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No it's a waste of money, no one tumbles BTC any more just convert it to XMR and send that XMR to a secondary wallet and you are 100% fine.


BTC tumblers were such a scam. The short answer is no. The longer answer is still god no. It's way cheaper to the LTC to XMR route btw. BTC is an expensive hassle.


Why everybody recommending buying ltc first if you can straight buy monero? (Like in kraken)


That's not a option for everyone there a few places XMR is not listed on kraken like the UK for instance


Oh ok thank you thats explains alot


I been out of the loop for a while and I used to use local monero, but I see they’re gone now. So what’s the best option now? Buying LTC and swapping to XMR? Or just buying XMR on kraken? I’m not too worried about the extra fees. Is one safer than the other? I would imagine buying XMR from kraken and transferring to a secondary wallet would be easiest…


If you can buy straight XMR, then do that. Buy it, send it to your personal wallet, then send it to your market wallet like you said. The LTC thing is for people who can't buy straight XMR.


People have trust issues with exchange. My route hasn't been problem free for all people, but I've been lucky.


You shouldn't be using BTC at all. Use litecoin. It's accepted just as widely as BTC but only costs mere cents in transfer fees


Well LTC is great (but MWEB is often not supported in CEX). Buy BCH with CashFusion and Tor enabled (e.g. StackWallet) and exchange that for Monero. It's imo the most private way to go from one transparent crypto that is everywhere available to Monero.


Can you suggest some private exchanges?


Study this: https://www.reddit.com/r/darknet/comments/1dje9il/buying_only_xmr_noticeable/l9c4sie/ 1. Haveno 2. Atomic swaps 3. Trocador 4. Exch.cx


I have used trocador and had Zero issues


Their support team is amazing too


No. Just get XMR anyway you want, as soon as it leaves your local wallet its untraceable.


Scammers gotta eat too I guess


No need to. Once converted to XMR, the chain is broken. It can not be followed beyond that point. Due to the privacy features built into xmr protocol. Learn more at: r/darknet_questions


OP please learn about Monero. Understand the fundamental basics of its privacy. When you do finally understand it, you will then realise that it doesn't matter what you do before entering Monero. The moment you send XMR to your personal wallet you become invisible. Everything that you did beforehand becomes irrelevant.


Someone recommended converting btc to xmr, then sending it to another xmr wallet. Is that necessary? Or can you just convert the btc to xmr


You create a new stealth address in one of your accounts. Send the XMR you received from the trade to that address. Done. That's it. Your money goes dark and everything that you do from now on, is invisible to everyone. 😎


What are you a millionaire or something?


You don't need to tumble it before converting. If you are able to get Litecoin instead of Bitcoin to change into XMR, do that. It is a million times cheaper to send and exchange


No. But you could use LTC with MWEB or BCH with CashFusion (e.g. StackWallet supports it). Because it is always sane to use better privacy than worse.


Btc to Infiniti exchanger