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This layout is certainly a first. Using location (lat/lon) as the axes, but really just overlaying these points on a map of the US would help so much more.


Agreed. This data isn’t quite as beautiful…. It has a good personality though.


Is this data funny or something?


It has potential but need to get arranged better


This is an absolutely insane way to present this, thank you so much.


Glad you enjoyed it! - Breck (from 21, -157)


This is actually insane. It's scandalous. It's beyond the pale. A chart in which the X and Y coordinates correspond to latitude and longitude, but not overlaid on a map. I'm not mad and I don't mean to insult you, but your brain is abnormally interesting. I bet you have interesting outside-the-box takes on lots of things. Not all of them beautiful or useful, I'm also betting, but interesting nonetheless.


Yeah. This is either the product of an insane mind, a brilliant mind, or both.


data visualization is my passion


Is this a map of the US without the actual outline of the country/states? Fucking why?? Never once have I given a shit about longitude or latitude


I want to know why the employee size representation is a circle, but the key is a square.


True. Also, Publix is listed as the biggest and one big circle, even though they're in 8 different states


The Corp. HQ is in Lakeland, FL.


Is that what this was?


> Fucking why?? Surprised this is a problem. If you stare at a map of the USA for 60 seconds then look back at this chart your visual cortex will fill in all the states.


I'm confused what information you're trying to display and why you think it's better to use longitude and latitude and not just overlay it on a map?


> why you think it's better to use longitude and latitude and not just overlay it on a map? I don't. Data vis is always a tradeoff between what you want to make happen and what your tools allow to happen in a reasonable time. I used Microsoft SandDance and DataWrapper, and neither has support for a USA map.


Datawrapper absolutely has support for USA maps using lat/lon data, I’ve done it for years. 


WAIT. WHAT. OMG. I looked under "Chart Types" and such for a while. I never realized there was a whole top level button for "Create map". THANK YOU!


TADA: [https://www.datawrapper.de/\_/Zq969/](https://www.datawrapper.de/_/Zq969/) (Unfortunately it doesn't look like their maps allow for automatic labels, a feature their scatterplots have)


For a reason. You have too many labels on your current vis, it’s adding more noise than significance


I'm going to use this when I present geographic data to my client. "Sir, if you just stare at the black dot in the center of this paper map of the US I've kindly provided for a full minute, then look back at the center of this graph, it'll all make sense." Persistence of vision is amazing, isn't it?


This would be hilarious if it wasn't aggravating. You made something pointless and expected everyone to intuit that they're supposed to go find some other image with similar dimensions and stare at it for a full minute. Go directly to design jail.


Data science is a team sport. I found some interesting data, cleaned it up, augmented to it, and posted a v1 open source. I got some value from it (I did not know many of these companies, and never knew there was an organization dedicated to employee owned companies) If someone finds it interesting, and wants to improve, that would be great! Data science is a team sport


This graph is data terrorism


Should be called: data-is-confusing-in-a-strange-way. It will be a good plot if it overlaps on a map


Selected major US cities with rounded lat/lon coordinates, determined by randomly dropping a pin within city limits using Apple Maps: - Orlando, FL: 28 lat, -81 lon - NYC: 41 lat, -74 lon - Boston, MA: 42 lat, -71 lon - Houston, TX: 30 lat, -95 lon - Denver, CO: 40 lat, -105 lon - Seattle, WA: 48 lat, -122 lon


Lots of food industry on this list or grocery chains.


Three cheers for Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories. Love them!


I’ll take this over a sankey any day. Well done


Thought Graybar would be on it.


(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graybar) Interesting. I wonder why its not on NCEO's list.


I work for one of those, and I love it.


This is shockingly meaningless.


Interactive version: [https://www.datawrapper.de/\_/0i31r/](https://www.datawrapper.de/_/0i31r/) Tools used: Data wrapper, Ohayo, Numbers Claude.ai: (For adding lat and long columns) Data source: [https://www.nceo.org/articles/employee-ownership-100](https://www.nceo.org/articles/employee-ownership-100)