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downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [play minecraft with us](https://discord.gg/dankmemesgaming) | [come hang out with us](https://discord.com/invite/dankmemes)


Yea that particular answer probably ain't making it onto Fox News lol


Can we fuck off with the political posts? It's fucking annoying seeing political posts almost every other day on a meme sub where political memes aren't even allowed


Humans, like most animals, are driven by incentives. This is exactly why mods exist in the first place; if there's an advantage, it should be expected that people will try to exploit it. I'm not saying the offenders aren't to blame, but I am saying that if the mods aren't enforcing the rules, then you should be mad at them too.


thanks for saying "wtf mods" in the most annoyingly condescending redditor way possible


I am, I was gonna write a whole segment on it but it would have been too long and I was eating anyway


Every sub eventually becomes a political propaganda sub if the mods let it happen


For real. Let's all discuss our opinions on abortion instead.


I guess my thoughts on abortion are, you know, let’s just all have a good time.


My opinion is yes. Regardless of the situation, the solution is abortion. The moon? Abort. Mission Impossible? Obviously abort. That person who said something you didn’t like? They’re a bort.


Let me wear my "My Body, My Choice" shirt first


Ok, but it won't sway my startling opinions.


This is the course for every subreddit on this godforsaken app, especially the ones based around humor. Miserable mfs will eventually find every sub that gets big and just start infesting it with some dumb political shit no one actually came here to see.


There was literally a presidential debate last night.  Use the voting system if you don't like it.


Not everyone here is from the states


Womp womp


I don't like that I can't vote for anyone that's a good candidate


ai is running out of ideas


Wtf, is this related to the American debate? What the fuck are American politics?


an argument about Golf occurred during the end of the debate between the two presidential candidates we live in an irl reality show with cheating lies and outrageous happenings going on all the time, maybe aliens are controlling the U.S and use it as a fun show to air back home


*conservative political memes aren't even allowed.


Womp womp


But the debate was literally a meme


It's an election year. Also, no one is making you use reddit.


No one's making me use reddit, right, but like, literally every other platform is full of this shit too? At least certain subreddits have rules against this sort of stuff but what pisses me off is seeing this in a subreddit that is \*supposed\* to be dedicated to posting dank memes, not political stuff I don't care about, and I would certainly would care about it even less if I wasn't an american. Saying that "no one is making you use reddit" is bullshit because you see all this stuff too outside of the internet and it's quite annoying.


$130k, that all? That's pretty cheap compared to Prince Andrew. He paid £12m to someone he "never met".


[he’s a sweaty nonce](https://youtu.be/DFu8P7teOt8?si=9Ilq2-IkyZd3YTeH)


Trump is a good business man


The art of the deal


Plenty of famous people settle with NDA when they're not guilty just to get the story to go away.


Yeah I was gonna say this probably happens quite a bit just to prevent scandals from happening, even if they aren’t true


NDA’s work both ways


Is there some significance to the porn star? If he did or didn’t. Who tf cares? Is there some political background with her that I missed or something?


Pollsters on the left side of the bed trying to read minds.


What if the pornstar lied ?


Then she perjured herself on the witness stand. If that's the case.


He still paid her, we have business record to prove that. So why would he pay a porn star?


Maybe (just playing devils advocate here) she was running her mouth lying about him and he paid her to stop?


Who did what?


Bad post zzz


None of this makes sense, if I got to bang a porn star, I'd be bragging.


Is anyone in these comments aware that Stormy Daniels also says they didnt have sex? Both sides say it didnt happen.


How is it that she isn't in trouble for bribery? Just curious....nothing political!


Trump is a genious. Most his voters are not logical thinkers, so if you spin the argument so it needs logic to analyse, voters just give up and focus on the he didn't have sex part, and neglect the payment as a triviality keeping the voters loyal. Don't hate the player, hate the game


Why is reddit full of anti trump posts today just fuck off every fuking sub it's trump biden trump biden let me enjoy some shit posts not these political propagandas


It’s the day after the debate, I’m sure it will die down soon and you’ll be fine.


lol if you think anti Trump posts will slow down after today you haven’t been on reddit the past 8 years


"political propaganda" I have a feeling you don't really understand that one of these candidates is literally going to turn the US into an autocracy and the other one is.. old. Yeah. Just old.


