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I mean, they aren’t wrong lol






Dankbarer Weise.


Bingo. Me sitting here in Portugal with about 6 Americans who would rather die than head back to the states. EDIT: the best ones are the army guys. They would die for Uncle Sam but would rather take a bullet in the vicinity of Ukraine than move back to LA.


So, is Hawaiian Portuguese sausage a thing in Portugal? That shit is bomb fire yo


Those in the know say it’s the same. If that’s all that’s holding you back you good to come here and take refuge with the rest of us if you can.


Bingo. Me, a European who would rather die than move back to Europe


Found the guy from Eastern Europe


As an Eastern European, we don't claim him.


No, as an eastern European, Russia wants claims to you.


And I know a bunch of European who’d rather live in the US it goes both ways


Bit of a self selecting group though, wouldn't you say? Those are six people who wanted badly enough to either leave the U.S. or to live in somewhere Europe that they actually did it. If I talked to six Random Europeans currently living in the U.S., they would probably tell me that they don't plan to move back. Otherwise, why would they be living here?


Portugal makes about less than half as much as Americans do


Because you speak the truth. As an American, I'd rather be in Europe. *cue morons just telling me to leave.*


Honestly, I’m thinking about leaving too lol


It's not easy from what I hear, or quick, or cheap. I may find a rural area in a blue state and mind my own business forever. Just never turn the news on.


Yea last I looked the Netherlands wants over 250k in back pay taxes and proof that you're an expert in a field they lack Have fun


Australia is a good second place if you can’t get into Europe, plus the language is pretty easy to understand, most of the time


Is crikey a verb or noun lol Also how many shrimp is the proper amount to put on the barbie


They'll just slap you and tell you it's called a prawn.


Not that simple to just leave though mate. Now as a brit it's also not so easy for me to just leave because millions of cunts who live here thought brexit sounding like a great plan.


Yeah we both fucked up pretty bad.


"Say the line, Bart!" "At least we don't have school shootings"


It’s the turning of a centuries-long cycle. Europe was a region of monarchal warring states, so some religious fuckheads were like “I guess we’ll go someplace else.” Even the Belgians couldn’t stand them, so they fucked off to the mysterious new world and immediately died, except a few dozen. For some reason they persisted. After a while Europe got a little out of hand with the warring, and the descendants of those fuckheads somehow managed to create a region-annihilating weapon (it was actually mostly Europeans that figured the science out, but w/e). Europe was like “hey why don’t we all just get along?” and a bunch of them unified economically and in some other ways. Meanwhile the fuckheads have decided maybe democracy is lame, and some of them are seeking to essentially return to monarchy. Their influence is waning, and the Europeans’ is ascendant. Surely all will proceed in peace and harmony.


Leave out the part where the Europeans literally forced the poor to come colonize this place and the centuries in which they raped and pillaged wealth from the entire world to make their own countries as nice as they are.


Leave it up to a European to nonchalantly gloss over the bits that make Europe look bad lmao.


Western Europeans*. Central and Eastern had no access to the ocean so we've been colonising and exploiting eachother, thank you very much.


Europe is like "We didn't even want those fuckers here."


Well, as a european, at least we are not americans


what ever happened to America being the land of opportunities? It was the dream when I was a kid


That stopped after gta 4 when we learned roman isnt living in a mansion after all Edit: Thanks kind redditor


Where's Barbara with big titties and Stephanie who sucks like vacuum?


Fun Fact: I have never once been called by Roman to go bowling


Liar, it's impossible. I don't believe you. No.


I KNOW, I'm fucking missing out, I've only ever called him for bowling but it's not the same!


Fair enough.


Internet happened and we started actually talking with americans.


That's the problem. The average non American Redditor gets this ultra toxic perception of American society from social media, where propaganda/manipulation is at is highest. Not to say we don't have our problems, but its amazing seeing thread after thread of constant doom and gloom. According to Reddit our American society should have collapsed longggggg ago, and it will be collapsing after every mid term, presidential election and SOCTUS ruling.


>According to Reddit our American society should have collapsed longggggg ago, and it will be collapsing after every mid term, presidential election and SOCTUS ruling. False dichotomy, your government is getting worse every year. Are you pretending that jan 6 never happened? If that was successful it would have been a collapse. >where propaganda/manipulation is at is highest. Watch Fox news and OAN and youll find worse...


