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Lmao I get that. Have you read through the whole thing? How long has it been since you started reading it? It says in the Bible that it’s not something that can be done in a day


Iv Read it over some time, parts at a time. My issue, that Iv had as long as I can remeber is I’m a very visual learner - I might have ADHD or something - cause reading I have a hard time actually taking in the information - where as when I watch something 1-2x it becomes like muscle memory to me. It’s a gift and a curse


Use whatever you’re gonna use, get your setup ready tails whatever floats your boat, I used my phone for years without a hiccup but this was 2018-2023 (not saying you do this just what I did, a lot of people throw shade but just how I did it then) I just found a good tor app and away I went. Look up markets reviews etc, window shop man get a feel. Start small. It really can be easy as 123 I haven’t done it in a while but I know it’s still pumping. Just sometimes a bit more hoops.




I feel you. I did it because I was tired of wondering where and how would these experiences I want come to fruition? Well I made it happen and for many others and it was a hell of a ride. One guy even sent me a poem with what I got and I still have it to this day


All mine came in Mormon Gospel CD cases hahahaha


That’s cool. Shits always dif I’ve had shit vendors with no stealth and then sometimes you’d think you got sent random junk in the mail




I wouldn’t be saying stuff like that here lol mods gonna cut that off, I was tryna be as desperate as I could but they don’t like you to say what and all was acquired


Noted! Sorry! I will delete that comment not trying to break rules :)


I’ll eventually just give it a go, I just wish there was a damn video tutorial hahah


Same^^^ tails and kleopatra all the way now tho


I feel that, I’m def gonna crack into some of that later on when I get back into it


I’m using my phone I’ve been able to access the market but I’m getting hung up on the bitcoin part(like how does the wallet work do I link it to my profile or how do I get it on the market?) If I buy bitcoin off cash app how do I transfer it from there to market?


Look for a channel on YouTube called Mental Outlaw. He has made videos on the DnM bibles (not sure if there is a 2024 version video or 2023 though...) and also a bunch of other good stuff to peak your curiosity. Highly recommend him (in case you need help with the search term wrote Mental Outlaw DnM). Best of luck!


Okay. You’re welcome to PM me but if you’re wary of an internet stranger I get it 😂 you can just make a separate post asking about main concerns too. It requires a good amount of planning and coordination to do it 100% the most safe


This is me...I swear I used to be smart enough to do shit like this, now all I do is listen to Ye


Yo can you pmo on that bible tho


the bible is quite literally a step by step guide


Have u taken any first steps yet? Nobody can hold ur hand. But if u have more specific questions I’m sure u will get some help here. Good luck


Is Dread up right now guys? I haven’t been active in awhile so I dont know. But OP, if you can get to Dread all your Opsec and other questions that used to be allowed here until they banned /r/darknetmarkets are answered there. Nothing to risk going there. Not illegal to go there. Get there. That’s what here used to be like. There’s multiple factors at play, but the typical “just read the Bible” advice doesn’t give the full picture. The longer people have been doing this the easier it was to get access. Both from an informational perspective (hell straight up vendor reviews here all day every day, vendors arguing with each other, it was heaven) and also a technological one. Back then I just bought BTC off a guy from local bitcoin in a Walgreens parking lot and logged on and got my shit. Now it’s a huge pain in the ass to get the proper funds from fiat


See this is where I’m confused. My roomate and I used to dabble a few years ago - and I remeber it being overall simple and I know for a fact he didn’t take time to read the Bible - he’s just computer gifted…. But now I’m trying on my own and all the steps are just overwhelming me. Maybe it’s a sign to not get into it, but damnit I’m so tired of the hassle of trying to find what I want and ensuring it’s up to par lol


Stop over thinking this. You're not disarming a nuclear bomb, youre logging onto a website. Download Tor and window shop. There's nothing illegal happening until you start moving money


Best comment.


You’re just being way too paranoid man.


I remember in 2015 when I first got on it took me a full day. I’m no genius but am tech savvy. Set up the TAILs, learned to make a persistent drive. Played around with the OS. signed up an alt email to a recommended email provider. Learned PGP. Was nervous the first time and fucked it up and the vendor was just like, “dude try again. Can’t decrypt.” It’s more complex than it used to be but that’s where it starts. For you the goal should be accessing dread. It is essentially everyone who really cared from that banned subreddit moved it to a TOR site. Lots of phishing. Lots of fake links. Dread has only ever had one address. It is under constant ddos attack. But there you will find the info you are looking for. Search first. There’s a lot there. When the site is up. You should know where to get the address but I don’t want you to get phished trying to. It’s on /r/DreadAlert I don’t know if the site is up.


