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Brake check or pure panic & shitting themselves from what almost happened with the first truck?


I agree. I think they didn’t see first truck. Panicked and swerved back. Then kept braking cause they almost crashed


How does one miss a truck?


By not looking


Hope they learned a lesson. Also people tend to have there mirrors not adjusted correctly but there was 2 trucks so.that person has no excuse... You wanna make it so the rear view and side view are barely overlaped.


"The truck came out of nowhere!!"


Not even attempting to look is how most people seem to do it


I've found on fb lots of people think you dont need to check blindspota because "you shouldn't be in people's blindspots" xD.


People also think riding your ass in the left lane is ok because "you shouldn't hog the left lane". I love how people use whatever they can to justify being a bad driver.


The left lane is for passing.


Missed the point entirely


Yes, you did.




Ironic that you point out the thing that makes you a bad driver (going too slow in the left lane) and then quickly blame the people behind you. Why did you get in the left lane if people are actively passing you on the left? Why are you in the left lane if you're just gonna hold up traffic? I hope you get a ticket for that.


I see a fair amount of those dumbass comments here too. Almost anytime someone Lane changes into someone else on this sub there will be someone in the comments berating them for lurking in a blind spot


To be fair I get scared shitless being in people's blind spots. But that's just me. Most people seem to pay no attention at all or drive like they own the road. A few days ago I followed a van for 40 miles on my route home because I realized they had the same level of awareness that I did. A rare thing to see.




Saw some lady straight up on her laptop on the interstate.


Saw a guy reading a book that was propped up on his steering wheel on the freeway. Stuck behind a guy watching a movie on his phone on a bridge. No idea how many times I’ve finally gotten around a car to see the driver staring down at his phone. On the freeway.


I always honk at them. Not sure it will ever do any good though


I saw some guy do that last week. Car was all decked out in black, white, and blue paint. Said something about "POLICE" all over the car too.


The amount of people in regular cars and truck drivers I see every day with a phone in their hand is crazy. Some days I just stop counting.


Technically they DIDN’T miss the second truck.


*Truck didn’t miss them.


Way too many people look at life one lane at a time before making a maneuver


They didn't miss it. Hit it pretty good.


How did she miss two trucks


I ask myself that when it happens to me constantly. 80,000 lbs can't stop on a dime let alone a football field yet people pull out in front of me all goddamn day. Most of the time they do seem to be busy on their phones, sadly even other truckers.


By being more concerned with passing the car directly in front of you coming from the on-ramp. I see that behavior daily on I-75.


You obviously never fell in love with a Chevy.


In all seriousness, I've looked left; looked right; looked left again for the all clear on a stretch of road 100+ yards and then turned right only to have a diesel 10ft off my ass and braking for their lives.


He swerved two lanes at once, I don't think he even bothered looking in the mirrors.


It would have been right in their blind spot if they and didn't check mirror until merged into that lane... always check your blind spot.






Those reflective panel trucks are illegal now.


They would have seen it if they did a magical thing called "fucking paying attention"😮


Woah there cowboy, hold your horses with all that whimsical talk.


Your right I apologize kindred gentleperson, thank you for pointing out the error of my ways


Common sense isn't common.


I say this respectfully, if that is someone's reaction they need their license revoked. That puts people's lives at risk, and ones PRIVILEGE to drive does not outweigh others RIGHT to live


Considering it looks like they were only even in that lane because they just couldn't wait to get around the person in front of them, still seems pretty entirely a karmic result.


"Just when I thought I was out of danger, WHAM" -The driver's statement probably


I get panic does weird things to people but Idk how someone's first instinct after almost getting in an accident would be to stop in the middle of the freakin highway. That shoulder is plenty big enough for that car.


Hopefully they get to watch this and they'll learn to remain in the lane they merged onto long enough to either turn their heads or use their mirrors before sliding over one more lane. This could've all been avoided with a little bit of patience.


Learning how to merge would go a long way for that doofus.


