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Get the bonfire hidden behind a illusionary wall next to the stone door with the glowing thing in the forest


Thank you!


Take witch beatrix from the bottom of the butterfly tower (summon sign is in the bushes) with you and avoid the magic attacks of the butterfly


Top tier advice, thank


If you take her for this fight, there's another boss she'll help you with later


She won’t if I don’t summon her?


No, also the only way to get her catalyst and outfit is to summon her for both Edit : I'm wrong, it says the exact opposite on the wiki, you *don't* have to summon her


I don’t think you need to summon her for the second fight to get her items, they appeared after that fight where they were supposed to after when I didn’t summon her a second time


Maybe it's only summon at least once? Idk, wiki probably says it


I've never summoned her and got her catalyst


Don't worry, she's useless for that fight.


Not great for damage, maybe, but she's a useful distraction when you're pure melee.


She's kinda not she gives the boss more health and does not have enough tankiness or damage to make up for it you're better off just equipping the best armor you can and the highest damage weapon you can and just face tank it and keep attacking.


To each their own, I suppose.




If you Beatrix with you and you are a Melee build, keep evading until the butterfly lands on the platform. But if you are use sorcery, you can fire some spells just make sure you avoid the butterfly's spells. You can also use bows or crossbow but I don't recommend it.


I had never realized there was a summon there


Yeah at the bottom of the stairs. Just be sure to take out all the stone guardian things before you summon her.


I never kill the guardians, I just bait the last one and she 1taps him while he's after me


Yeah this is the way, she steamrolls the boss for you basically


What is this summoning hogwarsh? The game is not the same when the boss isn’t even targeting you.


Mechanics that are included in the game by design are unacceptable to me because reasons /s


Some YouTuber told them it’s bad so now they believe it entirely


Are you from Warshington or Pixburgh? lol


Have you beaten Ornstein and Smough without summoning Solaire? I bet you haven't.


That was the greatest accomplishment in my first playthrough! How many times I went down that elevator and around the center and up those stairs… Granted, I didn’t really understand the summoning system first time through lol. NG+ it was fun as hell summoning Solaire, but c’mon it’s a breeze when one of the two aren’t targeting you. Everyone is downvoting me but am I wrong?


Are you honestly defending the Moonlight Butterfly fight of all things?


If you go back to the undead asylum you can get the crest shield which has good magic defence


Main shields I use are the crest shields.


My main shield is almost always grass crest, but I use the others for their situational defenses. For general use besides grass crest I'd rather have heater shield, Baldur shield, or silver knight shield though


Sucks that DSR only has 2 ring slots, I'd just use the stam regen from the ring. Since I can't I have to use the grass shield most of the time. Really love my flippy ring for dex builds


You can always add Mask of the Child too. All of the stamina regen items stack too


I've only done 2 play throughs so far, don't think I ever got that mask. I know my second I got the mother


You can buy all of them from Patches, or farm for them from pinwheel demons near Nito


What's the heater shield good for?


100% damage block


The lightest 100% physical block shield.. But butterfly attacks are magic, so not much help


For melee, summon the witch. The fight becomes almost comically easy.


Thank you


If you dodge the butterfly attacks for a while it gets tired and lays on the bridge so you can whack at it a bit. Provided you've upgraded your weapons as much as you can, you can probably finish the fight in 2-3 rounds of it taking a rest, which just turns it into a roll-dodge check.


Go human and summon Beatrice (check under the stairs), she’ll shoot magic arrows at the 🦋




The butterfly comes down to land. Simply wait for the fucker to stop flying and kill it in one to three cycles.


