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Do you think The Cannibal is going to shoot green flames like his eyes causing Davos to have Blackwater PTSD?


Davos is gonna get bathed in Cannibal’s green flames, then wake up back in the heat of the battle of the blackwater. The last three books never happened. ASOIAF ends in a horrid time loop of Davos suffering.


Don't do My man Davos like that


Dude loses one more fingerbone per loop.


16 more left until it's his pp's turn ?


There are no bones in pp


The one person in the universe that doesn't deserve such a fate.


All more reason for GRRM to make it happen, sadly






Stannis will defeat the Boltons, return to the Wall, and (seven save me) perish as it comes down


I know the Lord of Light will protect his grace from any harm


For the night is dark, and full of terrors 😔✊


Man I have not had a favorable opinion of Massey but that sample chapter he seemed genuinely upset that he was going to be sent away and that he wanted to fight with his king. I thought “this is the moment where you find your honor” and now I can plausibly see him ditching the cause the moment Stannis dies. I didn’t realize how much I was rooting for him to be better until now


As a Stannerman i'm full on the side of Team Dragonstone and all it's characters. But Massey just gave me the most slimiest impression. I belive the King's Men would die by stannis side when the end comes, the Queen's Men would run away in such scenario; but i've always belived Massey to just be waiting for the right moment to ditch


Massey will probably get false news that Stannis is dead from the pink letter.


I think he’s figuring himself out but unfortunately there’s a lot of other geopolitical shit going on around him all the time Edit: he’s kind of like Richard Horpe and Patrek of King’s Mountain. Team Stannis/Selyse have a lot of fascinating weirdos running around up there.


Massey just wants a pirate tomboy wife.


Who doesn’t


Assuming he takes Winterfell... What the hell is Stannis planning to do afterwards??? March south? Winter there and wait for the Others? Create a fleet of ships and take the iron islands while Euron plays with tentacles?


I belive he'll stay in Winterfell and attemp a last Stand against the Others


But then the rest of characters won't have any Others to fight :(


I doubt he'd be successful, poor thing. He'd probably just slow them down a little and add to their numbers as they continue south.


GG realm if Wight King-Stannis-the -Unmannis is leading the dead.


Nah Robb will come back somehow


More generals for the Great Other. Rl'horrists on suicide watch


Melisandre in shambles rn


I mean he could probably convince the Northerners to help him take the riverlands by promising revenge on the freys and restoring house Tully. Then if he succeeds in doing that he can wait for his sellswords from Essos and combine his strength at that point to kick Euron out of the reach winning over the Reacher lords and installing Theon and Asha as his loyalist in the Iron Islands. At that point he would pretty much have the strength to take Kingslanding from who I assume would be Aegon at that point. Now granted I don’t think any of this is gonna play out but if Stannis did take Winterfell he would be an extremely favorable position.


“All he has to do is take the North and then take the Riverlands and then save the Reach and defeat all the Ironborn and then he’ll win.”


I mean it sounds harder then it actually is, the riverlands would essentially be ripe for the taking while the Tyrells are pre occupied with the iron born and the Lannisters are focused on Aegon, he would just be facing a divided Frey family, with motivated Northman who want revenge, and I don’t think driving the Iron Born out of then Reach would be that hard unless Euron has a dragon at that point. He doesn’t have to defeat all the Iron Born just winning over the Reach would be massive.


I mean, this is the dude that beat the Ironborn at sea. Granted, Victarion is a dumbass, but he seems pretty good at Ironborn stuff. I'm sure Stannis will pull something out of his ass and get further than expected of someone in his situation.


Oh I agree if anyone can do it, Stannis can. But it’s still bold to act like it’s an easy path to victory.


I can definitely see him taking Winterfell and making Rickon Warden. After that I don't know what will happen next cause Westeros is a fucking mess so he has the option to get involved in like a dozen things.


Making Rickon Warden of the North? How would that make any sense?


Last legitimate male descendant of House Stark?


Warden of the North is a title beyond Lord Paramount. It means you are responsible for the military response to any threat to the realm from that particular region. Rickon being responsible for defending the kingdom from invasion is laughable. Warden isn’t necessarily a hereditary title.




Can't wait to see how that situation is gonne turn out.


>Can't wait


i just need like one blood sacrifice to happen and i think i'll be good ngl


Halo, in my ASOIAF?


My last three memes have been like that. And i have no intention of changing Course


Halo? At this time of year, at this time of day, in this part of reddit, localized entirely within this sub!?




May I see it?


When i make My next ASOIAF meme


Well u/Alduin_el_compadre, you are an odd fellow, but I must say... you make a good meme.


What would Stannis Baratheon do If he appeared right now? He'd make a plan and follow it through 'cause that's what Stannis Baratheon'd do When Stannis Baratheon was in Storm' s end fighting the Tyrells He told lord Mace to suck his ass and starved himself to almost death And when Stannis Baratheon was in the Stormlands fighting his usurper brother He owned him with his magic flaming woman 'cause Stannis Baratheon doesn't take crap from anyone Stannis is the king right for me ' cause he brings justice and rewards loyalty And I just wish the Targs would stop stirring trouble everywhere For Stannis I'll be a Rh'llor worshipper too, 'cause that's what Stannis wants me to be And what would Stannis Baratheon do? He' d call all the loyal men in the realm and tell them to bend the knee That's what Stannis Baratheon do


Finding Cannibal on Skagos has got to be my most anticipated part of TWOW. That theory is just pure gold


>Cannibal The big fuck off dragon right?




*Howland Reed, Maige Mormont and Galbart Glover have just got online and joined a party with Wyman Manderly*


Knowing George Stannis will fucking die the most horrible death ever


I still think Stannis will marry Daenerys and ride Viserion, take his birthright AND kill every single Other.


The One True King would never lower himself to marrying an abominable inbred dragonspawn.


So ironic. He is a dragon spawn himself. Lol


As diluted as it may be, the Storm King's blood in him negates the Cringe Targaryen blood


So he can marry danny and their offspring will have the Duran's devine blood to negate the cringe inbred blood


I love Justin Massey that mercenary dick


I can totally see Manderly just ordering the death of Davos after he brings him Rickon. A la "Fuck Stannis, you brought the only king i know directly to me"


(F) Aegon is easily manipulated and could be persuaded/coerced to march North to join forces with Stannis. Tyrion convinced him to prematurely ejac-I mean-INVADE Westeros during a board game.