If it were successful (ie Pence or Pelosi being murdered), the American populace would be horrified. It would actually have been less successful in the long run, because the trials would be taken seriously and the perpetrator’s would probably be executed. It’s not like we’d all be like “aw shucks, I guess trump is our king now.”


>False dichotomy, your government is getting worse every year. You read the local news lately? There's about an 80% chance that wherever you are, you're dealing with the exact same problems, but with different names. The current state of American politics is due to a GLOBAL rise in authoritarian, populist sentiment.


it was,but only in hollywood movies. in countries like romania gas is 4 times cheaper and not really needed in most cities.for a kid,america is one of the worst places in the world.assuming you survive the school shootings,you still won't learn anything. america could become a great country,but first it has to end the gun problem,the infrastructure problem,the school system problem and provide free health care to it's citzens


The USA is in the top 10% of best places to be a kid. It’s already a great place to live, just not as good as it could be.




Ok, bro, but it’s not like school shootings are happening everywhere 24/7. You’re exaggerating a bit.


Idk man I really like it here. School shootings are pretty rare and widespread and we do have a few officers in the building to help with problems such as less fights and vaping. Right now I’m in advanced classes, building up credits for college, and doing really well now that I think on it. Can’t talk about school shooting part, but infrastructure I do agree is kinda bad. Bridges and roads are everywhere and kinda make everything look bleak. Although it is a large country so is understandably required. Probably can be done better. School system sucks a lot but not much can be done. I do wish the fights were more punished on those who started it, but schools can’t decipher who is lying or not and punish both. And finally, I’m not a big fan of health care. It’s really great, but the money comes from tax payers, which increase anger of too many taxes. Also don’t like government controlling stuff in general so yeah that’s a high school kid’s ideas and now to get backlash for being different woo


Ronald Reagan was elected.




I mean it's a very valid point. Sure all countries have their flaws. But at least we don't get schools shot up so often that there are more mass shootings in a year than there are weeks in a year. At least our people don't have to die because corrupt for profit companies have decided you aren't worthy enough to have access to life saving medicine At least (in western Europe at least) there's now an increased support for reproductive rights in regards to what's happened with the supreme court When Europeans say we aren't American, it's because any of your criticisms aimed towards us are trivial in comparison to the fuckery that's going on across the pond


Dude, your first point very much understates the severity of the problem. There are more mass shootings than days in a year. We are averaging 1.5 a day this year. Edit for those who question my sources: https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/reports/mass-shooting


I knew it was something like that, but I wasn't sure and of course being wrong on the internet is the gravest of offences I do recall at one point though statistically you were more likely to get shot in the USA, than you were as a US Soldier in Afghanistan


That was specifically Chicago, not all of the United States, and it was Iraq, not Afghanistan, hence the nickname “Chiraq”.


What is your definition of a mass shooting then?


guy goes pew-pew in a school, killing 2+ people


There is not 1.5 school shootings a day lol


The stat is mass shootings, not school shootings. Where 3 people are shot (not necessarily killed) excluding the perpetrator(s).


Yeah that's because gang related shooting accounts for 95 percent of those. You don't see those in the news though because they are the wrong demographic groups


Yeah the American news media is atrociously under representative of violence towards racial minorities towards other minority groups since it doesn't promote any lucrative narrative. Has been that way there for decades, nothing new.


I can see gang on gang violence not being reported nationally because it’s (unfortunately) expected :( I hear about it in the local news tho


That's something I think butthurt Americans should realise: when I say "thank God I'm not American", I don't mean I dislike American *people*. How could I? They produce good TV and they're everywhere on reddit. It's all *systemic*. It's the American *system* that prioritises guns over health care and reproductive freedom. I'm not saying "haw haw Americans are losers for living in that dystopia", it's more that I wish for better for my American siblings. EDIT: corrected word usage




Speaking of metric…


Those priorities are set by the idiot masses in America. source: i’m american


Also American, and let's be honest, our government does not work to our benefit regardless what the masses want.


I thank God every day i don't live there


I know imagine living in America


Id rather live in Fr🤮nce


I'd rather be a tibetan monk


Oh f yeah some of those dudes are like super humans.


And just like superheroes they don't exist.


Tibetan monks are a hoax? First the birds, now these dudes. Smh


Didn't you know? All the Tibetan monks were wiped out when the Fire Nation attacked.


Can someone please explain this France hate to me Is it a reddit thing, what did they do?


Much like most things recieving hate online, those bastards had the gall to exist.


