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Honestly your gear is just fine, especially with the amount of poise you get from Elite Knight armor + Wolf Ring. Just be aware that the Drake Sword doesnt have any scaling (Param Bonus in the detailed weapon description), so its damage wont increase from you leveling sour stats, but only from the weapon itself being upgraded, meaning that Drake Sword falls of pretty hard mid- to lategame. Also, with full Elite Knight armor, two weapons, two shields and only 18 End you have got to be fatrolling right? That is something that isnt recommended, you should get to <50% Equip Load to be at midroll, which will make you roll faster and have more I-Frames (<25% = Fastroll, <50% = Midroll, >50% = Fatroll).


nah my rolling is pretty smooth a little sluggish but he could be faster end was my next project after getting strength up to 25 and vit to 23


You should experiment with under 25% equip load, under 50%, and then how you're rolling now Under the 25% equip load is the *fast roll*, it has more i-frames (I think?), but also just way quicker. Personally I can't play over 50% equip load. Mid roll is decent. Fat rolls are hard. Though if you're that beefy you can block most things and not worry about rolling at all Also you want to get off the drake sword soon, you'll need larger embers for Andre to upgrade past +5 weapons(also going past +5 is under the modify weapon option, not reinforce weapon option in the menu, for reasons)


guys he fell for it 🤭


what did i fall for might i ask?


drake sword is known noob trap cause it's really good early, and by the time it falls off some players have awkward stats and cant do much damage with any weapon


ahhhh fuckkk


your 25 str should be decent enough, most the damage actually comes from levelling a weapon. +15 hits hard even with base stats


After you defeat Ornstein and Smough in Anor Londo and talk to Princess, you will get Lordvessel. It will let you warp only to certain bonfires you rested at. Do not place it for snake at Firelink. Don't talk to him. Instead beast New Londo Ruins. This will let you talk to another snake in abyss, who will let you join Darkwraith covenant for achievement. Placing lordvessel for any snake will unlock 3 passages to different key areas for beating the game and make the world more open. To defeat O&S, consider co-op but don't level over 50 as level restriction will make summoning players more unlikely to assist you. Killing Ornstein first makes fight easier and you can separate them with pillars. If you only want to beat the game, level up endurance to 40, you can also just place lordvessel for snake at Firelink. You can "sell" items to this one and he can turn upgrade material into it's weaker versions. If your Firekeeper at Firelink died, equip black eye orb and explore Anor Londo a bit. You will fight Lautrec with 2 gankers but only his death is important. Return Firekeeper soul to her cell under the game's main hub area after you gain Lordvessel. 25% equip load or less makes you really fast. In a tower before boss taurus demon there is a heavily armored guy named Havel. Dodge his slow attacks and kill him for his ring. Armor should be less clunky now and combine it with Lautrec's ring. With 40 endurance and Lautrec's ring, you have 192 stamina. Just because armor is named elite or heroic doesn't make it good, look at it's stats. only have 1 swrd equipped at a time... and drake sword is crap. if you have found embers, give them for free to respective blacksmiths so they can upgrade more. Catacomb skeletons are only put down permanently until area reset if their necromancer is dead or divine weapon dealt killing blow. Moonlight butterfly in darkroot guards bridge to divine ember. Some weapons have innate divine affinity.


i killed havel and haven’t equipped it yet i figured there would be a greater purpose to it in the future everything was challenging till i got the Drake sword for a solid bit i was stuck at the Blacksmiths bonfire and routing through firelink all the way to parish then doin that massive loop over and over to grind


Drake sword is a noob trap. Don't use it. Try zweihander. You can find it back at Firelink's graveyard with skeletons. If you hold a weapon in both hands, your strength is threated as if it was 50% higher. Just 16 strength would let you use zweihander with both hands but bonus does not apply to dexterity and you need 10 of it. Just make normal upgrade path for it.


i have it already but if im right it uses titanite shards to upgrade and i only have one on hand but i think the smith sells shards


Titanite shards can upgrade weapons to +5. They are solds by Andre for 800 souls and might drop from some early game knights and soldiers. Large titanite chunks are harder to get. In general you really need fandom wiki [https://darksouls.fandom.com/wiki/Upgrade\_Materials](https://darksouls.fandom.com/wiki/Upgrade_Materials)


sweeeet thank ya


You can find covetus gold serpent ring in Sen's Fortress for MUCH better item drops. It's behind a breakable wall but you must fill a pit with baulders to have it break the wall, it's a puzzle.