Dodge magic usually no lock on, unless you’re terrible at dodging then get magic resist shield(grass crest shield is a great option +stamina regen) once it lands whip it with your strongest weapon, don’t try to block all the magic though I wanna say, at lower levels if all beams hit shield may still be insta death, so dodge is largely preferred. Not that hard of a boss though you’ll get it and then prolly be like “butterfly more like butterfried “


That whole boss is just a waiting-fest. Just dodge around until it perches on the bridge and then you can attack. It’s meant to be a ranged boss, but ranged is lame so just be patient


Yea I don’t like being far away in fromsoft games the action is all in the actual swinging


Git gud


Thx m8


You gotta know that's coming on a ds1 help post


I played all of bloodborne without much issue and moonlight still killed me twice so don’t worry about the people calling it easy - it’s super tedious. I kept my character as far away from her as possible, and rolled in the direction of the attacks (so say she is near the middle of the platform, I ran as far as I could to the right) so some of the attacks didn’t reach me, and the ones that did I could just roll to the side for, after that just beat her shit up once she perches - she had to perch 3 times for me to kill her


Run around till she lands and whack her in the head that’s what I did


Me too


Kill it with fire!


I will frenzy lord


Really though, it’s weak to fire. And there’s no requirements to use pyromancy, so chuck fireballs at it.


Beatrix will basically win the fight for you.(find her at the bottom of the stairs. It's dmg is pure magic so just weird the highest resistant armor you have for magic. Same for shields


Try heavy equipments for fat rolling and stop beside the wall butterfly attacks


Summon bitch witress underneath the stairs


Witches ain’t shit but boats and hoes


Well that was uncalled for


Except Ranni


magic shield and doging works for me always


The mini wall barriers on the sides that keep you from falling off. When it’s using its ranged attacks, you can roll behind them quickly and they’ll block almost all of attacks.


Summon Beatrice she recks that thing.


You’re at the wrong bonfire for a start


Didn’t know there was a hidden on


Good on you for playing blind 👍🏻


Hella negative for no reason


No, that was a compliment. We appreciate people trying to get the genuine experience around here.


Oh then my apologies @pelethar yea I robbed myself of an experience with Elden Ring, I would look everything up and it killed it for me but I still love it, and playing these games blind makes the game 10x better


Lol no worries yeah was meant genuinely 👍🏻


Thou shall block/dodge it’s magic attacks and smash the moonlight butterfly once thee has rest upon the edge! Rinse and repeathed!


Praise thy message!


Much obliged comrade!


When he shots lazers roll. When he sits down stab. When hes flying throw bombs


I found it easiest to dodge staying directly in front of the butterfly, against the back wall. Then I just waited for it to land, which may take a while but it will land, and beat it with the zweihander until dead. When it goes to the other side you can just hide behind the door you came in.


Don’t lock on to him while he’s shooting things at you from distance. You can’t roll in 360 degrees directions in this game when locked on, but you can when free looking. This will feel awkward but will make dodging his attacks much easier.


Use the summon


Firebombs! Buy a lot and throw em


Learn his attacks


You’ve probably beat it at this point. But around 30ish firebombs is not a half bad strategy. Can’t ever go wrong with fire bombs.


Idk why I didn’t think of this but thank you (:


Get out a shield with higher magic damage reduction on block. You should have a small wooden shield that has good magic damage protection or be able to get it if you don’t have it already


Get a good magically defensive shield if you need it, otherwise just try to dodge through it’s attacks


Have you tried rolling?


Yes unfortunately I cannot roll in the air


Strafe the butterfly so the spells hit at an angle, and roll into them. The quick spells just time well and save your stamina for it. Never fat roll Easier said than done, I get it. But as the age old adage says, git gud


Level Int enough to get a casting spell for ranged attacks. Then it’s easy from there


Now I wanna play this game again. Thx OP!


Get it on the switch it’s awesome to be able to bring a souls game somewhere


Git gud


Best advice ever


Try finger


Why is it always head?




Thanks for the hint!


If you wait long enough it will eventually go onto the bridge to eat, bringing it within melee range. (First time took me a while to realize this).


Thank you


try killing it.


I feel so stupid for not thinking of that 🤦🏽‍♂️


*ahem*… Git gud


Yes senpai uwu


Git gud? (No hate, I joined the dark souls train pretty late so I never got the chance to tell it to someone else)


Don’t worry bro I just started playing fromsoft games this year lmao, I started saying that to people too 😂


Pyromancy completely annihilates it.