A little extreme. America is awesome, couldn’t be more grateful to be here.


It is awesome and there is nothing wrong about thinking that way. Without denying any troubles and hardships USA is going through right now, America is way better than most other countries in terms of working, living and self-improving conditions for people, mainly because it is one of the most independent countries whatsoever. Quite funny to witness the "popular" opinions from those who barely know what is actually going on outside of United States and probably have never even been there, but still dare to hate their own country on Reddit because they think its cool.


"America is the worst fucking country, because I saw a vice article on one shooting one day, and ever since I know everything about America, and I could tell you all of Americas issues and why is sucks compared to Europe" "no Ive never lived in America, but I dont have to, to know all the issues etc etc etc..."


There are so many beautiful parts of America. I love New Mexico,Arizona, Nevada, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Maine, San diego CA, South Carolina, Montana, Saratoga Springs NY, and Hawaii.


For us in Europe, believe me when I say the beauty is not the problem, I'd gladly live for a few months in the US and visit every corner of it. The laws, the few but extremely dangerous morons, some of the very few yet too extrem to be ignored aspects of the culture and the transportation.


Every country has its fair share of extreme morons. It shouldn’t be used as an excuse not to visit. Bosnia has some beautiful sights, but some guy who escaped The Hague still isn’t an excuse. You just have to avoid them sometimes, and other times just accept the craziness (as long as it’s not straight up advocating for killing/harming people)


I live a great life in America, the pay in my profession is highest in the world here. I'm a lucky one though, the standard of living is dropping rapidly and the people in less privileged positions are totally screwed here compared to being in the EU. Basically the inequality is greater here, those on the "winning" side have it pretty good while many others suffer.


I live here, it’s pretty cool if you’re not fucking insane


As a dual national between Australia and the US I'm eternally grateful for my dad's stubbornness in not wanting to move to the US and instead convincing my mum to raise us in Aus.


Sadly, Australia is not too far behind the US.


as an asian living in asia, i dont care really


At least you’re not American


so youre european?


Not right now, but i'll probably beapeein later.


According to Reddit the world only consists of NA and Europe. The rest is fake news because no one ever talks about it. Asia? Is that the fictional place where food shows are shot? Africa? Is that where documentaries of lions are filmed? Australia? Is that where you'd find giant spiders crawling in your bathtubs? South America? Is that where video games are set in where characters fight drug lords?


Pretty sure Asia is that fictional country Godzilla comes from


Same here bro, i even laugh at our criticisms because, well, they are mostly true. Lol


Honestly EU criticism is also mostly true, but hey at least we're not american.


Any criticism of Brazil Brazilian: you're god damn right


Until someone mentions the Wrights beat Santos Dumont by a couple of years.


We already suffer so much on a daily basis, let us have at least one nice thing going on for us


Europeans: "I respect your opinion, But I really disagree. Let me argue why: You see..." Americans: "BLOW IT OUT MY ASS, PUFFGIRL"


Except it definitely isn't like that lol, you get upvoted for shitting on America and get downvoted for giving any sort of criticism towards Europe


Something to think about considering half the people on reddit are from the US. If literally every other country in the world thinks like that, there could be something about it.




The majority of Americans actually love their country, statistically. The ones who are unsuccessful enough to complain about their country on Reddit, however, are probably the same ones who were too stupid to succeed here. Then they go bitching on Reddit as if Norway wants them to be their tax burden lmfao.


Bingo. Reddit isn’t a representation of the majority. This website has a much higher representation of people that are bitter and sad, and blame their environment rather than themselves.


Half the time it’s “Haha British people have bad teeth and say water bottle funny!” which gets met with “You shoot obese children in schools.” Like alright bro I was just giving a playful jab and you brought up…. That. Guess you win.




Reddit is full of self hating Americans and plenty of idiotic Europeans that aren't pumping out logical and well thought out arguments.


Europeans: Every criticism of Europe totally doesn’t occur in MY home country. Haha, stupid Americans thinking Europe is one country. American tries to point out that they live in a state where the criticisms don’t apply and point out that the US spans almost half the planet. Europeans: Nope, the whole country is exactly the same you stupid American.


Imagine having a life after school




LMAOOO take my upvote dickhead <3


Europeans getting real defensive in the comments lol.


Bruh it’s so funny, they proved the meme right.


It’s like the whole “when the dude in the meme shows up in the comments” moment lol


Same thing happened when somebody did one about racism then Europeans and the Roma. The entire comment section was Europeans being giant bigoted assholes about the Roma.