Yeah it kinda seems like buddy’s brain just blue screened after the first truck


They put themselves in a bad position early on following the other car too closely as it was also merging. After they about hit the first truck, that other car was blocking them from safely swerving back to the right. So many accidents can be avoided by simply keeping more following distance


Yeah I agree. Sadly not a lot of people practice safe following distance in the US anymore. Especially when there is traffic. Most drivers treat another’s buffer zone as “just enough room to squeeze in”


The truck probably honked when the car cut it off, then they panic’d and swerved over yeah. Shitty ass driver


In any case, got his lights knocked out.


Insurance Scam? Scumbags used to do that a lot - fill a car with knuckleheads, break-check a truck. Claim soft-tissue injury. Reap the sweet, sweet payday


No I think they brake checked the first truck, then briefly thought better of it and bailed to the right lane, where it got a lot worse


It looks like he squirrelled to the left lane in front of the truck hitting his brakes for who knows what reason while still squirrelling, and for some reason is completely stopped when the second truck kicks him into the next county. Little hard to follow. But before the car hits his brakes, the double decker fedex truck is already hitting his brakes. When they get in front of somebody they always hit their brakes (I broke every traffic law so far, so now I better go the speed limit). And he was trying to get ahead of the car in front of him getting on the highway. In a hurry to screw up!


Yes, exactly. I hate people who pass as they are merging. You’re supposed to allow the vehicles ahead of you to merge first, then you merge, and only after that should you pass them, if it’s safe.


What DID (not almost) happen from the first trick. They got nailed by both trucks. Looks like they were brake checking the first truck. Then they just decided to hit the brakes because they got hit without any sense of their surroundings.


They literally merged over without looking and then broke fully, i say, definitely a mix of panic and sheer stupidity...


Regardless, you can’t come to a complete stop on a highway because you got scared.


Not at all an excuse


Watch the very beginning. They were being impatient and trying to pass the car in front of him that wasn't merging fast enough for him. He proceeded to panic when he noticed the FedEx truck in his blind spot, braked too hard, and got nailed in the ass by the second one. Edit: I watched it again again, and the numpty could've made it he'd floored it instead of braking, even if it was still a terrible idea.


It was the latter, but OP seemed to think title. that wouldnt get them enough Karma.


Regardless, they still shouldn't have a license either way.


100% that. But for real who tf would break in that situation after getting out of danger. Regardless it was pretty dumb to stop in the middle of the road.


They shouldn't be driving if they can't handle situations like this


That's a gas moment not a brake moment


An object in motion tends to stay in motion whereas an object at rest tends to get their ass caved in by an object in motion.


A smaller object tends to fuck right off, when there's a bigger object in motion present


. O o . Oo . O o . O o


wow newton was lit


I’m going to use this on my girlfriend to ask for anal, thanks


Cars and trucks have brakes so that doesn’t apply here.


The truck did apply their brake. A truck that big doesn't stop instantly. It does apply here


When I used to drive a big service truck all day I had mentioned to my boss I wanted a dash cam for reasons like this. His reply was that he's never had an issue like this when he drove. So I pulled in every service driver and delivery drive that worked at that location and asked them (7 total). 3 had dash cams they bought themselves because of reasons like this.


Your boss didn't see the big picture. Dash cams protect his drivers. Why the hell would he put up any kind of resistance to having them??


Because he, IMHO, was a dumbass and made lots of choices that didn't make any sense. He wasn't a very good boss.


Even if he didn’t give a fuck about his drivers (which sounds like he doesn’t), it’ll protect the company’s trucks in an insurance battle in case something goes south…literally no reason to not have it.


And when there's an accident involving a truck, the blame is usually automatically assigned to the truck. Had a delivery truck get hit when turning onto a road by a kid coming around a blind corner doing at least 60 mph in a 30 mph zone. Truck was already in the lane when hit. CHP said truck driver was at fault.


I was taught that when the question is "why don't they...?" The answer is generally, "money". But of course this guy is missing the whole liability aspect. I want to tell him an ounce of prevention my dude.