You can buy a shit ton of firebombs to cheese the fight. Getting a heater shield from Andre will help you tank most of the projectiles that you can't really roll through. If you don't want to use firebombs you can gather up some souls and at least get your weapon to +5 from Andre by purchasing his titanite shards. And finally, make sure you have kindled the closest bonfire once so you can get your ten flasks again rather than just 5.


Good luck with the other bosses lmao


They’re not hard tbh just this one didn’t land for a good minute or two before I gave up


High magic resist - MB has literally no physical damage component. The fight goes: flying phase, MB floats like a butterfly and stings you with magic attacks - there are three, fast low-damage spears, slow but homing medium-damage bombs, and a laser that will one-shot you on anything but the smallest chip. Then MB lands and you can go ham on them for 5-10 seconds after two-handing your melee weapon. During flight phase, hug the parapet closest to where MB is flying, as the stones will sometimes absorb attacks that will get over if you stay in the middle. I try to stay in the middle distance, not right under them but not far away as that will bait out attacks I don't want. Dodge everything they throw - each attack type has its own tell, its own timing, and its own roll direction. You can bring a summon who will trivialize this, but once you get the rhythm down it's really easy to do a zero-damage kill.


Dodge a lot when she perches to recharge hit her like a wack a mole


Lightning Spear worked for me. Or just sorcery.


Strength build /: I like wacking shit


Yeah some of us are wackers and some of us are pokers.


Then the rest use fireball like Dwight from the office


Lmao this made me laugh. You don’t need a summon even tho I’m sure you probably beat it already hahaha. Good luck on the rest of the game!


Thank you!




I was just looking for you


Dont die


Thanks boss


All the other advice here is sound, but if you still somehow haven’t beaten it with the above advice, and there’s a specific attack you are having a hard time dodging, the Caduceus Round Shield is incredibly early game obtainable (graveyard at firelink shrine) and has 65% magic resist without any kind of upgrading. So if there’s any attacks you find yourself blocking anyways, that’s a decent one since the butterfly is magic damage. Obviously if you can dodge everything that’s the best bet, but that’s sound advice for most enemies.


honestly you can just come back later, the boss is optional


Don't be a fatty




Get a good bow and some good arrows and pump stats into Dex.


There's a closer bonfire.


Summon the witch. I did this fight yesterday without her as a challenge. Just summon the witch


Secret bonfire near door and summon in bush at the bottom of the tower. Destroys the boss the summon does


bassicaly, whenever you have 20% or lower health (1/4) stand still and let her attack you, you dont take damage if you dont move. ;)




Yes Master


Glass cannon mage build is king for this in my book. Also Beatrix can carry you for this one.


Use the controller


Summon the witch Beatrice for ranged support and dodge or if u feel like doing it solo then just strafe and dodge(takes some time to learn the timing sum) and wait for it to land on the bridge it's vulnerable during this time so two hand your weapon and attack but be careful if I remember right it explodes after sum time before flying off again last time I attempted it I killed it before it could take off again making the fight really easy


you could easily have 10 estus flask+2 at this point; also the vanilla crest shield has 80% damage reduction against magic, which REALLY helps against this boss; also, there's a summon just down the boss stairs (but IMHO summoning npcs makes the boss fights very boring); also you could just go with a pyro glove and chuck fireballs at it from range; also the bonfire hidden next to the glowing orb thing at the forest is WAY closer


I don’t wanna spoil the game but can you hint on how to up my flasks? Level and quantity, I don’t wanna look up a spoiler by accident


You can kindle bonfires since the start of the game, you just have to be human and then offer another humanity at the bonfire, that way your estus goes up to 10 uses instead of 5. The effect only stay active at the specific bonfire that you've kindled, so be mindful of what bonfire you chose since humanities are sparse for a first time player. In order to increase the estus strenght though, it's hard saying it without spoiling it, but there's some special items you can offer to people who take care of bonfires and they will make your estus +1, +2 etc. At this point of the game you definitely got at least one of these items, it's around the gargoyle's church, hope you didn't waste it to gain regular souls, cause this game can be very elusive with its items sometimes. But if you did it, don't worry, first time playing DS we are still learning about the obscure mechanics. Hell, I'd say a true Dark Souls experience only starts at new game+! Hope you're liking this game, it's one of my all time favorites.


