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I am happy to give the government my data to have it annonimised for 100 years and then made fully public and held hopefully in perpetuity. No commercial company is going to do that without the ability to sell it, I don't want them to. (UK census fanboi here)


I am also happy to be taxed to do so.


I recognise that I am in a privalliged position where my details about who I am, who I don't worship, who I live with, my sexuality, gender, work and health have not caused me descrimination though.


Exactly. In no way do I want my census data monetized. I actually don’t like the government having it either, but I do understand the societal need. All it takes is one bad government to use the data nefariously to target individuals and whoosh…life is bad for some of us.


Why's it inefficient? App surveys and modeling just seems like you're going to make the data less accurate. In the US at least, one thing the government does really well is collect data and make data available. It seems like you're just advocating for shittier data with private interests. Doesn't make much sense to me.


I think this argument is based on a "government is inefficient" perspective, so it's kind of a circular logic. government runs it, so it's inefficient because the government can only be inefficient. ps government shouldn't run it.


This is the dumbest take I've heard in a while.


Unfortunately it will be a view that many people in power will hold. I hope that there is a plain and simple arguement in 4 paragraphs or less that I would send to those who do hold it, dumbest take won't work unfortunately.


> it will be a view that many people in power will hold Any evidence of that?


Census takers do use some sort of electronic system- I don't know that it's a smartphone "app", but there is some kind of computer system. I don't think triangulating from other data sources would be legal. I am not a lawyer, but I think that the Constitution requires an actual headcount once every 10 years.


Correct, the Constitution requires a head count. This was a topic of many news stories in 2020. While our estimates using random sampling and surveys are probably more accurate than the Census (see the American Community Survey), congressional apportionment and the Electoral College require a census.