I’ve seen every argument in these comments. From claiming craft American beer is “hipster propaganda” as if Americans don’t also make great beer, to all the easy low hanging shootings/healthcare talking points. It’s been a wild ride lol. Like, every continent has its faults. North America has the USA with issues like healthcare and gun violence, and Europe has *Russia*. It all evens out!


Not realizing that if European countries were as large and diverse as the USA, they would be suffering from similar issues. And news from the US has a greater reach on avg. than most places in Europe. You cannot sneeze in the wrong direction in the US without it becoming a national crisis and used internationally to undermine the power that the US holds.


It really does show how irrelevant and worthless European countries are that they know literally 100% of all news that goes in the US yet I have no reason for even knowing the names of the European countries. Why would I care if someone from montenigfrance hates where I’m from? Lmfao.


So many Euros acting bitter and jealous on Reddit lately. This must be what the pretty girls feel like.


We live in a World were people claim proudly their own ignorance.


Americans live rent free in Europeans' minds. Amount Europeans talk about America >>> amount Americans talk about Europe.


Facts tho, OP is a pressed American


OP has hurt feelings


I've seen like 5 low effort posts with this exact message across different subs. Really wonder who's pushing this narrative, or is it just a popular meme?


I'm fine with criticism of Europe and where I live within it but I do find comfort in knowing things could be worse


I get you point.. You are not American!!


America fat, insurance, maga, and guns that's my joke.


can’t type comeback. eating.


Don’t type, just shoot


Now my question, what is something that works in America way better than in Europe?




In what way do guns work there better? Killing innocent people? Or for robberys


Mass shootings I would say


All of the above. Also in the military. Idk ask the question better next time. My answer is very valid.


Killing people is cool. Grow up eurotard.


National Parks




[Hardangervidda National Park](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hardangervidda_National_Park) in Norway is greater in size (and beauty if you ask me) than Yosemite.


What's the difference? Europe has beautiful nature that is free to visit


The size alone makes a huge difference. There’s a single park in the US that’s larger than Moldova.


“what’s something that works in america?” “we are bigger”


Y’all are giving some condescending answers. I’ve been looking into moving into either America or Europe and I can give some real answers in terms of economics. America does cost of living better (food especially). Not only does your dollar go further, but you’ll also get paid more than in Europe if your working a high skilled job.


You’ll get paid more, for a more expensive life tho (absolute shit public transport, health insurance…) i know that bc i’m an engeneer and i looked into it too lol. Also it’s true, you can definetly go cheaper on food there, but it’s because here unhealthy food is taxed a lot. Generally in eu if you want to spend less, you basically eat seasonal veggies, pasta, sometimes meat, and you’ll spend very very few bucks. America is great if you earn a lot of money, and it gets worse each year


It’s an absurd conversation. For example, [look at this list of grocery prices](https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/rankings_by_country.jsp?title=2020&displayColumn=3). Switzerland tops global rankings for food expense. Albania is number 104. Both of these are European countries. The US is number 12. No, it’s not about “taxing poor quality food”. These are grocery prices, not fast food. The least expensive groceries are in Afghanistan so whoopie, let’s all go live in Afghanistan, right? Imagine some guy from a war-torn province in Afghanistan saying: “Every other one of these 132 countries sucks cos their food costs so much more than mine.”


Air conditioning.


That's North Europe thing, Southern Europe has Air conditioning in every house (multiple rooms often)


I think the biggest difference is it sounds like you are describing a window unit. Window units are much more rare in the US nowadays and most places built after the 80's have central heating and AC


handling of marijuana legally




This is like comparing a single US state to the whole EU


Yes seeing as marijuana isn’t legal in the Netherlands.


Yes, in some states it's better. Our "gedoogbeleid" is weird. Basically it's not illegal but it's not legal either.


In my experience - Washing machines, tumble driers, sandwiches, diners, hire cars, gyms, sushi, martinis, burgers, Amazon, couriers and shopping in general, Uber, food delivery, breakfast options


as an American, I think listing amazon and uber as something we "do better" than Europe is pretty fucking dystopian


Probably he’s just referring to Amazon having faster shipping and better availability in the US and Uber having more drivers available. It’s not like Europe has a shortage of megacorporations. The logistics are just not as optimized as they are in the US for certain things. Would you rather the soul-sucking corporate overlord *not* offer you better service for the same price?