Insert Mr Krabs "Money!" gif here


Dash Cams protect the drivers And your insurance premiums. I bet your boss was really old.


Too many people have absolutely no situational awareness. They are too focused on their phones or whatever distraction is keeping them from paying attention to the road.


I don’t think this was a case of distracted driving, more so being impatient and just simply a bad driver. They were likely trying to beat the car in front of them in the merge. All they had to do was wait 2 more seconds they probably would have been fine lmao.


Then they were distracted by the car in front of them and their desire to save 1 second by racing in front of them. That distraction led to them not paying attention to the truck. You're right, they were impatient so they didn't pay attention to what they should have. I'm don't want them hurt, but I'm glad they will learn a lesson from this (I hope).


That person should not be driving


Newton's eighth law: an object that fucks around tends to find out.


Looks like impatience, following the other car up the ramp. Then they go to change lanes without looking, "Oh no! Big truck!" But they're too far up to just move right without hitting the car they wanted to pass, so they hit the brakes, bonk, stop, BLAMMO! I'm chalking it up to not paying attention to how close that semi truck is to them and then panic braking because they couldn't move back over.


I totally agree with you. He was moving left to pass the car that he was merging with and didn't realize the truck was there at first. When he saw that it was there, instead of punching the accelerator to get ahead, his reaction was to move back right. But because he had been trying to overtake that car to the right, he was too close to it to just swerve back right. So he put on his brakes to get enough room to duck behind that car. Why he came to a near complete stop I don't know. Probably just mindless panic and lack of situational awareness that there was a huge truck behind him also in that lane.


The left truck hits the car. Unless I'm seeing things, the truck bumps the little car. Then it's a full stop in front of another truck. They might've assumed they were on the shoulder. They definitely found the median, after getting slammed into.


I agree the Fed Ex truck collided with the car. Why else would it be stopping?


Yeah it's so dark It's a little bit hard (for me) to see what's going on to the right, but he definitely hits some kind of little wall or slope over there.


Definitely this, the scream center lane camper energy just from how they entered


Shouldn’t have a license


Yeah, the headline makes a big assumption about intent. The smaller car may have just panicked from almost having an accident.


“Oh shit I almost got into an accident! Time to stop in the middle of the lane on a highway.”


That's panicked for you. Irrational decisions.


Could be; almost having an accident is a terrible reason to cause an accident.


Accidents causing accidents is how the south got populated




Southern mistake here, can confirm


Well regardless if this person knew how to drive their car this accident wouldn’t have happened simple as. Like as if we have to excuse people’s incompetence.


Agreed. I'm not going to assume a malicious intent when incompetence is more likely.


They brake checked the first truck, panicked, and brake checked a second truck? Still seems like their fault tbh


No. They went to change lanes, didn't see the first truck, pulled back to the original lane, panicked and braked.


Did you notice how as soon as they pulled in front of the first truck, the brake lights on both vehicles lit up? That's the first brake check. Then they swerved back in front of the second truck, and braked to a complete stop. That's the second brake check.


You're putting a lot of intent. He got in front of the first truck, braked, then said nah let's go to this truck and stop? I'm telling you incompetence much more likely here than malicious intent, but we'll never know.


I'm describing what happened in the video we all just watched. Even if you think they brake checked 2 semis in 5 seconds accidentally, it is still their fault (as I wrote).


Jfc, it's painful reading your idiotic comments and trying to make any sense of them.


So don't read them moron.


People like this are why we need to learn defensive driving.


Unfortunately no amount of defensive driving will 100% protect a semi from a car swerving into your lane and slamming the brakes


Brake checking a semi truck has to be the stupidest thing you can do


Crossing two lanes without stopping, no shoulder check to see their blind spots, then panick and brake without looking into mirror. I hope they got scared away from driving for good.


I really hope the truck driver was not at fault and get dinged for that incident.