I've been doing this since 2018 and I remember learning just using the standalone Tor browser on a computer should be effective. I also use tor on mobile. Thats all I do is open up tor browser on pc and use kleopatra for pgp. I don't use tails OS


I had a friend that ordered for me for 5 years fuck me over and it took me about three days reading on duck duck go and I had an account. It ain't hard. Tor.taxi has reliable links atm. Learn pgp!!! I'm no teacher tho!


It's not that big of a pain though in reality. It takes me about 10 minutes to purchase and send to my tails wallet and usually runs me about 6% in fees.


Gotta risk it for the biscuit m8


Just post the steps here and people will tel you yes or no


How do I find the Bible


Same question here




This subreddits FAQ or go on Tor and search "Darknet Bible", it was the first link for me. Compared it to the one on here and on Tor and they're both the same so pretty sure its right


OP is a fed nobody take the bait


I mean, I certainly understand your comment. I take no offense cause honestly I know my ask is outlandish - but oh well, I asked anyway. Lots are hesitant and I can’t blame that for that one bit! But I can promise you if you look at my profile, or have a conversation with me you’ll be able to tell I’m far from a Fed lmfaoooo


I don’t mean this disrespectfully, but everything you need is there. If you are too nervous to do it, maybe ordering from the dark net isn’t for you—and that’s okay. If you want to do it, just do it. Get a notepad and physically write your passcodes down.


Yea I’m just psyching myself out is the problem The steps seemed so much more simple back in the day


If this is personal use there's no need to psych yourself out. If you've followed all the steps then you're good to go. Just order domestic post only, and make sure your vendors reviews are solid, and you will be perfectly safe. If it's not personal use then yeah this isn't for you




I have no idea what this meansb


I think he means that you need to just read the bible it until you understand it.


No. You need your faithfulness to be able to make your dreams happen


Amen 🙏


Yeah, for 500 to my BTC wallet (up front) I’ll connect you in. Easy peazy, multi vendor access




Where are you stuck? Which parts intimidate you the most? What's your ultimate goal here?


I sent you a message


I need help too. And could use a friend to show me the ways.


DAE wae


If I knew more I would help u lol I’m also a beginner


I feel you! I understand people skepticism in helping with this too, but figured it can’t hurt to ask someone might be willing to help - If not it’s understandable!


Hit me up i gotvu


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^puzzleruzzle19: *If I knew more I* *Would help u lol I’m* *Also a beginner* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Reach me I can take you through


You guys are speaking different languages. Why is it so hard to use the darknet?




Like firstly what's a bible? I doubt you are referring to Christian one. And everyone seems to be speaking in code and not actually helping out. I get we are all buying less than legal substances and maybe even illegal porn (what else do you do on the darknet?)


It's to buy safely at markets


it’s not code you just don’t understand what they’re taking about


idk what you’re doing but if it’s something that is for “personal use”, don’t sweat it. Just use TAILS, always self encrypt info with kleopatra, & use something like CakeWallet or Strike to convert BTC to XTC.


Yea I think I gotta try it in a few steps at a time get comfortable with the systems - that’s where I get uneasy is trying to learn all of it at one time


I know everyone here is about OpSec, but I wouldn’t even recommend learning all of it. Learn the essentials so if you’re trying to get moving. Then if you want, go learn the rest.. but it’s kinda simple if you’re personal; use TAILS so that you can dispose of the hardware & the metadata etc is linked to anything but your personal device — use kleopatra because , if we can learn anything from the recent exit scam, don’t trust vendor’s auto encryption — convert BTC to XTC, just to be safe, but also bc lots of places only accepting one of those rn. If you’re Lowkey & not running a town or something that puts you on the law radar, you don’t really have anything to worry about. I guess 1 last thing is I wouldn’t even risk sending your funds to anywhere but NA (assuming you’re from NA). I have had dozens of international packages seized (again, personal use here, nothing has happened in 10+ years) & basically if that happens, your address is compromised. You can’t use it again for INTL. if you only do business within NA, you don’t deal with customs etc. & you don’t have to worry about your package getting seized, weeks of waiting — just check your mail in 3-7 days & boom. anyways, hope you can ease your mind. It’s not as big of a deal as you thinking IMO As far as the systems go, it’s TAILS, Tor Connection, Tor Browser, & Kleopatra. Prioritize learning those & you’ll be fine. Unless you’re the kingpin of x county & you have sus ford vics that sit in front of your house at random hours of the day. In that case, ignore everything I said


Thanks. This is useful.


Life is full of risks.


I’ll help dude. Ask your questions.


I honestly just need someone to hold my hand my first go if I’m being honest hahaha




I dunno if you’ll get a lot of info just following, feel free to ask any questions yourself, here or in a dm.


it takes a lot of reading but its pretty straightforward. you buy a physical usb stick, install tails on it, then you install the wallets that hold your money, as well as make your passcode (PGP key) to purchase stuff on the darknet. to buy the currency used to purchase stuff, you can just install an app on your phone or use any crypto website.