Im loving it so far no other games have me hooked since I started playing the fromsoft series, Elden Ring was my first


Wear less or lighter armor so you roll better, drop the shield and 2-hand the axe. When the butterfly shoots magic you roll dodge and wait for it to land so you can smack it in the head till it dies.


mid_rol and everything is good


You just need crest shield or a good magic res shield for the fight after three to four attacks the butterfly lands for sometime then kill it with your strongest weapon


Arrows. Grass Crest Shield has a 70% magic defense. Roll at the release of the Butterfly’s spells






Attack it




Don't die




Just dodge dodge dodge until it lands on the ledge is all you gotta do


It didn’t land the first time I fought it ):


I don’t mind the “git gud” comments cuz it’s part of the culture and funny, but some of y’all talk like you mastered the game the second you booted up the game for the first time 🤨


id recommend using less Armor so that you can fast roll. it makes it way easier to dodge their attacks. grass crest shield helps a lot in the fight for the extra stam recovery (you find this at dark root basin near the black knight) and summoning Beatrice can help lots






Use the rolling invincibility frames to your advantage. When it casts its homing soul magic, roll through it to avoid damage


Moonlight butterfly is the most boring Souls boss I have ever fought in my life.


How?! But for hints: either wait until she sits on the edge or use ranged weapons.


I’m a strength build and it wasn’t doing anything but flying and throwing needles


screenshot instead of taking a picture of your screen


It’s my switch, I think people get know where it’s at tho


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10/10 advice


The Butterfly was the first boss that taught me to pay attention to my armor and shield's stats. I had a lot of trouble with it as well, until I realized there are shields with garbage physical damage stats. . . but block quite a bit of magic damage.


I can dodge them but the butterfly didn’t seem to get close to me when I was playing that’s why /:


Have you tried getting good?


I have not :3






Think someone saying that they are stuck on Moonlight Butterfly is a first for me


It didn’t land for a hot minute thought it was just gonna keep flying


Clean your lens


Sorry daddy


Every time I hear Moonlight Butterfly, I think of Turn A Gundam.


What’s that


Get gud


Sorry 😓


Nah joking the Crest shield blocks 80% of magic dmg and you can find it back in the Asylum from an old friend






Summon the witch, she basically solos the fight


Keep your distance and stay calm, as soon as you see it land run towards it, you’ll only have a limited time to attack.


Roll into the magic, and beat up the butterfly when it lands. Just don't overstay. Zwihander with a couple of pluses twocycles butterfly.


Don't try and block it just dodge also don't stop moving long routes up and down the bridge


Go back to the asylum and kill Oscar, he'll give you a shield that is made against magic.


Go back to the asylum and kill Oscar, he'll give you a shield that is made against magic.


Do you have the grass crest shid equipped? If I remember correctly (it's been awhile since I played) it has the best magic defense. Other than that, learn its moves. Beat the shit out of it when it lands irregardless of whether you are melee or not. When it's in the air, dodge it's attacks, and if there is an attack you can't dodge, block with that shield I told you about. Hope this helps. Good luck


Try typing in the terminal: *git clone https://github.com/dark_souls/gud.git* and then *cd* into it and *makepkg -si*


Git gud


Use a bow


There is a closer bonfire


Git gud. In all seriousness, all you have to do is roll his projectiles until he rests in the bridge. Hit him five times, back off before he climaxes, then rinse yourself off and repeat.


Rolling and timing is the best bet


An easier way is to upgrade whichever crossbow you can use and buy a bunch of heavy bolts from Andre.


Roll into the wall, not to the side or backward. I was stuck on this bus too but when I started rolling into the attacks I beat her in 2-3 tries




try resting at the bonfire beside that door that is opened with the crest of artorias


Spam fireball when possible, it works wonders


Summon Beatrice at the bottom of the stairs hidden in the bush Let her draw aggro while you use any projectiles you have As soon as you see it start to come in for a landing run in and 2 hand hits 3-4 times Run back as she starts to sparkle before her explosion Rinse and repeat


Get gud