My dad was a long haul truck driver and had an incident similar to this. Not as severe. He was exiting the highway and was going to turn right at the light. Mind you it’s 3 AM, and this car has no lights on whatsoever. As he entered the off-ramp, there was a car with a portion of its back in the lane that he saw almost last minute. He swerved and still managed to hit a piece of their car and pushed it forward a few feet. He does the right thing, pulls over and puts on his hazards and grabs road signals. He approaches the car and there’s a chubby guy in a gross over worn suit, acting like Barney from the Simpsons and a very young blonde in a very small top and a very small skirt. Pops isn’t a prude, but was more concerned about trafficking than the Oklahoma highway patrol did at that time. The guy goes off on my pops and says he can’t wait til the cops come and he’s coming after everything my dad has because he ran out of gas. It was the Oklahoma highway patrol (acronym?). They definitely said my dad was at fault. My dad asks how running out of gas prevented him from putting on hazards or some sort of lights. The battery was just fine when they asked him to start up the car to assess the damage and determine if it was “legally drivable”. However there truly was no gas. Battery still worked right? They write up the report, cite my dad and gave details how to get a court date. They said if he has a fighting chance it would only be if he was there in person. So again, pops does the right thing, calls up the company and explained what happened. Their immediate concern was for his safety. Made sure he had plans to stay somewhere if he needed to delay a delivery. Really great company until ownership changed 15 years ago. So everything’s cool with the company and they said if his sleeper was drivable without endangering any other drivers he’s good to go, which he was. He checks his log book and realizes he met his quota for his rest breaks from all this time. He just wanted out of that area to head across town where he was heading for his drop. Gets there, I can’t remember how many hours, late and luckily there was a two hour gap between deliveries and he was welcomed. Had the crew unload so he could breathe for a moment. He takes off right after. Fast forward; dad got a small claims court date, reported it to his company, they let him represent himself and coached him a little. His words… The company set up a route so he can get there a day early, and a day or two after before a return pickup. Barney boy (thinking about it, he was some city official, I’m almost certain) goes before a judge, lets him yap about his B.S. story. His niece was going through a rough time and he found her on the street and was going to take her home for her safety. My dad said the judge slipped and showed a little side eye at him (troubled niece: not found.). My pops said yup, I hit them, that’s just a fact as all the markings prove. The markings also show it could’ve been avoided if they had just put on their lights. Any lights would’ve been great, but instead they put everyone’s lives at risk. He flipped the script and the judge dropped everything. My dad did stay one extra day and had a great day with food and relaxation. He came back to a company party. My dad, at that point had worked for that company for 10ish years, and has never had a missed delivery, no tickets, passes all state line inspections. Managed to still keep accurate record keeping. He’d bring it to the company shop and tell them exactly what’s going on in his opinion but “he’s not the professional”. My dad took his job very seriously. It was his passion. I have a handful more of these stories he’s brought home. But yeah, I think this guy should be good. 👍🏼. Edit: updated Barney Boys Potential profession.


Dumbass car drivers do that all day, every day. When you merge, STAY IN YOUR LANE until traffic spreads out! And dont tailgate when merging. This is why they've been putting traffic lights on onramps in cities for years; too many dummies dont realize that multiple cars merging bumper to bumper is stupid. I see at least one merging wreck per month on average.


Wtf was that car driver thinking merging two lanes at once with two trucks coming in....


This is the reason you're not suppose to change multiple lane at once.


Looks like the idiot was raging at the car in front of him, thought they were smart and tried to beat them but didn't expect truck to come up so quickly.


What an absolute clown that should stay off the road.


Sometimes Trucks just need a big snow plow on the front end.


If they didn’t get into the far left lane quickly enough, time would run out and they would’ve lost the race don’t ya know!


Is it just me, I have to watch some of these videos 3-4 xs in disbelief. I’m like was there a baby in the road , what did I miss?


How are these imbeciles allowed to drive? It's like the blind leading the blind because one moron deemed another moron fit to drive.


That dude got a massive check


It doesn’t look like brake checking. It seems like the white car driver recklessly tried to change multiple lanes.