This post gave me hemorroides


Think they make a cream for that


I place orders mostly thru abacus and take ltc or xmr




This post violates Reddit’s policy against transactions involving prohibited goods or services as explained [here](https://www.reddithelp.com/en/categories/rules-reporting/account-and-community-restrictions/reddits-policy-against-transactions). Usually, this rule is broken because of unintentional [sourcing](https://www.reddit.com/r/darknet/wiki/index/gloss#wiki_sourcing). --- If you believe this removal was in error, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/darknet).


anyone with the DNM bible please drop it in my inbox


I recommend you to start playing with tails, set up all the setting but wallets. Then use tor, get to know the dark net, read in dread about opsec and what you want. Also, start playing with passwords, pgp keys, all the app in tails that can be useful for your actions and dmarkets. Only at that point, when you are confident with all the environment, do a backup of your system, start setting up the wallets, and always do a backup every time you do something relevant (like transaction). You can’t be ready at one shot only by reading, you should practice step by step the guide.


Stop being a pussyboi its not illegal to use tails or access the darkweb. Just play around with shit until you figure it all out. The feds aren’t interested in small fish like you, they have limited resources.


Read it again


Fine hahaha


Don’t think this is for you…


You might be right :/


ou ta trouver la bible moi j’aimerai bien la trouver pour cours ce qu’il y a dedans et pour pouvoir commencer un peu


I want to read the Bible, how I can get one?


Hey, it can be a bit daunting to begin with. I would suggest reading the bible a few times and making notes of the bits you don't fully understand so you can concentrate on that. Also use 'dread' for links to legit sites. It'll tell you what link to each market is working. I'm not very techy and had a few issues. I'm still very new to it and did lose money in the beginning because I went in without really paying attention and hit up phishing sites. Oops.


The biggest hurdle I had was getting Tails to actually download. Every file I downloaded was corrupted. Took me forever to figure out what I was doing wrong.


Nike!! Just do it.


Your not going to lose all your money. Just make sure you follow market links from daunt.link and you'll be fine. Maybe you should get a feel for the markets and start browing. Also go on dread and get acclimated there






Learn about darkweb here: r/darknet_questions


Yes. If you would like


Ask him to show you


One of your narc friends can show you....


Ok lol


Ok fed


Understandable comment


Lol bro like everyone said here, it's not that bad. Rip the band-aid off. Tails, plus pgp is all you really need to learn. Use your real name. Don't make huge orders until you had a few successful. Stay within your country. The worst thing that happened to me is all my mail stopped showing up for 6 months. Sucked but it started coming back one day. And don't ever respond to a voicemail to go pick up at local post office lol. Everyone gets burned or exit scammed once in a while, it's part of the game.




If you are just looking to get substances then telegram is just as good as any market on the dark web and it's a lot less ball ache and still uses crypto and still pgp encrypts your Address details if using a vendor bot. And you can get a list of approved bots via Tessaract.


Iv just heard it’s nothing but scams on telegram?


No doubt there are some, just like on the markets but that's why I signposted to the Tessaract approved vendor bots. I've not been scammed in 12 months or so. Feel free to drop me a DM as not sure what I can get away with saying in this sub & the rules.


Bro just use telegram, you almost can’t fuck up with certain channels on telegram




This post violates Reddit’s policy against transactions involving prohibited goods or services as explained [here](https://www.reddithelp.com/en/categories/rules-reporting/account-and-community-restrictions/reddits-policy-against-transactions). Usually, this rule is broken because of unintentional [sourcing](https://www.reddit.com/r/darknet/wiki/index/gloss#wiki_sourcing). --- If you believe this removal was in error, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/darknet).


Theres ways to make a burner number create account and connect over a tor node


Yeah you send 1k tracking comes next day, jokes on you never comes deleted account life over in shame


Telegram requires a huge amount of trust in your vendor. Markets keep people honest with an escrow system. This is not the case with telegram I would never suggest that someone new uses telegram first


What telegram?


If you have to ask you don't need to know




Forget it, full of scammers


Okay, fedboi


Understandable comment. Can’t blame you for thinking that.


It was just a joke. But still, best to assume. Federal infestation happens everywhere. It's the one thing they are good at.


Totally agree - no hard done :) I knew even posting this was a little outlandish but figured it can’t cause any harm to ask


Nobody say nothing to nobody. Some secrets of the universe must remain under lock and key by those charitable secret societies. Word on the street is get a cigar box fill it with a grand stack. Bury it in your garden Post your cooords on here Wait 12 hours And then he presto The magical vanishing cash trick is complete....


The holy bible?


yeah lmao 😂🤣😂🤣