Both of them are old as fuck they're only 3 years apart


The guy the Reddit echo chamber put their hopes and dreams into was a glorified fly catcher last night. They are trying to cope.


No one likes Biden dude. He’s just our only option that isn’t trying to turn the US into an authoritarian regime


Just like Mitt Romney wanted to put black Americans in chains? And George Bush was going to bring in an authoritarian regime?


The Republican Party didn’t propose a massive collection of policies saying that they would do those exact things back then. They did now.


More project 2025 propaganda? It’s a think tank.


>”Project 2025's advisory board consists of "a broad coalition of over 80 conservative organizations"—mainly conservative think tanks, as well as several universities and the magazine The American Conservative. As of February 2024, the project has over 100 partner organizations. Notable authors of the project's Mandate for Leadership include many officials and advisors from the Trump administration. The leaders of this project began recruiting people for future government posts in the event of a Republican victory at the 2023 Iowa State Fair.” Yeah. It’s definitely just a think tank.


Yes it is. What are those organizations? Would you be surprised that a religious organization would be anti abortion? They are looking for people to run like any other think tank, meaning they haven’t had anyone elected. Those advisors are no longer in any administration.


You seem to have ignored the second half of my comment. It’s a think tank that is actively preparing for government takeover.


All think tanks try to influence people running. Getting a couple candidates is hardly a takeover.


Id rather have a pseudosapient figurehead as a president than a known fraudulent racist criminal as a president that's just me tho


First requirement of a job is to be able to function.


It's the President of the United States being decided here. Incompetent is better than Malicious.


Incompetent is more dangerous. A malicious person has limits. An incompetent person will keep acting convinced that they are doing the right thing.


A malicious person will know they are doing the wrong thing and keep doing it anyway


And one day their malice will be satiated, but the incompetent will strive onward convinced they are fixing the world.


Lmao, Trump is 79, his malice won't be satiated. It has been his main drive for his entire life. Also, Trump isn't competent. His handling of COVID proved that. His foreign policy, notably trade deals, proved that. His appointments proved that. Joe is very old, yes. 82 isn't an easy age. But at least Biden works with his administration to get stuff done and help the country. And objectively, they are succeeding at that.


Objectively they are not but you are free to believe you are on the winning team.




I get you fam. Even worse, I don't even live in the US, so seeing all the political posts is even more annoying


So she doesn't say you had sex?


Wouldn't have to pay if it didn't happen tho.


Hookers get paid for their time. Anything else that occurs happens between two consenting adults. ;) 👍


Yeah you're right, trumps the kinda guy who couldn't get it up or finishes in 2 seconds and then spends the rest of the time crying




She can still say it happened even if it didn't happen


It could still have happened even if he said it didn't happen.


Sure, it could have happened, but the fact that he didn't want her saying it happened isn't evidence that it happened


He could sue for defamation if she said it happened but it didn’t. Donald Trump has a long history of doing that. You need the NDA if it did happen.


He could, but suing for defamation doesn't undo the damage to one's reputation. And it's very hard to make a defamation case stick when you're famous. Look what happened to Johnny Depp, he lost like a decade of his career that he'll never get back. Ounce of prevention and all that.


Donald Trump has been involved in over 4,000 lawsuits over more than 30 years, and a significant number of these involve defamation claims or threats against media organizations and individuals. You act like he’s some noob on NDAs and defamation cases who can be forgiven for not knowing which was the best route to take here.


Yeah, I'm not saying he's not litigious, I'm saying defamation cases are hard to win, and even when you win you still kind of lose. Trump as much as anyone would rather not need a lawsuit than win a lawsuit


He knew what he was doing and had **never** shied away from threatening or following through on a defamation case. But go ahead believe one of Donald Trump’s many affairs from when he was a registered Democrat didn’t happened because it’s political not advantageous at the moment; your choice.


Why would you pay someone to keep quiet if they'd otherwise have no reason or motivation to say anything


The Mafia comes to your shop and says "nice shop, shame if it caught fire", why would you pay them if you're careful about fire safety?


Then how come he didn't pay off anyone to hush about his 34 felonies? How come he's gotta pay off this one but nothing else he did?


Anyone could say that it happened. By your own logic, why isn't he giving everybody money? Where's my money?


By that logic, couldnt anybody do this?