay 1/5 or 1/3 above what's in the menu And I really don't have to empathize to anyone who works as a waiter. It's your life, your decisions, your education, your job. You don't give a shit about my challenges and how I overcome them so spare me yours.


I work in tourism and by far the worst is the Germans. Their smug sense of self importance believing they are right not to tip. Hey assholes that's most of my salary you are not going to change they system by not engaging you are just making the workers poorer.  You know the culture here.


Tipping culture isn’t great here, but if you look at what servers get paid around the globe, they aren’t making a livable wage in most countries either. Servers should actually be paid a LIVABLE wage no matter where they live, not just minimum wage. Until that happens though, tips let servers actually put food on the table and afford rent. If you’re going to visit another country too, follow their rules and customs. I promise most of the Europeans who think this ok would be fuming if they saw someone in Japan not following Japanese cultural traditions when visiting.


I'll calculate my tips like the american school system has taught me. Very very badly. And maybe with a translation error between the currencies.


To everyone who doesn't tip: who do you think you're hurting? The restaurant? The government? No, you're only hurting the employees of said restaurant. If you can afford a meal in America, you can afford a tip. Don't be a dick because it "isn't how you do it in your country." No laws or policies are going to be changed because you didn't tip a wage worker at a fast-casual restaurant.


Me as a waiter: but the 5 dollars can you give me


make me


If you can't afford the tip, then get the food to go. It's part of the cost here. The trend that is truly heinous is added fees at high-end restaurants that they claim goes to employees but doesn't. That started a few years ago and they can go f*** themselves with hidden costs that aren't a gratuity given directly to your servers.