I agree. It looks like they tried to dart into the second lane. The truck right behind them scared the shit out of them. Quickly changed back to try and get behind that truck without looking directly behind themselves and locked up into the semi that was in the lane closest to the merger lane. That's what happens when you drive like an idiot. Insta karma.


Not brake checking . pure stupidity / panic after failing to observe the first truck.


2 for 1 special.




Though I agree that would be a good law, in this video neither truck was in the far left lane.


Entering the freeway with no respect of what's behind them. I believe when A.I. drives us like slot cars there will be a lot less of this happening.


I don’t drive - why do people brake check?


Because they are assholes


Looks like the issue corrected itself.


What sucks is the 2nd truck is legally at fault unless the insurance fights like hell to get a split liability determination.


Amazing. That damage was just interesting to see.


Is he still getting a check?




I'm willing to bet money they tried suing the trucking company/driver


This was unintentionally done obviously just a really shit driver.


They were NOT brake checking that truck.


Piece of shit


Not a brake check, just an idiot.


The stupidity of people amazes me. You NEVER brake check a semi. You have no idea what they are hauling or how much weight they have.🤦‍♂️


no excuse, turn your next, check mirrors


They were so focused on the first truck and letting it over after what just happened * *boom* *


Lucky they didn’t just win the Darwin Award


It is truely amazing just how many people cant fathom that bigger and heavier equals further braking distance.


50% your fault. Haahaa


I hope this four wheeler got the book thrown at them for break checking not one but two rigs, but also for cutting in front of the first semi. That ish is too risky for them to get a slap on the wrist and could have cost them a steep price for their impatience.


Some people shouldn’t have driver licenses, that white car should be taken care of by natural selection for his incompetent decisions.


Idk which is worse and I guess it varies on scenario, but in a panic would you hold the brake, keep on the gas, or shit your pants but remain calm till you are out of further danger. I’m the 3rd option.


This person needs to just never drive again.


Probably hated being strapped with car payments to a shit box car. Seen one of those ambulance chaser plaintiff lawyer commercials asking if they were "hurt by a truck?" and wanted to cash in?


Some people just should not be driving. They’re a danger to themselves and others


What was he thinking


It’s a Prius c, what an absolute shocker


"Dammit, I'm gonna brake check SOMEBODY- aaaack.


If at first you don't succeed, try try again until you SMASH


100% insurance fraud attempt, until the dash cam got in the way.


Hopefully eugenics never makes a comeback, but if it does, let’s cull these people first - they have no value to add.


yep, laws that can't be broken


Not talking about this situation, but people need to stop braking so much on the highways unless it's necessary. Just let off your damn gas.


On this day, a driver became an amaxophobia.


Just speed up! Car only move forward on highway! 😂😂😂


Fuck around and found out…. Get out the way!!


Brampton Scams ...


That’s not a brake check. That looks like panic when they finally saw the first truck they almost hit


People really use the break far to much.


This wasn’t on purpose


He could of stopped he chose not too he just wanted to get a free kill


Is it the truck fault in this case for not keeping enough distance? Just curious.




Dang they woulda been completely fine had that dirtbag Newton not invented physics


I love when people brake check semis like wtf did you think was gonna happen😂


I don't think bro intended to brake check, just an idiot who doesn't know how to check before merging, got freaked out and got plowed by the other truck.


"Phew I almost cra..aahh"


Anyone here think that they wanted to be in an accident? Or they were just pissed at the truck driver, and wanted to brake check them? It looks like they want to be rear-ended…


This is a clear case of FaFo.


Double tap!


By receiving road dome


So does coming to a complete stopping in a fast lane .


Hope it was worth it


FedEx, you failed to deliver the message. OP drove it home for ya. ....message is don't drive like a numpkin


I’m furious at this level of incompetence


Reminds of that family guy episode "okay i merge now good luck everybody else!"


I hope this person lost their license. What an absolute idiot


I turn now! Good luck everyone else 🛞


I love ✨️idiots✨️


I have never understood the mentality of brake checking 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️