Self-defense rights, easily. If I shoot a criminal in my own home I have to prove that he meant to harm my family, otherwise I went too far. People being forced to pay damages to their own thieves is just mental.


Disability accessibility. The US is the best in the world for it, this is coming from a European. Now, accessibility for walking distances is a whole other thing that you get negative points for. Seriously, you need a car to get anywhere. Being able to buy almost anything and get it there fast, it's a privilege not a lot of people realise they have. Job/career opportunities. Healthcare is in the middle, it's really good if you can afford it. And that's a big IF. ​ Overall, the US is good if you have money and a good-paying job, but the thing the EU has is a better work/life balance with lower salaries (depending on the job and it sometimes evens out with US healthcare and other additional expences).


Military-industrial complex




Owning property, despite all the millennials complaining about not being able to buy houses in the most expensive urban areas, it is still far easier to buy land and a home somewhere in America than any other developed country in the world.




Water fountains and public restrooms


Better wages for professional occupations


They may be like bots, but at least they're not AMERICAN bots


There's something more worst: At least we are not in China


The thing that annoys me the most is being considered English. Such as people saying that anyone from the Uk speakings like “bo’le o wota innit bruv” or referring to the Uk as “England”. My country isn’t fond of England


As An Irish person I get that , they litterally see us as England’s Cuba


Belgium was referred to as a city by Trump, I feel you


Ah yes, great country of Europe. You refer to it as if it was one


The western European monkeys think Europe is just the UK,Germany, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland, Netherlands etc They know that literally every other European nation is significantly poorer than the US


well at LOEST our SHCOOLS don' look loike call of jooty!!1!!1!1111!


Europe = England. Got it


that's just a comeback, and a mocking of said comeback, I hear. mainly because I'm from England


I mean the worst thing is that you keep saying europeans, meanwhile in Europe is 44 diferrent countries.


America bad 😡. Thanks in advance for the free karma :)


Europe is in decline and this is the denial/anger stage of grief.


and america isn’t in decline? i’d be surprised if you don’t fall into chaos in the next decade


Lol...that's the point of the meme. You can't criticize Europe without them going "but what about America!?" You literally just proved the meme right.


Not wrong. Some of my co workers are from European countries and every single one of them moved to the US not because of the higher salary but because it’s a lot better than where they lived.


The comment section is proving your point so hard.


“I’m not offended it’s just that Americans have horrible everything duhhhh”


It is true though


This meme proved that it’s super easy to piss off Europeans lmao


There are a few countries in Europe worse than America, tbh. In the context of the world the U.S. is still above average.


That sounds like a unhealthy dose of copium. ;P


This thread gave me cancer.


Like what criticism?


European racism, aging and dying population, Britain leaving the EU like idiots, Greece taking millions of the EU’s money, extremely long wait times for healthcare, I could go on, but at a certain point I reach the ones Europeans would be defensive about. Edit: I’ve thought of one to add: Obnoxiously cannot accept that they aren’t perfect.


>extremely long wait times for healthcare, This one is US propaganda. Our waiting times aren't that long.




I fucking hate Europe (I’m european)


There's a lot of jealousy involved. Mostly because American culture rules the world and Americans mostly don't care what's going on in other countries.


At least we have public transportation unlike US.


You have never been to a major American city


I live in a major American city, and the Bus is never on time, has extremely limited routes, and is the only option for public transportation. Shit, it even stops running after 11pm. If you work 3rd shift, you're fucked. Public Transportation is the US is fucking pathetic, man.


In some ways European countries are getting more American by the day, which is worrying




Ive seen most Europeans be very rational about their countries flaws as long as they’re being presented in a valid way


Am currently visiting Europe and it is actually hilarious how much racism and straight up shitty people and politicians they will ignore just to point at a deformed straw man of America as if they know what the fuck is actually going on there. EDIT: Most people I’ve talked to are actually quite reasonable about it, just misinformed with sensationalist headlines like you would expect. As an example to my comment, I was talking with a Berlin local last night and found out that neo-nazis are still a very real and serious problem in German rural areas. If I had just listened to Reddit’s version of the world, I would think all the Neo-nazis were hanging out in Kentucky.


“But have you heard about America?” I’m the last person to defend America but 9/10 when I see a European complaining about something in America, they have the same or a similar issue back home. That 1/10 is health care


me waiting for them to mention either pricey healthcare or gun violence